コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a draft fails.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reason">The reason for the failure.</param>
        void DraftFailure(string reason)
            // If the reason is because a channel isn't specified,
            if (reason == "Please specify a channel!")
                // Simply clear the contract queue and then indicate a stop in waiting status.
                working = false;

                // Notify the player that the contract draft failed because of a lack of channel.
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("<color=" + XKCDColors.HexFormat.KSPNotSoGoodOrange + ">Contract draft FAILED. (Please input a channel to draft from.)</color>", 5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
            // Else, follow normal failure procedure.
                // Increment failures.

                // Log a warning with the reason.
                Logger.DebugWarning("Contract Draft failed (" + failures.ToString() + " failures): " + reason);

                // If the queue is not empty, and the failure count isn't 5,
                if (contractsToModify.Count > 0 && failures < 5)
                    // Retry the draft.
                    StartCoroutine(ScenarioDraftManager.DraftKerbal(DraftSuccess, DraftFailure, false, false, "Any"));
                // Else, the queue is empty, or 5 failures have occurred.
                    // Indicate a stop in waiting status.
                    working = false;

                // If 5 failures have occurred,
                if (failures == 5)
                    // Notify the player that the contract draft failed consecutively.
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("<color=" + XKCDColors.HexFormat.KSPNotSoGoodOrange + ">Contract draft FAILED. (5 failed attempts. Deactivating.)</color>", 5f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

                    // Log an error and destroy the addon.
                    Logger.DebugError("5 failed Contract Drafts. Disabling.");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueues any rescue contracts offered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toEnqueue">The contract to test and enqueue.</param>
        void EnqueueContract(Contract toEnqueue)
            // Create a ConfigNode to save the contract into.
            ConfigNode test = new ConfigNode();


            // If the contract is of the RecoverAsset type,
            if (test.GetValue("type") == "RecoverAsset")
                // If the saved ConfigNode contains a kerbalName value,
                if (test.HasValue("kerbalName"))
                    // If the value contained isn't null or empty,
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(test.GetValue("kerbalName")))
                        // If the contract wasn't already modified,
                        if (test.GetNodes("PARAM")[0].GetValue("name") != "ModifiedByDTV")
                            // The contract is a proper rescue contract.
                            Logger.DebugLog("Rescue contract found: " + test.GetValue("kerbalName"));

                            // Enqueue it.

                            // If a draft is not currently underway,
                            if (!working)
                                // Begin a draft and indicate waiting status.
                                StartCoroutine(ScenarioDraftManager.DraftKerbal(DraftSuccess, DraftFailure, false, false, "Any"));
                                working = true;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a draft succeeds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kerbalName">The name of the drafted viewer.</param>
        void DraftSuccess(Dictionary <string, string> info)
            // Resets failures. The addon should only destroy after 5 consecutive failures.
            failures = 0;

            // Get the next contract in the queue.
            Contract toMod = contractsToModify.Dequeue();

            // Create a ConfigNode to save the contract into.
            ConfigNode replacement = new ConfigNode("CONTRACT");


            // Get the old Kerbal name for later use.
            string oldName = replacement.GetValue("kerbalName");

            // Replace the old name with the new.
            replacement.SetValue("kerbalName", info["name"]);

            // For each PARAM node in the CONTRACT node,
            foreach (ConfigNode node in replacement.nodes)
                // Get the name of the contract parameter.
                string paramName = node.GetValue("name");

                // Perform certain replacement functions for each parameter.
                switch (paramName)
                case "AcquireCrew":
                    node.SetValue("title", "Save " + info["name"]);

                case "AcquirePart":
                    string firstName = info["name"].Substring(0, info["name"].IndexOf(' '));
                    node.SetValue("title", "Obtain " + firstName + "'s Scrap");

                case "RecoverKerbal":
                    node.SetValue("title", "Recover " + info["name"] + " on Kerbin");

                case "RecoverPart":
                    string firstName = info["name"].Substring(0, info["name"].IndexOf(' '));
                    node.SetValue("title", "Recover " + firstName + "'s Scrap on Kerbin");

            // Get a count of parameters currently held by the contract.
            int parameters = toMod.ParameterCount;

            // Iterate using this count, removing the one parameter each time, effectively clearing the list.
            for (int i = 0; i < parameters; i++)
                // Remove the first parameter.

            // Add the custom parameter indicating DTV has modified this contract.
            toMod.AddParameter(new ModifiedByDTV());

            // Reload the contract.
            Contract.Load(toMod, replacement);

            // Get the old Kerbal and rename it.
            ProtoCrewMember toRename = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster[oldName];


            // Logging.
            Logger.DebugLog("Draft Success (" + contractsToModify.Count.ToString() + " contracts waiting): " + info["name"]);

            // Refresh the contract list by firing the onContractListChanged event.

            // If the queue is not empty,
            if (contractsToModify.Count > 0)
                // Begin another draft.
                StartCoroutine(ScenarioDraftManager.DraftKerbal(DraftSuccess, DraftFailure, false, false, "Any"));
            // Else, the queue is empty.
                // Indicate a stop in waiting status.
                working = false;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a draft succeeds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kerbalName">The name of the drafted viewer.</param>
        void DraftSuccess(Dictionary <string, string> info)
            // Enqueue the name first thing, since it needs to be in the queue whether it has enough with it or not.

            // Resets failures. The addon should only destroy after 5 consecutive failures.
            failures = 0;

            // Peek at the next contract in the queue instead of dequeueing because there might not yet be enough names to cover the contract.
            Contract toMod = contractsToModify.Peek();

            // Create a ConfigNode to save the contract into.
            ConfigNode replacement = new ConfigNode("CONTRACT");


            // Obtain a list of the old tourists in the contract.
            string[] oldTourists = replacement.GetValue("tourists").Split('|');

            // If the count of names in the queue plus this name equals the number of tourists,
            if (draftNames.Count == oldTourists.Length)
                // Dequeue the contract we peeked because there are enough names for it.

                // Create an array from the queue and clear it.
                string[] newTourists = draftNames.ToArray();

                // Replace the contract "tourists" string.
                replacement.SetValue("tourists", string.Join("|", newTourists));

                // Get a list of PARAM nodes in the contract.
                ConfigNode[] paramNodes = replacement.GetNodes("PARAM");

                // Iterate through them,
                for (int i = 0; i < paramNodes.Length; i++)
                    // And replace their kerbalName values.
                    paramNodes[i].SetValue("kerbalName", newTourists[i]);

                    // Iterate through any sub-PARAMS,
                    foreach (ConfigNode subParam in paramNodes[i].GetNodes("PARAM"))
                        // And replace their kerbalName values as well.
                        subParam.SetValue("kerbalName", newTourists[i]);

                    // Remove the parameter from the actual contract to prevent duplicates.

                    // Get an old Kerbal and rename it.
                    ProtoCrewMember toRename = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster[oldTourists[i]];

                // Add the custom parameter indicating DTV has modified this contract.
                toMod.AddParameter((ContractParameter) new ModifiedByDTV());

                // Reload the contract.
                Contract.Load(toMod, replacement);

                // Logging.
                Logger.DebugLog("Draft Success (" + contractsToModify.Count.ToString() + " contracts waiting): " + string.Join("|", newTourists));

                // Refresh the contract list by firing the onContractListChanged event.

                // If the queue is not empty,
                if (contractsToModify.Count > 0)
                    // Begin another draft.
                    StartCoroutine(ScenarioDraftManager.DraftKerbal(DraftSuccess, DraftFailure, false, false, "Any"));
                // Else, the queue is empty.
                    // Indicate a stop in waiting status.
                    working = false;
            // Else, run another draft.
                StartCoroutine(ScenarioDraftManager.DraftKerbal(DraftSuccess, DraftFailure, false, false, "Any"));