private void CLstart() { if (this.dgvData.CurrentRow.Index < 0) { this.TSsound.SoundLocation = Application.StartupPath + "\\Sound\\error.wav"; this.TSsound.Play(); frmError frmError = new frmError("当前称料行不存在!请再次查询!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { //DBpf dbpf = new DBpf(Settings.Default.DBconn); //T_PFmain tPfmain = dbpf.T_PFmain.Where<T_PFmain>((Expression<Func<T_PFmain, bool>>)(a => a.danhao == this.txtLDH.Text)).SingleOrDefault<T_PFmain>(); T_PFmain tPfmain = db.Queryable <T_PFmain>() .Where(a => a.danhao == this.txtLDH.Text) .First(); if (tPfmain == null || tPfmain.sta != "已审核") { //dbpf.Dispose(); this.TSsound.SoundLocation = Application.StartupPath + "\\Sound\\error.wav"; this.TSsound.Play(); frmError frmError = new frmError("料单未审核或不存在!请再次查询!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { //T_PFdata tPfdata = dbpf.T_PFdata.Where<T_PFdata>((Expression<Func<T_PFdata, bool>>)(a => a.SN == (long)this.dgvData.CurrentRow.Cells[this.colSN.Name].Value)).SingleOrDefault<T_PFdata>(); T_PFdata tPfdata = db.Queryable <T_PFdata>() .Where(a => a.SN == (long)this.dgvData.CurrentRow.Cells[this.colSN.Name].Value) .First(); if (tPfdata == null || tPfdata.ranliao != this.dgvData.CurrentRow.Cells[this.colRL.Name].Value.ToString()) { //dbpf.Dispose(); this.TSsound.SoundLocation = Application.StartupPath + "\\Sound\\error.wav"; this.TSsound.Play(); frmError frmError = new frmError("料单数据发生了改变!请再次查询!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { Decimal num1 = new Decimal(0); Decimal num2; if (this.txtLDH.Text.StartsWith("LD") || this.txtLDH.Text.Length == 10 && this.txtLDH.Text.StartsWith("8")) { num2 = tPfdata.yongliang; if (tPfdata.yongliangDW == "Kg" || tPfdata.yongliangDW == "L") { num2 *= new Decimal(1000); } } else { num2 = tPfdata.JLyongliang; if (tPfdata.JLyongliangDW == "Kg" || tPfdata.JLyongliangDW == "L") { num2 *= new Decimal(1000); } } if (num2 != (Decimal)this.dgvData.CurrentRow.Cells[this.colYL.Name].Value) { //dbpf.Dispose(); this.TSsound.SoundLocation = Application.StartupPath + "\\Sound\\error.wav"; this.TSsound.Play(); frmError frmError = new frmError("料单数据发生了改变!请再次查询!"); int num3 = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { //dbpf.Dispose(); if (this.dgvData.CurrentRow.Cells[this.colCL.Name].FormattedValue.ToString() != "" && Convert.ToDecimal(this.dgvData.CurrentRow.Cells[this.colCL.Name].FormattedValue.ToString()) > new Decimal(0)) { this.TSsound.SoundLocation = Application.StartupPath + "\\Sound\\error.wav"; this.TSsound.Play(); this.lblTS.Visible = false; frmTS frmTs = new frmTS(this.CLrl, this.CLcheng, this.CLdeng, "该染料已称过,再称一次吗!!!", "“确认”再称一次", "“清除”取消称料", Keys.Back); DialogResult dialogResult = frmTs.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmTs.Close(); this.lblTS.Visible = true; if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } if (this.CLcheng < 0) { this.TSsound.SoundLocation = Application.StartupPath + "\\Sound\\error.wav"; this.TSsound.Play(); frmError frmError = new frmError("无法找到合适的称,请核对!"); int num3 = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { if (!this.plcCL.OpenDeng(this.CLdeng)) { this.plcCL.OpenDeng(this.CLdeng); } this.staCL = frmCL.enumSta.称料正在; this.CLerrTPcount = 0; this.CLokCount = 0; this.CLallowKey = false; this.lblTPerr.Text = ""; this.CLzero(); } } } } } }
