コード例 #1
        public static void SendSubscriptions(int PortalId, int ModuleId, int TabId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int AuthorId)
            var   fc = new ForumController();
            Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false);

            SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi, TopicId, ReplyId, AuthorId);
コード例 #2
        public HttpResponseMessage ApprovePost(ModerationDTO dto)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(dto.NotificationId);


            var fc = new ForumController();

            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(_forumId, -1, false, true);
            if (fi == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Forum Not Found" });

            if (!(IsMod(_forumId)))
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, new { Message = "User is not a moderator for this forum"});

            if (_replyId > 0)
                var rc = new ReplyController();
                var reply = rc.ApproveReply(PortalSettings.PortalId, _tabId, _moduleId, _forumId, _topicId, _replyId);
                if (reply == null)
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Reply Not Found" });
                var tc = new TopicsController();
                var topic = tc.ApproveTopic(PortalSettings.PortalId, _tabId, _moduleId, _forumId, _topicId);
                if (topic == null)
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Topic Not Found" });


            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Result = "success" });
コード例 #3
ファイル: Topics.cs プロジェクト: uba-tech/ActiveForums
        public void Topics_Move(int PortalId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId)
            SettingsInfo settings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);

            if (settings.URLRewriteEnabled)
                    Data.ForumsDB db         = new Data.ForumsDB();
                    int           oldForumId = -1;
                    oldForumId = db.Forum_GetByTopicId(TopicId);
                    ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                    Forum           fi = fc.Forums_Get(oldForumId, -1, false);
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.PrefixURL)))
                        Data.Common dbC  = new Data.Common();
                        string      sURL = dbC.GetUrl(ModuleId, fi.ForumGroupId, oldForumId, TopicId, -1, -1);
                        if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sURL)))
                            dbC.ArchiveURL(PortalId, fi.ForumGroupId, ForumId, TopicId, sURL);
                catch (Exception ex)
            DataProvider.Instance().Topics_Move(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId);
コード例 #4
        public HttpResponseMessage CreateSplit(CreateSplitDTO dto)
            if (dto.NewTopicId == dto.OldTopicId)

            var portalSettings = PortalSettings;
            var userInfo       = portalSettings.UserInfo;
            var forumUser      = new UserController().GetUser(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID);

            var fc = new ForumController();

            var forum_out = fc.Forums_Get(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, 0, forumUser.UserId, false, true, dto.OldTopicId);
            var forum_in  = fc.GetForum(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, dto.NewForumId);

            if (forum_out != null && forum_in != null)
                var perm = false;

                if (forum_out == forum_in)
                    perm = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles);
                    perm = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles) && Permissions.HasPerm(forum_in.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles);

                var modSplit = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.ModSplit, forumUser.UserRoles);

                if (perm && modSplit)
                    var tc = new TopicsController();

                    int topicId;

                    if (dto.NewTopicId < 1)
                        var subject      = Utilities.CleanString(portalSettings.PortalId, dto.Subject, false, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, false, false, ActiveModule.ModuleID, string.Empty, false);
                        var replies      = dto.Replies.Split('|');
                        var rc           = new DotNetNuke.Modules.ActiveForums.DAL2.ReplyController();
                        var firstReply   = rc.Get(Convert.ToInt32(replies[0]));
                        var cc           = new ContentController();
                        var firstContent = cc.Get(firstReply.ContentId);
                        topicId = tc.Topic_QuickCreate(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, dto.NewForumId, subject, string.Empty, firstContent.AuthorId, firstContent.AuthorName, true, Request.GetIPAddress());
                        tc.Replies_Split(dto.OldTopicId, topicId, dto.Replies, true);
                        topicId = dto.NewTopicId;
                        tc.Replies_Split(dto.OldTopicId, topicId, dto.Replies, false);
コード例 #5
        public HttpResponseMessage CreateSplit(CreateSplitDTO dto)
            if (dto.NewTopicId == dto.OldTopicId) return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

            var portalSettings = PortalSettings;
            var userInfo = portalSettings.UserInfo;
            var forumUser = new UserController().GetUser(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID);

            var fc = new ForumController();

            var forum_out = fc.Forums_Get(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, 0, forumUser.UserId, false, true, dto.OldTopicId);
            var forum_in = fc.GetForum(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, dto.NewForumId);
            if (forum_out != null && forum_in != null)
                var perm = false;

                if (forum_out == forum_in)
                    perm = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles);
                    perm = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles) && Permissions.HasPerm(forum_in.Security.View, forumUser.UserRoles);

                var modSplit = Permissions.HasPerm(forum_out.Security.ModSplit, forumUser.UserRoles);

                if (perm && modSplit)
                    var tc = new TopicsController();

                    int topicId;

                    if (dto.NewTopicId < 1)
                        var subject = Utilities.CleanString(portalSettings.PortalId, dto.Subject, false, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, false, false, ActiveModule.ModuleID, string.Empty, false);
                        var replies = dto.Replies.Split('|');
                        var rc = new DotNetNuke.Modules.ActiveForums.DAL2.ReplyController();
                        var firstReply = rc.Get(Convert.ToInt32(replies[0]));
                        var cc = new ContentController();
                        var firstContent = cc.Get(firstReply.ContentId);
                        topicId = tc.Topic_QuickCreate(portalSettings.PortalId, ActiveModule.ModuleID, dto.NewForumId, subject, string.Empty, firstContent.AuthorId, firstContent.AuthorName, true, Request.GetIPAddress());
                        tc.Replies_Split(dto.OldTopicId, topicId, dto.Replies, true);
                        topicId = dto.NewTopicId;
                        tc.Replies_Split(dto.OldTopicId, topicId, dto.Replies, false);
            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Replies.cs プロジェクト: kenmrobbins/ActiveForums
        public ReplyInfo ApproveReply(int PortalId, int TabId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId)
            SettingsInfo    ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            ForumController fc = new ForumController();
            Forum           fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            ReplyController rc    = new ReplyController();
            ReplyInfo       reply = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ReplyId);

            if (reply == null)
            reply.IsApproved = true;
            rc.Reply_Save(PortalId, reply);
            TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();

            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(ForumId, TopicId, PortalId, ModuleId, ReplyId);
            TopicInfo topic = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);

            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & reply.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                Email oEmail = new Email();
                oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, reply.Author);

            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, reply.Content.AuthorId);

                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                string       fullURL  = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(TabId, ModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, ForumId, TopicId, topic.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, fi.SocialGroupId);

                if (fullURL.Contains("~/"))
                    fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId });
                if (fullURL.EndsWith("/"))
                    fullURL += "?" + ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId;
                Social amas = new Social();
                amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, reply.Author.AuthorId, fullURL, reply.Content.Subject, string.Empty, reply.Content.Body, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #7
        public void SendEmail(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ModuleId, int TabId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, string Comments, Author author)
            var          _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            SettingsInfo MainSettings    = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            string       Subject;
            string       BodyText;
            string       BodyHTML;
            string       sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var          tc        = new TemplateController();
            TemplateInfo ti        = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId);

            Subject  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyText = BodyText.Replace("[REASON]", Comments);
            BodyHTML = BodyHTML.Replace("[REASON]", Comments);
            string sFrom;
            var    fc = new ForumController();
            Forum  fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;
            //Send now
            var oEmail = new Email();
            var subs   = new List <SubscriptionInfo>();
            var si     = new SubscriptionInfo
                DisplayName = author.DisplayName,
                Email       = author.Email,
                FirstName   = author.FirstName,
                LastName    = author.LastName,
                UserId      = author.AuthorId,
                Username    = author.Username

            oEmail.UseQueue           = MainSettings.MailQueue;
            oEmail.Recipients         = subs;
            oEmail.Subject            = Subject;
            oEmail.From               = sFrom;
            oEmail.BodyText           = BodyText;
            oEmail.BodyHTML           = BodyHTML;
            oEmail.SmtpServer         = Host.SMTPServer;         // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPServer"]);
            oEmail.SmtpUserName       = Host.SMTPUsername;       // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPUsername"]);
            oEmail.SmtpPassword       = Host.SMTPPassword;       // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPPassword"]);
            oEmail.SmtpAuthentication = Host.SMTPAuthentication; //  Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"]);
            var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);

コード例 #8
ファイル: Replies.cs プロジェクト: rut5949/ActiveForums
        public ReplyInfo ApproveReply(int PortalId, int TabId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId)
            SettingsInfo ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            ForumController fc = new ForumController();
            Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
            ReplyInfo reply = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ReplyId);
            if (reply == null)
                return null;
            reply.IsApproved = true;
            rc.Reply_Save(PortalId, reply);
            TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(ForumId, TopicId, PortalId, ModuleId, ReplyId);
            TopicInfo topic = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);

            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & reply.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                Email oEmail = new Email();
                oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, reply.Author);

            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, reply.Content.AuthorId);

                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                string fullURL = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(TabId, ModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, ForumId, TopicId, topic.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, fi.SocialGroupId);

                if (fullURL.Contains("~/"))
                    fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", new string[] {ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId});
                if (fullURL.EndsWith("/"))
                    fullURL += "?" + ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId;
                Social amas = new Social();
                amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, reply.Author.AuthorId, fullURL, reply.Content.Subject, string.Empty, reply.Content.Body, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return reply;
コード例 #9
        public HttpResponseMessage ApprovePost(ModerationDTO dto)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(dto.NotificationId);


            var fc = new ForumController();

            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(_forumId, -1, false, true);

            if (fi == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Forum Not Found" }));

            if (!(IsMod(_forumId)))
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, new { Message = "User is not a moderator for this forum" }));

            if (_replyId > 0)
                var rc    = new ReplyController();
                var reply = rc.ApproveReply(PortalSettings.PortalId, _tabId, _moduleId, _forumId, _topicId, _replyId);
                if (reply == null)
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Reply Not Found" }));
                var tc    = new TopicsController();
                var topic = tc.ApproveTopic(PortalSettings.PortalId, _tabId, _moduleId, _forumId, _topicId);
                if (topic == null)
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Topic Not Found" }));


            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Result = "success" }));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Email.cs プロジェクト: schotman/Dnn.CommunityForums
        public static void SendEmail(int templateId, int portalId, int moduleId, int tabId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, string comments, Author author)
            var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            var mainSettings   = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleId);
            var sTemplate      = string.Empty;
            var tc             = new TemplateController();
            var ti             = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleId);
            var subject        = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyText       = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyHTML       = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));

            bodyText = bodyText.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
            bodyHTML = bodyHTML.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
            var fc    = new ForumController();
            var fi    = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);
            var sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;

            //Send now

            var oEmail = new Email();
            var subs   = new List <SubscriptionInfo>();
            var si     = new SubscriptionInfo
                DisplayName = author.DisplayName,
                Email       = author.Email,
                FirstName   = author.FirstName,
                LastName    = author.LastName,
                UserId      = author.AuthorId,
                Username    = author.Username


            oEmail.UseQueue   = mainSettings.MailQueue;
            oEmail.Recipients = subs;
            oEmail.Subject    = subject;
            oEmail.From       = sFrom;
            oEmail.BodyText   = bodyText;
            oEmail.BodyHTML   = bodyHTML;

            new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
コード例 #11
ファイル: Email.cs プロジェクト: allanedk/ActiveForums
		public static void SendEmail(int templateId, int portalId, int moduleId, int tabId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, string comments, Author author)
			var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
			var mainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleId);
		    var sTemplate = string.Empty;
			var tc = new TemplateController();
			var ti = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleId);
			var subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleId, tabId, forumId, topicId, replyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			bodyText = bodyText.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
			bodyHTML = bodyHTML.Replace("[REASON]", comments);
		    var fc = new ForumController();
			var fi = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);
			var sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;
            //Send now
            var oEmail = new Email();
			var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
			var si = new SubscriptionInfo
			                 DisplayName = author.DisplayName,
			                 Email = author.Email,
			                 FirstName = author.FirstName,
			                 LastName = author.LastName,
			                 UserId = author.AuthorId,
			                 Username = author.Username


			oEmail.UseQueue = mainSettings.MailQueue;
			oEmail.Recipients = subs;
			oEmail.Subject = subject;
			oEmail.From = sFrom;
			oEmail.BodyText = bodyText;
			oEmail.BodyHTML = bodyHTML;

			new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
コード例 #12
ファイル: Subscriptions.cs プロジェクト: rut5949/ActiveForums
        public int Subscription_Update(int PortalId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int Mode, int UserId, string UserRoles = "")
            if (UserId == -1)
                return -1;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserRoles))
                UserController uc = new UserController();
                User uu = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ModuleId, UserId);
                UserRoles = uu.UserRoles;

            var fc = new ForumController();
            Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, UserId, true, false, -1);
            if (Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.Subscribe, UserRoles))
                return Convert.ToInt32(DataProvider.Instance().Subscription_Update(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, Mode, UserId));
            return -1;
コード例 #13
        public HttpResponseMessage IgnorePost(ModerationDTO dto)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(dto.NotificationId);


            var fc = new ForumController();
            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(_forumId, -1, false, true);

            if (fi == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Forum Not Found" }));

            if (!(IsMod(_forumId)))
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, new { Message = "User is not a moderator for this forum" }));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Result = "success" }));
コード例 #14
ファイル: Topics.cs プロジェクト: kenmrobbins/ActiveForums
        public TopicInfo ApproveTopic(int PortalId, int TabId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId)
            SettingsInfo    ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            ForumController fc = new ForumController();
            Forum           fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            TopicsController tc    = new TopicsController();
            TopicInfo        topic = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);

            if (topic == null)
            topic.IsApproved = true;
            tc.TopicSave(PortalId, topic);
            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(ForumId, TopicId, PortalId, ModuleId);

            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & topic.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                Email oEmail = new Email();
                oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, 0, string.Empty, topic.Author);

            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, 0, topic.Content.AuthorId);

                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                string       sUrl     = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(TabId, ModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, topic.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, fi.SocialGroupId);
                Social       amas     = new Social();
                amas.AddTopicToJournal(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, topic.Author.AuthorId, sUrl, topic.Content.Subject, string.Empty, topic.Content.Body, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #15
        public int Subscription_Update(int PortalId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int Mode, int UserId, string UserRoles = "")
            if (UserId == -1)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserRoles))
                UserController uc = new UserController();
                User           uu = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ModuleId, UserId);
                UserRoles = uu.UserRoles;

            var   fc = new ForumController();
            Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, UserId, true, false, -1);

            if (Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.Subscribe, UserRoles))
                return(Convert.ToInt32(DataProvider.Instance().Subscription_Update(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, Mode, UserId)));
コード例 #16
        public Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile()
            // This method uploads an attachment to a temporary directory and returns a JSON object containing information about the original file
            // including the temporary file name.  When the post is saved/updated, the temporary file is moved to the appropriate attachment directory

            // Have to a reference to these variables as the internal reference isn't available.
            // in the async result.
            var request = Request;
            var portalSettings = PortalSettings;
            var userInfo = portalSettings.UserInfo;
            var forumUser = new UserController().GetUser(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID);

            if (!request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable));

            const string uploadPath = "activeforums_Upload";

            var folderManager = FolderManager.Instance;
            if(!folderManager.FolderExists(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath))
                folderManager.AddFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);
            var folder = folderManager.GetFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);

            var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(folder.PhysicalPath);

            var task = request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

                // Make sure a temp file was uploaded and that it exists
                var file = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault();
                if (file == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.LocalFileName) || !File.Exists(file.LocalFileName))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "No File Found");

                // Get the file name without the full path
                var localFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.LocalFileName).TextOrEmpty();

                // Check to make sure that a forum was specified and that the the user has upload permissions
                // This is only an initial check, it will be done again when the file is saved to a post.
                int forumId;
                if (!int.TryParse(provider.FormData["forumId"], out forumId))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Specified");

                // Make sure that we can find the forum and that attachments are allowed
                var fc = new ForumController();
                var forum = fc.Forums_Get(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, forumId, userInfo.UserID, true, true, -1);

                if (forum == null || !forum.AllowAttach)
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Found");

                // Make sure the user has permissions to attach files
                if(forumUser == null || !Permissions.HasPerm(forum.Security.Attach, forumUser.UserRoles))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not Authorized");

                // Make sure that the file size does not exceed the limit (in KB) for the forum
                // Have to do this since content length is not available when using MultipartFormDataStreamProvider
                var di = new DirectoryInfo(folder.PhysicalPath);
                var fileSize = di.GetFiles(localFileName)[0].Length;

                var maxAllowedFileSize = (long)forum.AttachMaxSize*1024;

                if((forum.AttachMaxSize > 0) && (fileSize > maxAllowedFileSize))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Exceeds Max File Size");

                // Get the original file name from the content disposition header
                var fileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", "");

                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Invalid File");

                // Make sure we have an acceptable extension type.
                // Check against both the forum configuration and the host configuration
                var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).TextOrEmpty().Replace(".", string.Empty).ToLower();
                var isForumAllowedExtension = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forum.AttachTypeAllowed) || forum.AttachTypeAllowed.Replace(".", "").Split(',').Any(val => val == extension);
                if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) || !isForumAllowedExtension || !Host.AllowedExtensionWhitelist.IsAllowedExtension(extension))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "File Type Not Allowed");

                // IE<=9 Hack - can't return application/json
                var mediaType = "application/json";
                if (!request.Headers.Accept .Any(h => h.MediaType.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    mediaType = "text/html";
                var result = new ClientAttachment() {
                    ContentType = file.Headers.ContentType.MediaType,
                    FileName = fileName,
                    FileSize = fileSize,
                    UploadId =  localFileName

                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, result, mediaType);

            return task;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Utilities.cs プロジェクト: allanedk/ActiveForums
        public static List<Entities.Users.UserInfo> GetListOfModerators(int portalId, int forumId)
            var rc = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
            var uc = new Entities.Users.UserController();
            var fc = new ForumController();
            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);
            if (fi == null)
                return null;

            var mods = new List<Entities.Users.UserInfo>();
            SubscriptionInfo si = null;
            var modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;
            var modRoles = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');

            foreach (var r in modRoles)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) 

                var rid = Convert.ToInt32(r);
                var rName = rc.GetRole(rid, portalId).RoleName;
                foreach (Entities.Users.UserRoleInfo usr in rc.GetUserRolesByRoleName(portalId, rName))
                    var ui = uc.GetUser(portalId, usr.UserID);

                    if (!(mods.Contains(ui)))

            return mods;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Email.cs プロジェクト: allanedk/ActiveForums
		public static void SendEmailToModerators(int templateId, int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, int moduleID, int tabID, string comments, UserInfo user)
			var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
			var mainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleID);
			var fc = new ForumController();
			var fi = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);
			if (fi == null)

			var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
			var rc = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
			var uc = new Entities.Users.UserController();
		    var modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;
			var modRoles = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');
		    foreach (var r in modRoles)
		        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) continue;
		        var rid = Convert.ToInt32(r);
		        var rName = rc.GetRole(rid, portalId).RoleName;
		        foreach (UserRoleInfo usr in rc.GetUserRolesByRoleName(portalId, rName))
		            var ui = uc.GetUser(portalId, usr.UserID);
		            var si = new SubscriptionInfo
		                             UserId = ui.UserID,
		                             DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
		                             Email = ui.Email,
		                             FirstName = ui.FirstName,
		                             LastName = ui.LastName
		            if (! (subs.Contains(si)))

		    if (subs.Count <= 0)

		    var sTemplate = string.Empty;
			var tc = new TemplateController();
			var ti = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleID);
			var subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
			var bodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
		    var sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;

			var oEmail = new Email
			                     Recipients = subs,
			                     Subject = subject,
			                     From = sFrom,
			                     BodyText = bodyText,
			                     BodyHTML = bodyHTML,
                                 UseQueue = mainSettings.MailQueue

			new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
コード例 #19
        private void cbMod_Callback(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.CallBackEventArgs e)
            SettingsInfo ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ForumModuleId);
            Forum        fi = null;

            if (e.Parameters.Length > 0)
                if (ForumId < 1)
                    ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                    fi = fc.Forums_Get(Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]), -1, false, true);
                    fi = ForumInfo;
                switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant())
                case "moddel":
                    if (bModDelete)
                        int delAction  = ms.DeleteBehavior;
                        int tmpForumId = -1;
                        int tmpTopicId = -1;
                        int tmpReplyId = -1;
                        tmpForumId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                        tmpTopicId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                        tmpReplyId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                        Author auth = null;
                        if (fi.ModDeleteTemplateId > 0)
                                //Email.SendEmail(fi.ModDeleteTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, auth);
                                Email.SendEmailToModerators(fi.ModDeleteTemplateId, PortalId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, string.Empty);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                        if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 && tmpReplyId == 0)
                            TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                            TopicInfo        ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId);
                            if (ti != null)
                                auth = ti.Author;
                            tc.Topics_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, delAction);
                        else if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 & tmpReplyId > 0)
                            ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
                            ReplyInfo       ri = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                            if (ri != null)
                                auth = ri.Author;
                            rc.Reply_Delete(PortalId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, delAction);

