コード例 #1
        public static string GetLocaleResource(this HttpContext context, string classKey, string resourceKey)
            var cityId = (string)context.Session[Constants.ViewData.CurrentCityId];
            int cityID;

            if (int.TryParse(cityId, out cityID) && cityID > 0)
                //var cid = (int)context.Items["CustomerId"];
                var customerCache = SqlResourceHelper.GetCustomerResourceCache(cityID);
                var value         = customerCache[resourceKey];
                if (value != null)

            //This has to call the original GetGlocalResourceObject method call to get it out of the regular langauge cache
            var globalResourceObject = HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject(classKey, resourceKey);

            if (globalResourceObject != null)
コード例 #2
            /// <summary>
            ///     Gets a resource item that matches a specified culture and Type
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="resourceKey">Type </param>
            /// <param name="culture">Culture to use (en-US, es-EC, etc)</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            object IResourceProvider.GetObject(string resourceKey, CultureInfo culture)
                string cultureName = culture != null ? culture.Name : CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name;

                //Get the resource from the cache. if it is not in cache, grab it from the db
                object value = GetResourceCache(cultureName)[resourceKey];

                //if it doesnt exist in either location, create it.
                if (value == null)
                    // resource is missing for current culture, create it
                    SqlResourceHelper.AddLocaleResource(resourceKey, _type, cultureName);

                    //we just added to the resource, so we need to update the cache to include the new item
                    //it should exist now, re-get it for this culture. have to reset the cache we pull from
                    value = GetResourceCache(cultureName, true)[resourceKey];

コード例 #3
            /// <summary>
            ///     Gets a cache of the culture. if refresh is passed in as true, then ignore the cache and get it directly from the DB
            ///     If nothing in the cache exist, also get it from the DB
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cultureName">Culture to look for (en-US, es-EC)</param>
            /// <param name="refresh">Bool to determine if we should ignore the cache and get the resources directly from the db</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private IDictionary GetResourceCache(string cultureName, bool refresh = false)
                //if the cache is null, set it to an empty list
                if (_resourceCache == null)
                    _resourceCache = new ListDictionary();

                //try to get the resource dictionary from the cache
                var resourceDict = _resourceCache[cultureName] as IDictionary;

                //if there was nothing in the cache or we need to force a refresh
                //if it is a custom field or grid resource, we have to force a refresh
                if (resourceDict == null || refresh)
                    //get the resource dictionary for the culture and type and add it to the cache.
                    resourceDict = SqlResourceHelper.GetResources(_type, cultureName);
                    _resourceCache[cultureName] = resourceDict;

                //return the dictionary