private void this_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Return) { this.txtSch.Text = this.txtSch.Text.Trim(); if (this.txtSch.Text == "") { frmError frmError = new frmError("无料单号,无法显示!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { DataTable dataTable1 = new DataTable(); DataTable dataTable2 = new DataTable(); //using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.DBconn)) { //sqlConnection.Open(); //SqlCommand command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); //command.CommandTimeout = 300; string CommandText = "select 1 from T_PFmain where danhao = '" + this.txtSch.Text + "' and sta = '已审核'"; //SqlDataReader sqlDataReader1 = command.ExecuteReader(); dataTable1 = db.Ado.GetDataTable(CommandText); if (dataTable1.Rows.Count != 1) { //sqlDataReader1.Close(); //sqlDataReader1.Dispose(); //command.Dispose(); dataTable1.Dispose(); dataTable2.Dispose(); frmError frmError = new frmError("此料单单号不存在或者未审核!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return; } string sql; if (this.txtSch.Text.StartsWith("LD") || this.txtSch.Text.Length == 10 && this.txtSch.Text.StartsWith("8")) { sql = "select * from T_PFdata a where a.danhao = '" + this.txtSch.Text + "' and a.ranliao in(select item0 from T_Base where leibie = '染料名称') and a.yongliang > 0"; } else { sql = "select * from T_PFdata a where a.danhao = '" + this.txtSch.Text + "' and a.ranliao in(select item0 from T_Base where leibie = '染料名称') and a.JLyongliang > 0"; } //SqlDataReader sqlDataReader2 = command.ExecuteReader(); dataTable2 = db.Ado.GetDataTable(sql); //sqlDataReader2.Close(); //sqlDataReader2.Dispose(); //command.Dispose(); } if (dataTable2.Rows.Count == 0) { dataTable1.Dispose(); dataTable2.Dispose(); frmError frmError = new frmError("无法找到此料单用量数据!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } } else if (e.KeyCode == this.cancelKey) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; } else { if (e.KeyCode != Keys.Prior && e.KeyCode != Keys.Next) { return; } if (this.lblTS.Text == "查询料单号(扫描输入)") { this.lblTS.Text = "查询料单号(键盘输入)"; this.txtSch.Text = "8" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyMM"); this.txtSch.Select(this.txtSch.Text.Length, 0); this.txtSch.ScrollToCaret(); } else { this.lblTS.Text = "查询料单号(扫描输入)"; this.txtSch.Text = ""; } } }
private bool cheng_plc_init() { //DBpf dbpf = new DBpf(Settings.Default.DBconn); //T_Base tBase = dbpf.T_Base.Where<T_Base>((Expression<Func<T_Base, bool>>)(a => a.leibie == PeiFang.BaseItem.leibie.enumLB.称料设置.ToString() && a.bianhao == this.jihao)).SingleOrDefault<T_Base>(); T_Base tBase = db.Queryable <T_Base>() .Where(a => a.leibie == "称料设置" && a.bianhao == this.jihao) .First(); //dbpf.Dispose(); if (tBase == null) { frmError frmError = new frmError("无法找到本机台参数设置数据!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) { string str1; string str2; string[] CLparaCheng = Settings.Default.CLparaCheng.Split('|'); if (index == 0) { str1 = tBase.item1; str2 = CLparaCheng[0]; } else if (index == 1) { str1 = tBase.item2; str2 = CLparaCheng[1]; } else if (index == 2) { str1 = tBase.item3; str2 = CLparaCheng[2]; } else { str1 = tBase.item4; str2 = CLparaCheng[3]; } if (str1 != "" && str2 != "") { string[] strArray1 = str1.Split(','); string[] strArray2 = str2.Split(','); if (strArray1.Length != 7) { frmError frmError = new frmError((index + 1).ToString() + " 号电子称参数设置错误!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } if (strArray2.Length != 8) { frmError frmError = new frmError((index + 1).ToString() + " 号电子称通讯设置错误!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } if (index > 0 && this.cheng[index - 1] == null) { frmError frmError = new frmError("请按小到大设置电子称!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } clsCheng clsCheng = new clsCheng(); try { StruChengPara struChengPara = new StruChengPara() { chengXH = (enumCheng)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumCheng), strArray1[0]), JingDu = Convert.ToDecimal(strArray1[1]), MaxCL = Convert.ToDecimal(strArray1[2]), WuCha = Convert.ToDecimal(strArray1[3]), WuChaPG = strArray1[4], OKci = (int)Convert.ToInt16(strArray1[5]), OKwd = !