                case "modreject":
                    int tmpForumId  = 0;
                    int tmpTopicId  = 0;
                    int tmpReplyId  = 0;
                    int tmpAuthorId = 0;
                    tmpForumId  = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                    tmpTopicId  = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                    tmpReplyId  = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                    tmpAuthorId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[4]);
                    ModController mc = new ModController();
                    mc.Mod_Reject(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                    if (fi.ModRejectTemplateId > 0 & tmpAuthorId > 0)
                        DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController uc = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController();
                        DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo       ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, tmpAuthorId);
                        if (ui != null)
                            Author au = new Author();
                            au.AuthorId    = tmpAuthorId;
                            au.DisplayName = ui.DisplayName;
                            au.Email       = ui.Email;
                            au.FirstName   = ui.FirstName;
                            au.LastName    = ui.LastName;
                            au.Username    = ui.Username;
                            Email.SendEmail(fi.ModRejectTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, au);


                case "modappr":
                    int tmpForumId = -1;
                    int tmpTopicId = -1;
                    int tmpReplyId = -1;
                    tmpForumId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                    tmpTopicId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                    tmpReplyId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                    string sSubject = string.Empty;
                    string sBody    = string.Empty;
                    if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 && tmpReplyId == 0)
                        TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                        TopicInfo        ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpForumId, -1, false);
                        if (ti != null)
                            sSubject      = ti.Content.Subject;
                            sBody         = ti.Content.Body;
                            ti.IsApproved = true;
                            tc.TopicSave(PortalId, ti);
                            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, PortalId, ModuleId);
                            //TODO: Add Audit log for who approved topic
                            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & ti.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                                Email.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, ti.Author);

                            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, 0, ti.Content.AuthorId);

                                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                                string       sUrl     = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ti.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, -1, fi.SocialGroupId); // Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", ParamKeys.ViewType & "=" & Views.Topic & "&" & ParamKeys.ForumId & "=" & ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & TopicId)
                                if (sUrl.Contains("~/") || Request.QueryString["asg"] != null)
                                    sUrl = Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId);
                                Social amas = new Social();
                                if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null & !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey)) && fi.ActiveSocialEnabled)
                                    amas.AddTopicToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, ti.TopicId, ti.Author.AuthorId, sUrl, sSubject, ti.Content.Summary, sBody, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, SocialGroupId);
                                    amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ti.Author.AuthorId, "forumtopic", sUrl, sSubject, sBody);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                    else if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 & tmpReplyId > 0)
                        ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
                        ReplyInfo       ri = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                        if (ri != null)
                            ri.IsApproved = true;
                            sSubject      = ri.Content.Subject;
                            sBody         = ri.Content.Body;
                            rc.Reply_Save(PortalId, ri);
                            TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, PortalId, ModuleId, tmpReplyId);
                            TopicInfo ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpForumId, -1, false);
                            //TODO: Add Audit log for who approved topic
                            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & ri.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                                Email.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, ri.Author);

                            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, ri.Content.AuthorId);

                                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                                string       fullURL  = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ti.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, -1, fi.SocialGroupId);
                                if (fullURL.Contains("~/") || Request.QueryString["asg"] != null)
                                    fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + tmpReplyId });
                                Social amas = new Social();
                                if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null & !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey)) && fi.ActiveSocialEnabled && !fi.ActiveSocialTopicsOnly)
                                    amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, ri.TopicId, ri.ReplyId, ri.Author.AuthorId, fullURL, ri.Content.Subject, string.Empty, sBody, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
                                    amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ri.Author.AuthorId, "forumreply", fullURL, sSubject, sBody);
                            catch (Exception ex)

                string cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);
コード例 #20
        private void LoadForum(int forumId)
            var fc = new ForumController();
            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, false);

            if (fi == null)

            var newForum = fc.GetForum(PortalId, ModuleId, forumId, true);

            ctlSecurityGrid = LoadControl("~/DesktopModules/activeforums/controls/admin_securitygrid.ascx") as Controls.admin_securitygrid;
            if (ctlSecurityGrid != null)
                ctlSecurityGrid.Perms               = newForum.Security;
                ctlSecurityGrid.PermissionsId       = newForum.PermissionsId;
                ctlSecurityGrid.ModuleConfiguration = ModuleConfiguration;
                ctlSecurityGrid.ReadOnly            = newForum.InheritSecurity;


            txtForumName.Text = fi.ForumName;
            txtForumDesc.Text = fi.ForumDesc;
            chkActive.Checked = fi.Active;
            chkHidden.Checked = fi.Hidden;
            hidForumId.Value  = fi.ForumID.ToString();
            txtPrefixURL.Text = fi.PrefixURL;

            var groupValue = (fi.ParentForumId > 0) ? "FORUM" + fi.ParentForumId : "GROUP" + fi.ForumGroupId;

            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpGroups, groupValue);

            if (fi.ForumSettingsKey == "G:" + fi.ForumGroupId)
                chkInheritGroup.Checked = true;
                trTemplates.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpTopicsTemplate, fi.TopicsTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpTopicTemplate, fi.TopicTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpTopicForm, fi.TopicFormId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpReplyForm, fi.ReplyFormId);
            //Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpQuickReplyForm, fi.QuickReplyFormId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpProfileDisplay, fi.ProfileTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModApprovedTemplateId, fi.ModApproveTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModRejectTemplateId, fi.ModRejectTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModDeleteTemplateId, fi.ModDeleteTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModMoveTemplateId, fi.ModMoveTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModNotifyTemplateId, fi.ModNotifyTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpDefaultTrust, fi.DefaultTrustValue);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpEditorTypes, fi.EditorType);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpEditorMobile, fi.EditorMobile);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpPermittedRoles, (int)fi.EditorPermittedUsers);

            txtAutoTrustLevel.Text  = fi.AutoTrustLevel.ToString();
            txtEmailAddress.Text    = fi.EmailAddress;
            txtCreatePostCount.Text = fi.CreatePostCount.ToString();
            txtReplyPostCount.Text  = fi.ReplyPostCount.ToString();

            rdFilterOn.Checked  = fi.UseFilter;
            rdFilterOff.Checked = !fi.UseFilter;

            rdPostIconOn.Checked  = fi.AllowPostIcon;
            rdPostIconOff.Checked = !fi.AllowPostIcon;

            rdEmotOn.Checked  = fi.AllowEmoticons;
            rdEmotOff.Checked = !fi.AllowEmoticons;

            rdScriptsOn.Checked  = fi.AllowScript;
            rdScriptsOff.Checked = !fi.AllowScript;

            rdIndexOn.Checked  = fi.IndexContent;
            rdIndexOff.Checked = !fi.IndexContent;

            rdRSSOn.Checked  = fi.AllowRSS;
            rdRSSOff.Checked = !fi.AllowRSS;

            rdAttachOn.Checked  = fi.AllowAttach;
            rdAttachOff.Checked = !fi.AllowAttach;

            if (fi.AllowAttach)
                cfgAttach.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            txtMaxAttach.Text                 = fi.AttachCount.ToString();
            txtMaxAttachSize.Text             = fi.AttachMaxSize.ToString();
            txtAllowedTypes.Text              = fi.AttachTypeAllowed;
            ckAllowBrowseSite.Checked         = fi.AttachAllowBrowseSite;
            txtMaxAttachWidth.Text            = fi.MaxAttachWidth.ToString();
            txtMaxAttachHeight.Text           = fi.MaxAttachHeight.ToString();
            ckAttachInsertAllowed.Checked     = fi.AttachInsertAllowed;
            ckConvertingToJpegAllowed.Checked = fi.ConvertingToJpegAllowed;

            rdHTMLOn.Checked  = fi.AllowHTML;
            rdHTMLOff.Checked = !fi.AllowHTML;

            if (fi.AllowHTML)
                cfgHTML.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            rdModOn.Checked  = fi.IsModerated;
            rdModOff.Checked = !fi.IsModerated;

            if (fi.IsModerated)
                cfgMod.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            rdAutoSubOn.Checked  = fi.AutoSubscribeEnabled;
            rdAutoSubOff.Checked = !fi.AutoSubscribeEnabled;

            if (fi.AutoSubscribeEnabled)
                cfgAutoSub.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            rdLikesOn.Checked  = fi.AllowLikes;
            rdLikesOff.Checked = !fi.AllowLikes;

            chkTopicsOnly.Checked = fi.AutoSubscribeNewTopicsOnly;

            txtEditorHeight.Text = (fi.EditorHeight == string.Empty) ? "400" : fi.EditorHeight;
            txtEditorWidth.Text  = (fi.EditorWidth == string.Empty) ? "99%" : fi.EditorWidth;

            hidRoles.Value = fi.AutoSubscribeRoles;
コード例 #21
        public Task <HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile()
            // This method uploads an attachment to a temporary directory and returns a JSON object containing information about the original file
            // including the temporary file name.  When the post is saved/updated, the temporary file is moved to the appropriate attachment directory

            // Have to a reference to these variables as the internal reference isn't available.
            // in the async result.
            var request        = Request;
            var portalSettings = PortalSettings;
            var userInfo       = portalSettings.UserInfo;
            var forumUser      = new UserController().GetUser(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID);

            if (!request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable));

            const string uploadPath = "activeforums_Upload";

            var folderManager = FolderManager.Instance;

            if (!folderManager.FolderExists(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath))
                folderManager.AddFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);
            var folder = folderManager.GetFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);

            var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(folder.PhysicalPath);

            var task = request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

                // Make sure a temp file was uploaded and that it exists
                var file = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault();
                if (file == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.LocalFileName) || !File.Exists(file.LocalFileName))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "No File Found"));

                // Get the file name without the full path
                var localFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.LocalFileName).TextOrEmpty();

                // Check to make sure that a forum was specified and that the the user has upload permissions
                // This is only an initial check, it will be done again when the file is saved to a post.

                int forumId;
                if (!int.TryParse(provider.FormData["forumId"], out forumId))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Specified"));

                // Make sure that we can find the forum and that attachments are allowed
                var fc    = new ForumController();
                var forum = fc.Forums_Get(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, forumId, userInfo.UserID, true, true, -1);

                if (forum == null || !forum.AllowAttach)
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Found"));

                // Make sure the user has permissions to attach files
                if (forumUser == null || !Permissions.HasPerm(forum.Security.Attach, forumUser.UserRoles))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not Authorized"));

                // Make sure that the file size does not exceed the limit (in KB) for the forum
                // Have to do this since content length is not available when using MultipartFormDataStreamProvider
                var di       = new DirectoryInfo(folder.PhysicalPath);
                var fileSize = di.GetFiles(localFileName)[0].Length;

                var maxAllowedFileSize = (long)forum.AttachMaxSize * 1024;

                if ((forum.AttachMaxSize > 0) && (fileSize > maxAllowedFileSize))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Exceeds Max File Size"));

                // Get the original file name from the content disposition header
                var fileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", "");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Invalid File"));

                // Make sure we have an acceptable extension type.
                // Check against both the forum configuration and the host configuration
                var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).TextOrEmpty().Replace(".", string.Empty).ToLower();
                var isForumAllowedExtension = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forum.AttachTypeAllowed) || forum.AttachTypeAllowed.Replace(".", "").Split(',').Any(val => val == extension);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) || !isForumAllowedExtension || !Host.AllowedExtensionWhitelist.IsAllowedExtension(extension))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "File Type Not Allowed"));

                const string newFileName = "{0}_{1}{2}";
                var fileNameOnly         = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
                var userFolder           = folderManager.GetUserFolder(userInfo);
                var attachmentFolder     = folderManager.GetFolder(userFolder.FolderID);
                var fileManager          = FileManager.Instance;
                IFileInfo ufile          = null;
                string sExt = Path.GetExtension(fileName);

                if (sExt.ToLower() == ".jpg" || sExt.ToLower() == ".bmp" || sExt.ToLower() == ".png" || sExt.ToLower() == ".jpeg")
                    var sExtOut             = ".jpg";
                    ImageFormat imf, imfout = ImageFormat.Jpeg;

                    Image img = Image.FromFile(file.LocalFileName);
                    Image nimg;

                    var maxWidth  = forum.MaxAttachWidth;
                    var maxHeight = forum.MaxAttachHeight;

                    int imgWidth  = img.Width;
                    int imgHeight = img.Height;

                    var ratioWidth  = (double)imgWidth / maxWidth;
                    var ratioHeight = (double)imgHeight / maxHeight;

                    switch (sExt.ToLower())
                    case ".png":
                            imf = ImageFormat.Png;
                            if (!forum.ConvertingToJpegAllowed)
                                sExtOut = ".png";
                                imfout  = ImageFormat.Png;

                    case ".bmp": imf = ImageFormat.Bmp; break;

                    default: imf = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break;

                    MemoryStream mst = new MemoryStream();

                    if (ratioWidth > 1 || ratioHeight > 1)
                        if (ratioWidth > ratioHeight)
                            imgWidth  = maxWidth;
                            imgHeight = (int)Math.Round(imgHeight / ratioWidth);
                        else if (ratioWidth < ratioHeight)
                            imgHeight = maxHeight;
                            imgWidth  = (int)Math.Round(imgWidth / ratioHeight);
                            imgWidth  = maxWidth;
                            imgHeight = maxHeight;

                    Bitmap res = new Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight);
                    using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(res))
                        gr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                        gr.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                    res.Save(mst, imfout);

                    var index = 0;
                    fileName  = fileNameOnly + sExtOut;

                    while (fileManager.FileExists(attachmentFolder, fileName))
                        fileName = string.Format(newFileName, fileNameOnly, index, sExtOut);

                    ufile = fileManager.AddFile(attachmentFolder, fileName, (Stream)mst);
                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(file.LocalFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        var index = 0;
                        while (fileManager.FileExists(attachmentFolder, fileName))
                            fileName = string.Format(newFileName, fileNameOnly, index, sExt);

                        ufile = fileManager.AddFile(attachmentFolder, fileName, fileStream);

                // IE<=9 Hack - can't return application/json
                var mediaType = "application/json";
                if (!request.Headers.Accept.Any(h => h.MediaType.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    mediaType = "text/html";


                if (ufile != null)
                    var result = new ClientAttachment()
                        FileId      = ufile.FileId,
                        ContentType = file.Headers.ContentType.MediaType,
                        FileName    = fileName,
                        FileSize    = ufile.Size,
                        UploadId    = localFileName,

                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, result, mediaType));
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "No File Found"));

コード例 #22
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

                UserController uc = new UserController();
                User ui = uc.GetUser(PortalSettings.PortalId, -1);
                ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["ForumId"]), ui.UserId, true);

                if (fi != null)
                    if (Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.Attach, ui.UserRoles))
                        if (inpFile.HasFile)
                            string sFile = string.Empty;
                            string sExt = string.Empty;
                            int maxImgHeight = fi.AttachMaxHeight;
                            int maxImgWidth = fi.AttachMaxWidth;
                            string contentType = inpFile.PostedFile.ContentType;
                            sFile = Path.GetFileName(inpFile.PostedFile.FileName).Replace(" ", "_");

                            sExt = Path.GetExtension(sFile);
                            if (sFile.Length >= 250)
                                sFile = sFile.Replace(sExt, string.Empty);
                                sFile = sFile.Substring(0, (250 - sExt.Length));
                                sFile = sFile + sExt;
                            sExt = sExt.Replace(".", string.Empty);
                            if (!(fi.AttachTypeAllowed.ToString().ToLower().Contains(sExt.ToLower())))
                                Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_setMessage('" + Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:BlockedFile]") + "');</script>");
                            if (fi.AttachMaxSize > 0)
                                if ((inpFile.PostedFile.ContentLength / 1024.0) > fi.AttachMaxSize)
                                    Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_setMessage('" + string.Format(Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:FileTooLarge]"), fi.AttachMaxSize) + "');</script>");

                            Stream inpStream = inpFile.PostedFile.InputStream;
                            MemoryStream imgStream = new MemoryStream();
                            bool useMemStream = false;
                            bool allowDownload = true;
                            bool displayInline = false;
                            if (sExt.ToLower() == "jpg" || sExt.ToLower() == "gif" || sExt.ToLower() == "bmp" || sExt.ToLower() == "png" || sExt.ToLower() == "jpeg")
                                useMemStream = true;
                                imgStream = (MemoryStream)(Images.CreateImageForDB(inpStream, maxImgHeight, maxImgWidth));
                                contentType = "image/x-png";
                                allowDownload = false;
                                displayInline = true;

                            Data.AttachController ac = new Data.AttachController();
                            AttachInfo ai = new AttachInfo();
                            ai.ContentId = -1;
                            ai.UserID = ui.UserId;

                            ai.ContentType = contentType;
                            ai.DisplayInline = displayInline;
                            ai.AllowDownload = allowDownload;
                            ai.ParentAttachId = 0;
                            if (fi.AttachStore == AttachStores.DATABASE)
                                if (useMemStream)
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(imgStream.Length);
                                    ai.FileData = imgStream.ToArray();

                                    byte[] byteData = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length - 1) + 1];
                                    inpStream.Read(byteData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length));
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length);
                                    ai.FileData = byteData;
                                ai.Filename = sFile;
                                if (useMemStream)
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(imgStream.Length);
                                    ai.Filename = SaveToFile(imgStream, sFile);
                                    byte[] byteData = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length) + 1];
                                    inpStream.Read(byteData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length));
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length);
                                    ai.Filename = SaveToFile(inpFile, sFile);

                            int attachId = ac.Attach_Save(ai);
                            Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_isUploaded(" + attachId.ToString() + ");</script>");
                        inpFile.Visible = false;
                    inpFile.Visible = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_setMessage('" + ex.Message + "');</script>");

コード例 #23
        public Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile()
            // This method uploads an attachment to a temporary directory and returns a JSON object containing information about the original file
            // including the temporary file name.  When the post is saved/updated, the temporary file is moved to the appropriate attachment directory

            // Have to a reference to these variables as the internal reference isn't available.
            // in the async result.
            var request = Request;
            var portalSettings = PortalSettings;
            var userInfo = portalSettings.UserInfo;
            var forumUser = new UserController().GetUser(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID);

            if (!request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable));

            const string uploadPath = "activeforums_Upload";

            var folderManager = FolderManager.Instance;
            if (!folderManager.FolderExists(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath))
                folderManager.AddFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);
            var folder = folderManager.GetFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);

            var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(folder.PhysicalPath);

            var task = request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

                // Make sure a temp file was uploaded and that it exists
                var file = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault();
                if (file == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.LocalFileName) || !File.Exists(file.LocalFileName))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "No File Found");

                // Get the file name without the full path
                var localFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.LocalFileName).TextOrEmpty();

                // Check to make sure that a forum was specified and that the the user has upload permissions
                // This is only an initial check, it will be done again when the file is saved to a post.

                int forumId;
                if (!int.TryParse(provider.FormData["forumId"], out forumId))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Specified");

                // Make sure that we can find the forum and that attachments are allowed
                var fc = new ForumController();
                var forum = fc.Forums_Get(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, forumId, userInfo.UserID, true, true, -1);

                if (forum == null || !forum.AllowAttach)
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Found");

                // Make sure the user has permissions to attach files
                if (forumUser == null || !Permissions.HasPerm(forum.Security.Attach, forumUser.UserRoles))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not Authorized");

                // Make sure that the file size does not exceed the limit (in KB) for the forum
                // Have to do this since content length is not available when using MultipartFormDataStreamProvider
                var di = new DirectoryInfo(folder.PhysicalPath);
                var fileSize = di.GetFiles(localFileName)[0].Length;

                var maxAllowedFileSize = (long)forum.AttachMaxSize * 1024;

                if ((forum.AttachMaxSize > 0) && (fileSize > maxAllowedFileSize))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Exceeds Max File Size");

                // Get the original file name from the content disposition header
                var fileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", "");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Invalid File");

                // Make sure we have an acceptable extension type.
                // Check against both the forum configuration and the host configuration
                var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).TextOrEmpty().Replace(".", string.Empty).ToLower();
                var isForumAllowedExtension = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forum.AttachTypeAllowed) || forum.AttachTypeAllowed.Replace(".", "").Split(',').Any(val => val == extension);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) || !isForumAllowedExtension || !Host.AllowedExtensionWhitelist.IsAllowedExtension(extension))
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "File Type Not Allowed");

                const string newFileName = "{0}_{1}{2}";
                var fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
                var userFolder = folderManager.GetUserFolder(userInfo);
                var attachmentFolder = folderManager.GetFolder(userFolder.FolderID);
                var fileManager = FileManager.Instance;
                IFileInfo ufile = null;
                string sExt = Path.GetExtension(fileName);

                if (sExt.ToLower() == ".jpg" || sExt.ToLower() == ".bmp" || sExt.ToLower() == ".png" || sExt.ToLower() == ".jpeg")
                    var sExtOut = ".jpg";
                    ImageFormat imf, imfout = ImageFormat.Jpeg;

                    Image img = Image.FromFile(file.LocalFileName);
                    Image nimg;

                    var maxWidth = forum.MaxAttachWidth;
                    var maxHeight = forum.MaxAttachHeight;

                    int imgWidth = img.Width;
                    int imgHeight = img.Height;

                    var ratioWidth = (double)imgWidth / maxWidth;
                    var ratioHeight = (double)imgHeight / maxHeight;

                    switch (sExt.ToLower())
                        case ".png":
                                imf = ImageFormat.Png;
                                if (!forum.ConvertingToJpegAllowed)
                                    sExtOut = ".png";
                                    imfout = ImageFormat.Png;
                        case ".bmp": imf = ImageFormat.Bmp; break;
                        default: imf = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break;

                    MemoryStream mst = new MemoryStream();

                    if (ratioWidth > 1 || ratioHeight > 1)
                        if (ratioWidth > ratioHeight)
                            imgWidth = maxWidth;
                            imgHeight = (int)Math.Round(imgHeight / ratioWidth);
                        else if (ratioWidth < ratioHeight)
                            imgHeight = maxHeight;
                            imgWidth = (int)Math.Round(imgWidth / ratioHeight);
                            imgWidth = maxWidth;
                            imgHeight = maxHeight;

                    Bitmap res = new Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight);
                    using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(res))
                        gr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                        gr.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                    res.Save(mst, imfout);

                    var index = 0;
                    fileName = fileNameOnly + sExtOut;

                    while (fileManager.FileExists(attachmentFolder, fileName))
                        fileName = string.Format(newFileName, fileNameOnly, index, sExtOut);

                    ufile = fileManager.AddFile(attachmentFolder, fileName, (Stream)mst);

                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(file.LocalFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        var index = 0;
                        while (fileManager.FileExists(attachmentFolder, fileName))
                            fileName = string.Format(newFileName, fileNameOnly, index, sExt);

                        ufile = fileManager.AddFile(attachmentFolder, fileName, fileStream);

                // IE<=9 Hack - can't return application/json
                var mediaType = "application/json";
                if (!request.Headers.Accept.Any(h => h.MediaType.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    mediaType = "text/html";


                if (ufile != null)
                    var result = new ClientAttachment()
                        FileId = ufile.FileId,
                        ContentType = file.Headers.ContentType.MediaType,
                        FileName = fileName,
                        FileSize = ufile.Size,
                        UploadId = localFileName,

                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, result, mediaType);
                    return request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "No File Found");

            return task;
コード例 #24
        public HttpResponseMessage RejectPost(ModerationDTO dto)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(dto.NotificationId);
            var fc = new ForumController();
            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(_forumId, -1, false, true);
            if (fi == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Forum Not Found" });

            if (!(IsMod(_forumId)))
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, new { Message = "User is not a moderator for this forum" });

            var mc = new ModController();
            mc.Mod_Reject(PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, UserInfo.UserID, _forumId, _topicId, _replyId);
            int authorId;
            if (_replyId > 0)
                var rc = new ReplyController();
                var reply = rc.Reply_Get(PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, _topicId, _replyId);

                if (reply == null)
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Reply Not Found" });

                authorId = reply.Content.AuthorId;
                var tc = new TopicsController();
                var topic = tc.Topics_Get(PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, _topicId);
                if (topic == null)
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Topic Not Found" });

                authorId = topic.Content.AuthorId;

            if (fi.ModRejectTemplateId > 0 && authorId > 0)
                var uc = new Entities.Users.UserController();
                var ui = uc.GetUser(PortalSettings.PortalId, authorId);
                if (ui != null)
                    var au = new Author
                                     AuthorId = authorId,
                                     DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                                     Email = ui.Email,
                                     FirstName = ui.FirstName,
                                     LastName = ui.LastName,
                                     Username = ui.Username
                    Email.SendEmail(fi.ModRejectTemplateId, PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, _tabId, _forumId, _topicId, _replyId, string.Empty, au);


            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Result = "success" });
コード例 #25
        private void cbEditorAction_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e)
            switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant())
                case "forumsave":
                    var fi = new Forum();
                    var fc = new ForumController();
                    var bIsNew = false;
                    int forumGroupId;
                    var forumSettingsKey = string.Empty;

                    if (Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]) <= 0)
                        bIsNew = true;
                        fi.ForumID = -1;
                        fi = fc.Forums_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]), UserId, false, false, -1);
                        forumSettingsKey = fi.ForumSettingsKey;

                    fi.ModuleId = ModuleId;
                    fi.PortalId = PortalId;
                    var sParentValue = e.Parameters[2];
                    var parentForumId = 0;

                    if (sParentValue.Contains("GROUP"))
                        sParentValue = sParentValue.Replace("GROUP", string.Empty);
                        forumGroupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(sParentValue);
                        parentForumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(sParentValue.Replace("FORUM", string.Empty));
                        forumGroupId = fc.Forums_GetGroupId(parentForumId);

                    fi.ForumGroupId = forumGroupId;
                    fi.ParentForumId = parentForumId;
                    fi.ForumName = e.Parameters[3];
                    fi.ForumDesc = e.Parameters[4];
                    fi.Active = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[5]);
                    fi.Hidden = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[6]);

                    fi.SortOrder = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Parameters[7]) ? 0 : Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[7]);

                    var fkey = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.ForumSettingsKey) ? string.Empty : fi.ForumSettingsKey;

                    if (Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[8]))
                        var fgc = new ForumGroupController();
                        var fgi = fgc.GetForumGroup(ModuleId, forumGroupId);

                        if (bIsNew)
                            fi.PermissionsId = fgi.PermissionsId;
                        else if (fi.ForumSettingsKey != "G:" + forumGroupId)
                            fi.PermissionsId = fgi.PermissionsId;

                        fi.ForumSettingsKey = "G:" + forumGroupId;

                    else if (bIsNew || fkey.Contains("G:"))
                        fi.ForumSettingsKey = string.Empty;
                        if (fi.InheritSecurity)
                            fi.PermissionsId = -1;
                        fi.ForumSettingsKey = "F:" + fi.ForumID;

                    if (forumSettingsKey != fkey && fkey.Contains("F:"))
                        bIsNew = true;

                    fi.PrefixURL = e.Parameters[9];
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.PrefixURL)))
                        var db = new Data.Common();
                        if (!(db.CheckForumURL(PortalId, ModuleId, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumID, fi.ForumGroupId)))
                            fi.PrefixURL = string.Empty;

                    var forumId = fc.Forums_Save(PortalId, fi, bIsNew, Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[8]));
                    recordId = forumId;
                    var securityKey = string.Empty;


                    var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FI-{0}-{1}-{2}", PortalId, ModuleId, forumId);

                    cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);

                    hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString();

                case "groupsave":
                    var bIsNew = false;
                    var groupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                    var fgc = new ForumGroupController();
                    var gi = (groupId > 0) ? fgc.Groups_Get(ModuleId, groupId) : new ForumGroupInfo();

                    var securityKey = string.Empty;
                    if (groupId == 0)
                        bIsNew = true;
                        securityKey = "G:" + groupId;

                    gi.ModuleId = ModuleId;
                    gi.ForumGroupId = groupId;
                    gi.GroupName = e.Parameters[3];
                    gi.Active = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[5]);
                    gi.Hidden = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[6]);

                    gi.SortOrder = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Parameters[7]) ? 0 : Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[7]);

                    gi.PrefixURL = e.Parameters[9];
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(gi.PrefixURL)))
                        var db = new Data.Common();
                        if (!(db.CheckGroupURL(PortalId, ModuleId, gi.PrefixURL, gi.ForumGroupId)))
                            gi.PrefixURL = string.Empty;

                    gi.GroupSettingsKey = securityKey;
                    var gc = new ForumGroupController();
                    groupId = gc.Groups_Save(PortalId, gi, bIsNew);
                    recordId = groupId;

                    var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);
                    hidEditorResult.Value = groupId.ToString();


                case "forumsettingssave":
                    var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                    var sKey = "F:" + forumId;
                    SaveSettings(sKey, e.Parameters);

                    hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString();
                    DataCache.CacheClear(forumId.ToString() + "ForumSettings");
                    DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumInfo, forumId));
                    DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumInfo, forumId) + "st");
                    var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FI-{0}-{1}-{2}", PortalId, ModuleId, forumId);

                case "groupsettingssave":
                    var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                    var sKey = "G:" + forumId;
                    SaveSettings(sKey, e.Parameters);

                    hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString();
                    DataCache.CacheClear(forumId.ToString() + "GroupSettings");
                    DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.GroupInfo, forumId));
                    DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.GroupInfo, forumId) + "st");


                case "deleteforum":
                    var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                    DataProvider.Instance().Forums_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, forumId);
                    var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);

                case "deletegroup":
                    var groupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                    DataProvider.Instance().Groups_Delete(ModuleId, groupId);
                    var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);

            DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumList, ModuleId));
            DataCache.CacheClear(ModuleId + "fv");

コード例 #26
        public void SendEmailToModerators(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int ModuleID, int TabID, string Comments, DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo User)
            var          _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            SettingsInfo MainSettings    = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleID);
            var          fc = new ForumController();
            Forum        fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            if (fi == null)
            var subs = new List <SubscriptionInfo>();
            var rc   = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
            var uc   = new Entities.Users.UserController();
            SubscriptionInfo si;
            string           modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;

            string[] modRoles = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');
            if (modRoles != null)
                foreach (string r in modRoles)
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)))
                        int    rid   = Convert.ToInt32(r);
                        string rName = rc.GetRole(rid, PortalId).RoleName;
                        foreach (Entities.Users.UserRoleInfo usr in rc.GetUserRolesByRoleName(PortalId, rName))
                            var ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, usr.UserID);
                            si = new SubscriptionInfo
                                UserId      = ui.UserID,
                                DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                                Email       = ui.Email,
                                FirstName   = ui.FirstName,
                                LastName    = ui.LastName
                            if (!(subs.Contains(si)))

            if (subs.Count <= 0)
            string       Subject;
            string       BodyText;
            string       BodyHTML;
            string       sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var          tc        = new TemplateController();
            TemplateInfo ti        = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleID);

            Subject  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            string sFrom;

            sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;

            var oEmail = new Email
                Recipients         = subs,
                Subject            = Subject,
                From               = sFrom,
                BodyText           = BodyText,
                BodyHTML           = BodyHTML,
                SmtpServer         = Host.SMTPServer,                     // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPServer"]),
                SmtpUserName       = Host.SMTPUsername,                   // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPUsername"]),
                SmtpPassword       = Host.SMTPPassword,                   // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPPassword"]),
                SmtpAuthentication = Host.SMTPAuthentication              // Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"])

            oEmail.UseQueue = MainSettings.MailQueue;
            var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);

コード例 #27
        public Task <HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile()
            // This method uploads an attachment to a temporary directory and returns a JSON object containing information about the original file
            // including the temporary file name.  When the post is saved/updated, the temporary file is moved to the appropriate attachment directory

            // Have to a reference to these variables as the internal reference isn't available.
            // in the async result.
            var request        = Request;
            var portalSettings = PortalSettings;
            var userInfo       = portalSettings.UserInfo;
            var forumUser      = new UserController().GetUser(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, userInfo.UserID);

            if (!request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable));

            const string uploadPath = "activeforums_Upload";

            var folderManager = FolderManager.Instance;

            if (!folderManager.FolderExists(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath))
                folderManager.AddFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);
            var folder = folderManager.GetFolder(ActiveModule.PortalID, uploadPath);

            var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(folder.PhysicalPath);

            var task = request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

                // Make sure a temp file was uploaded and that it exists
                var file = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault();
                if (file == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.LocalFileName) || !File.Exists(file.LocalFileName))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "No File Found"));

                // Get the file name without the full path
                var localFileName = Path.GetFileName(file.LocalFileName).TextOrEmpty();

                // Check to make sure that a forum was specified and that the the user has upload permissions
                // This is only an initial check, it will be done again when the file is saved to a post.

                int forumId;
                if (!int.TryParse(provider.FormData["forumId"], out forumId))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Specified"));

                // Make sure that we can find the forum and that attachments are allowed
                var fc    = new ForumController();
                var forum = fc.Forums_Get(ActiveModule.PortalID, ActiveModule.ModuleID, forumId, userInfo.UserID, true, true, -1);

                if (forum == null || !forum.AllowAttach)
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Forum Not Found"));

                // Make sure the user has permissions to attach files
                if (forumUser == null || !Permissions.HasPerm(forum.Security.Attach, forumUser.UserRoles))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not Authorized"));

                // Make sure that the file size does not exceed the limit (in KB) for the forum
                // Have to do this since content length is not available when using MultipartFormDataStreamProvider
                var di       = new DirectoryInfo(folder.PhysicalPath);
                var fileSize = di.GetFiles(localFileName)[0].Length;

                var maxAllowedFileSize = (long)forum.AttachMaxSize * 1024;

                if ((forum.AttachMaxSize > 0) && (fileSize > maxAllowedFileSize))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Exceeds Max File Size"));

                // Get the original file name from the content disposition header
                var fileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", "");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Invalid File"));

                // Make sure we have an acceptable extension type.
                // Check against both the forum configuration and the host configuration
                var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).TextOrEmpty().Replace(".", string.Empty).ToLower();
                var isForumAllowedExtension = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forum.AttachTypeAllowed) || forum.AttachTypeAllowed.Replace(".", "").Split(',').Any(val => val == extension);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) || !isForumAllowedExtension || !Host.AllowedExtensionWhitelist.IsAllowedExtension(extension))
                    return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "File Type Not Allowed"));

                // IE<=9 Hack - can't return application/json
                var mediaType = "application/json";
                if (!request.Headers.Accept.Any(h => h.MediaType.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    mediaType = "text/html";

                var result = new ClientAttachment()
                    ContentType = file.Headers.ContentType.MediaType,
                    FileName    = fileName,
                    FileSize    = fileSize,
                    UploadId    = localFileName

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, result, mediaType));

コード例 #28
        private void cbMod_Callback(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.CallBackEventArgs e)
            SettingsInfo ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ForumModuleId);
            Forum fi = null;
            if (e.Parameters.Length > 0)
                if (ForumId < 1)
                    ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                    fi = fc.Forums_Get(Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]), -1, false, true);
                    fi = ForumInfo;
                switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant())
                    case "moddel":
                            if (bModDelete)
                                int delAction = ms.DeleteBehavior;
                                int tmpForumId = -1;
                                int tmpTopicId = -1;
                                int tmpReplyId = -1;
                                tmpForumId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                                tmpTopicId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                                tmpReplyId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                                Author auth = null;
                                if (fi.ModDeleteTemplateId > 0)
                                        Email oEmail = new Email();
                                        oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModDeleteTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, auth);
                                    catch (Exception ex)


                                if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 && tmpReplyId == 0)
                                    TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                                    TopicInfo ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId);
                                    if (ti != null)
                                        auth = ti.Author;
                                    tc.Topics_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, delAction);
                                else if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 & tmpReplyId > 0)
                                    ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
                                    ReplyInfo ri = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                                    if (ri != null)
                                        auth = ri.Author;
                                    rc.Reply_Delete(PortalId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, delAction);

                    case "modreject":
                            int tmpForumId = 0;
                            int tmpTopicId = 0;
                            int tmpReplyId = 0;
                            int tmpAuthorId = 0;
                            tmpForumId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                            tmpTopicId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                            tmpReplyId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                            tmpAuthorId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[4]);
                            ModController mc = new ModController();
                            mc.Mod_Reject(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                            if (fi.ModRejectTemplateId > 0 & tmpAuthorId > 0)
                                DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController uc = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController();
                                DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, tmpAuthorId);
                                if (ui != null)
                                    Author au = new Author();
                                    au.AuthorId = tmpAuthorId;
                                    au.DisplayName = ui.DisplayName;
                                    au.Email = ui.Email;
                                    au.FirstName = ui.FirstName;
                                    au.LastName = ui.LastName;
                                    au.Username = ui.Username;
                                    Email oEmail = new Email();
                                    oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModRejectTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, au);


                    case "modappr":
                            int tmpForumId = -1;
                            int tmpTopicId = -1;
                            int tmpReplyId = -1;
                            tmpForumId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                            tmpTopicId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                            tmpReplyId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                            string sSubject = string.Empty;
                            string sBody = string.Empty;
                            if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 && tmpReplyId == 0)
                                TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                                TopicInfo ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpForumId, -1, false);
                                if (ti != null)
                                    sSubject = ti.Content.Subject;
                                    sBody = ti.Content.Body;
                                    ti.IsApproved = true;
                                    tc.TopicSave(PortalId, ti);
                                    tc.Topics_SaveToForum(tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, PortalId, ModuleId);
                                    //TODO: Add Audit log for who approved topic
                                    if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & ti.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                                        Email oEmail = new Email();
                                        oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, ti.Author);

                                    Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, 0, ti.Content.AuthorId);

                                        ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                                        string sUrl = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ti.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, fi.SocialGroupId); // Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", ParamKeys.ViewType & "=" & Views.Topic & "&" & ParamKeys.ForumId & "=" & ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & TopicId)
                                        if (sUrl.Contains("~/") || Request.QueryString["asg"] != null)
                                            sUrl = Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId);
                                        Social amas = new Social();
                                        if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null & !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey)) && fi.ActiveSocialEnabled)
                                            amas.AddTopicToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, ti.TopicId, ti.Author.AuthorId, sUrl, sSubject, ti.Content.Summary, sBody, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, SocialGroupId);
                                            amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ti.Author.AuthorId, "forumtopic", sUrl, sSubject, sBody);

                                    catch (Exception ex)
                            else if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 & tmpReplyId > 0)
                                ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
                                ReplyInfo ri = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                                if (ri != null)
                                    ri.IsApproved = true;
                                    sSubject = ri.Content.Subject;
                                    sBody = ri.Content.Body;
                                    rc.Reply_Save(PortalId, ri);
                                    TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                                    tc.Topics_SaveToForum(tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, PortalId, ModuleId, tmpReplyId);
                                    TopicInfo ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpForumId, -1, false);
                                    //TODO: Add Audit log for who approved topic
                                    if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & ri.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                                        Email oEmail = new Email();
                                        oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, ri.Author);

                                    Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, ri.Content.AuthorId);

                                        ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                                        string fullURL = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ti.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, fi.SocialGroupId);
                                        if (fullURL.Contains("~/") || Request.QueryString["asg"] != null)
                                            fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + tmpReplyId });
                                        Social amas = new Social();
                                        if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null & !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey)) && fi.ActiveSocialEnabled && !fi.ActiveSocialTopicsOnly)
                                            amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, ri.TopicId, ri.ReplyId, ri.Author.AuthorId, fullURL, ri.Content.Subject, string.Empty, sBody, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
                                            amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ri.Author.AuthorId, "forumreply", fullURL, sSubject, sBody);
                                    catch (Exception ex)



                string cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);
コード例 #29
 public static void SendSubscriptions(int PortalId, int ModuleId, int TabId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int AuthorId)
     var fc = new ForumController();
     Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false);
     SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, fi, TopicId, ReplyId, AuthorId);
コード例 #30
        public HttpResponseMessage RejectPost(ModerationDTO dto)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(dto.NotificationId);


            var fc = new ForumController();
            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(_forumId, -1, false, true);

            if (fi == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Forum Not Found" }));

            if (!(IsMod(_forumId)))
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, new { Message = "User is not a moderator for this forum" }));

            var mc = new ModController();

            mc.Mod_Reject(PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, UserInfo.UserID, _forumId, _topicId, _replyId);

            int authorId;

            if (_replyId > 0)
                var rc    = new ReplyController();
                var reply = rc.Reply_Get(PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, _topicId, _replyId);

                if (reply == null)
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Reply Not Found" }));

                authorId = reply.Content.AuthorId;
                var tc    = new TopicsController();
                var topic = tc.Topics_Get(PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, _topicId);
                if (topic == null)
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Topic Not Found" }));

                authorId = topic.Content.AuthorId;

            if (fi.ModRejectTemplateId > 0 && authorId > 0)
                var uc = new Entities.Users.UserController();
                var ui = uc.GetUser(PortalSettings.PortalId, authorId);
                if (ui != null)
                    var au = new Author
                        AuthorId    = authorId,
                        DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                        Email       = ui.Email,
                        FirstName   = ui.FirstName,
                        LastName    = ui.LastName,
                        Username    = ui.Username
                    var oEmail = new Email();
                    oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModRejectTemplateId, PortalSettings.PortalId, _moduleId, _tabId, _forumId, _topicId, _replyId, string.Empty, au);

