コード例 #1
ファイル: FloorMap.cs プロジェクト: Claith/Tartarus-Dungeon
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts Floor Data into a serialized form for storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="readFrom">FloorMap to serialize</param>
        /// <returns>Serialized Grid representing the floor</returns>
        public static Int16[,] SerializeDungeon(FloorMap readFrom)
            Int16[,] tempGrid = new Int16[readFrom.Width, readFrom.Height];


            return tempGrid;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a Noise Map and interpret into a FloorMap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFloor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected FloorMap ExpandFloor(short[,] sourceNoiseMap, int sourceComplexity = FloorMap.DEFAULT_COMPLEXITY, int sourceSeed = FloorMap.DEFAULT_SEED)
            //Tempted to make a constructor to do this for me automatically. Might not be a bad idea.
            //Think about making use of global scaling instead of per axis
            FloorMap tempFloor = new FloorMap((UInt32)sourceNoiseMap.GetLength(0) * this.MinWidth, (UInt32)sourceNoiseMap.GetLength(1) * this.MinHeight, sourceComplexity, sourceSeed);

            //how do I want to do this? It would likely be best to simply loop through tempFloor, and read the value from (ushort)floor(ix / scale) and (ushort)floor(iy / scale)

            // The current idea of how to generate a floor, is to generate a noiseMap, and then extrapolate that into a FloorMap.
            // On loading a map, the map gets populated, which entails placing default objects, and then applying the delta (if exists)
            // I will likely require a method to determine if a FloorTile is "active" so that mobs and events are rendered.

            // If I didn't need to track the position with an index, I'd love to do a simple foreach. Is it possible?
            // If I can't, is it possible to break the problem into 4 threads to run independently? Will need a lock.

            for (UInt32 ix = 0; ix < tempFloor.Width; ix++)
                for (UInt32 iy = 0; iy < tempFloor.Height; iy++)
                    //Read the value -- Don't like this multiple casting. Look into a redesign.
                    //Might be better to read the sourceFloor once, then apply the value using another set of for loops.
                    //If the scaling factor was set, could hard code it in. Think about doing that for small standard scaling (4 or 8).
                    tempFloor.SetPoint(ix, iy, sourceFloor.Floor[(UInt32)Math.Floor((double)ix / this.MinWidth), (UInt32)Math.Floor((double)iy / this.MinHeight)]);

                    //This will work for a rough start

            return tempFloor;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FloorMap.cs プロジェクト: Claith/Tartarus-Dungeon
        /// <summary>
        /// Deep Copy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="copyFrom">Object to Copy From</param>
        public FloorMap(FloorMap copyFrom)
            this.Floor = copyFrom.Floor;

            //Add more fields obviously
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new Dungeon Floor, adding it to the end of the list.
        /// </summary>
        public void Generate()
            //empty floor map
            FloorMap tempFloor;// = new FloorMap(this.Width, this.Height);

            UInt32 scaledWidth = this.Width / this.MinWidth;
            UInt32 scaledHeight = this.Height / this.MinHeight;
            FloorMap scaledFloor = new FloorMap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, this.Complexity);
            //get noise type from MainWindow

            //Using Random for testing purposes
            FloorMap.NoiseTypes noiseType = FloorMap.NoiseTypes.Random;

            scaledFloor.GenerateFloor(noiseType, 0.5);

            //Fill out the tempFloor by multiplying the coords by the scaling factor
            tempFloor = ExpandFloor(scaledFloor);
