private void CrashAnim(bool play) { if (play) { if (crashState == null) { crashState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("8_Moto(Batendo)", 0.1f, -1, 10, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); } else { crashState.weight = 1; crashState.Play(); } Debug.Log("Crash"); state = State.MotoCrash; } else { if (crashState == null) { return; } else { crashState.weight = 0; crashState.Stop(); } } }
private IEnumerator PlayAttackAfter(DragonBones.AnimationState animState) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(animState.totalTime)); _DragonArmature.animation.timeScale = 1; PlayIdle(); }
private void _animationEventHandler(string type, EventObject eventObject) { switch (type) { case EventObject.FADE_IN_COMPLETE: if ( == "jump_1") { _isJumpingB = true; _speed.y = -JUMP_SPEED; _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("jump_2", -1, -1, 0, NORMAL_ANIMATION_GROUP); } else if ( == "jump_4") { _updateAnimation(); } break; case EventObject.FADE_OUT_COMPLETE: if ( == "attack_01") { _isAttackingB = false; _attackState = null; } break; } }
protected override void OnStart() { // Load data UnityFactory.factory.LoadDragonBonesData("mecha_1406/mecha_1406_ske"); UnityFactory.factory.LoadTextureAtlasData("mecha_1406/mecha_1406_tex"); UnityFactory.factory.LoadDragonBonesData("floor_board/floor_board_ske"); UnityFactory.factory.LoadTextureAtlasData("floor_board/floor_board_tex"); // Build armature this._armatureComp = UnityFactory.factory.BuildArmatureComponent("mecha_1406"); this._floorBoardComp = UnityFactory.factory.BuildArmatureComponent("floor_board"); // Get bone this._chestBone = this._armatureComp.armature.GetBone("chest"); this._leftFootBone = this._armatureComp.armature.GetBone("foot_l"); this._rightFootBone = this._armatureComp.armature.GetBone("foot_r"); this._circleBone = this._floorBoardComp.armature.GetBone("circle"); this._floorBoardBone = this._floorBoardComp.armature.GetBone("floor_board"); // Play animation this._armatureComp.ArmAnimation.Play("idle"); this._aimState = this._armatureComp.ArmAnimation.FadeIn("aim", 0.1f, 1, 0, "aimGroup"); this._aimState.resetToPose = false; this._aimState.Stop(); // this._floorBoardComp.ArmAnimation.Play("idle"); this._floorBoardComp.armature.GetSlot("player").display = this._armatureComp.gameObject; // Set localPosition this._armatureComp.transform.localPosition =; this._floorBoardComp.transform.localPosition = new Vector4(0.0f, -0.25f, 0.0f); // this._floorBoardComp.CloseCombineMeshs(); // EnableDrag(this._floorBoardComp.armature.GetSlot("circle").display as GameObject); }
/** * 更新动画 */ private void _updateAnimation() { if (_curState == PlayerState.IDEL) { if (_idelState == null) { _idelState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("idle_1", -1.0f, -1, 0, NORMAL_ANIMATION_GROUP, AnimationFadeOutMode.SameGroup); } if (_runState != null) { // _runState.Stop (); //停止的话, 动作还是保持跑步的状态 _runState.FadeOut(0.1f); //淡出动画 _runState = null; } } else if (_curState == PlayerState.RUN) { if (_runState == null) { _runState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("run_1", -1.0f, -1, 0, NORMAL_ANIMATION_GROUP, AnimationFadeOutMode.SameGroup); _runState.timeScale = 1.2f; } if (_idelState != null) { _idelState.FadeOut(0.1f); _idelState = null; } } else { } }
public void JumpAnimation(bool isJump) { if (IsDead) { return; } if (IsJumping) { if (_jumpState.isCompleted) { IsJumping = false; _jumpState = null; SetIdleAnimation(); UpdateAnimation(); } return; } if (!IsJumping && isJump) { IsJumping = true; _jumpState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("jump", -1.0f, -1, 0); _jumpState.resetToPose = false; _jumpState.playTimes = 1; _walkState = null; } }
static int RemoveBoneMask(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 2) { DragonBones.AnimationState obj = (DragonBones.AnimationState)ToLua.CheckObject <DragonBones.AnimationState>(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); obj.RemoveBoneMask(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 3) { DragonBones.AnimationState obj = (DragonBones.AnimationState)ToLua.CheckObject <DragonBones.AnimationState>(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); bool arg1 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 3); obj.RemoveBoneMask(arg0, arg1); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: DragonBones.AnimationState.RemoveBoneMask")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
private void ChutandoAnim(bool play) { if (play) { playerLado.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; if (chuteState == null) { chuteState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("3_Bicuda", 0.1f, -1, 4, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.None); chuteState.displayControl = true; chuteState.resetToPose = true; } else { chuteState.displayControl = true; chuteState.weight = 1; chuteState.Play(); } state = State.Chutando; } else { if (chuteState == null) { return; } else { chuteState.displayControl = false; chuteState.Stop(); chuteState.weight = 0; } } }
private void FallingAnim(bool play) { if (play) { playerLado.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; if (fallState == null) { fallState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("1_NoAr(2_Descendo)", 0.1f, -1, 20, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); fallState.displayControl = false; } else { //fallState.displayControl = true; fallState.weight = 1; fallState.Play(); } state = State.Falling; } else { if (fallState == null) { return; } else { fallState.displayControl = false; fallState.Stop(); fallState.weight = 0; } } }
private void MotoWalkAnim(bool play) { if (play) { if (motoWalkState == null) { motoWalkState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("8_Moto(Andando)", -1, -1, 21, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); } else { motoWalkState.weight = 1f; motoWalkState.Play(); } state = State.MotoWalk; } else { if (motoWalkState == null) { return; } else { motoWalkState.Stop(); motoWalkState.weight = 0; } } }
private void MotoUpAnim(bool play) { if (play) { if (motoJumpState == null) { motoJumpState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("8_Moto(SubindoNoAr)", -1, -1, 22, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); } else { motoJumpState.weight = 1; motoJumpState.Play(); } state = State.MotoUp; } else { if (motoJumpState == null) { return; } else { motoJumpState.Stop(); motoJumpState.weight = 0; } } }
private void MotoFallAnim(bool play) { if (play) { if (motoFallState == null) { motoFallState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("8_Moto(DescendoNoAr)", 0.1f, -1, 20, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); } else { motoFallState.weight = 1; motoFallState.Play(); } state = State.MotoDown; } else { if (motoFallState == null) { return; } else { motoFallState.Stop(); motoFallState.weight = 0; } } }
private void MotoLandAnim(bool play) { if (play) { if (motoLandState == null) { motoLandState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("8_Moto(Aterrisando)", 0.1f, -1, 3, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); motoLandState.resetToPose = true; } else { motoLandState.weight = 1; motoLandState.Play(); } state = State.MotoLand; } else { if (motoLandState == null) { return; } else { motoLandState.Stop(); motoLandState.weight = 0; } } }
private void ManobraAnim(bool play) { if (play) { if (trickState == null) { trickState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("8_Moto(Empinando)", 0.1f, -1, 4, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); trickState.resetToPose = true; } else { trickState.weight = 1; trickState.Play(); } state = State.MotoGrau; } else { if (trickState == null) { return; } else { trickState.Stop(); trickState.weight = 0; } } }
static int FadeIn(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 11); DragonBones.Animation obj = (DragonBones.Animation)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DragonBones.Animation)); string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); int arg2 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 4); int arg3 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 5); string arg4 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 6); DragonBones.AnimationFadeOutMode arg5 = (DragonBones.AnimationFadeOutMode)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 7, typeof(DragonBones.AnimationFadeOutMode)); bool arg6 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 8); bool arg7 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 9); bool arg8 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 10); bool arg9 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 11); DragonBones.AnimationState o = obj.FadeIn(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
private void WalkAnim(bool play) { if (play) { playerLado.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; landParticles.WalkParticles(); if (walkState == null) { walkState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("0_Corrida_V2", -1, -1, 21, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); walkState.displayControl = false; } else { //walkState.displayControl = true; walkState.weight = 1f; walkState.Play(); } state = State.Walking; } else { landParticles.particleLoop.Stop(); if (walkState == null) { return; } else { walkState.displayControl = false; walkState.Stop(); walkState.weight = 0; } } }
private void UpdateAnimation() { if (IsDead == false) { if (IsJumping) { return; } if (IsAttack) { return; } if (MoveDirection == 0) { SetIdleAnimation(); } else { if (_walkState == null) { if (MoveDirection == -1 || MoveDirection == 1) { _walkState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("walk", -1.0f, -1, 0); this._walkState.resetToPose = false; } else if (MoveDirection == 2) { _walkState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("walk_up", -1.0f, -1, 0); this._walkState.resetToPose = false; } } } } }
private void JumpAnim(bool play) { if (play) { playerLado.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; landParticles.PlayLand(); if (jumpState == null) { jumpState = playerLado.animation.FadeIn("1_NoAr(1_Subindo)", -1, -1, 22, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); jumpState.displayControl = false; } else { //jumpState.displayControl = true; jumpState.weight = 1; jumpState.Play(); } state = State.Rising; } else { if (jumpState == null) { return; } else { jumpState.displayControl = false; jumpState.Stop(); jumpState.weight = 0; } } }
public void AttackAnimationGlobal(bool isAttack, ref bool isAttackType, string animationName) { if (IsDead) { return; } if (IsAttack && isAttackType) { if (_attackState.isCompleted) { IsAttack = isAttackType = false; _attackState = null; SetIdleAnimation(); UpdateAnimation(); } return; } if (!IsAttack && isAttack) { IsAttack = isAttackType = true; _attackState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn(animationName, -1.0f, -1, 0); _attackState.resetToPose = false; _attackState.playTimes = 1; _walkState = null; } }
private void IdleAnim(bool play) { if (play) { landParticles.particleLoop.Stop(); playerFrente.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; if (idleState == null) { idleState = playerFrente.animation.FadeIn("0_Idle", 0.1f, -1, 15, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.None); idleState.displayControl = true; } else { idleState.displayControl = true; idleState.weight = 1; idleState.Play(); } state = State.Idle; } else { if (idleState == null) { return; } else { idleState.displayControl = fallState; idleState.weight = 0; idleState.Stop(); } } }
static int FadeOut(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 2) { DragonBones.AnimationState obj = (DragonBones.AnimationState)ToLua.CheckObject <DragonBones.AnimationState>(L, 1); float arg0 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); obj.FadeOut(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 3) { DragonBones.AnimationState obj = (DragonBones.AnimationState)ToLua.CheckObject <DragonBones.AnimationState>(L, 1); float arg0 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); bool arg1 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 3); obj.FadeOut(arg0, arg1); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: DragonBones.AnimationState.FadeOut")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
private void GanhouAnim(bool play) { if (play) { playerFrente.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; if (winState == null) { winState = playerFrente.animation.FadeIn("2_Vencer", 0.1f, -1, 12, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); winState.displayControl = true; } else { winState.displayControl = true; winState.weight = 1; winState.Play(); } state = State.Ganhou; } else { if (winState == null) { return; } else { winState.displayControl = false; winState.weight = 0; winState.Stop(); } } }
