private void StopCooling_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCoolerWarmUp(handle); StopCooling.Enabled = false; StartCoolingButton.Enabled = true; }
private void StartFastModeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AtikPInvoke.ArtemisStartFastExposure(handle, 1); fastMode = true; StartFastModeButton.Enabled = false; StopFastModeButton.Enabled = true; }
protected override void OnFormClosed(FormClosedEventArgs e) { checkTemperature = false; appRunning = false; base.OnFormClosed(e); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisShutdown(); }
private void OffsetUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] offset = new byte[2]; offset[0] = (byte)((int)OffsetUpDown.Value & 0x00FF); offset[1] = (byte)((int)OffsetUpDown.Value >> 8); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionSetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOCustomOffset, offset, 2); }
private void WaitForImage() { ExposureStatus.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => ExposureStatus.Text = "Waiting For Image")); while (!AtikPInvoke.ArtemisImageReady(handle)) { if (stopProcessing) { stopProcessing = false; return; } Thread.Sleep(100); } int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0, binX = 0, binY = 0; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisGetImageData(handle, ref x, ref y, ref w, ref h, ref binX, ref binY); // Create memory to copy pixels into byte[] pix = new byte[w * h * 2]; var intPtr = AtikPInvoke.ArtemisImageBuffer(handle); ExposureStatus.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => ExposureStatus.Text = "Converting")); Marshal.Copy(intPtr, pix, 0, w * h * 2); // create enough space for a 24 bit per pixel bitmap of the image byte[] bmpBytes = new byte[w * h * 3]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < w * h; ++i, j += 2) { if (stopProcessing) { stopProcessing = false; return; } var val = pix[j]; // we have a mono image so we place the same value into each bitmap byte bmpBytes[i] = val; bmpBytes[++i] = val; bmpBytes[++i] = val; } var pic = new Bitmap(w, h); var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h); var picData = pic.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Marshal.Copy(bmpBytes, 0, picData.Scan0, w * 3 * h); pic.UnlockBits(picData); PictureBox.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => PictureBox.Image = pic)); ExposureStatus.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => ExposureStatus.Text = "Idle")); StartExposureButton.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => StartExposureButton.Enabled = true)); StopExposure.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => StopExposure.Enabled = false)); }
private void StopExposure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AtikPInvoke.ArtemisStopExposure(handle); stopProcessing = true; StopExposure.Enabled = false; StartExposureButton.Enabled = true; }
private void StartCoolingButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (handle != null) { AtikPInvoke.ArtemisSetCooling(handle, -10); StopCooling.Enabled = true; StartCoolingButton.Enabled = false; } }
void UpdateTemperature() { while (appRunning) { while (checkTemperature) { int t = 0; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisTemperatureSensorInfo(handle, 1, ref t); double tD = t * 0.01; Temperature.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => Temperature.Text = tD.ToString())); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } }
private void GOModeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] go = new byte[2]; go[0] = (byte)GOModeComboBox.SelectedIndex; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionSetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOPresetMode, go, 2); if (GOModeComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { GainBox.Visible = true; OffsetBox.Visible = true; } else { GainBox.Visible = false; OffsetBox.Visible = false; } }
private void StartExposureButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (handle.ToInt32() != 0) { if (AtikPInvoke.ArtemisStartExposure(handle, 2) == (int)ArtemisError.OK) { ExposureStatus.Text = "Starting Exposure"; Thread t1 = new Thread(WaitForImage); t1.Start(); StopExposure.Enabled = true; StartExposureButton.Enabled = false; } else { ExposureStatus.Text = "Failed To Start Exposure"; } } }
private void Find_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ComboBoxCameras.Clear(); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisRefreshDevicesCount(); for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (AtikPInvoke.ArtemisDevicePresent(i)) { StringBuilder sbName = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbSerial = new StringBuilder(); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisDeviceName(i, sbName); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisDeviceSerial(i, sbSerial); ComboBoxCameras.Add(new ComboBoxCamera(i, $"{sbName} {sbSerial}")); } } CameraComboBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (var camera in ComboBoxCameras) { CameraComboBox.Items.Add(camera); } }
