コード例 #1
        private void AddEntry(FilelistEntryType type, long filesetid, string path, DateTime time, long blocksetid, string metahash, long metahashsize, System.Data.IDbTransaction transaction)
            var fileid     = -1L;
            var metadataid = AddMetadataset(metahash, metahashsize, transaction);

            if (m_filesetLookup != null)
                PathEntryKeeper e;
                if (m_filesetLookup.TryFind(path, out e))
                    fileid = e.GetFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid);
                m_findFilesetCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                m_findFilesetCommand.SetParameterValue(0, path);
                m_findFilesetCommand.SetParameterValue(1, blocksetid);
                m_findFilesetCommand.SetParameterValue(2, metadataid);
                var r = m_findFilesetCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                if (r != null && r != DBNull.Value)
                    fileid = Convert.ToInt64(r);

            if (fileid < 0)
                m_insertFileCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                m_insertFileCommand.SetParameterValue(0, path);
                m_insertFileCommand.SetParameterValue(1, blocksetid);
                m_insertFileCommand.SetParameterValue(2, metadataid);
                fileid = Convert.ToInt64(m_insertFileCommand.ExecuteScalar());
                if (m_filesetLookup != null)
                    PathEntryKeeper e;
                    if (m_filesetLookup.TryFind(path, out e))
                        e.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, fileid);
                        e = new PathEntryKeeper();
                        e.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, fileid);
                        m_filesetLookup.Insert(path, e);

            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.Transaction = transaction;
            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.SetParameterValue(0, filesetid);
            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.SetParameterValue(1, fileid);
            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.SetParameterValue(2, NormalizeDateTimeToEpochSeconds(time));
コード例 #2
        private void AddEntry(FilelistEntryType type, long filesetid, string path, DateTime time, long blocksetid, string metahash, long metahashsize, System.Data.IDbTransaction transaction)
            var fileid     = -1L;
            var metadataid = AddMetadataset(metahash, metahashsize, transaction);

            if (m_filesetLookup != null)
                PathEntryKeeper e;
                if (m_filesetLookup.TryFind(path, out e))
                    fileid = e.GetFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid);
                m_findFilesetCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                m_findFilesetCommand.SetParameterValue(0, path);
                m_findFilesetCommand.SetParameterValue(1, blocksetid);
                m_findFilesetCommand.SetParameterValue(2, metadataid);
                fileid = m_findFilesetCommand.ExecuteScalarInt64(-1);

            if (fileid < 0)
                m_insertFileCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                m_insertFileCommand.SetParameterValue(0, path);
                m_insertFileCommand.SetParameterValue(1, blocksetid);
                m_insertFileCommand.SetParameterValue(2, metadataid);
                fileid = m_insertFileCommand.ExecuteScalarInt64(-1);
                if (m_filesetLookup != null)
                    PathEntryKeeper e;
                    if (m_filesetLookup.TryFind(path, out e))
                        e.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, fileid);
                        e = new PathEntryKeeper();
                        e.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, fileid);
                        m_filesetLookup.Insert(path, e);

            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.Transaction = transaction;
            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.SetParameterValue(0, filesetid);
            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.SetParameterValue(1, fileid);
            m_insertFilesetEntryCommand.SetParameterValue(2, time.ToUniversalTime().Ticks);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the lookup tables. Call this method after deleting items, and before processing items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The option settings</param>
        public void BuildLookupTable(Options options)
            if (options.UseFilepathCache)
                m_pathLookup = new PathLookupHelper <PathEntryKeeper>(true);

            //Populate the lookup tables
            using (var cmd = m_connection.CreateCommand())
                //Need a temporary table with path/lastmodified lookups
                var scantableDefinition =
                    @"SELECT ""A1"".""ID"" AS ""FileID"", ""A1"".""Lastmodified"" AS ""Lastmodified"", ""A1"".""Path"" AS ""Path"", ""C"".""Length"" AS ""Length"", ""F"".""Fullhash"" AS ""Metahash"", ""F"".""Length"" AS ""Metasize"", ""A1"".""BlocksetID"" " +
                    @"  FROM (SELECT ""File"".""ID"", ""File"".""BlocksetID"", ""File"".""MetadataID"", ""FilesetEntry"".""Lastmodified"", ""File"".""Path"", ""Fileset"".""Timestamp"" " +
                    @"          FROM ""FilesetEntry"", ""Fileset"", ""File"" WHERE ""Fileset"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FilesetID"" AND ""File"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FileID"" " +
                    @"       ) ""A1"" LEFT JOIN " +
                    @"       (SELECT ""File"".""Path"", ""Fileset"".""Timestamp"" " +
                    @"           FROM ""FilesetEntry"", ""Fileset"", ""File"" WHERE ""Fileset"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FilesetID"" AND ""File"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FileID"" " +
                    @"       ) ""A2"" ON ""A1"".""Path"" = ""A2"".""Path"" AND ""A1"".""Timestamp"" < ""A2"".""Timestamp"" " +
                    @"       , ""Blockset"" ""C"", ""Metadataset"" ""E"", ""Blockset"" ""F"" " +
                    @" WHERE ""A2"".""Path"" IS NULL " +
                    @"   AND ""C"".""ID"" = ""A1"".""BlocksetID"" " +
                    @"   AND ""A1"".""MetadataID"" = ""E"".""ID"" " +
                    @"   AND ""F"".""ID"" = ""E"".""BlocksetID"" ";

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer("Build path lastmodified lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""FileID"", ""Lastmodified"", ""Length"", ""Path"", ""Metahash"", ""Metasize"" FROM ({0}) WHERE ""BlocksetID"" >= 0 ", scantableDefinition)))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var id           = rd.GetInt64(0);
                                var lastmodified = new DateTime(rd.GetInt64(1), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                                var filesize     = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                var path         = rd.GetString(3);
                                var metahash     = rd.GetString(4);
                                var metasize     = rd.GetInt64(5);
                                m_pathLookup.Insert(path, new PathEntryKeeper(id, lastmodified, filesize, metahash, metasize));

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                        using (new Logging.Timer("Build path lookup table"))
                            using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""Path"", ""BlocksetID"", ""MetadataID"", ""ID"" FROM ""File"" ")))
                                while (rd.Read())
                                    var path       = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                    var blocksetid = rd.GetInt64(1);
                                    var metadataid = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                    var filesetid  = rd.GetInt64(3);

                                    PathEntryKeeper r;
                                    if (!m_pathLookup.TryFind(path, out r))
                                        r = new PathEntryKeeper(-1, new DateTime(0, DateTimeKind.Utc), -1, null, -1);
                                        r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);
                                        m_pathLookup.Insert(path, r);
                                        r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate file entries detected, run repair to fix it", ex);

                m_missingBlockHashes = cmd.ExecuteScalarInt64(@"SELECT COUNT (*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ""Block"".""Hash"", ""Block"".""Size"" FROM ""Block"", ""RemoteVolume"" WHERE ""RemoteVolume"".""ID"" = ""Block"".""VolumeID"" AND ""RemoteVolume"".""State"" NOT IN (?,?,?,?))", 0, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploading.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Verified.ToString());

                var tc = cmd.ExecuteScalarInt64(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ""Remotevolume"" WHERE ""ID"" IN (SELECT DISTINCT ""VolumeID"" FROM ""Block"") AND ""State"" NOT IN (?, ?, ?, ?);", 0, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploading.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Verified.ToString());
                if (tc > 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Detected blocks that are not reachable in the block table");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the lookup tables. Call this method after deleting items, and before processing items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The option settings</param>
        public void BuildLookupTable(Options options)
            if (options.BlockHashLookupMemory > 0)
                m_blockHashLookup = new HashLookupHelper <KeyValuePair <long, long> >((ulong)options.BlockHashLookupMemory);
            if (options.FileHashLookupMemory > 0)
                m_fileHashLookup = new HashLookupHelper <long>((ulong)options.FileHashLookupMemory);
            if (options.MetadataHashMemory > 0)
                m_metadataLookup = new HashLookupHelper <long>((ulong)options.MetadataHashMemory);
            if (options.UseFilepathCache)
                m_pathLookup = new PathLookupHelper <PathEntryKeeper>(true);

            //Populate the lookup tables
            using (var cmd = m_connection.CreateCommand())
                if (m_blockHashLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer("Build blockhash lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT DISTINCT ""Block"".""Hash"", ""Block"".""ID"", ""Block"".""Size"" FROM ""Block"" "))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var str  = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                var id   = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(1));
                                var size = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(2));
                                m_blockHashLookup.Add(str, size, new KeyValuePair <long, long>(id, size));

                if (m_fileHashLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer("Build filehash lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT DISTINCT ""FullHash"", ""Length"", ""ID"" FROM ""BlockSet"""))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var str  = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                var size = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(1));
                                var id   = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(2));
                                m_fileHashLookup.Add(str, size, id);

                if (m_metadataLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer("Build metahash lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT ""Metadataset"".""ID"", ""Blockset"".""FullHash"", ""Blockset"".""Length"" FROM ""Metadataset"", ""Blockset"" WHERE ""Metadataset"".""BlocksetID"" = ""Blockset"".""ID"" "))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var metadataid = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(0));
                                var hash       = rd.GetValue(1).ToString();
                                var size       = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(2));
                                m_metadataLookup.Add(hash, size, metadataid);

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer("Build path scantime lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""FileID"", ""Scantime"", ""Path"", ""Scantime"" FROM ""{0}"" WHERE ""BlocksetID"" >= 0 ", m_scantimelookupTablename)))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var id       = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(0));
                                var scantime = ParseFromEpochSeconds(Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(1)));
                                var path     = rd.GetValue(2).ToString();
                                m_pathLookup.Insert(path, new PathEntryKeeper(id, scantime));

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer("Build path lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""Path"", ""BlocksetID"", ""MetadataID"", ""ID"" FROM ""File"" ")))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var             path       = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                var             blocksetid = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(1));
                                var             metadataid = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(2));
                                var             filesetid  = Convert.ToInt64(rd.GetValue(3));
                                PathEntryKeeper r;
                                if (!m_pathLookup.TryFind(path, out r))
                                    r = new PathEntryKeeper(-1, DateTime.UtcNow);
                                    r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);
                                    m_pathLookup.Insert(path, r);
                                    r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);

                m_missingBlockHashes = Convert.ToInt64(cmd.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT COUNT (*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ""Block"".""Hash"", ""Block"".""Size"" FROM ""Block"", ""RemoteVolume"" WHERE ""RemoteVolume"".""ID"" = ""Block"".""VolumeID"" AND ""RemoteVolume"".""State"" NOT IN (?,?,?,?))", RemoteVolumeState.Temporary.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploading.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Verified.ToString()));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the lookup tables. Call this method after deleting items, and before processing items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The option settings</param>
        public void BuildLookupTable(Options options)
            if (options.UseFilepathCache)
                m_pathLookup = new PathLookupHelper <PathEntryKeeper>(true);

            //Populate the lookup tables
            using (var cmd = m_connection.CreateCommand())
                //Need a temporary table with path/lastmodified lookups
                var scantableDefinition =
                    @"SELECT ""A1"".""ID"" AS ""FileID"", ""A1"".""Lastmodified"" AS ""Lastmodified"", ""A1"".""Path"" AS ""Path"", ""C"".""Length"" AS ""Length"", ""F"".""Fullhash"" AS ""Metahash"", ""F"".""Length"" AS ""Metasize"", ""A1"".""BlocksetID"" " +
                    @"  FROM (SELECT ""File"".""ID"", ""File"".""BlocksetID"", ""File"".""MetadataID"", ""FilesetEntry"".""Lastmodified"", ""File"".""Path"", ""Fileset"".""Timestamp"" " +
                    @"          FROM ""FilesetEntry"", ""Fileset"", ""File"" WHERE ""Fileset"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FilesetID"" AND ""File"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FileID"" " +
                    @"       ) ""A1"" LEFT JOIN " +
                    @"       (SELECT ""File"".""Path"", ""Fileset"".""Timestamp"" " +
                    @"           FROM ""FilesetEntry"", ""Fileset"", ""File"" WHERE ""Fileset"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FilesetID"" AND ""File"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FileID"" " +
                    @"       ) ""A2"" ON ""A1"".""Path"" = ""A2"".""Path"" AND ""A1"".""Timestamp"" < ""A2"".""Timestamp"" " +
                    @"       , ""Blockset"" ""C"", ""Metadataset"" ""E"", ""Blockset"" ""F"" " +
                    @" WHERE ""A2"".""Path"" IS NULL " +
                    @"   AND ""C"".""ID"" = ""A1"".""BlocksetID"" " +
                    @"   AND ""A1"".""MetadataID"" = ""E"".""ID"" " +
                    @"   AND ""F"".""ID"" = ""E"".""BlocksetID"" ";

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer(LOGTAG, "BuildLastModified", "Build path lastmodified lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""FileID"", ""Lastmodified"", ""Length"", ""Path"", ""Metahash"", ""Metasize"" FROM ({0}) WHERE ""BlocksetID"" >= 0 ", scantableDefinition)))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var id           = rd.GetInt64(0);
                                var lastmodified = new DateTime(rd.GetInt64(1), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                                var filesize     = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                var path         = rd.GetString(3);
                                var metahash     = rd.GetString(4);
                                var metasize     = rd.GetInt64(5);
                                m_pathLookup.Insert(path, new PathEntryKeeper(id, lastmodified, filesize, metahash, metasize));

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                        using (new Logging.Timer(LOGTAG, "BuildPathTable", "Build path lookup table"))
                            using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""Path"", ""BlocksetID"", ""MetadataID"", ""ID"" FROM ""File"" ")))
                                while (rd.Read())
                                    var path       = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                    var blocksetid = rd.GetInt64(1);
                                    var metadataid = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                    var filesetid  = rd.GetInt64(3);

                                    PathEntryKeeper r;
                                    if (!m_pathLookup.TryFind(path, out r))
                                        r = new PathEntryKeeper(-1, new DateTime(0, DateTimeKind.Utc), -1, null, -1);
                                        r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);
                                        m_pathLookup.Insert(path, r);
                                        r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate file entries detected, run repair to fix it", ex);

                var tc = cmd.ExecuteScalarInt64(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ""Remotevolume"" WHERE ""ID"" IN (SELECT DISTINCT ""VolumeID"" FROM ""Block"") AND ""State"" NOT IN (?, ?, ?, ?);", 0, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploading.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Verified.ToString());
                if (tc > 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Detected blocks that are not reachable in the block table");

            if (options.UseBlockCache)
                string failedhash = null;
                    var cache = new Dictionary <string, long>();
                    using (var cmd = m_connection.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT ""Hash"", ""Size"" From ""Block""";
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (rd.Read())
                                cache.Add(failedhash = rd.ConvertValueToString(0), rd.ConvertValueToInt64(1));
                    m_blockCache = cache;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Log.WriteWarningMessage(LOGTAG, "BlockCacheFailure", ex, "Failed to create block cache, this could mean you have hash collisions in your table, the hash that failed is {0}. Error message: {1}.", failedhash, ex.Message);
                    Logging.Log.WriteWarningMessage(LOGTAG, "BlockCacheFailure", null, "Disabling block cache due to error");
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the lookup tables. Call this method after deleting items, and before processing items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The option settings</param>
        public void BuildLookupTable(Options options)
            if (options.BlockHashLookupMemory > 0)
                m_blockHashLookup = new HashLookupHelper <KeyValuePair <long, long> >((ulong)options.BlockHashLookupMemory);
            if (options.FileHashLookupMemory > 0)
                m_fileHashLookup = new HashLookupHelper <long>((ulong)options.FileHashLookupMemory);
            if (options.MetadataHashMemory > 0)
                m_metadataLookup = new HashLookupHelper <long>((ulong)options.MetadataHashMemory);
            if (options.UseFilepathCache)
                m_pathLookup = new PathLookupHelper <PathEntryKeeper>(true);

            //Populate the lookup tables
            using (var cmd = m_connection.CreateCommand())
                //Need a temporary table with path/lastmodified lookups
                var scantableDefinition = @"SELECT ""B"".""ID"" AS ""FileID"", ""D"".""Lastmodified"" AS ""Lastmodified"", ""B"".""Path"" AS ""Path"", ""C"".""Length"" AS ""Length"", ""F"".""Fullhash"" AS ""Metahash"", ""F"".""Length"" AS ""Metasize""  FROM (SELECT ""FilesetEntry"".""FileID"" AS ""FileID"", ""FilesetEntry"".""FilesetID"" AS ""FilesetID"", MAX(""Fileset"".""Timestamp"") AS ""MostRecent"" FROM ""FilesetEntry"", ""Fileset"", ""File"" WHERE ""Fileset"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FilesetID"" AND ""File"".""ID"" = ""FilesetEntry"".""FileID"" GROUP BY ""File"".""Path"") A, ""File"" B, ""Blockset"" C, ""FilesetEntry"" D, ""Metadataset"" E, ""Blockset"" F WHERE ""B"".""ID"" = ""A"".""FileID"" AND ""C"".""ID"" = ""B"".""BlocksetID"" AND ""D"".""FileID"" = ""B"".""ID"" AND ""D"".""FilesetID"" = ""A"".""FilesetID"" AND ""B"".""MetadataID"" = ""E"".""ID"" AND ""F"".""ID"" = ""E"".""BlocksetID""";
                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ""{0}"" AS " + scantableDefinition, m_lastmodifiedLookupTablename));
                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"CREATE INDEX ""{0}Index"" ON ""{0}"" (""Path"", ""Lastmodified"", ""Length"", ""Metahash"", ""Metasize"", ""FileID"") ", m_lastmodifiedLookupTablename));