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Result = "success" }));
コード例 #31
        public HttpResponseMessage IgnorePost(ModerationDTO dto)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(dto.NotificationId);
            var fc = new ForumController();
            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(_forumId, -1, false, true);
            if (fi == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Message = "Forum Not Found" });

            if (!(IsMod(_forumId)))
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, new { Message = "User is not a moderator for this forum" });

            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Result = "success" });
コード例 #32
ファイル: Email.cs プロジェクト: rut5949/ActiveForums
        public void SendEmailToModerators(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, int ModuleID, int TabID, string Comments, DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo User)
            var _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            SettingsInfo MainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleID);
            var fc = new ForumController();
            Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);
            if (fi == null)
            var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
            var rc = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
            var uc = new Entities.Users.UserController();
            SubscriptionInfo si;
            string modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;
            string[] modRoles = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');
            if (modRoles != null)
                foreach (string r in modRoles)
                    if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)))
                        int rid = Convert.ToInt32(r);
                        string rName = rc.GetRole(rid, PortalId).RoleName;
                        foreach (Entities.Users.UserRoleInfo usr in rc.GetUserRolesByRoleName(PortalId, rName))
                            var ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, usr.UserID);
                            si = new SubscriptionInfo
                                         UserId = ui.UserID,
                                         DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                                         Email = ui.Email,
                                         FirstName = ui.FirstName,
                                         LastName = ui.LastName
                            if (! (subs.Contains(si)))

            if (subs.Count <= 0)
            string Subject;
            string BodyText;
            string BodyHTML;
            string sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var tc = new TemplateController();
            TemplateInfo ti = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleID);
            Subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleID, TabID, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, Comments, User, -1, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
            string sFrom;

            sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;

            var oEmail = new Email
                                 Recipients = subs,
                                 Subject = Subject,
                                 From = sFrom,
                                 BodyText = BodyText,
                                 BodyHTML = BodyHTML,
                                 SmtpServer = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPServer"]),
                                 SmtpUserName = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPUsername"]),
                                 SmtpPassword = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPPassword"]),
                                 SmtpAuthentication = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"])

            //#if SKU_ENTERPRISE
            oEmail.UseQueue = MainSettings.MailQueue;
            var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);
コード例 #33
ファイル: Email.cs プロジェクト: schotman/Dnn.CommunityForums
        public static void SendEmailToModerators(int templateId, int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, int replyId, int moduleID, int tabID, string comments, UserInfo user)
            var portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
            var mainSettings   = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleID);
            var fc             = new ForumController();
            var fi             = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, true);

            if (fi == null)

            var subs       = new List <SubscriptionInfo>();
            var rc         = new Security.Roles.RoleController();
            var rp         = RoleProvider.Instance();
            var uc         = new Entities.Users.UserController();
            var modApprove = fi.Security.ModApprove;
            var modRoles   = modApprove.Split('|')[0].Split(';');

            foreach (var r in modRoles)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r))
                var rid   = Convert.ToInt32(r);
                var rName = rc.GetRole(rid, portalId).RoleName;
                foreach (UserRoleInfo usr in rp.GetUserRoles(portalId, null, rName))
                    var ui = uc.GetUser(portalId, usr.UserID);
                    var si = new SubscriptionInfo
                        UserId      = ui.UserID,
                        DisplayName = ui.DisplayName,
                        Email       = ui.Email,
                        FirstName   = ui.FirstName,
                        LastName    = ui.LastName
                    if (!(subs.Contains(si)))

            if (subs.Count <= 0)

            var sTemplate = string.Empty;
            var tc        = new TemplateController();
            var ti        = tc.Template_Get(templateId, portalId, moduleID);
            var subject   = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyText  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var bodyHTML  = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, portalId, moduleID, tabID, forumId, topicId, replyId, comments, user, -1, Convert.ToInt32(portalSettings.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset.TotalMinutes));
            var sFrom     = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : portalSettings.Email;

            var oEmail = new Email
                Recipients = subs,
                Subject    = subject,
                From       = sFrom,
                BodyText   = bodyText,
                BodyHTML   = bodyHTML,
                UseQueue   = mainSettings.MailQueue

            new Thread(oEmail.Send).Start();
コード例 #34
        private void cbEditorAction_Callback(object sender, Controls.CallBackEventArgs e)
            switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant())
            case "forumsave":
                var fi     = new Forum();
                var fc     = new ForumController();
                var bIsNew = false;
                int forumGroupId;
                var forumSettingsKey = string.Empty;

                if (Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]) <= 0)
                    bIsNew     = true;
                    fi.ForumID = -1;
                    fi = fc.Forums_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]), UserId, false, false, -1);
                    forumSettingsKey = fi.ForumSettingsKey;

                fi.ModuleId = ModuleId;
                fi.PortalId = PortalId;
                var sParentValue  = e.Parameters[2];
                var parentForumId = 0;

                if (sParentValue.Contains("GROUP"))
                    sParentValue = sParentValue.Replace("GROUP", string.Empty);
                    forumGroupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(sParentValue);
                    parentForumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(sParentValue.Replace("FORUM", string.Empty));
                    forumGroupId  = fc.Forums_GetGroupId(parentForumId);

                fi.ForumGroupId  = forumGroupId;
                fi.ParentForumId = parentForumId;
                fi.ForumName     = e.Parameters[3];
                fi.ForumDesc     = e.Parameters[4];
                fi.Active        = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[5]);
                fi.Hidden        = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[6]);

                fi.SortOrder = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Parameters[7]) ? 0 : Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[7]);

                var fkey = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.ForumSettingsKey) ? string.Empty : fi.ForumSettingsKey;

                if (Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[8]))
                    var fgc = new ForumGroupController();
                    var fgi = fgc.GetForumGroup(ModuleId, forumGroupId);

                    if (bIsNew)
                        fi.PermissionsId = fgi.PermissionsId;
                    else if (fi.ForumSettingsKey != "G:" + forumGroupId)
                        fi.PermissionsId = fgi.PermissionsId;

                    fi.ForumSettingsKey = "G:" + forumGroupId;
                else if (bIsNew || fkey.Contains("G:"))
                    fi.ForumSettingsKey = string.Empty;
                    if (fi.InheritSecurity)
                        fi.PermissionsId = -1;
                    fi.ForumSettingsKey = "F:" + fi.ForumID;

                if (forumSettingsKey != fkey && fkey.Contains("F:"))
                    bIsNew = true;

                fi.PrefixURL = e.Parameters[9];
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.PrefixURL)))
                    var db = new Data.Common();
                    if (!(db.CheckForumURL(PortalId, ModuleId, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumID, fi.ForumGroupId)))
                        fi.PrefixURL = string.Empty;

                var forumId = fc.Forums_Save(PortalId, fi, bIsNew, Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[8]));
                recordId = forumId;
                var securityKey = string.Empty;


                var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FI-{0}-{1}-{2}", PortalId, ModuleId, forumId);

                cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);

                hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString();

            case "groupsave":
                var bIsNew  = false;
                var groupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                var fgc     = new ForumGroupController();
                var gi      = (groupId > 0) ? fgc.Groups_Get(ModuleId, groupId) : new ForumGroupInfo();

                var securityKey = string.Empty;
                if (groupId == 0)
                    bIsNew = true;
                    securityKey = "G:" + groupId;

                gi.ModuleId     = ModuleId;
                gi.ForumGroupId = groupId;
                gi.GroupName    = e.Parameters[3];
                gi.Active       = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[5]);
                gi.Hidden       = Utilities.SafeConvertBool(e.Parameters[6]);

                gi.SortOrder = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Parameters[7]) ? 0 : Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[7]);

                gi.PrefixURL = e.Parameters[9];
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(gi.PrefixURL)))
                    var db = new Data.Common();
                    if (!(db.CheckGroupURL(PortalId, ModuleId, gi.PrefixURL, gi.ForumGroupId)))
                        gi.PrefixURL = string.Empty;

                gi.GroupSettingsKey = securityKey;
                var gc = new ForumGroupController();
                groupId  = gc.Groups_Save(PortalId, gi, bIsNew);
                recordId = groupId;

                var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);
                hidEditorResult.Value = groupId.ToString();


            case "forumsettingssave":
                var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                var sKey    = "F:" + forumId;
                SaveSettings(sKey, e.Parameters);

                hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString();
                DataCache.CacheClear(forumId.ToString() + "ForumSettings");
                DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumInfo, forumId));
                DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumInfo, forumId) + "st");
                var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FI-{0}-{1}-{2}", PortalId, ModuleId, forumId);

            case "groupsettingssave":
                var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                var sKey    = "G:" + forumId;
                SaveSettings(sKey, e.Parameters);

                hidEditorResult.Value = forumId.ToString();
                DataCache.CacheClear(forumId.ToString() + "GroupSettings");
                DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.GroupInfo, forumId));
                DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.GroupInfo, forumId) + "st");


            case "deleteforum":
                var forumId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                DataProvider.Instance().Forums_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, forumId);
                var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);

            case "deletegroup":
                var groupId = Utilities.SafeConvertInt(e.Parameters[1]);
                DataProvider.Instance().Groups_Delete(ModuleId, groupId);
                var cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);

            DataCache.CacheClear(string.Format(CacheKeys.ForumList, ModuleId));
            DataCache.CacheClear(ModuleId + "fv");

コード例 #35
ファイル: Topics.cs プロジェクト: rut5949/ActiveForums
        public TopicInfo ApproveTopic(int PortalId, int TabId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId)
            SettingsInfo ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            ForumController fc = new ForumController();
            Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
            TopicInfo topic = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);
            if (topic == null)
                return null;
            topic.IsApproved = true;
            tc.TopicSave(PortalId, topic);
            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(ForumId, TopicId, PortalId, ModuleId);

            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & topic.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                Email oEmail = new Email();
                oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, 0, string.Empty, topic.Author);

            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, 0, topic.Content.AuthorId);

                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                string sUrl = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(TabId, ModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, topic.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, fi.SocialGroupId);
                Social amas = new Social();
                amas.AddTopicToJournal(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, topic.Author.AuthorId, sUrl, topic.Content.Subject, string.Empty, topic.Content.Body, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return topic;
コード例 #36
ファイル: Email.cs プロジェクト: rut5949/ActiveForums
 public void SendEmail(int TemplateId, int PortalId, int ModuleId, int TabId, int ForumId, int TopicId, int ReplyId, string Comments, Author author)
     var _portalSettings = (Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)(HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]);
     SettingsInfo MainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
     string Subject;
     string BodyText;
     string BodyHTML;
     string sTemplate = string.Empty;
     var tc = new TemplateController();
     TemplateInfo ti = tc.Template_Get(TemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId);
     Subject = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.Subject, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
     BodyText = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateText, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
     BodyHTML = TemplateUtils.ParseEmailTemplate(ti.TemplateHTML, string.Empty, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, string.Empty, author.AuthorId, _portalSettings.TimeZoneOffset);
     BodyText = BodyText.Replace("[REASON]", Comments);
     BodyHTML = BodyHTML.Replace("[REASON]", Comments);
     string sFrom;
     var fc = new ForumController();
     Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);
     sFrom = fi.EmailAddress != string.Empty ? fi.EmailAddress : _portalSettings.Email;
     //Send now
     var oEmail = new Email();
     var subs = new List<SubscriptionInfo>();
     var si = new SubscriptionInfo
                      DisplayName = author.DisplayName,
                      Email = author.Email,
                      FirstName = author.FirstName,
                      LastName = author.LastName,
                      UserId = author.AuthorId,
                      Username = author.Username
     oEmail.UseQueue = MainSettings.MailQueue;
     oEmail.Recipients = subs;
     oEmail.Subject = Subject;
     oEmail.From = sFrom;
     oEmail.BodyText = BodyText;
     oEmail.BodyHTML = BodyHTML;
     oEmail.SmtpServer = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPServer"]);
     oEmail.SmtpUserName = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPUsername"]);
     oEmail.SmtpPassword = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPPassword"]);
     oEmail.SmtpAuthentication = Convert.ToString(_portalSettings.HostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"]);
     var objThread = new System.Threading.Thread(oEmail.Send);
コード例 #37
ファイル: Topics.cs プロジェクト: rut5949/ActiveForums
        public void Topics_Move(int PortalId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId)
            SettingsInfo settings = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            if (settings.URLRewriteEnabled)
                    Data.ForumsDB db = new Data.ForumsDB();
                    int oldForumId = -1;
                    oldForumId = db.Forum_GetByTopicId(TopicId);
                    ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                    Forum fi = fc.Forums_Get(oldForumId, -1, false);
                    if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.PrefixURL)))
                        Data.Common dbC = new Data.Common();
                        string sURL = dbC.GetUrl(ModuleId, fi.ForumGroupId, oldForumId, TopicId, -1, -1);
                        if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sURL)))
                            dbC.ArchiveURL(PortalId, fi.ForumGroupId, ForumId, TopicId, sURL);
                catch (Exception ex)

            DataProvider.Instance().Topics_Move(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId);
コード例 #38
        private void LoadForum(int forumId)
            var fc = new ForumController();
            var fi = fc.Forums_Get(forumId, -1, false, false);

            if (fi == null)

            var newForum = fc.GetForum(PortalId, ModuleId, forumId, true);

            ctlSecurityGrid = LoadControl("~/DesktopModules/activeforums/controls/admin_securitygrid.ascx") as Controls.admin_securitygrid;
            if(ctlSecurityGrid != null)
                ctlSecurityGrid.Perms = newForum.Security;
                ctlSecurityGrid.PermissionsId = newForum.PermissionsId;
                ctlSecurityGrid.ModuleConfiguration = ModuleConfiguration;
                ctlSecurityGrid.ReadOnly = newForum.InheritSecurity;


            txtForumName.Text = fi.ForumName;
            txtForumDesc.Text = fi.ForumDesc;
            chkActive.Checked = fi.Active;
            chkHidden.Checked = fi.Hidden;
            hidForumId.Value = fi.ForumID.ToString();
            txtPrefixURL.Text = fi.PrefixURL;

            var groupValue = (fi.ParentForumId > 0) ? "FORUM" + fi.ParentForumId : "GROUP" + fi.ForumGroupId;

            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpGroups, groupValue);

            if (fi.ForumSettingsKey == "G:" + fi.ForumGroupId)
                chkInheritGroup.Checked = true;
                trTemplates.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpTopicsTemplate, fi.TopicsTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpTopicTemplate, fi.TopicTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpTopicForm, fi.TopicFormId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpReplyForm, fi.ReplyFormId);
            //Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpQuickReplyForm, fi.QuickReplyFormId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpProfileDisplay, fi.ProfileTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModApprovedTemplateId, fi.ModApproveTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModRejectTemplateId, fi.ModRejectTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModDeleteTemplateId, fi.ModDeleteTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModMoveTemplateId, fi.ModMoveTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpModNotifyTemplateId, fi.ModNotifyTemplateId);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpDefaultTrust, fi.DefaultTrustValue);

            txtAutoTrustLevel.Text = fi.AutoTrustLevel.ToString();
            txtEmailAddress.Text = fi.EmailAddress;
            txtCreatePostCount.Text = fi.CreatePostCount.ToString();
            txtReplyPostCount.Text = fi.ReplyPostCount.ToString();

            rdFilterOn.Checked = fi.UseFilter;
            rdFilterOff.Checked = !fi.UseFilter;

            rdPostIconOn.Checked = fi.AllowPostIcon;
            rdPostIconOff.Checked = !fi.AllowPostIcon;

            rdEmotOn.Checked = fi.AllowEmoticons;
            rdEmotOff.Checked = !fi.AllowEmoticons;

            rdScriptsOn.Checked = fi.AllowScript;
            rdScriptsOff.Checked = !fi.AllowScript;

            rdIndexOn.Checked = fi.IndexContent;
            rdIndexOff.Checked = !fi.IndexContent;

            rdRSSOn.Checked = fi.AllowRSS;
            rdRSSOff.Checked = !fi.AllowRSS;

            rdAttachOn.Checked = fi.AllowAttach;
            rdAttachOff.Checked = !fi.AllowAttach;

            rdHTMLOn.Checked = fi.AllowHTML;
            rdHTMLOff.Checked = !fi.AllowHTML;

            if (fi.AllowHTML)
                cfgHTML.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            rdModOn.Checked = fi.IsModerated;
            rdModOff.Checked = !fi.IsModerated;

            if (fi.IsModerated)
                cfgMod.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            rdAutoSubOn.Checked = fi.AutoSubscribeEnabled;
            rdAutoSubOff.Checked = !fi.AutoSubscribeEnabled;

            if (fi.AutoSubscribeEnabled)
                cfgAutoSub.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");

            chkTopicsOnly.Checked = fi.AutoSubscribeNewTopicsOnly;

            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpEditorTypes, fi.EditorType);
            if (Convert.ToInt32(fi.EditorType).ToString() != "1") // Active Editor should not be used anymore
                txtEditorToolBar.Enabled = false;
                drpEditorStyle.Enabled = false;

            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpEditorStyle, fi.EditorStyle);
            Utilities.SelectListItemByValue(drpPermittedRoles, (int)fi.EditorPermittedUsers);

            txtEditorHeight.Text = (fi.EditorHeight == string.Empty) ? "400" : fi.EditorHeight;
            txtEditorWidth.Text = (fi.EditorWidth == string.Empty) ? "99%" : fi.EditorWidth;
            txtEditorToolBar.Text = (fi.EditorToolBar == string.Empty) ? "bold,italic,underline|bulletedlist,numberedlist" : fi.EditorToolBar;

            hidRoles.Value = fi.AutoSubscribeRoles;
コード例 #39
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

                UserController  uc = new UserController();
                User            ui = uc.GetUser(PortalSettings.PortalId, -1);
                ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                Forum           fi = fc.Forums_Get(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["ForumId"]), ui.UserId, true);

                if (fi != null)
                    if (Permissions.HasPerm(fi.Security.Attach, ui.UserRoles))
                        if (inpFile.HasFile)
                            string sFile        = string.Empty;
                            string sExt         = string.Empty;
                            int    maxImgHeight = fi.AttachMaxHeight;
                            int    maxImgWidth  = fi.AttachMaxWidth;
                            string contentType  = inpFile.PostedFile.ContentType;
                            sFile = Path.GetFileName(inpFile.PostedFile.FileName).Replace(" ", "_");

                            sExt = Path.GetExtension(sFile);
                            if (sFile.Length >= 250)
                                sFile = sFile.Replace(sExt, string.Empty);
                                sFile = sFile.Substring(0, (250 - sExt.Length));
                                sFile = sFile + sExt;
                            sExt = sExt.Replace(".", string.Empty);
                            if (!(fi.AttachTypeAllowed.ToString().ToLower().Contains(sExt.ToLower())))
                                Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_setMessage('" + Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:BlockedFile]") + "');</script>");
                            if (fi.AttachMaxSize > 0)
                                if ((inpFile.PostedFile.ContentLength / 1024.0) > fi.AttachMaxSize)
                                    Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_setMessage('" + string.Format(Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:FileTooLarge]"), fi.AttachMaxSize) + "');</script>");

                            Stream       inpStream     = inpFile.PostedFile.InputStream;
                            MemoryStream imgStream     = new MemoryStream();
                            bool         useMemStream  = false;
                            bool         allowDownload = true;
                            bool         displayInline = false;
                            if (sExt.ToLower() == "jpg" || sExt.ToLower() == "gif" || sExt.ToLower() == "bmp" || sExt.ToLower() == "png" || sExt.ToLower() == "jpeg")
                                useMemStream  = true;
                                imgStream     = (MemoryStream)(Images.CreateImageForDB(inpStream, maxImgHeight, maxImgWidth));
                                contentType   = "image/x-png";
                                allowDownload = false;
                                displayInline = true;

                            Data.AttachController ac = new Data.AttachController();
                            AttachInfo            ai = new AttachInfo();
                            ai.ContentId = -1;
                            ai.UserID    = ui.UserId;

                            ai.ContentType    = contentType;
                            ai.DisplayInline  = displayInline;
                            ai.AllowDownload  = allowDownload;
                            ai.ParentAttachId = 0;
                            if (fi.AttachStore == AttachStores.DATABASE)
                                if (useMemStream)
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(imgStream.Length);
                                    ai.FileData = imgStream.ToArray();
                                    byte[] byteData = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length - 1) + 1];
                                    inpStream.Read(byteData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length));
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length);
                                    ai.FileData = byteData;
                                ai.Filename = sFile;
                                if (useMemStream)
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(imgStream.Length);
                                    ai.Filename = SaveToFile(imgStream, sFile);
                                    byte[] byteData = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length) + 1];
                                    inpStream.Read(byteData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length));
                                    ai.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(inpStream.Length);
                                    ai.Filename = SaveToFile(inpFile, sFile);
                            int attachId = ac.Attach_Save(ai);
                            Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_isUploaded(" + attachId.ToString() + ");</script>");
                        inpFile.Visible = false;
                    inpFile.Visible = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.top.af_setMessage('" + ex.Message + "');</script>");