(strArray1[6] == "0"), zeroCi = Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[4]), zeroWD = !(strArray2[5] == "False"), scanSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[6]), zeroSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[7]) }; clsCheng.chengPara = struChengPara; clsCheng.PortName = strArray2[0]; clsCheng.BaudRate = Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[1]); clsCheng.DataBits = Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[2]); clsCheng.Parity = strArray2[3] == "Odd" ? Parity.Odd : (strArray2[3] == "Even" ? Parity.Even : Parity.None); clsCheng.com_open(); this.cheng.Add(clsCheng); } catch { frmError frmError = new frmError("串口 " + (index + 1).ToString() + " 错误!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } } else if (index == 0) { frmError frmError = new frmError("串口 " + (index + 1).ToString() + " 参数设置错误!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } } string[] strArray = Settings.Default.CLparaPLC.Split(','); if (strArray.Length != 5) { frmError frmError = new frmError("PLC 参数设置错误!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } try { this.plcCL.PortName = strArray[0]; this.plcCL.BaudRate = Convert.ToInt32(strArray[1]); this.plcCL.DataBits = Convert.ToInt32(strArray[2]); this.plcCL.Parity = strArray[3] == "Odd" ? Parity.Odd : Parity.Even; this.plcCL.RWokReadDelay = Convert.ToInt32(strArray[4]); this.plcCL.com_open(); } catch { frmError frmError = new frmError("PLC 打开错误!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return(false); } return(true); }
private void LblEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.txtSch.Text = this.txtSch.Text.Trim(); if (this.txtSch.Text == "") { frmError frmError = new frmError("无料单号,无法显示!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { DataTable dataTable1 = new DataTable(); DataTable dataTable2 = new DataTable(); //using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.DBconn)) { //sqlConnection.Open(); //SqlCommand command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); //command.CommandTimeout = 300; string CommandText = "select 1 from T_PFmain where danhao = '" + this.txtSch.Text + "' and sta = '已审核'"; //SqlDataReader sqlDataReader1 = command.ExecuteReader(); dataTable1 = db.Ado.GetDataTable(CommandText); if (dataTable1.Rows.Count != 1) { //sqlDataReader1.Close(); //sqlDataReader1.Dispose(); //command.Dispose(); dataTable1.Dispose(); dataTable2.Dispose(); frmError frmError = new frmError("此料单单号不存在或者未审核!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); return; } string sql; if (this.txtSch.Text.StartsWith("LD") || this.txtSch.Text.Length == 10 && this.txtSch.Text.StartsWith("8")) { sql = "select * from T_PFdata a where a.danhao = '" + this.txtSch.Text + "' and a.ranliao in(select item0 from T_Base where leibie = '染料名称') and a.yongliang > 0"; } else { sql = "select * from T_PFdata a where a.danhao = '" + this.txtSch.Text + "' and a.ranliao in(select item0 from T_Base where leibie = '染料名称') and a.JLyongliang > 0"; } //SqlDataReader sqlDataReader2 = command.ExecuteReader(); dataTable2 = db.Ado.GetDataTable(sql); //sqlDataReader2.Close(); //sqlDataReader2.Dispose(); //command.Dispose(); } if (dataTable2.Rows.Count == 0) { dataTable1.Dispose(); dataTable2.Dispose(); frmError frmError = new frmError("无法找到此料单用量数据!!!"); int num = (int)frmError.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)this); frmError.Close(); } else { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } }