コード例 #1
ファイル: CoreTypesHelper.cs プロジェクト: ndhelix/OpenSilver
        private static string ConvertToDuration(string source, string destinationType)
            string stringValue = source.Trim();

            if (stringValue.Equals("Automatic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            else if (stringValue.Equals("Forever", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(SystemTypesHelper.ConvertFromInvariantString(stringValue, "system.timespan"));
コード例 #2
ファイル: CoreTypesHelper.cs プロジェクト: ndhelix/OpenSilver
        private static string ConvertToRepeatBehavior(string source, string destinationType)
            const char _iterationCharacter = 'x';

            string stringValue = source.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();

            if (stringValue == "forever")
            else if (stringValue.Length > 0 &&
                     stringValue[stringValue.Length - 1] == _iterationCharacter)
                string stringDoubleValue = stringValue.TrimEnd(_iterationCharacter);

                return($"new {destinationType}({stringDoubleValue.TrimEnd()})");

            return(SystemTypesHelper.ConvertFromInvariantString(stringValue, "system.timespan"));
コード例 #3
ファイル: CoreTypesHelper.cs プロジェクト: ndhelix/OpenSilver
        private static string ConvertToKeyTime(string source, string destinationType)
            string stringValue = source.Trim();

            if (stringValue == "Uniform" || stringValue == "Paced")
                throw new wpf::System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException(
                          $"The '{destinationType}.{stringValue}' property is not supported yet."
            else if (stringValue.Length > 0 &&
                     stringValue[stringValue.Length - 1] == '%')
                throw new wpf::System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException(
                          $"Percentage values for '{destinationType}' are not supported yet."
                return(SystemTypesHelper.ConvertFromInvariantString(stringValue, "system.timespan"));
        static void TraverseNextElement(XElement currentElement, int currentElementIndex, /*Stack<Dictionary<int, int>> indexesMapper*/ Stack <List <int> > indexesMapper, ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain)
            bool skipTraversalOfChildren = false;

            // Copy the children into a new array so that if we remove items from the collection, it does not affect the traversal:
            XElement[] children = currentElement.Elements().ToArray();

            // Check if the current element is an object (rather than a property):
            bool       isElementAnObjectRatherThanAProperty = !currentElement.Name.LocalName.Contains(".");
            List <int> indexesMap = new List <int>(children.Length);

            if (isElementAnObjectRatherThanAProperty)
                // CASE: OBJECT (e.g. <Button> or <TextBlock>)

                // Make a list of all the child nodes that are not part of a property of the current element (e.g. if the current element is a Border that contains a Button, we detect "<Button>" but we ignore "<Border.Child>" and "<ToolTipService.ToolTip>" because they are properties):
                List <XElement> nodesThatAreNotPropertiesOfTheObject = new List <XElement>();
                XElement        child;
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                    child = children[i];
                    if (!child.Name.LocalName.Contains("."))

                // Explicitly add the "ContentProperty" to the XAML. For example, <Border><TextBlock/></Border> becomes <Border><Border.Child><TextBlock/></Border.Child></Border>
                // If that list is not empty, put those child elements into a group, which name is the default children property (aka "ContentProperty") of the parent:
                if (nodesThatAreNotPropertiesOfTheObject.Count > 0)
                    // Find out the name of the default children property (aka "ContentProperty") of the current element:
                    string namespaceName, localName, assemblyNameIfAny;
                    GettingInformationAboutXamlTypes.GetClrNamespaceAndLocalName(currentElement.Name, out namespaceName, out localName, out assemblyNameIfAny);
                    var      contentPropertyName = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetContentPropertyName(namespaceName, localName, assemblyNameIfAny);
                    XElement contentWrapper;
                    if (contentPropertyName != null)
                        // Wrap the child elements:
                        contentWrapper = new XElement(currentElement.Name + "." + contentPropertyName);
                        contentWrapper = currentElement;
                    foreach (var childElement in nodesThatAreNotPropertiesOfTheObject)
                    contentWrapper.Add(nodesThatAreNotPropertiesOfTheObject.ToArray <object>());
                    if (contentWrapper != currentElement)

                // If there is some direct text content (such as <Button>content</Button), convert the text into an attribute (such as <Button Content="content"></Button>) if the element has the "[ContentProperty]" attribute.
                // Note: if the type is a system type (such as <sys:Double>50</sys:Double>), we ignore it because later its value will be directly assigned.
                // Similarly, if the type has the "[SupportsDirectContentViaTypeFromStringConvertersAttribute]" attribute or is an Enum, we also ignore it because later it will be transformed into a call to the "TypeFromStringConverters" class.
                XText directTextContent;
                if (DoesElementContainDirectTextContent(currentElement, out directTextContent))
                    // Read the content:
                    string contentValue = directTextContent.Value;

                    // Get information about the element namespace and assembly:
                    string namespaceName, localName, assemblyNameIfAny;
                    GettingInformationAboutXamlTypes.GetClrNamespaceAndLocalName(currentElement.Name, out namespaceName, out localName, out assemblyNameIfAny);

                    // Distinguish system types (string, double, etc.) to other types:
                    if (SystemTypesHelper.IsSupportedSystemType(namespaceName, localName, assemblyNameIfAny))
                        // In this case we do nothing because system types are handled later in the process. Example: "<sys:Double>50</sys:Double>" becomes: "Double x = 50;"
                        // Ensure the content is not empty:
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contentValue)) //todo: do we really need this?
                            List <int> siblings = indexesMapper.Peek();

                            //If it is the first child, we want to trim the start of the string. (Silverlight behavior)
                            if (currentElementIndex == siblings[0]) //at least of size 1 (it contains currentElement)
                                contentValue = contentValue.TrimStart();
                            //If it is the last child, we want to trim the end of the string. (Silverlight behavior)
                            if (currentElementIndex == siblings[siblings.Count - 1])
                                contentValue = contentValue.TrimEnd();
                            // Replace multiple spaces (and line returns) with just one space (same behavior as in WPF): //cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1279859/how-to-replace-multiple-white-spaces-with-one-white-space
                            contentValue = Regex.Replace(contentValue, @"\s{2,}", " ");

                            // Check if the type has the "[SupportsDirectContentViaTypeFromStringConvertersAttribute]" attribute (such as "<Color>Red</Color>")
                            // or it is an Enum (such as "<Visibility>Collapsed</Visibility>"):
                            if (reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.DoesTypeContainAttributeToConvertDirectContent(namespaceName, localName, assemblyNameIfAny) ||
                                reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.IsTypeAnEnum(namespaceName, localName, assemblyNameIfAny))
                                // Add the attribute that will tell the compiler to later intialize the type by converting from the string using the "TypeFromStringConverters" class.
                                currentElement.SetAttributeValue(AttributeNameForTypesToBeInitializedFromString, contentValue);

                                // Remove the direct text content:
                                // Find out the name of the default children property (aka "ContentProperty") of the current element:
                                var contentPropertyName = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetContentPropertyName(namespaceName, localName, assemblyNameIfAny);

                                // Verify that the default children property (aka "ContentProperty") was found:
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentPropertyName))
                                    throw new wpf::System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException(string.Format("The element '{0}' does not support direct content.", currentElement.Name));

                                // Verify that the attribute is not already set:
                                if (currentElement.Attribute(contentPropertyName) != null)
                                    throw new wpf::System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException(string.Format("The property '{0}' is set more than once.", contentPropertyName));

                                // SPECIAL CASE: If we are in a TextBlock, we want to set the property "TextBlock.Text" instead of "TextBlock.Inlines":
                                if (currentElement.Name == GeneratingCSharpCode.DefaultXamlNamespace + "TextBlock" ||
                                    currentElement.Name == GeneratingCSharpCode.DefaultXamlNamespace + "Run")
                                    contentPropertyName = "Text";

                                // Add the Content attribute:
                                XAttribute attribute = new XAttribute(contentPropertyName, contentValue);

                                // Remove the direct text content:
                // CASE: PROPERTY (e.g. <Button.Visibility> or <TextBlock.Text> or <ToolTipService.ToolTip>)

                // If there is some direct text content (such as <Button.Visibility>Collapsed</Button.Visibility> or <ToolTipService.ToolTip>Test</ToolTipService.ToolTip>), we convert the text into an attribute (such as <Button Visibility="Collapsed"></Button> or <Button ToolTipService.ToolTip="Test></Button>):
                XText directTextContent;
                if (DoesElementContainDirectTextContent(currentElement, out directTextContent))
                    // Check if we are on a direct object property (such as <Button.Visibility>) or an attached property (such as <ToolTipService.ToolTip>). For example, if the current element is <TextBlock.Text> and the parent is <TextBlock>, the result is true. Conversely, if the current element is <ToolTipService.ToolTip> and the parent is <Border>, the result is false.
                    bool isAttachedProperty = currentElement.Parent.Name != (currentElement.Name.Namespace + currentElement.Name.LocalName.Substring(0, currentElement.Name.LocalName.IndexOf(".")));

                    // Read the content:
                    string contentValue = directTextContent.Value;

                    // Get the property name:
                    string contentPropertyName = isAttachedProperty ? currentElement.Name.LocalName : currentElement.Name.LocalName.Substring(currentElement.Name.LocalName.IndexOf(".") + 1);

                    // Replace multiple spaces (and line returns) with just one space (same behavior as in WPF): //cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1279859/how-to-replace-multiple-white-spaces-with-one-white-space
                    contentValue = Regex.Replace(contentValue, @"\s{2,}", " ").Trim();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentValue))
                        contentValue = contentValue[0] == '{' ? "{}" + contentValue : contentValue;
                    // Verify that the attribute is not already set:
                    if (currentElement.Attribute(contentPropertyName) != null)
                        throw new wpf::System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException(string.Format("The property '{0}' is set more than once.", contentPropertyName));

                    // Add the attribute:
                    XAttribute attribute = new XAttribute(contentPropertyName, contentValue);

                    // Remove the element:

                    // It's useless to traverse the children because we have removed the element:
                    skipTraversalOfChildren = true;
                    XElement child;
                    for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                        child = children[i];
                        if (!child.Name.LocalName.Contains("."))

            // Recursion:
            if (!skipTraversalOfChildren)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var childElements in children)
                    TraverseNextElement(childElements, i, indexesMapper, reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain);