コード例 #1
ファイル: Drawer.cs プロジェクト: crybot/DrawGraph
 public void AddFunction(Function f)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Drawer.cs プロジェクト: crybot/DrawGraph
        // draw a single function
        private void DrawFunction(Graphics g, Function f)
            // a list of list of points is required to properly skip imaginary number(e.g sqrt(-1))
            var pointsList = new List<List<PointF>> {new List<PointF>()};

            bool lastNan = false;
            for (float x = -Graph.NumOfCells/2; x < Graph.NumOfCells/2; x += Graph.Step)
                // from -X border to X border og the graph
                float y = f.Apply(x); // the y value of x is calculated thanks to reflection
                PointF point = TransformPoint(new PointF(x, y));
                // then the point obtained is converted to "real" coordinates

                //when an imaginary number is discovered it creates a new separated list of points to draw
                //every list of points will be drawn singularly
                if (double.IsNaN(y))
                    if (!lastNan) // it creates a new list of points only if the last number wasn't imaginary
                        pointsList.Add(new List<PointF>());
                        lastNan = true;

                    // if a point exceeds the borders of the graph his Y components is set to not visible, to prevent overflow.
                else if (point.Y > Graph.Heigth)
                    pointsList[pointsList.Count - 1].Add(new PointF(point.X, Graph.Heigth + FunctionPen.Width));
                else if (point.Y < 0)
                    pointsList[pointsList.Count - 1].Add(new PointF(point.X, -FunctionPen.Width));
                    lastNan = false;
                    pointsList[pointsList.Count - 1].Add(point); //

            //draws each list of points only if the list has a number of elements > 1
            foreach (var list in pointsList.Where(list => list.Count > 1))
                g.DrawLines(FunctionPen, list.ToArray());