public Basketball(float xpos, float ypos) : base(xpos, ypos) { this._sprite = new SpriteMap("basketBall", 16, 16); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -8f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(15f, 15f); this.depth = new Depth(-0.5f); this.thickness = 1f; this.weight = 3f; this.flammable = 0.3f; this.collideSounds.Add("basketball"); this.physicsMaterial = PhysicsMaterial.Rubber; this._bouncy = 0.8f; this.friction = 0.03f; this._impactThreshold = 0.1f; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(6f, 0.0f); this.handOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, -0.0f); }
public IceBlock(float xpos, float ypos) : base(xpos, ypos) { this._sprite = new SpriteMap("iceBlock", 16, 16); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -8f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(16f, 16f); this.depth = new Depth(-0.5f); this._editorName = "Ice Block"; this.thickness = 2f; this.weight = 5f; this.buoyancy = 1f; this._hitPoints = 1f; this.impactThreshold = -1f; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(2f, 0.0f); this.flammable = 0.0f; this.collideSounds.Add("glassHit"); this.superNonFlammable = true; }
public ECrate(float xpos, float ypos) : base(xpos, ypos) { this._maxHealth = 15f; this._hitPoints = 15f; this._sprite = new SpriteMap("eCrate", 16, 16); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -8f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(16f, 16f); this.depth = new Depth(-0.5f); this._editorName = "E Crate"; this.thickness = 2f; this.weight = 5f; this.flammable = 0.3f; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(2f, 0.0f); this._light = new Sprite("eCrateLight"); this._light.CenterOrigin(); this.collideSounds.Add("crateHit"); }
public WaterCooler(float xpos, float ypos) : base(xpos, ypos) { this._sprite = new SpriteMap("waterCoolerJug", 16, 16); this.graphic = (Sprite) this._sprite; = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-5f, -5f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(10f, 10f); this.depth = new Depth(-0.5f); this._editorName = "Water Cooler"; this.thickness = 2f; this.weight = 5f; this._jugLine = new SpriteMap("waterCoolerJugLine", 16, 16); this._jugLine.CenterOrigin(); this.flammable = 0.3f; this._bottom = new Sprite("waterCoolerBottom"); this._bottom.CenterOrigin(); this.editorOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, -8f); this._fluid = Fluid.Water; }
public Mine(float xval, float yval) : base(xval, yval) { this.ammo = 1; this._ammoType = (AmmoType) new ATShrapnel(); this._type = "gun"; this._sprite = new SpriteMap("mine", 18, 16); this._sprite.AddAnimation("pickup", 1f, true, new int[1]); this._sprite.AddAnimation("idle", 0.05f, true, 1, 2); this._sprite.SetAnimation("pickup"); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; = new Vec2(9f, 8f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-5f, -5f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(10f, 9f); this._mineFlash = new Sprite("mineFlash"); this._mineFlash.CenterOrigin(); this._mineFlash.alpha = 0.0f; this.bouncy = 0.0f; this.friction = 0.2f; }
public Pedestal(float xpos, float ypos, Team team, int place) : base(xpos, ypos) { this._team = team; this._sprite = new SpriteMap("rockThrow/placePedastals", 38, 45); this._sprite.frame = place; = new Vec2((float)(this._sprite.w / 2), (float)this._sprite.h); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; this.depth = new Depth(0.062f); this._scoreCard = new Sprite("rockThrow/scoreCard"); this._font = new BitmapFont("biosFont", 8); this._scoreCard.CenterOrigin(); this._trophy = new Sprite("trophy"); this._trophy.CenterOrigin(); if (Network.isServer) { int num1 = 0; foreach (Profile activeProfile in team.activeProfiles) { float num2 = (float)((team.activeProfiles.Count - 1) * 10); Duck duck = new Duck(xpos - num2 / 2f + (float)(num1 * 10), this.GetYOffset() - 15f, activeProfile); duck.depth = new Depth(0.06f); Level.Add((Thing)duck); if (place == 0) { Trophy trophy = new Trophy(duck.x, duck.y); Level.Add((Thing)trophy); if (!Network.isActive) { duck.Fondle((Thing)trophy); duck.GiveHoldable((Holdable)trophy); } } ++num1; } } Level.Add((Thing) new Platform(xpos - 17f, this.GetYOffset(), 34f, 16f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(-6f, this.GetYOffset() - 100f, 6f, 200f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(320f, this.GetYOffset() - 100f, 6f, 200f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(-20f, 155f, 600f, 100f)); }
public ContextCheckBox( string text, IContextListener owner, FieldBinding field, System.Type myType, string valTooltip) : base(owner) { this.itemSize.x = 150f; this.itemSize.y = 16f; this._text = text; this._field = field; this._checkBox = new SpriteMap("Editor/checkBox", 16, 16); this.depth = new Depth(0.8f); this._myType = myType; if (field == null) { this._field = new FieldBinding((object)this, nameof(isChecked)); } this.tooltip = valTooltip; }
public void Open( RenderTarget2D preview, string filePath, ulong workshopID = 0, LevelType levType = LevelType.Deathmatch, LevelSize levSize = LevelSize.Ginormous, string[] extraTags = null) { this._currentItem = (WorkshopItem)null; Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(DuckGame.Graphics.device, preview.width, preview.height); Color[] data = new Color[preview.width * preview.height]; preview.GetData <Color>(data); texture2D.SetData <Color>(data); this._levelType = levType; this._levelSize = levSize; this._addDeathmatchTag = false; this._addMachineTag = false; Editor.lockInput = (ContextMenu)this; SFX.Play("openClick", 0.4f); this.opened = true; this._previewTarget = new Sprite((Tex2D)texture2D); this._filePath = filePath; this._workshopID = workshopID; if (this._workshopID != 0UL) { this._currentItem = new WorkshopItem(workshopID); } if (Editor.workshopName == null || Editor.workshopName == "") { Editor.workshopName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); } this._nameBox.text = Editor.workshopName; this._descriptionBox.text = Editor.workshopDescription; this._workshopTag = new SpriteMap("workshopTag", 4, 8); this._workshopTagMiddle = new Sprite("workshopTagMiddle"); this._tagPlus = new Sprite("tagPlus"); this._extraTags = extraTags; this._arcadeTestIndex = 0; }
public RainbowDuelingPistol(float xval, float yval) : base(xval, yval) { _editorName = "Rainbow Dueling Pistol"; this.ammo = 25; this._ammoType = new AT9mm(); this._ammoType.range = 300f; this._ammoType.accuracy = 0.7f; this._ammoType.penetration = 1f; this._type = "gun"; sprite = new SpriteMap(GetPath("weapons/RainbowDuelingPistol"), 12, 9); graphic = sprite; sprite.AddAnimation("animation", 0.9f, true, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69); = new Vec2(8f, 4.5f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-6f, -4f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(12f, 8f); this._barrelOffsetTL = new Vec2(15f, 3f); this._fireSound = GetPath("/sfx/yee"); this._kickForce = 3f; }
public DeathCrate(float xpos, float ypos) : base(xpos, ypos) { this._maxHealth = 15f; this._hitPoints = 15f; this._sprite = new SpriteMap("deathcrate", 16, 19); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; = new Vec2(8f, 11f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -11f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(16f, 18f); this.depth = new Depth(-0.5f); this._editorName = "Death Crate"; this.thickness = 2f; this.weight = 5f; this._sprite.AddAnimation("idle", 1f, true, new int[1]); this._sprite.AddAnimation("activate", 0.35f, false, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 5, 9, 9, 5); this._sprite.SetAnimation("idle"); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(2f, 0.0f); this.flammable = 0.0f; this.collideSounds.Add("crateHit"); this.settingIndex = (byte)Rando.Int(DeathCrate._settings.Count - 1); }
public CombatShotgun(float xval, float yval) : base(xval, yval) { this.ammo = this._ammoMax; this._ammoType = (AmmoType) new ATShotgun(); this._ammoType.range = 140f; this._type = "gun"; this.graphic = new Sprite("combatShotgun"); = new Vec2(16f, 16f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-12f, -3f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(24f, 9f); this._barrelOffsetTL = new Vec2(29f, 15f); this._fireSound = "shotgunFire2"; this._kickForce = 5f; this._numBulletsPerFire = 7; this._manualLoad = true; this._loaderSprite = new SpriteMap("combatShotgunLoader", 16, 16); = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this._ammoSprite = new SpriteMap("combatShotgunAmmo", 16, 16); = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this.handOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 1f); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(4f, 0.0f); }
public override void Initialize() { this._profile = Profiles.EnvironmentProfile; this.InitProfile(); this._sprite = new SpriteMap("woodDuck", 32, 32); this._base = new Sprite("popupPad"); this._woodWing = new Sprite("woodWing"); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; if (!(Level.current is Editor)) { if (this._stance != TargetStance.Fly) { this.scale = new Vec2(1f, 0.0f); } else { this.scale = new Vec2(0.0f, 1f); } ChallengeLevel.allTargetsShot = false; this._autoFireWait = this.autofire.value; } this.UpdateCollision(); }
public Chaingun(float xval, float yval) : base(xval, yval) { this.ammo = 100; this._ammoType = (AmmoType) new AT9mm(); this._ammoType.range = 170f; this._ammoType.accuracy = 0.5f; this._type = "gun"; this._sprite = new SpriteMap("chaingun", 42, 28); this.graphic = (Sprite)this._sprite; = new Vec2(14f, 14f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -3f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(24f, 10f); this._tip = new SpriteMap("chaingunTip", 42, 28); this._barrelOffsetTL = new Vec2(39f, 14f); this._fireSound = "pistolFire"; this._fullAuto = true; this._fireWait = 0.7f; this._kickForce = 1f; this.weight = 8f; this._spinUp = SFX.Get("chaingunSpinUp"); this._spinDown = SFX.Get("chaingunSpinDown"); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 2f); }
public override void PostDrawLayer(Layer layer) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count == 0) { return; } if (layer == Layer.Console) { if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[0].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole < (double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole < (double)Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[0].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[0].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[0].network); DevConsole.core = core; } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[0].visible = false; } if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[1].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole > (double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole < (double)Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > 1) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[1].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[1].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[1].network); DevConsole.core = core; } } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[1].visible = false; } if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[2].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole <(double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole> (double) Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > 2) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[2].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[2].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[2].network); DevConsole.core = core; } } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[2].visible = false; } if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[3].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole > (double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole > (double)Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > 3) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[3].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[3].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[3].network); DevConsole.core = core; } } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[3].visible = false; } if (this._connectionArrow == null) { this._connectionArrow = new SpriteMap("connectionArrow", 56, 13); this._connectionArrow.CenterOrigin(); this._connectionX = new Sprite("connectionX"); this._connectionX.CenterOrigin(); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > i && NetworkDebugger._instances[i].active) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { if (i != j && NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > j && NetworkDebugger._instances[j].active) { NetworkConnection networkConnection1 = NetworkDebugger._instances[i].network.core.connections.FirstOrDefault <NetworkConnection>((Func <NetworkConnection, bool>)(x => x.identifier == NetworkDebugger.GetID(j))); NetworkConnection networkConnection2 = NetworkDebugger._instances[j].network.core.connections.FirstOrDefault <NetworkConnection>((Func <NetworkConnection, bool>)(x => x.identifier == NetworkDebugger.GetID(i))); Vec2 vec2_1 = NetworkDebugger._interfaces[i].position + new Vec2((float)(DuckGame.Graphics.width / 4 - 10), (float)(DuckGame.Graphics.height / 4 - 10)); Vec2 vec2_2 = NetworkDebugger._interfaces[j].position + new Vec2((float)(DuckGame.Graphics.width / 4 - 10), (float)(DuckGame.Graphics.height / 4 - 10)); Vec2 p2 = vec2_2 - vec2_1; Vec2 vec2_3 = p2.normalized.Rotate(Maths.DegToRad(90f), Vec2.Zero); float num1 = -Maths.PointDirection(Vec2.Zero, p2); float num2 = 0.0f; if (networkConnection1 != null) { float num3 = 0.0f; float num4 = 0.0f; if (networkConnection2 != null) { num3 = NetworkDebugger.GetReceived(networkConnection1.identifier, networkConnection2.identifier); num4 = NetworkDebugger.GetSent(networkConnection1.identifier, networkConnection2.identifier); num2 = 6f; } this._connectionArrow.frame = networkConnection1.status != ConnectionStatus.Connected ? 0 : 3; this._connectionArrow.angleDegrees = num1; this._connectionArrow.alpha = 1f; this._connectionArrow.depth = new Depth(0.92f); Vec2 vec2_4 = (vec2_1 + vec2_2) / 2f + vec2_3 * num2; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._connectionArrow, vec2_4.x, vec2_4.y); if (networkConnection1.status != ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) { this._connectionX.depth = new Depth(0.98f); Vec2 vec2_5 = vec2_4 - p2.normalized * 22f; if ((double)(Mouse.positionConsole - vec2_5).length < 8.0) { this._connectionX.alpha = 1f; if (this.lefpres) { networkConnection1.Disconnect(); SFX.Play("quack"); } } else { this._connectionX.alpha = 0.4f; } DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._connectionX, vec2_5.x, vec2_5.y); } if ((double)num4 > 0.0) { ++this._connectionArrow.frame; this._connectionArrow.alpha = num4; this._connectionArrow.depth = new Depth(0.95f); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._connectionArrow, vec2_4.x, vec2_4.y); --this._connectionArrow.frame; } if ((double)num3 > 0.0) { this._connectionArrow.frame += 2; this._connectionArrow.alpha = num3; this._connectionArrow.depth = new Depth(0.95f); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._connectionArrow, vec2_4.x, vec2_4.y); this._connectionArrow.frame -= 2; } } } } } } } base.PostDrawLayer(layer); }
public override void Update() { ChallengeLevel._timer.Update(); if (this._fading) { DuckGame.Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); if ((double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade >= 0.00999999977648258) { return; } if (this._validityTest) { ArcadeTestDialogue.success = this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0 && this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer; Level.current = (Level)ArcadeTestDialogue.currentEditor; DuckGame.Graphics.fade = 1f; } else { if (this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].Count <Thing>() > 0) { Level.current = (Level)(this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].First <Thing>() as EditorTestLevel).editor; Music.Stop(); } else { Level.current = Arcade.currentArcade == null ? (Level)ArcadeLevel.currentArcade : (Level)Arcade.currentArcade; } this._fading = false; } } else { if ((double)this._restartMessageWait > 0.0) { this._restartMessageWait -= 0.008f; } else { HUD.CloseCorner(HUDCorner.TopLeft); } if (this._doRestart) { ChallengeLevel.running = false; this._waitForRestart -= 0.04f; if ((double)this._waitForRestart <= 0.0) { this._restarting = true; } } this._waitFade -= 0.04f; if (!this._didFade && (double)this._waitFade <= 0.0 && (double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade < 1.0) { DuckGame.Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.04f); } else if (this._restarting) { ChallengeLevel.running = false; this.transitionSpeedMultiplier = 2f; EditorTestLevel editorTestLevel = (EditorTestLevel)null; if (this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].Count <Thing>() > 0) { editorTestLevel = this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].First <Thing>() as EditorTestLevel; } Level.current = !(this._level != "") ? (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._levelData, this._validityTest) : (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._level); Level.current.transitionSpeedMultiplier = 2f; ((ChallengeLevel)Level.current)._waitSpawn = 0.0f; if (editorTestLevel == null) { return; } Level.current.AddThing((Thing)editorTestLevel); } else { if ((double)this._waitFade > 0.0) { return; } this._didFade = true; if (this._finished) { ChallengeLevel.running = false; this.PauseLogic(); if ((double)this._finishWait > 0.0) { this._finishWait -= 0.01f; } else { if (!this._playedEndMusic) { this._playedEndMusic = true; Level.current.simulatePhysics = false; ArcadeFrame arcadeFrame = (ArcadeFrame)null; if (this._win) { if (ArcadeLevel.currentArcade != null) { arcadeFrame = ArcadeLevel.currentArcade.GetFrame(); if (arcadeFrame != null) { Vec2 renderTargetSize = arcadeFrame.GetRenderTargetSize(); float renderTargetZoom = arcadeFrame.GetRenderTargetZoom(); if (this._captureTarget == null) { this._captureTarget = new RenderTarget2D((int)((double)renderTargetSize.x * 6.0), (int)((double)renderTargetSize.y * 6.0)); } int num = DuckGame.Graphics.width / 320; Camera camera = new Camera(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)this._captureTarget.width * renderTargetZoom, (float)this._captureTarget.height * renderTargetZoom); if (ChallengeLevel._duck != null) { Layer.HUD.visible = false; MonoMain.RenderGame(MonoMain.screenCapture); Layer.HUD.visible = true; Matrix result; Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0.0f, (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.width, (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.height, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1f, out result); result.M41 += -0.5f * result.M11; result.M42 += -0.5f * result.M22; Matrix matrix =; Vec3 vec3 = (Vec3)DuckGame.Graphics.viewport.Project((Vector3) new Vec3(ChallengeLevel._duck.cameraPosition.x, ChallengeLevel._duck.cameraPosition.y, 0.0f), (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix)result, (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix)matrix, (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix)Matrix.Identity); DuckGame.Graphics.SetRenderTarget(this._captureTarget); = new Vec2(vec3.x, vec3.y); if ((double)camera.bottom > (double)MonoMain.screenCapture.height) { camera.centerY = (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.height - camera.height / 2f; } if ((double) < 0.0) { camera.centerY = camera.height / 2f; } if ((double)camera.right > (double)MonoMain.screenCapture.width) { camera.centerX = (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.width - camera.width / 2f; } if ((double)camera.left < 0.0) { camera.centerX = camera.width / 2f; } DuckGame.Graphics.Clear(Color.Black); DuckGame.Graphics.screen.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.DepthRead, RasterizerState.CullNone, (MTEffect)null, camera.getMatrix()); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Tex2D)MonoMain.screenCapture, 0.0f, 0.0f); DuckGame.Graphics.screen.End(); DuckGame.Graphics.SetRenderTarget((RenderTarget2D)null); } } } if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0 && this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer) { SFX.Play("developerWin"); } else { SFX.Play("challengeWin"); } this._showEndTextWait = 1f; } else { SFX.Play("challengeLose"); this._showEndTextWait = 1f; } if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0) { this._trophyGroup = new UIComponent( / 2f, / 2f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._trophyMenu = new UIMenu("@LWING@" + + "@RWING@", / 2f, / 2f, 210f, conString: "@DPAD@MOVE @SELECT@SELECT"); UIDivider uiDivider1 = new UIDivider(false, 0.0f, 6f); UIDivider uiDivider2 = new UIDivider(true, 0.0f); SpriteMap spriteMap = new SpriteMap("challengeTrophy", 70, 65); if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0) { if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Bronze) { spriteMap.frame = 1; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("BRONZE", Colors.Bronze, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Silver) { spriteMap.frame = 2; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("SILVER", Colors.Silver, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Gold) { spriteMap.frame = 3; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("GOLD", Colors.Gold, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Platinum) { spriteMap.frame = 4; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("PLATINUM", Colors.Platinum, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer) { spriteMap.frame = 5; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("UR THE BEST", Colors.Developer, UIAlign.Top), true); } } uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); bool flag = false; ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(, ChallengeLevel._duck.profile); int bestTime = saveData.bestTime; if (saveData.bestTime == 0 || (int)(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0) < saveData.bestTime) { saveData.bestTime = (int)(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0); } if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type > saveData.trophy) { saveData.trophy = this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type; if (saveData.trophy > TrophyType.Silver) { flag = true; } } int targets1 = saveData.targets; if (ChallengeLevel.targetsShot > saveData.targets) { saveData.targets = ChallengeLevel.targetsShot; } int targets2 = saveData.targets; if (ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot > saveData.goodies) { saveData.goodies = ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot; } if (this._challenge.challenge.hasTimeRequirements) { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("TIME", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(MonoMain.TimeString(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed, small: true), Color.Lime, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); if (targets1 != 0) { if ((double)bestTime < ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0) { TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0 - (double)bestTime); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("DIFFERENCE", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("+" + MonoMain.TimeString(span, small: true), Color.Red, UIAlign.Right), true); } else { TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)bestTime - ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("DIFFERENCE", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("-" + MonoMain.TimeString(span, small: true), Color.Lime, UIAlign.Right), true); flag = true; } } else { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } } if (saveData.trophy < TrophyType.Gold) { flag = false; } if (this._challenge.challenge.countTargets) { if (this._challenge.challenge.prefix != "" && this._challenge.challenge.prefix != null) { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(this._challenge.challenge.prefix, Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } else { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("TARGETS", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } string textVal = Convert.ToString(ChallengeLevel.targetsShot); Color c = Color.Lime; if (targets1 != 0) { if (targets1 < ChallengeLevel.targetsShot) { int num = ChallengeLevel.targetsShot - targets1; c = Color.Lime; textVal = textVal + " (+" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; flag = true; } else if (targets1 > ChallengeLevel.targetsShot) { int num = targets1 - ChallengeLevel.targetsShot; c = Color.Red; textVal = textVal + " (-" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; } else { c = Color.White; } } uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(textVal, c, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } if (this._challenge.challenge.countGoodies) { if (this._challenge.challenge.prefix != "" && this._challenge.challenge.prefix != null) { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(this._challenge.challenge.prefix, Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } else { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("NUMBER", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } string textVal = Convert.ToString(ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot); Color c = Color.Lime; if (targets2 != 0) { if (targets2 < ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot) { int num = ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot - targets2; c = Color.Lime; textVal = textVal + " (+" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; flag = true; } else if (targets2 > ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot) { int num = targets2 - ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot; c = Color.Red; textVal = textVal + " (-" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; } else { c = Color.White; } } uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(textVal, c, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } uiDivider2.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIImage((Sprite)spriteMap, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider1.leftSection.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider2, true); uiDivider1.rightSection.vertical = false; uiDivider1.rightSection.borderSize.y = 2f; if (this._validityTest) { if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0 && this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer) { uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("CONTINUE ", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._quit), UIAlign.Left), true); } else { uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RETRY", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._restart), UIAlign.Left), true); } } else { uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("CONTINUE ", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._quit), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RETRY", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._restart), UIAlign.Left), true); } this._trophyMenu.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider1, true); this._trophyMenu.Close(); this._trophyGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._trophyMenu, false); this._trophyGroup.Close(); Level.Add((Thing)this._trophyGroup); if (arcadeFrame != null && flag && saveData != null) { saveData.frameID = arcadeFrame._identifier; saveData.frameImage = Editor.TextureToString((Texture2D)(Tex2D)this._captureTarget); arcadeFrame.saveData = saveData; } Challenges.Save(; Profiles.Save(ChallengeLevel._duck.profile); } else { this._trophyGroup = new UIComponent( / 2f, / 2f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._trophyMenu = new UIMenu("@LWING@" + + "@RWING@", / 2f, / 2f, 210f, conString: "@DPAD@MOVE @SELECT@SELECT"); UIDivider uiDivider1 = new UIDivider(false, 0.0f, 6f); UIDivider uiDivider2 = new UIDivider(true, 0.0f); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("FAILED", Color.Red, UIAlign.Top), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.Lime, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIImage((Sprite) new SpriteMap("challengeTrophy", 70, 65) { frame = 0 }, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider1.leftSection.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider2, true); uiDivider1.rightSection.vertical = false; uiDivider1.rightSection.borderSize.y = 2f; uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("CONTINUE ", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._quit), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RETRY", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._restart), UIAlign.Left), true); this._trophyMenu.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider1, true); this._trophyMenu.Close(); this._trophyGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._trophyMenu, false); this._trophyGroup.Add((UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu, false); Options.openOnClose = this._trophyMenu; this._trophyGroup.Close(); Level.Add((Thing)this._trophyGroup); } } if ((double)this._showEndTextWait > 0.0) { this._showEndTextWait -= 0.01f; } else { this._fontFade = 1f; if ((double)this._showResultsWait > 0.0) { this._showResultsWait -= 0.01f; } else if (!this._showedEndMenu) { this._trophyGroup.Open(); this._trophyMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._trophyGroup; SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f, -0.2f); this._showedEndMenu = true; } if (this._restart.value) { this._restarting = true; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); } else { if (!this._quit.value) { return; } this._fading = true; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); } } } } else { this._waitSpawn -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._waitSpawn > 0.0) { return; } if (this._pendingSpawns != null && this._pendingSpawns.Count > 0) { this._waitSpawn = 0.5f; Duck pendingSpawn = this._pendingSpawns[0]; this.AddThing((Thing)pendingSpawn); this._pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(0); Vec3 color = pendingSpawn.profile.persona.color; Level.Add((Thing) new SpawnLine(pendingSpawn.x, pendingSpawn.y, 0, 0.0f, new Color((int)color.x, (int)color.z, (int)color.z), 32f)); Level.Add((Thing) new SpawnLine(pendingSpawn.x, pendingSpawn.y, 0, -4f, new Color((int)color.x, (int)color.y, (int)color.z), 4f)); Level.Add((Thing) new SpawnLine(pendingSpawn.x, pendingSpawn.y, 0, 4f, new Color((int)color.x, (int)color.y, (int)color.z), 4f)); SFX.Play("pullPin", 0.7f); ChallengeLevel._duck = pendingSpawn; this._challenge = this.things[typeof(ChallengeMode)].First <Thing>() as ChallengeMode; ChallengeLevel.random = this._challenge.random.value; = pendingSpawn; ChallengeLevel._timer.maxTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)this._challenge.challenge.trophies[0].timeRequirement); HUD.AddCornerTimer(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "", (Timer)ChallengeLevel._timer); if (this._challenge.challenge.countTargets) { int targets = this._challenge.challenge.trophies[0].targets; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@RETICULE@", new FieldBinding((object)this, "targetsShot"), targets > 0 ? targets : 0); } if (this._challenge.challenge.countGoodies) { MultiMap <System.Type, ISequenceItem> multiMap = new MultiMap <System.Type, ISequenceItem>(); foreach (ISequenceItem element in Level.current.things[typeof(ISequenceItem)]) { System.Type type = element.GetType(); SequenceItem sequence = (element as Thing).sequence; if (sequence.isValid && sequence.type == SequenceItemType.Goody) { multiMap.Add(type, element); } } System.Type key = (System.Type)null; int num = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <System.Type, List <ISequenceItem> > keyValuePair in (MultiMap <System.Type, ISequenceItem, List <ISequenceItem> >)multiMap) { if (keyValuePair.Value.Count > num) { key = keyValuePair.Key; num = keyValuePair.Value.Count; } } if (key != (System.Type)null) { ISequenceItem sequenceItem = multiMap[key][0]; string text = "@STARGOODY@"; switch (sequenceItem) { case LapGoody _: case InvisiGoody _: text = "@LAPGOODY@"; break; case SuitcaseGoody _: text = "@SUITCASEGOODY@"; break; case Window _: case YellowBarrel _: case Door _: text = "@RETICULE@"; break; } int goodies = this._challenge.challenge.trophies[0].goodies; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, text, new FieldBinding((object)this, "goodiesGot"), goodies > 0 ? goodies : 0); } } if (this._firstStart) { if (ChallengeLevel.random) { IEnumerable <Thing> thing = this.things[typeof(ISequenceItem)]; if (thing.Count <Thing>() > 0) { thing.ElementAt <Thing>(Rando.Int(thing.Count <Thing>() - 1)).sequence.BeginRandomSequence(); } } else { foreach (TargetDuck targetDuck in this.things[typeof(TargetDuck)]) { if (targetDuck.sequence.order == 0) { targetDuck.sequence.Activate(); } } } this._firstStart = false; } if (!Music.stopped) { return; } if ((string) == "") { Music.Load("Challenging"); } else if ((string) == "donutmystery") { Music.Load("spacemystery"); } else { Music.Load(Music.FindSong((string); } } else if (!this._started) { this._waitAfterSpawn -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._waitAfterSpawn > 0.0) { return; } ++this._waitAfterSpawnDings; if (this._waitAfterSpawnDings > 2) { this._started = true; this.simulatePhysics = true; ChallengeLevel.running = true; SFX.Play("ding"); ChallengeLevel._timer.Start(); if (Music.stopped) { Music.PlayLoaded(); } } else { SFX.Play("preStartDing"); } this._waitSpawn = 1.1f; } else { this._fontFade -= 0.1f; if ((double)this._fontFade < 0.0) { this._fontFade = 0.0f; } this.PauseLogic(); } } } } }
public void Feed(FluidData dat) { if (this._lava == null && dat.sprite != "" && dat.sprite != null) { if ( == null) { = dat.sprite; } this._lava = new SpriteMap(dat.sprite, 16, 16); this._lava.AddAnimation("idle", 0.1f, true, 0, 1, 2, 3); this._lava.SetAnimation("idle"); = new Vec2(8f, 10f); this._lavaAlternate = new SpriteMap(dat.sprite, 16, 16); this._lavaAlternate.AddAnimation("idle", 0.1f, true, 2, 3, 0, 1); this._lavaAlternate.SetAnimation("idle"); = new Vec2(8f, 10f); } if (this._lightRect == null && { this._lightRect = new WhiteRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, (double)dat.heat <= 0.0); Level.Add((Thing)this._lightRect); } if ((double)dat.amount > 0.0) { this._framesSinceFeed = 0; }; = Maths.Clamp(, 0.0f, this.MaxFluidFill()); this._wide = this.FeedAmountToDistance(; float num1 = this._wide + 4f; this._collisionOffset.x = (float)-((double)num1 / 2.0); this._collisionSize.x = num1; this.FeedEdges(); if (this._leftCorner != null && this._rightCorner != null && (double)this._wide > (double)this._rightCorner.corner.x - (double)this._leftCorner.corner.x) { this._wide = this._rightCorner.corner.x - this._leftCorner.corner.x; this.x = this._leftCorner.corner.x + (float)(((double)this._rightCorner.corner.x - (double)this._leftCorner.corner.x) / 2.0); } float num2 = this._wide + 4f; this._collisionOffset.x = (float)-((double)num2 / 2.0); this._collisionSize.x = num2; if (!( == "water") || this._leftCorner == null) { return; } Block block = this._leftCorner.block; while (true) { switch (block) { case null: goto label_19; case SnowTileset _: if ((double)block.left + 2.0 > (double)this.left && (double)block.right - 2.0 < (double)this.right) { (block as SnowTileset).Freeze(); break; } break; case SnowIceTileset _: if ((double)block.left + 2.0 > (double)this.left && (double)block.right - 2.0 < (double)this.right) { (block as SnowIceTileset).Freeze(); break; } break; } block = block.rightBlock; } label_19 :; }
public static void Update() { foreach (KeyValuePair <NetworkConnection, ConnectionIndicatorElement> connection in ConnectionIndicator._connections) { if ( != null && ( || != Level.current)) { = (Duck)null; } connection.Value.position = == null ? new Vec2(-1000f, -1000f) :; foreach (KeyValuePair <ConnectionIndicatorType, ConnectionIndicatorDetail> detail in connection.Value.details) { detail.Value.buildup -= Maths.IncFrameTimer() * 0.25f; if ((double)detail.Value.buildup > (double)detail.Value.maxBuildup) { detail.Value.buildup = detail.Value.maxBuildup; } if ((double)detail.Value.buildup < 0.0) { detail.Value.buildup = 0.0f; detail.Value.popOut += 0.02f; if ((double)detail.Value.popOut > 1.0) { detail.Value.popOut = 1f; } detail.Value.grow -= 0.1f; if ((double)detail.Value.grow < 0.0) { detail.Value.grow = 0.0f; } } else { detail.Value.popOut = 0.0f; detail.Value.grow = Lerp.FloatSmooth(detail.Value.grow, 1f, 0.2f); if ((double)detail.Value.grow > 1.0) { detail.Value.grow = 1f; } } } } foreach (Duck duck in Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)]) { NetworkConnection key = (NetworkConnection)null; if (duck.profile != null && duck.profile.connection != null) { key = duck.profile.connection; } if (Network.isActive && key != null) { ConnectionIndicatorElement indicatorElement = (ConnectionIndicatorElement)null; if (!ConnectionIndicator._connections.TryGetValue(key, out indicatorElement)) { indicatorElement = new ConnectionIndicatorElement(); ConnectionIndicator._connections[key] = indicatorElement; } = duck; if ((double) > 0.25) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Lag).buildup += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } if ((double) > 0.899999976158142 || key.status != ConnectionStatus.Connected) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Failure).buildup += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } if (key.manager.lossThisFrame) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Loss).buildup += 0.2f; key.manager.lossThisFrame = false; } if ((double)key.manager.jitter > 0.800000011920929) { indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Loss).buildup += 0.25f; } ConnectionIndicatorDetail detail1 = indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.AFK); if (!duck.afk) { detail1.buildup = 0.0f; } else { detail1.buildup += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } ConnectionIndicatorDetail detail2 = indicatorElement.GetDetail(ConnectionIndicatorType.Chatting); if (duck.chatting) { detail2.buildup += 0.25f; } else { detail2.buildup = 0.0f; } } } if (ConnectionIndicator._lagIcons != null) { return; } ConnectionIndicator._lagIcons = new SpriteMap("lagturtle", 16, 16); ConnectionIndicator._lagIcons.CenterOrigin(); ConnectionIndicator._rainbowGradient = new Sprite("rainbowGradient"); }
public UIGachaBoxNew( float xpos, float ypos, float wide = -1f, float high = -1f, bool rare = false, UIMenu openOnClose = null) : base("", xpos, ypos, wide, high) { this._openOnClose = openOnClose; this._rare = rare; this._duckCoin = new SpriteMap("duckCoin", 18, 18); this._duckCoin.CenterOrigin(); this._gachaMachine = new Sprite("arcade/gotcha/machine"); this._gachaMachine.CenterOrigin(); this._gachaGlass = new Sprite("arcade/gotcha/glass"); this._gachaGlass.CenterOrigin(); this._gachaDoor = new Sprite("arcade/gotcha/door"); this._gachaDoor.CenterOrigin(); this._gachaTwister = new Sprite("arcade/gotcha/twister"); this._gachaTwister.CenterOrigin(); this._gachaBall = new SpriteMap("arcade/gotcha/balls", 40, 42); this._gachaBall.CenterOrigin(); this._gachaTwisterShadow = new Sprite("arcade/gotcha/twisterShadow"); this._gachaTwisterShadow.CenterOrigin(); this._whiteCircle = new Sprite("furni/whiteCircle"); this._whiteCircle.CenterOrigin(); this._coin = new SpriteMap("arcade/gotcha/coin", 22, 22); this._coin.CenterOrigin(); this._coinSlot = new Sprite("arcade/gotcha/coinSlot"); this._coinSlot.CenterOrigin(); this._rainbow = new Sprite("arcade/rainbow"); Graphics.fade = 1f; this._frame = new Sprite("unlockFrame"); this._frame.CenterOrigin(); this._furni = new Sprite("furni/tub"); = new Vec2((float)(this._furni.width / 2), (float)this._furni.height); this._star = new Sprite("prettyStar"); this._star.CenterOrigin(); this._font = new BitmapFont("biosFontUI", 8, 7); this._fancyFont = new FancyBitmapFont("smallFontGacha"); this._gachaEgg = new SpriteMap("gachaEgg", 44, 36); this._capsule = new SpriteMap("arcade/egg", 40, 23); this._capsule.CenterOrigin(); this._capsuleBorder = new SpriteMap("arcade/eggBorder", 66, 65); this._capsuleBorder.CenterOrigin(); this._rare = false; this.numGenerate = MonoMain.core.gachas; this.numGenerateRare = MonoMain.core.rareGachas; for (int index = 0; index < this.numGenerate; ++index) { Furniture furniture = UIGachaBox.GetRandomFurniture(Rarity.Common, 1, gacha: true)[0]; furniture.ballRot = Rando.Float(360f); furniture.rareGen = false; this.prizes.Add(furniture); } for (int index = 0; index < this.numGenerateRare; ++index) { Furniture furniture = UIGachaBox.GetRandomFurniture(Rarity.VeryVeryRare, 1, 0.4f, true).OrderBy <Furniture, int>((Func <Furniture, int>)(x => - x.rarity)).ElementAt <Furniture>(0); furniture.ballRot = Rando.Float(360f); furniture.rareGen = true; this.prizes.Add(furniture); } for (int index = 0; index < 3; ++index) { Furniture furniture = UIGachaBox.GetRandomFurniture(Rarity.Common, 1, gacha: true)[0]; furniture.ballRot = Rando.Float(360f); furniture.rareGen = false; this.prizes.Add(furniture); } this.LoadNextPrize(); this._gachaEgg.CenterOrigin(); }
public override void Initialize() { if (this._testMode) { this._endOfHighlights = true; Options.Data.sfxVolume = 0.0f; DuckStory duckStory = new DuckStory(); duckStory.text = "|SUAVE||RED|John Mallard|WHITE| here dancing|CALM| for you |EXCITED|and wearing ties!"; HighlightLevel._stories = new List <DuckStory>(); for (int index = 0; index < 9999; ++index) { HighlightLevel._stories.Add(duckStory); } } HighlightLevel._cancelSkip = false; this._tv = new Sprite("bigTV"); this._duck = new SpriteMap("newsDuck", 140, 100); this._duckBeak = new SpriteMap("newsDuckBeak", 140, 100); this._tie = new SpriteMap("ties", 12, 21); this._pumpkin = new Sprite("pump"); this._pumpkin.CenterOrigin(); this._newsTable = new Sprite("newsTable"); this._logo = new Sprite("duckGameTitle"); this._logo.CenterOrigin(); this._background = new Sprite("duckChannelBackground"); this._blurLayer = new Layer("BLUR", Layer.HUD.depth + 5,; Layer.Add(this._blurLayer); this._blurLayer.effect = Content.Load <Effect>("Shaders/blur"); this._transition = new DuckChannelLogo(); Level.Add((Thing)this._transition); this._tl = new Vec2(30f, 32f); this._size = new Vec2(207f, 141f); this._rockImage2 = new Sprite(RockScoreboard.finalImage, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._talker = new Teleprompter(0.0f, 0.0f, this._duck); = this._talker.visible = false; Level.Add((Thing)this._talker); if (HighlightLevel.didSkip) { this._skip = true; } if (this._endOfHighlights) { this._state = TVState.ShowNewscaster; this._desiredState = this._state; } else { HighlightLevel._image = (Sprite)null; HighlightLevel.currentTie = Rando.Int(15); Music.Play("SportsCap"); HighlightLevel._stories = DuckNews.CalculateStories(); } this._hotness = new HotnessAnimation(); this._tie.frame = HighlightLevel.currentTie; for (int index = 0; index < HighlightLevel._stories.Count; index = index - 1 + 1) { bool flag = HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "%CUEHIGHLIGHTS%"; if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%HOTNESSIMAGE%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnHotnessImage); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%CUEHOTNESS%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnHotnessStory); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%ENDHOTNESS%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnHotnessEnd); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%INTERVIEWIMAGE%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnInterviewImage); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%CUEINTERVIEW%") { this._interviewIndex = index; HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnInterview); } if (!flag) { this._talker.ReadLine(HighlightLevel._stories[index]); } HighlightLevel._stories.RemoveAt(index); if (flag) { break; } } Vote.OpenVoting("SKIP", "START"); }
public override void Update() { if (this._testMode) { this._wait += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if (Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.F5) || (double)this._wait > 0.1) { this._wait = 0.0f; try { this._tie = new SpriteMap((Tex2D)ContentPack.LoadTexture2D("tieTest.png"), 64, 64); = new Vec2(26f, 27f); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } DuckGame.Graphics.fadeAdd = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fadeAdd, 0.0f, 0.01f); if (Main.isDemo && this._skip && !this._firedSkipLogic) { this._firedSkipLogic = true; Vote.CloseVoting(); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this.DoSkip(); } if ((double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade > 0.990000009536743 && !this._skip && Vote.Passed(VoteType.Skip)) { this._skip = true; } if (this._talker.finished || !HighlightLevel._cancelSkip && this._skip && !Main.isDemo) { this._done -= 0.04f; } DuckGame.Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fade, (double)this._done < 0.0 ? 0.0f : 1f, 0.02f); if ((double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade < 0.00999999977648258 && (this._talker.finished || this._skip)) { if (this._endOfHighlights || this._skip) { Vote.CloseVoting(); Level.current = (Level) new RockScoreboard(RockScoreboard.returnLevel, ScoreBoardMode.ShowWinner, true); } else { Level.current = (Level) new HighlightPlayback(4); } } if (this._state == TVState.ShowPedestals) { this._waitZoom -= 0.008f; if ((double)this._waitZoom < 0.00999999977648258) { this._waitZoom = 0.0f; this._desiredState = TVState.ShowNewscaster; } } if (this._state == TVState.ShowHotness && this._hotness.ready) { this._talker.Resume(); } if (this._state == TVState.ShowInterview) { this._interviewWait -= 0.02f; if ((double)this._interviewWait < 0.0 && !this._askedQuestion) { this._talker.InsertLine(Script.winner() + "! To what do you attribute your success?", this._interviewIndex); this._talker.Resume(); this._askedQuestion = true; } } this._cameraOffset.x = Lerp.Float(this._cameraOffset.x, HighlightLevel._image != null ? 20f : 0.0f, 2f); = this._talker.visible = this._state != TVState.ShowPedestals; if (this._state == this._desiredState) { return; } = false; this._transition.PlaySwipe(); if (!this._transition.doTransition) { return; } this._state = this._desiredState; }
public override void Draw() { if (!this._root) { float num = 1f; if (this.greyOut) { num = 0.3f; } if (this._hover && !this.greyOut) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(this.position, this.position + this.itemSize, new Color(70, 70, 70), new Depth(0.82f)); } DuckGame.Graphics.DrawFancyString(this._text, this.position + new Vec2(2f, 4f), Color.White * num, new Depth(0.85f)); this._contextArrow.color = Color.White * num; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._contextArrow, (float)((double)this.x + (double)this.itemSize.x - 11.0), this.y + 3f, new Depth(0.85f)); } if (this.opened) { SpriteMap graphic = this._thing.graphic as SpriteMap; this.menuSize = new Vec2((float)(graphic.texture.width + 2), (float)(graphic.texture.height + 2)); float x = this.menuSize.x; float y = this.menuSize.y; Vec2 p1 = new Vec2(this.x, this.y); if (!this._root) { p1.x += this.itemSize.x + 4f; p1.y -= 2f; } Vec2 vec2_1 = new Vec2(graphic.position); this._thing.x = (float)((double)p1.x + 1.0 + (double)graphic.w / 2.0); this._thing.y = (float)((double)p1.y + 1.0 + (double)graphic.h / 2.0); this._thing.depth = new Depth(0.7f); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(p1, p1 + new Vec2(x, y), new Color(70, 70, 70), new Depth(0.5f)); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(p1 + new Vec2(1f, 1f), p1 + new Vec2(x - 1f, y - 1f), new Color(30, 30, 30), new Depth(0.6f)); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(graphic.texture, new Vec2(this._thing.x, this._thing.y), new Rectangle?(), Color.White, 0.0f,, this._thing.scale, SpriteEffects.None, new Depth(0.7f)); if (this._root && this._file != null) { Vec2 vec2_2 = new Vec2(p1 + new Vec2(x + 4f, 0.0f)); Vec2 vec2_3 = new Vec2(p1 + new Vec2(x + 97f, 12f)); this._file.position = vec2_2; this._file.Update(); this._file.Draw(); } int num1 = graphic.texture.width / graphic.w; int num2 = graphic.texture.height / graphic.h; if (Editor.gamepadMode && (this._file == null || !this._file.hover)) { this._hoverPos = new Vec2((float)(this._selectedIndex % num1 * graphic.w), (float)(this._selectedIndex / num1 * graphic.h)); if (Input.Pressed("LEFT")) { --this._selectedIndex; } if (Input.Pressed("RIGHT")) { if (this._file != null && this._selectedIndex == num1 - 1) { this._file.hover = true; } else { ++this._selectedIndex; } } if (Input.Pressed("UP")) { this._selectedIndex -= num1; } if (Input.Pressed("DOWN")) { this._selectedIndex += num1; } if (this._selectedIndex < 0) { this._selectedIndex = 0; } if (this._selectedIndex > num1 * num2 - 1) { this._selectedIndex = num1 * num2 - 1; } } else { this._hoverPos = new Vec2(Mouse.x - this._thing.x, Mouse.y - this._thing.y); } if (this._file != null && this._file.hover && Input.Pressed("LEFT")) { this._file.hover = false; this._selectedIndex = num1 - 1; } Editor current = Level.current as Editor; this._hoverPos.x = (float)Math.Round((double)this._hoverPos.x / (double)graphic.w) * (float)graphic.w; this._hoverPos.y = (float)Math.Round((double)this._hoverPos.y / (double)graphic.h) * (float)graphic.h; if ((this._file == null || !this._file.hover) && ((double)this._hoverPos.x >= 0.0 && (double)this._hoverPos.x < (double)graphic.texture.width) && ((double)this._hoverPos.y >= 0.0 && (double)this._hoverPos.y < (double)graphic.texture.height)) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(this._hoverPos + p1, this._hoverPos + p1 + new Vec2((float)(graphic.w + 2), (float)(graphic.h + 2)), Color.Lime * 0.8f, new Depth(0.8f), false); if (Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed || Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { graphic.frame = (int)((double)this._hoverPos.x / (double)graphic.w + (double)this._hoverPos.y / (double)graphic.h * (double)(graphic.texture.width / graphic.w)); current.placementType = this._thing; current.placementType = this._thing; if (!this.floatMode || Editor.gamepadMode) { current.CloseMenu(); } } } if (!this.justOpened && Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { current.CloseMenu(); } this.justOpened = false; } else { this.justOpened = true; } }
public void Update(GameTime gt) { doLobbyStuff(); if (Level.current?.initialized != true) { return; } if (Level.current != prevLevel) { LevelChange(); } prevLevel = Level.current; var profiles = ActiveProfiles.Where(x => != null && != null); foreach (var profile in profiles) { SpriteMap teamHat = profile?.team?.hat, previousHat = null; if (teamHat == null) { continue; } if (!pHats.TryGetValue(profile, out previousHat) || previousHat != teamHat) { HatChange(profile); } } pHats = profiles.ToDictionary(profile => profile, profile => profile?.team?.hat); DuckEvents.Update(); foreach (var kvp in ActiveReskins) { var duck =; if (duck == null) { continue; } var skin = kvp.Value; skin.Update(duck); var persona = kvp.Key.persona; var hat = duck.hat as TeamHat; if (hat != null && == { removeHat(duck); } if (persona.sprite.texture.textureName != "RESKIN" || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.F6) || persona.sprite.texture.IsDisposed) { skin.Apply(duck); } } }
public Teleprompter(float xpos, float ypos, SpriteMap newsCaster) : base(xpos, ypos) => this._newsCaster = newsCaster;
// Token: 0x06002232 RID: 8754 public CoilGun(float xval, float yval) : base(xval, yval) { this.ammo = 30; this._type = "gun"; = new Vec2(16f, 16f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-11f, -8f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(22f, 12f); this._barrelOffsetTL = new Vec2(25f, 13f); this._fireSound = ""; this._fullAuto = false; this._fireWait = 1f; this._kickForce = 1f; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(3f, 1f); this._editorName = "Death Laser"; this._chargeAnim = new SpriteMap("coilGun", 32, 32, false); SpriteMap chargeAnim = this._chargeAnim; string name = "idle"; float speed = 1f; bool looping = true; int[] frames = new int[1]; chargeAnim.AddAnimation(name, speed, looping, frames); this._chargeAnim.AddAnimation("charge", 0.38f, false, new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7 }); this._chargeAnim.AddAnimation("charged", 1f, true, new int[] { 8, 9, 10, 11 }); this._chargeAnim.AddAnimation("uncharge", 1.2f, false, new int[] { 7, 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0 }); this._chargeAnim.AddAnimation("drain", 2f, false, new int[] { 7, 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0 }); this._chargeAnim.SetAnimation("idle"); this.graphic = this._chargeAnim; }
public void Draw( Vec2 pos, Depth depth, int variation = 0, ulong seed = 0, bool affectScale = false, bool halfscale = false, float angle = 0.0f) { if (seed == 0UL && Profiles.experienceProfile != null) { seed = Profiles.experienceProfile.steamID; } SpriteMap spriteMap = this.sprite; if (this.icon != null) { spriteMap = this.icon; } if (spriteMap != null && this.neverFlip) { spriteMap.flipH = false; } if ( == "EGG") { VariatingSprite sprite = this.GetSprite(seed, variation, VSType.Egg); if (sprite != null) { if (sprite.sprite.texture != null) { sprite.sprite.depth = depth + 6; sprite.sprite.scale = this.sprite.scale; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(sprite.sprite, pos.x - 8f * sprite.sprite.xscale, pos.y - 12f * sprite.sprite.yscale); spriteMap.frame = 0; } if ((sprite.sprite.renderTexture.nativeObject as Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D).IsContentLost) { this._eggSprites.Remove(sprite); } } } else if ( == "PHOTO") { if (this._photoSprite == null) { this._photoSprite = new SpriteMap("littleMan", 16, 16); } this._photoSprite.frame = UILevelBox.LittleManFrame(variation, 7, seed); this._photoSprite.depth = depth + 6; this._photoSprite.scale = this.sprite.scale; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._photoSprite, pos.x - 6f * this._photoSprite.xscale, pos.y - 4f * this._photoSprite.yscale, new Rectangle(2f, 0.0f, 12f, 10f)); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(pos + new Vec2(-6f * this._photoSprite.xscale, -6f * this._photoSprite.yscale), pos + new Vec2(6f * this._photoSprite.xscale, 6f * this._photoSprite.yscale), Colors.DGBlue, depth - 4); spriteMap.frame = 0; } else if ( == "EASEL") { VariatingSprite sprite = this.GetSprite(seed, variation, VSType.Portrait); if (sprite != null) { sprite.sprite.depth = depth + 6; sprite.sprite.scale = this.sprite.scale; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(sprite.sprite, pos.x - 9f * sprite.sprite.xscale, pos.y - 8f * sprite.sprite.yscale); spriteMap.frame = 0; if ((sprite.sprite.renderTexture.nativeObject as Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D).IsContentLost) { this._eggSprites.Remove(sprite); } } } else { spriteMap.frame = variation; } if (this.font != null && this.sprite == null) { this.font.scale = new Vec2(1f, 1f); this.font.Draw("F", pos + new Vec2(-3.5f, -3f), Color.Black, depth + 8); } if (affectScale) { if (halfscale && (spriteMap.width > 30 || spriteMap.height > 30)) { spriteMap.scale = new Vec2(0.5f); } else { spriteMap.scale = new Vec2(1f); } } spriteMap.depth = depth; spriteMap.angle = angle; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)spriteMap, pos.x, pos.y); }
public Furniture( bool canflip, bool neverflip, string desc, int rarityval, string spr, int wide, int high, string nam, FurnitureGroup gr, SpriteMap ico, bool stickTofloor, bool stickToroof = false, bool surface = false, float topoff = 0.0f, int maxval = -1, bool canGacha = true) { this.neverFlip = neverflip; this.canGetInGacha = canGacha; this.canFlip = canflip; this.stickToFloor = stickTofloor; this.stickToRoof = stickToroof; this.isSurface = surface; this.topOffset = topoff; this.description = desc; this.max = maxval; this._rarity = rarityval; if (spr != null) { this.sprite = new SpriteMap("furni/" + + "/" + spr, wide, high); } if (stickToroof) { this.deep += 20; } if (!stickToroof && !stickTofloor) { --this.deep; } = nam; this.icon = ico; this.type = FurnitureType.Prop; = gr; if (this.sprite != null) { this.sprite.CenterOrigin(); if ((double)this.sprite.height / 2.0 - Math.Floor((double)this.sprite.height / 2.0) == 0.0) { --this.sprite.centery; } else { this.sprite.centery = (float)Math.Floor((double)this.sprite.height / 2.0); } } if (this.icon != null) { this.icon.CenterOrigin(); } if (this.background == null) { return; } this.background.CenterOrigin(); }
public void Initialize() { this.hats = new SpriteMap("hatCollection", 32, 32); = new Vec2(16f, 16f); this.teams = new List <Team>() { new Team("Player 1", "hats/noHat", true), new Team("Player 2", "hats/noHat", true), new Team("Player 3", "hats/noHat", true), new Team("Player 4", "hats/noHat", true), new Team("Sombreros", "hats/sombrero", true), new Team("Dappers", "hats/dapper", true), new Team("Dicks", "hats/dicks", true), new Team("Frank", "hats/frank", lockd: true), new Team("DUCKS", "hats/reallife", lockd: true), new Team("Frogs?", "hats/frogs", true), new Team("Drunks", "hats/drunks"), new Team("Joey", "hats/joey", lockd: true), new Team("BALLZ", "hats/ballhead"), new Team("Agents", "hats/agents"), new Team("Sailors", "hats/sailors"), new Team("astropal", "hats/astrobud", lockd: true), new Team("Cowboys", "hats/cowboys", lockd: true), new Team("Pulpy", "hats/pulpy", lockd: true), new Team("SKULLY", "hats/skelly", lockd: true), new Team("Hearts", "hats/hearts"), new Team("LOCKED", "hats/locked"), new Team("Jazzducks", "hats/jazzducks", false, false, new Vec2(-2f, -7f)), new Team("Divers", "hats/divers"), new Team("Uglies", "hats/uglies"), new Team("Dinos", "hats/dinos"), new Team("Caps", "hats/caps"), new Team("Burgers", "hats/burgers"), new Team("Turing", "hats/turing", true), new Team("Retro", "hats/retros"), new Team("Senpai", "hats/sensei"), new Team("BAWB", "hats/bawb", false, true, new Vec2(-1f, -10f)), new Team("SWACK", "hats/guac", true, true), new Team("eggpal", "hats/eggy", lockd: true), new Team("Valet", "hats/valet"), new Team("Pilots", "hats/pilots"), new Team("Cyborgs", "hats/cyborgs"), new Team("Tubes", "hats/tube", false, false, new Vec2(-1f, 0.0f)), new Team("Gents", "hats/gents"), new Team("Potheads", "hats/pots"), new Team("Skis", "hats/ski"), new Team("Fridges", "hats/fridge"), new Team("Witchtime", "hats/witchtime"), new Team("Wizards", "hats/wizbiz"), new Team("FUNNYMAN", "hats/FunnyMan"), new Team("Pumpkins", "hats/Dumplin"), new Team("CAPTAIN", "hats/devhat", lockd: true), new Team("BRICK", "hats/brick", lockd: true), new Team("Pompadour", "hats/pompadour"), new Team("Super", "hats/super"), new Team("Chancy", "hats/chancy", lockd: true), new Team("Log", "hats/log"), new Team("Meeee", "hats/toomany", lockd: true), new Team("BRODUCK", "hats/broduck", lockd: true), new Team("brad", "hats/handy", lockd: true), new Team("eyebob", "hats/gross"), new Team("tubes", "hats/tube", false, false, new Vec2(-1f, 0.0f)), new Team("gents", "hats/gents"), new Team("pots", "hats/pots"), new Team("poles", "hats/ski"), new Team("CYCLOPS", "hats/cyclops", lockd: true, desc: "These wounds they will not heal."), new Team("MOTHERS", "hats/motherduck", lockd: true, desc: "Not a goose."), new Team("BIG ROBO", "hats/newrobo", false, true, new Vec2()), new Team("TINCAN", "hats/oldrobo", false, true, new Vec2()), new Team("WELDERS", "hats/WELDER", lockd: true, desc: "Safety has never looked so cool."), new Team("PONYCAP", "hats/ponycap", false, true, new Vec2()), new Team("TRICORNE", "hats/tricorne", lockd: true, desc: "We fight for freedom!"), new Team("TWINTAIL", "hats/twintail", lockd: true, desc: "Two tails are better than one."), new Team("MAJESTY", "hats/royalty", lockd: true, capeTex: ((Texture2D)Content.Load <Tex2D>("hats/royalCape"))), new Team("MOONWALK", "hats/moonwalker", lockd: true, capeTex: ((Texture2D)Content.Load <Tex2D>("hats/moonCape"))) }; }