private static FunctionDB ParseScriptDump(string data) { FunctionDB parsedDB = new FunctionDB(); //Parse the outputdata string[] Text = data.Split('\n'); Parsing_E Parsing = Parsing_E.None; Function currentFunction = null; ConstantGroup currentConstants = null; string previousLine = ""; foreach (string line in Text) { //remove all the [ Vscript ]: text string l = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf(':') + 1); l = l.Trim(); //Three - means description, and the start of a new function definition if (l.StartsWith("---")) { if(Parsing == Parsing_E.Enum) { //Commit the enum //commit the changes parsedDB.Constants.Add(currentConstants); Console.WriteLine("Parsed " + currentConstants.EnumName); currentConstants = null; Parsing = Parsing_E.None; } if (Parsing != Parsing_E.None) { throw new Exception("Error: Found a new definition while already writing a function"); } l = l.Replace("---", "").Trim(); if (l.StartsWith("[[")) { currentFunction = new Function(); //Remove the comment lines l = l.Replace("[[", ""); l = l.Replace(" ]]", "").Trim(); if (l.Contains(' ')) l = l.Substring(l.IndexOf(' ') + 1).Trim(); //If there is a space, that means we have a description. Remove the function name //from it and just use it else l = ""; //If the above fails, the description only contains the function name. Ignore it. //Add this line as the current functions description currentFunction.FunctionDescription = l; Parsing = Parsing_E.Function; } else if(l.StartsWith("Enum")) { currentConstants = new ConstantGroup(); l = l.Replace("Enum", "").Trim(); currentConstants.EnumName = l; Parsing = Parsing_E.Enum; } } else if (Parsing == Parsing_E.Function && l.StartsWith("--")) { if (currentFunction == null) { throw new Exception("Error: Parse a function when no function created"); } //Possible cases //@return type - Return value //@param Name Type - Param name and type. Can be multiple l = l.Replace("--", "").Trim(); //Remove the comment stuff if (l.StartsWith("@return")) { currentFunction.ReturnType = l.Replace("@return", "").Trim(); } if (l.StartsWith("@param")) { string paramdat = l.Replace("@param", "").Trim(); string[] d = paramdat.Split(' '); Param p = new Param(); p.Name = d[0]; p.Type = d[1]; currentFunction.Params.Add(p); } } else if (Parsing == Parsing_E.Function && l.StartsWith("function")) { if (currentFunction == null) { throw new Exception("Error: Trying to add on to a function without a function created"); } //Pattern: function [ClassName:]FunctionName( param ...) end //We want to pull out a class name and a function name name out of this currentFunction.Example = l; l = l.Replace("function", "").Trim(); if (l.Contains(":")) { //We have a classname l = l.Substring(0, l.IndexOf("(")); var s = l.Split(':'); currentFunction.Class = s[0]; currentFunction.FunctionName = s[1]; //Check to see if the class exists ClassType c = parsedDB.Classes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassName == currentFunction.Class); if (c == null) { //Create the class if it doesn't exist c = new ClassType(); c.ClassName = currentFunction.Class; parsedDB.Classes.Add(c); } } else { l = l.Substring(0, l.IndexOf("(")); currentFunction.FunctionName = l; currentFunction.Class = "Global"; } } else if(Parsing == Parsing_E.Enum && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(l)) //Modifer entry { if(currentConstants == null) { throw new Exception("Tried to parse constant but group was null"); } string[] Words = l.Split(' '); ConstantEntry ce = new ConstantEntry() { Name = Words[0], Value = Words[2] }; if (l.Contains("--")) { string comment = l.Substring(l.IndexOf("--") + 2).Trim(); ce.Description = comment; } currentConstants.Entries.Add(ce); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(l)) { if(previousLine == line && Parsing == Parsing_E.None) { continue; //Skip multiple blank lines } if (Parsing == Parsing_E.None) { throw new Exception("Tried to commit something when nothing was being worked on"); } if(Parsing == Parsing_E.Function) { //Commit the changes parsedDB.Functions.Add(currentFunction); Console.WriteLine("Parsed " + currentFunction.GetQualifiedName()); currentFunction = null; } if(Parsing == Parsing_E.Enum) { //commit the changes parsedDB.Constants.Add(currentConstants); Console.WriteLine("Parsed " + currentConstants.EnumName); currentConstants = null; } Parsing = Parsing_E.None; } previousLine = line; } return parsedDB; }
public string ModifyClass(IrcCommand command) { if (command.Parameters.Length == 0 || command.Parameters[0] == "help") { return "'class <string classname> <action> <property> [data]' OR 'class find <searchtext>' OR 'class properties'"; } if (command.Parameters[0] == "properties") { PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(ClassType).GetProperties(); string availableProperties = ""; for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) { availableProperties += props[i].Name; if (i != props.Length - 1) availableProperties += ", "; } return "properties: [" + availableProperties + "]"; } FunctionDB database = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FunctionDB>(File.ReadAllText(Settings.DatabaseFilename)); string ClassName = command.Parameters[0]; if (ClassName == "find") { string searchText = command.Parameters[1]; string[] results = database.Classes.Where(x => x.ClassName.Contains(searchText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(x => x.ClassName).ToArray(); if (results.Length == 0) return "No Function Found"; if (results.Length < 5) { for (int i = 0; i < results.Length - 1; i++) { SendMessage(command.Destination, results[i]); } return results[results.Length - 1]; } else { return "Results: " + string.Join("\n", results).Haste(); } } if (ClassName == "add") { if (!command.Parameters[1].StartsWith("")) return "Please give me a raw hastebin link with the json blob to add"; string json = QuickDownload(command.Parameters[1]); ClassType f = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ClassType>(json); //f.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; database.Classes.Add(f); database.Save(Settings.DatabaseFilename); return "Added " + f.ClassName; } if (ClassName == "<delete>") { ClassType c = database.Classes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassName == command.Parameters[1]); if (c == null) return "Class not found"; database.Classes.Remove(c); int funcs = database.Functions.RemoveAll(x => x.Class == c.ClassName); database.Save(Settings.DatabaseFilename); return "Removed " + c.ClassName + " and " + funcs + " functions"; } if (ClassName == "<rebuild>") { if (!AccessCheck(command)) return "No Access"; List<string> BrokenClasses = new List<string>(); foreach (Function f in database.Functions) { if (database.Classes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassName == f.Class) == null) { BrokenClasses.Add(f.Class); ClassType c = new ClassType(); c.ClassName = f.Class; database.Classes.Add(c); } } if (BrokenClasses.Count == 0) return "No Broken classes found"; database.Save(Settings.DatabaseFilename); string bc = string.Join("\n", BrokenClasses); return "Found " + BrokenClasses.Count + " broken classes: " + bc.Haste(); } ClassType clazz = database.Classes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassName == ClassName); if (clazz == null) return "Class Not Found"; string action = command.Parameters[1].ToLower(); if (action == "modify" && !AccessCheck(command)) { return "No Permision"; } string property = command.Parameters[2].ToLower(); string[] cpy = new string[command.Parameters.Length - 3]; Array.Copy(command.Parameters, 3, cpy, 0, cpy.Length); string data = string.Join(" ", cpy); if (data.StartsWith("")) { data = QuickDownload(data); } PropertyInfo prop = typeof(ClassType).GetProperty(property, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); if (prop == null) return "Property " + property + " Not found"; if (action == "modify") prop.SetValue(clazz, data); if (action == "view") return prop.GetValue(clazz).ToString(); if (action == "modify") database.Save(Settings.DatabaseFilename); return "[" + action + "] " + ClassName + "'s " + property + " has been set"; }