                if (m_blockHashLookup != null)
                        using (new Logging.Timer("Build blockhash lookup table"))
                            using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT DISTINCT ""Block"".""Hash"", ""Block"".""ID"", ""Block"".""Size"" FROM ""Block"" "))
                                while (rd.Read())
                                    var str  = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                    var id   = rd.GetInt64(1);
                                    var size = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                    m_blockHashLookup.Add(str, size, new KeyValuePair <long, long>(id, size));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate blockhashes detected, either repair the database or rebuild it", ex);

                if (m_fileHashLookup != null)
                        using (new Logging.Timer("Build filehash lookup table"))
                            using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT DISTINCT ""FullHash"", ""Length"", ""ID"" FROM ""BlockSet"""))
                                while (rd.Read())
                                    var str  = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                    var size = rd.GetInt64(1);
                                    var id   = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                    m_fileHashLookup.Add(str, size, id);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate filehashes detected, either repair the database or rebuild it", ex);

                if (m_metadataLookup != null)
                        using (new Logging.Timer("Build metahash lookup table"))
                            using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(@"SELECT ""Metadataset"".""ID"", ""Blockset"".""FullHash"", ""Blockset"".""Length"" FROM ""Metadataset"", ""Blockset"" WHERE ""Metadataset"".""BlocksetID"" = ""Blockset"".""ID"" "))
                                while (rd.Read())
                                    var metadataid = rd.GetInt64(0);
                                    var hash       = rd.GetValue(1).ToString();
                                    var size       = rd.GetInt64(2);;
                                    m_metadataLookup.Add(hash, size, metadataid);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate metadatahash detected, run repair to fix it", ex);

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                    using (new Logging.Timer("Build path lastmodified lookup table"))
                        using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""FileID"", ""Lastmodified"", ""Length"", ""Path"", ""Metahash"", ""Metasize"" FROM ""{0}"" WHERE ""BlocksetID"" >= 0 ", m_lastmodifiedLookupTablename)))
                            while (rd.Read())
                                var id           = rd.GetInt64(0);
                                var lastmodified = new DateTime(rd.GetInt64(1), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                                var filesize     = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                var path         = rd.GetString(3);
                                var metahash     = rd.GetString(4);
                                var metasize     = rd.GetInt64(5);
                                m_pathLookup.Insert(path, new PathEntryKeeper(id, lastmodified, filesize, metahash, metasize));

                if (m_pathLookup != null)
                        using (new Logging.Timer("Build path lookup table"))
                            using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(string.Format(@" SELECT ""Path"", ""BlocksetID"", ""MetadataID"", ""ID"" FROM ""File"" ")))
                                while (rd.Read())
                                    var path       = rd.GetValue(0).ToString();
                                    var blocksetid = rd.GetInt64(1);
                                    var metadataid = rd.GetInt64(2);
                                    var filesetid  = rd.GetInt64(3);

                                    PathEntryKeeper r;
                                    if (!m_pathLookup.TryFind(path, out r))
                                        r = new PathEntryKeeper(-1, new DateTime(0, DateTimeKind.Utc), -1, null, -1);
                                        r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);
                                        m_pathLookup.Insert(path, r);
                                        r.AddFilesetID(blocksetid, metadataid, filesetid);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate file entries detected, run repair to fix it", ex);

                m_missingBlockHashes = cmd.ExecuteScalarInt64(@"SELECT COUNT (*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ""Block"".""Hash"", ""Block"".""Size"" FROM ""Block"", ""RemoteVolume"" WHERE ""RemoteVolume"".""ID"" = ""Block"".""VolumeID"" AND ""RemoteVolume"".""State"" NOT IN (?,?,?,?))", 0, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploading.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Verified.ToString());

                var tc = cmd.ExecuteScalarInt64(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ""Remotevolume"" WHERE ""ID"" IN (SELECT DISTINCT ""VolumeID"" FROM ""Block"") AND ""State"" NOT IN (?, ?, ?, ?);", 0, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploading.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded.ToString(), RemoteVolumeState.Verified.ToString());
                if (tc > 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Detected blocks that are not reachable in the block table");