private void Disconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { checkTemperature = false; // Stop cooling otherwise camera will continue // to cool when disconnected if (StopCooling.Enabled) { AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCoolerWarmUp(handle); StopCooling.Enabled = false; } AtikPInvoke.ArtemisStopExposure(handle); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisDisconnect(handle); ConnectedLabel.Text = "Not Connected"; Temperature.Text = "No Camera"; Disconnect.Enabled = false; Connect.Enabled = true; StartCoolingButton.Enabled = false; StartExposureButton.Enabled = false; CMOSOptionsBox.Visible = false; FastModeBox.Visible = false; fastModeNmrImage = 0; }
private void BitSendModeBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] bitSend = new byte[2]; bitSend[0] = (byte)BitSendModeBox.SelectedIndex; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionSetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_BitSendMode, bitSend, 2); }
private void ExposureSpeedBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] expSpeed = new byte[2]; expSpeed[0] = (byte)ExposureSpeedBox.SelectedIndex; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionSetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_ExposureSpeed, expSpeed, 2); }
private void EvenIlluminationCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] evenIllu = new byte[1]; evenIllu[0] = Convert.ToByte(EvenIlluminationCheckBox.Checked); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionSetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_EvenIllumination, evenIllu, 1); }
private void PadDataCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] padData = new byte[1]; padData[0] = Convert.ToByte(PadDataCheckBox.Checked); AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionSetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_PadData, padData, 1); }
private void GainUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] gain = new byte[2]; gain[0] = (byte)GainUpDown.Value; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionSetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOCustomGain, gain, 2); }
private void Connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selected = (ComboBoxCamera)CameraComboBox.SelectedItem; if (selected != null) { handle = AtikPInvoke.ArtemisConnect(; if (handle.ToInt32() != 0) { ConnectedLabel.Text = "Connected"; Disconnect.Enabled = true; Connect.Enabled = false; StartExposureButton.Enabled = true; // Using 0 for the sensor checks the number of sensors // rather than checking for a temperature int num = 0; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisTemperatureSensorInfo(handle, 0, ref num); if (num != 0) { StartCoolingButton.Enabled = true; checkTemperature = true; } else { Temperature.Text = "No Cooling"; } } if (AtikPInvoke.ArtemisHasCameraSpecificOption(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOCustomGain) && AtikPInvoke.ArtemisHasCameraSpecificOption(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOCustomOffset) && AtikPInvoke.ArtemisHasCameraSpecificOption(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_PadData) && AtikPInvoke.ArtemisHasCameraSpecificOption(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_EvenIllumination)) { CMOSOptionsBox.Visible = true; int length = 0; byte[] go = new byte[2]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionGetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOPresetMode, go, 2, ref length); GOModeComboBox.SelectedIndex = go[0]; if (go[0] == 0) { GainBox.Visible = true; byte[] gain = new byte[6]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionGetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOCustomGain, gain, 6, ref length); var gainMax = (gain[3] << 8) + gain[2]; var gainVal = (gain[5] << 8) + gain[4]; GainUpDown.Minimum = 0; GainUpDown.Maximum = gainMax; GainUpDown.Value = gainVal; OffsetBox.Visible = true; byte[] offset = new byte[6]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionGetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_GOCustomOffset, offset, 6, ref length); var offsetMax = (offset[3] << 8) + offset[2]; var offsetVal = (offset[5] << 8) + offset[4]; OffsetUpDown.Minimum = 0; OffsetUpDown.Maximum = offsetMax; OffsetUpDown.Value = offsetVal; } byte[] padData = new byte[1]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionGetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_PadData, padData, 1, ref length); PadDataCheckBox.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(padData[0]); byte[] evenIllu = new byte[1]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionGetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_EvenIllumination, evenIllu, 1, ref length); EvenIlluminationCheckBox.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(evenIllu[0]); } if (AtikPInvoke.ArtemisHasFastMode(handle)) { int length = 0; FastModeBox.Visible = true; byte[] expSpeed = new byte[2]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionGetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_ExposureSpeed, expSpeed, 2, ref length); ExposureSpeedBox.SelectedIndex = expSpeed[0]; byte[] bitSend = new byte[2]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisCameraSpecificOptionGetData(handle, (ushort)AtikCameraSpecificOptions.ID_BitSendMode, bitSend, 2, ref length); BitSendModeBox.SelectedIndex = bitSend[0]; AtikPInvoke.ArtemisSetFastCallback(handle, fastCallback); fastMode = true; Thread fastModeReceive = new Thread(DisplayFastModeImages); fastModeReceive.Start(); } } }