public ActionResult Index() { var cicloAct = db.SP_MW_Ciclos_Act().First(); ViewBag.Ciclo = cicloAct.NU_Ano.ToString() + cicloAct.NU_Ciclo.ToString(); ViewBag.FEIni = cicloAct.FE_CicloIni.Day + "/" + cicloAct.FE_CicloIni.Month + "/" + cicloAct.FE_CicloIni.Year; ViewBag.FEFin = cicloAct.FE_CicloFin.Day + "/" + cicloAct.FE_CicloFin.Month + "/" + cicloAct.FE_CicloFin.Year; DateTime inicio = DateTime.Now; DateTime fin = new DateTime(cicloAct.FE_CicloFin.Year, cicloAct.FE_CicloFin.Month, cicloAct.FE_CicloFin.Day); TimeSpan restantes = (fin - inicio); if (restantes.Days < 0) { ViewBag.Restantes = 0; } else { ViewBag.Restantes = restantes.Days + 1; } ChartsModel model = new ChartsModel(); model.Charts = new List <Highcharts>(); string[] regiones = db.SP_MW_Dashboard_CoberturaPorReg().ToList() .OrderBy(e => e.TX_Region) .Select(c => c.TX_Region).ToArray(); object[] valPuntos = db.SP_MW_Dashboard_CoberturaPorReg() .OrderBy(e => e.TX_Region) .Select(c => c.PCJFVRR.ToString()).ToArray(); object[] valCoberturaMedica = db.SP_MW_Dashboard_CoberturaPorReg() .OrderBy(e => e.TX_Region) .Select(c => new object[] { c.PCJFVRR }).ToArray(); object[] valCoberturaHospital = db.SP_MW_Dashboard_CoberturaPorReg() .OrderBy(e => e.TX_Region) .Select(c => new object[] { c.VisitadosHospital }).ToArray(); object[] valCoberturaFarmacia = db.SP_MW_Dashboard_CoberturaPorReg() .OrderBy(e => e.TX_Region) .Select(c => new object[] { c.VisitadosFarmacia }).ToArray(); List <Point> misPuntos = new List <Point>(); int i = 0; foreach (object v in valPuntos) { Point punto = new Point { Y = Convert.ToDouble(v), Color = