public void GiocatoriCasuali() { RandomFiller.RandomFiller rndfl = new RandomFiller.RandomFiller(); Player uno = new Player(rndfl.getName(),rndfl.getSurname(),rndfl.getAge(),rndfl.getAvgSkill(),rndfl.getRole()); Console.WriteLine(uno.ToString()); }
public void TestValoreGiocatoriReali() { Player giocatore = new Player("Paul", "Pogba", 21, 79, "CC", "Francese"); Console.WriteLine(giocatore.ToString()); giocatore = new Player("Arturo", "Vidal", 28, 85, "CC", "Cileno"); Console.WriteLine(giocatore.ToString()); giocatore = new Player("Lionel", "Messi", 27, 95, "AS", "Argentino"); Console.WriteLine(giocatore.ToString()); giocatore = new Player("Robin", "VanPersie", 31, 89, "AC", "Olandese"); Console.WriteLine(giocatore.ToString()); giocatore = new Player("Alvaro", "Morata", 22, 76, "AC", "Spagnolo"); Console.WriteLine(giocatore.ToString()); }
public void TestCTORPlayerConNazionalitaDiverse() { RandomFiller.RandomFiller rnd = new RandomFiller.RandomFiller(); Player pl = new Player(rnd.getName("Spain"), rnd.getSurname("Spain"),rnd.getAge(),rnd.getAvgSkill(),"Spain"); Console.WriteLine(pl.ToString()); }
private void trytobuy(Player cpl, Team cteam) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Trying to buy "+cpl.ToString()+" from "+ cteam.TeamName); double req = Math.Round((cpl.Val + (GameUtils.getWage(0, 5))), 2); Console.WriteLine("\t they asked: "+req+" M Euro\n your offer [money owned: "+money+" M euro] > "); double off = MyConsole.AskForDouble(money); if (off <= money && off>0) { Console.WriteLine(off+"M euro ...offert sent.."); GameUtils.wait(1000); Console.WriteLine("Offert received..."); Console.Write("...We are thinking about it..."); GameUtils.wait(1000); Random rnd = new Random(); if (off - req > 10) { Console.WriteLine("we accept your generous offer..."); Player tmp = cteam.popPlayer(cpl); plt.addPlayer(tmp); Console.WriteLine("\t you hired " + tmp.ToString() + " "); report("+ " + cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from "+cteam.TeamName,bought); checkrecordbought(cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from " + cteam.TeamName, off); money -= off; } else if (off >= req) { if (rnd.Next(100) > 20) { Console.WriteLine("we accept your offer..."); Player tmp = cteam.popPlayer(cpl); plt.addPlayer(tmp); Console.WriteLine("\t you hired "+tmp.ToString()+" "); report("+ " + cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from " + cteam.TeamName,bought); checkrecordbought(cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from " + cteam.TeamName, off); money -= off; } else { Console.WriteLine("We refuse your offer..."); } } else { if (rnd.Next(100) > 50) { Console.WriteLine("we accept your offer..."); Player tmp = cteam.popPlayer(cpl); plt.addPlayer(tmp); Console.WriteLine("\t you hired " + tmp.ToString() + " "); report("+ " + cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from " + cteam.TeamName,bought); checkrecordbought(cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from " + cteam.TeamName, off); money -= off; } else { Console.WriteLine("We refuse your offer..."); } } }else if(off<=0){ Console.WriteLine("We kindly refuse your shitty offer"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You dont have enough money..."); } EnterToContinue(); }
private void trytobuy(Player cpl,bool fromyouth = false) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Trying to buy " + cpl.ToString() + " from FreePlayers List"); double req = Math.Round((cpl.Val * 0.3 + (GameUtils.getWage(0, 5))), 2); Console.WriteLine("\t He asked: " + req + " M Euro\n your offer [money owned: " + money + " M euro] "); double off = MyConsole.AskForDouble(money); if (off <= money) { Console.WriteLine(off + "M euro ...offert sent.."); GameUtils.wait(1000); Console.WriteLine("Offert received..."); Console.Write("...I am thinking about it..."); GameUtils.wait(1000); Random rnd = new Random(); if (off >= req) { if (rnd.Next(100) > 5) { Console.WriteLine("I accept your offer..."); //Player tmp = cteam.popPlayer(cpl); plt.addPlayer(cpl); Console.WriteLine("\t you hired " + cpl.ToString() + " "); if (!fromyouth) { report("+ " + cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, Parametro 0", bought); checkrecordbought(cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, Parametro 0", off); } else { report("+ " + cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from YouthClub", bought); checkrecordbought(cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from YouthClub", off); } money -= off; } else { Console.WriteLine("I refuse your offer..."); } } else { if (rnd.Next(100) > 50) { Console.WriteLine("I accept your offer..."); // Player tmp = cteam.popPlayer(cpl); plt.addPlayer(cpl); Console.WriteLine("\t you hired " + cpl.ToString() + " "); if (!fromyouth) { checkrecordbought(cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, Parametro 0", off); report("+ " + cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, Parametro 0", bought); } else { report("+ " + cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from YouthClub", bought); checkrecordbought(cpl.ToStringShort() + " - val: " + cpl.Val + " - off: " + off + " M euro, from YouthClub", off); } money -= off; } else { Console.WriteLine("I refuse your offer..."); } } } else if (off <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("I kindly refuse your shitty offer"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You dont have enough money..."); } EnterToContinue(); }