public static IPAddress FindIPAddrLocal() { // Get my local address. // if (!System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } // var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); // Try to weed out any VirtualBox or VPN adapters. try { using (var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, 0)) { socket.Connect("", 65530); // Use Google DNS. IPEndPoint endPoint = socket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint; return(endPoint.Address); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerUtil.DebugException("FindIPAddrLocal", ex); return(IPAddress.Parse(kLocalHost)); // must return something. } }
public static async Task <string> FindIPAddrExternal2(CancellationToken token) { // Use an external service to find my public IP address. May throw. // only works if: System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(); // try { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { // string url = ""; // Hangs ?? // string url = ""; // Hangs ?? string url = ""; HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(url, token); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string externalip = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return(externalip.Trim()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerUtil.DebugException("FindIPAddrExternal", ex); return(null); } }
public static async Task <DateTime> GetUtcAsync(string url = null) { // get external UTC time. try { return(await GetNistAsync()); // MAY throw. } catch { // Fall through. try another . } try { var dto = await GetUrlAsync(url); if (dto != null) { return(dto.Value.UtcDateTime); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerUtil.DebugException("GetUtcAsync", ex); } return(DateTime.MinValue); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("File Name", "you must supply a file name as an argument"); } string fileName = args[0]; Start: try { using (var reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))) { //start at the end of the file long lastMaxOffset = reader.BaseStream.Length; while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //if the file size has not changed, idle if (reader.BaseStream.Length == lastMaxOffset) { continue; } //seek to the last max offset reader.BaseStream.Seek(lastMaxOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); //read out of the file until the EOF string line = ""; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { Console.WriteLine(line); } //update the last max offset lastMaxOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerUtil.DebugException("EmailMessage.SendSafeAsync", ex); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); //prompt user to restart Console.Write("Would you like to try re-opening the file? Y/N:"); if (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "Y") { goto Start; } } }
public async Task <string> SendSafeAsync(EmailMessage msg) { // safe send. no throw. // return error message or StringUtil._NoErrorMsg = success. try { return(await SendAsync(msg)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Why did it fail to send ? LoggerUtil.DebugException("EmailMessage.SendSafeAsync", ex); return(ex.Message); } }
public string SendSafe(EmailMessage msg) { // safe send. no throw. // return error message or null = success. try { return(Send(msg)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Why did it fail to send ? LoggerUtil.DebugException("EmailMessage.SendSafe", ex); return(ex.Message); } }
public bool DownloadFileWithProgress() { // Download the larger payload files. Call ProgressEvent periodically. try { const int nChunkSize = FileUtil.kDefaultBufferSize; int iTotalBytesRead = 0; using (var oFS = new FileStream(DestPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { WebRequest wRemote = WebRequest.Create(SrcURL); WebResponse myWebResponse = wRemote.GetResponse(); var bBuffer = new byte[nChunkSize + 1]; using (Stream sChunks = myWebResponse.GetResponseStream()) { for (; ;) { if (ProgressEvent != null) { ProgressEvent(iTotalBytesRead, myWebResponse.ContentLength); } if (iTotalBytesRead >= myWebResponse.ContentLength) // done. { break; } int iBytesRead = sChunks.Read(bBuffer, 0, nChunkSize); if (iBytesRead == 0) { // This is a failure ! throw new IOException("Not enough data was provided to complete the file."); } oFS.Write(bBuffer, 0, iBytesRead); iTotalBytesRead += iBytesRead; } } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { if (FailedEvent != null) { FailedEvent(ex); } LoggerUtil.DebugException("DownloadFileWithProgress", ex); return(false); } }
private async Task UpdateIntegrity(string dstPath) { // Generate integrity if its missing. It should NOT be ! // Calculate and display an integrity value to be added. We should add this to CdnAll if (TagName == CdnTagName.a) // integrity does nothing for this type? { return; } if (this.CdnPath1 == null) { return; } string hash = await GetFileHash(dstPath, kIntegrityAlgDef); integrity = string.Concat(kIntegrityAlgDef, kIntegritySep, hash); // Print it out to log so i can update CdnAll manually!! LoggerUtil.DebugException(dstPath + " integrity='" + integrity + "'", null); }
public async Task <CdnRet> SyncFile(string dstPath) { // Get a file from CDN if i don't already have it and check its integrity (if supplied) // can throw. byte[] hashCode1 = null; HashUtil hasher = null; var fi = new FileInfo(dstPath); if (integrity == null) { // integrity doesn't exist so just check that the file exists locally. if (fi.Exists && fi.Length > 0) { await UpdateIntegrity(dstPath); // suggest that we manually update integrity. return(CdnRet.Valid); // it exists. good enough since we don't have integrity attribute. } // It doesn't exist locally. pull a local copy from CDN. No big deal. } else { // test local file integrity hash e.g. "sha256-", "sha384-" int i = integrity.IndexOf(kIntegritySep); if (i <= 0) // badly formed integrity ?? Fail ? { // This is bad !! i cant really fix this. fix it manually. LoggerUtil.DebugException($"Bad CDN integrity format '{integrity}'", null); return(CdnRet.Error); } hashCode1 = Convert.FromBase64String(integrity.Substring(i + 1)); hasher = new HashUtil(HashUtil.FindHasherByName(integrity)); if (fi.Exists) { // Does current file match integrity? byte[] hashCode2 = await hasher.GetHashFileAsync(dstPath); Debug.Assert(hashCode2 != null); // string debugHash2 = Convert.ToBase64String(hashCode2); if (ByteUtil.CompareBytes(hashCode1, hashCode2) == 0) // integrity match is good. Skip this. { return(CdnRet.Valid); } // local file DOES NOT MATCH integrity!! // This really should never happen! Pull another file from the CDN and hope it matches. } } if (this.CdnPath1 == null) { // this file has no CDN. So i can't do anything! if (Minifier.IsMinName(dstPath) && await Minifier.CreateMinified(Minifier.GetNonMinName(dstPath), dstPath)) { // Local only lacked a minified version. so i made one. return(CdnRet.Updated); } LoggerUtil.DebugException($"No File ({integrity}) and No CDN path for '{name}'", null); return(CdnRet.Error); } // Pull/Get the file from CDN. LoggerUtil.DebugEntry($"Get '{this.CdnPath1}'"); var dl = new HttpDownloader(this.CdnPath1, dstPath); // CDN can get "OperationCanceledException: The operation was canceled." await dl.DownloadFileAsync(true); // Assume directory is created on demand. if (integrity == null) { // destination file should exist now. Does it? var fi2 = new FileInfo(dstPath); if (!fi2.Exists || fi2.Length <= 0) { LoggerUtil.DebugException("CDN file size 0 for " + dstPath, null); return(CdnRet.Error); } await UpdateIntegrity(dstPath); } else { // Now (re)test integrity for the file i just got! hasher.Init(); byte[] hashCode2 = await hasher.GetHashFileAsync(dstPath); if (ByteUtil.CompareBytes(hashCode1, hashCode2) != 0) // MUST match. { // This is BAD. It should never happen! string debugHash2 = Convert.ToBase64String(hashCode2); LoggerUtil.DebugException($"CDN integrity hash does not match for '{dstPath}'. should be integrity='{string.Concat(kIntegrityAlgDef, kIntegritySep, debugHash2)}'", null); return(CdnRet.Error); } } return(CdnRet.Updated); // got it. }
public static async Task <bool> CreateMinified(string srcPath, string dstMinPath) { // create a minified version of a file. CSS, JS or HTML. try { var contents = await FileUtil.ReadAllLinesAsync(srcPath); // Filter the contents to make the minified file. using (var wr = File.CreateText(dstMinPath)) { bool commentOpen = false; foreach (string line in contents) { // remove extra whitespace at start and end of lines. string line2 = line.Trim(); if (commentOpen) { // Look for close of comment. int j = line2.IndexOf(kCommentClose); if (j < 0) { continue; } line2 = line2.Substring(j + kCommentClose.Length).Trim(); commentOpen = false; } // remove blank lines. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line2)) { continue; } // remove whole line comments. if (line2.StartsWith("//")) { continue; } do_retest: // remove /* Block Comment */ int i = line2.IndexOf("/*"); if (i >= 0) { string lineStart = line2.Substring(0, i).Trim(); int j = line2.IndexOf(kCommentClose, i); if (j < 0) { // to next line. commentOpen = true; line2 = lineStart; } else { commentOpen = false; line2 = lineStart + line2.Substring(j + kCommentClose.Length).Trim(); goto do_retest; } } // ?? remove end line // comments if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line2)) { continue; } await wr.WriteLineAsync(line2); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerUtil.DebugException("CreateMinified", ex); return(false); } }