コード例 #1
ファイル: UIRenderer.cs プロジェクト: kiichi7/DungeonQuestGDC
		} // PostScreenGlowShader
		/// <summary>
		/// Sky cube map texture
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Texture cube</returns>
		public TextureCube SkyCubeMapTexture
				return skyCube.SkyCubeMapTexture;
			} // get
		} // SkyCubeMapTexture

		#region Constructor
		/// <summary>
		/// Create user interface renderer
		/// </summary>
		public UIRenderer()
			//splashLogos[0] = new Texture("logoonly_xna");
			//splashLogos[1] = new Texture("logoonly_exdream");
			//splashLogos[2] = new Texture("logoonly_microsoft");

			background = new Texture("background.png");
			buttons = new Texture("buttons.png");
			//logos = new Texture("logos.png");
			//helpScreen = new Texture("HelpScreen.png");
			optionsScreen = new Texture("OptionsScreen.png");
			//creditsScreen = new Texture("CreditsScreen.png");
			mouseCursor = new Texture("MouseCursor.png");
			//ingame = new Texture("Ingame.png");
			//trophy = new Texture("pokal1");
			font = new TextureFont();

			postScreenMenuShader = new PostScreenMenu();
			postScreenGameShader = new PostScreenGlow();
			//skyCube = new PreScreenSkyCubeMapping();
			//lensFlare = new LensFlare(LensFlare.DefaultSunPos);
			//BaseGame.LightDirection = LensFlare.DefaultLightPos;
		} // UIRenderer()
コード例 #2
ファイル: BaseGame.cs プロジェクト: kiichi7/DungeonQuestGDC
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize
		/// </summary>
		protected override void Initialize()
#if !XBOX360
			// Add screenshot capturer. Works only on windows platform.
			// Note: Don't do this in constructor,
			// we need the correct window name for screenshots!
			this.Components.Add(new ScreenshotCapturer(this));

			// Remember device
			device = graphics.GraphicsDevice;

			// Remember resolution
			width = graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width;
			height = graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height;
			backBufferDepthFormat = graphics.PreferredDepthStencilFormat;
			remMultiSampleType = device.PresentationParameters.MultiSampleType;
            //if (remMultiSampleType == MultiSampleType.NonMaskable)
			//	remMultiSampleType = MultiSampleType.None;
            remMultiSampleQuality = device.PresentationParameters.MultiSampleQuality;
			remDepthBuffer = device.DepthStencilBuffer;

			// Update resolution if it changes and restore device after it was lost
			Window.ClientSizeChanged += new EventHandler(Window_ClientSizeChanged);
			graphics.DeviceReset += new EventHandler(graphics_DeviceReset);
			graphics_DeviceReset(null, EventArgs.Empty);
			// Create matrices for our shaders, this makes it much easier to manage
			// all the required matrices and we have to do this ourselfs since there
			// is no fixed function support and theirfore no Device.Transform class.
			WorldMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
			aspectRatio = (float)width / (float)height;
			ProjectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
				FieldOfView, aspectRatio, NearPlane, FarPlane);

			// ViewMatrix is updated in camera class
			ViewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt(
				new Vector3(0, 0, 15), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);

            // Init global manager classes, which will be used all over the place ^^
            lineManager2D = new LineManager2D();
            //lineManager3D = new LineManager3D();
            ui = new UIRenderer();
            // Create font and numbers font
			font = new TextureFont();

			// Make sure we can use PS1 or PS2, see UsePS and UsePS20
			if (device.GraphicsDeviceCapabilities.PixelShaderVersion.Major >= 2 &&
				GameSettings.Default.PerformanceSettings < 2)
				GameSettings.Default.PerformanceSettings = 2;
			else if (
				device.GraphicsDeviceCapabilities.PixelShaderVersion.Major >= 1 &&
				GameSettings.Default.PerformanceSettings < 1)
				GameSettings.Default.PerformanceSettings = 1;

			// Init post screen glow
			glowShader =
				//new PostScreenMenu();
				new PostScreenGlow();

			// Init effect manager
			effectManager = new EffectManager();

			// Init light position
			LightDirection = new Vector3(2, -7, 5);


			device.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable = true;

			// Always create depth buffer from now on
			RenderToTexture.alwaysCreateRenderTargetDepthBuffer = true;
		} // Initialize()