コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// datum tranform method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="dest"></param>
        /// <param name="xy"></param>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        /// <param name="startIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="numPoints"></param>
        public void Transform(ProjectionInfo source, ProjectionInfo dest, double[] xy, double[] z, int startIndex, int numPoints)
            if (_aiDts.Length == 0)
                return;                     // "empty" datum transform
            bool bCoordsAreGeocentric = false;

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Create a temporary Z value if one is not provided.              */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (z == null)
                z = new double[xy.Length / 2];

            foreach (IDatumTransformStage idts in _aiDts)
                if (idts.Method == TransformMethod.GridShift)
                    if (bCoordsAreGeocentric)
                        var gc = new GeocentricGeodetic(idts.FromSpheroid);
                        gc.GeocentricToGeodetic(xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);
                        bCoordsAreGeocentric = false;

                    var astrGrids = new string[1];
                    astrGrids[0] = "@" + idts.GridShiftTable;
                    GridShift.Apply(astrGrids, idts.ApplyTableInverse, xy, startIndex, numPoints);
                    if (!bCoordsAreGeocentric)
                        var gc = new GeocentricGeodetic(idts.FromSpheroid);
                        gc.GeodeticToGeocentric(xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);
                        bCoordsAreGeocentric = true;

                    ApplyParameterizedTransform(idts, xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Convert back to geodetic coordinates, if needed.                */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (bCoordsAreGeocentric)
                var gc = new GeocentricGeodetic(_aiDts[_aiDts.Length - 1].ToSpheroid);
                gc.GeocentricToGeodetic(xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Reproject.cs プロジェクト: vahidarr/DotSpatial
        private static void DatumTransform(ProjectionInfo source, ProjectionInfo dest, double[] xy, double[] z, int startIndex, int numPoints)
            Spheroid wgs84  = new Spheroid(Proj4Ellipsoid.WGS_1984);
            Datum    sDatum = source.GeographicInfo.Datum;
            Datum    dDatum = dest.GeographicInfo.Datum;

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      We cannot do any meaningful datum transformation if either      */
            /*      the source or destination are of an unknown datum type          */
            /*      (ie. only a +ellps declaration, no +datum).  This is new        */
            /*      behavior for PROJ 4.6.0.                                        */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (sDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Unknown ||
                dDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Unknown)

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Short cut if the datums are identical.                          */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            if (sDatum.Matches(dDatum))

            // proj4 actually allows some tollerance here
            if (sDatum.DatumType == dDatum.DatumType)
                if (sDatum.Spheroid.EquatorialRadius == dDatum.Spheroid.EquatorialRadius)
                    if (Math.Abs(sDatum.Spheroid.EccentricitySquared() - dDatum.Spheroid.EccentricitySquared()) < 0.000000000050)
                        // The tolerence is to allow GRS80 and WGS84 to escape without being transformed at all.

            double srcA  = sDatum.Spheroid.EquatorialRadius;
            double srcEs = sDatum.Spheroid.EccentricitySquared();

            double dstA  = dDatum.Spheroid.EquatorialRadius;
            double dstEs = dDatum.Spheroid.EccentricitySquared();

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Create a temporary Z value if one is not provided.              */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (z == null)
                z = new double[xy.Length / 2];

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*	If this datum requires grid shifts, then apply it to geodetic   */
            /*      coordinates.                                                    */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (sDatum.DatumType == DatumType.GridShift)
                //        pj_apply_gridshift(pj_param(srcdefn->params,"snadgrids").s, 0,
                //                            point_count, point_offset, x, y, z );

                GridShift.Apply(source.GeographicInfo.Datum.NadGrids, false, xy, startIndex, numPoints);

                srcA  = wgs84.EquatorialRadius;
                srcEs = wgs84.EccentricitySquared();

            if (dDatum.DatumType == DatumType.GridShift)
                dstA  = wgs84.EquatorialRadius;
                dstEs = wgs84.EccentricitySquared();

            /* ==================================================================== */
            /*      Do we need to go through geocentric coordinates?                */
            /* ==================================================================== */

            if (srcEs != dstEs || srcA != dstA ||
                sDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param3 ||
                sDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param7 ||
                dDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param3 ||
                dDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param7)
                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                /*      Convert to geocentric coordinates.                              */
                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

                GeocentricGeodetic gc = new GeocentricGeodetic(sDatum.Spheroid);
                gc.GeodeticToGeocentric(xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                /*      Convert between datums.                                         */
                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

                if (sDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param3 || sDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param7)
                    PjGeocentricToWgs84(source, xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);

                if (dDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param3 || dDatum.DatumType == DatumType.Param7)
                    PjGeocentricFromWgs84(dest, xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                /*      Convert back to geodetic coordinates.                           */
                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

                gc = new GeocentricGeodetic(dDatum.Spheroid);
                gc.GeocentricToGeodetic(xy, z, startIndex, numPoints);

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Apply grid shift to destination if required.                    */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (dDatum.DatumType == DatumType.GridShift)
                //        pj_apply_gridshift(pj_param(dstdefn->params,"snadgrids").s, 1,
                //                            point_count, point_offset, x, y, z );
                GridShift.Apply(dest.GeographicInfo.Datum.NadGrids, true, xy, startIndex, numPoints);