/** * 攻击 */ private void _fight() { _curState = PlayerState.ATTACK; _attackState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("attack_1", -1, 1, 0, ATTACK_ANIMATION_GROUP); _attackState.autoFadeOutTime = 0.1f; }
private void PerdeuAnim(bool play) { if (play) { playerFrente.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; if (loseState == null) { loseState = playerFrente.animation.FadeIn("2_Perder", 0.1f, -1, 11, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); loseState.displayControl = true; } else { loseState.displayControl = true; loseState.weight = 1; loseState.Play(); } state = State.Perdeu; } else { if (loseState == null) { return; } else { loseState.displayControl = false; loseState.weight = 0; loseState.Stop(); } } }
static int GotoAndStopByProgress(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 2) { DragonBones.Animation obj = (DragonBones.Animation)ToLua.CheckObject <DragonBones.Animation>(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); DragonBones.AnimationState o = obj.GotoAndStopByProgress(arg0); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 3) { DragonBones.Animation obj = (DragonBones.Animation)ToLua.CheckObject <DragonBones.Animation>(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); DragonBones.AnimationState o = obj.GotoAndStopByProgress(arg0, arg1); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: DragonBones.Animation.GotoAndStopByProgress")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
private void StunAnim(bool play) { if (play) { playerFrente.animation.lastAnimationState.weight = 0; if (stunState == null) { stunState = playerFrente.animation.FadeIn("3_Atordoado", 0.1f, -1, 10, null, AnimationFadeOutMode.Single); stunState.displayControl = true; } else { stunState.displayControl = true; stunState.weight = 1; stunState.Play(); } state = State.Stun; } else { if (stunState == null) { return; } else { stunState.displayControl = false; stunState.weight = 0; stunState.Stop(); } } }
void AnimationEventHandler(string type, EventObject eventObject) { Debug.Log(type + " : " +; switch (type) { case EventObject.FADE_IN_COMPLETE: if ( == "jump_1") { if (IsGrounded) { _doJumpBurst = true; _animState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("jump_2"); //_rigidBody.velocity = new Vector2(_rigidBody.velocity.x, _jumpSpeed); } } else if ( == "jump_4") { _isJumping = false; } break; case EventObject.FADE_OUT_COMPLETE: break; default: break; } }
private void _updateAnimation() { if (_isJumping || _isFalling) { return; } if (_moveDir == 0.0f) { _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn(idleState, -1.0f, -1, 0, NORMAL_ANIMATION_GROUP).resetToPose = false; _walkState = null; } else { if (_walkState == null) { _walkState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn(walkState, -1.0f, -1, 0, NORMAL_ANIMATION_GROUP); this._walkState.resetToPose = false; } //if (this._moveDir * this._faceDir > 0.0f) //{ // this._walkState.timeScale = MAX_MOVE_SPEED_FRONT / NORMALIZE_MOVE_SPEED; //} //else //{ // this._walkState.timeScale = -MAX_MOVE_SPEED_FRONT / NORMALIZE_MOVE_SPEED; //} } }
/** * 跳跃 */ private void _jump() { // 判断是否在地面上 if (PlayerIsOnGround()) { // 1. 改变状态 _curState = PlayerState.JUMP; // 2. 淡入跳跃动画 _jumpState = _armatureComponent.animation.FadeIn("jump", -1.0f, 1, 0, NORMAL_ANIMATION_GROUP, AnimationFadeOutMode.SameGroup); _jumpState.timeScale = 0.7f; // 控制 某个动画状态 的 播放速度 _jumpState.autoFadeOutTime = 0.1f; // 对于限定播放次数的动画, 会自动淡出 // 3. 添加位移 rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0, accel)); // 4. 将 Jump 同组的其他动画停掉, 并设置成 null // 将idel 状态停掉, 并设置成null if (_idelState != null) { _idelState.FadeOut(0.1f); _idelState = null; } // 将run 状态停掉, 并设置成null if (_runState != null) { _runState.FadeOut(0.1f); _runState = null; } } }
void Update() { animationState = armatureComponent.animation.lastAnimationState; //get some values for condition check grounded = characterController2D.m_Grounded; speed = Mathf.Abs(playerMovement.horizontalMove); yVelocity = characterController2D.velocity.y; if (speed == 0 && grounded) { Idle(); } if (speed != 0 && grounded) { Run(speed / 3); } if (yVelocity > 0.5f) { Jump(); } if (yushaSkills.isFlying) { OpenUmbrella(); } }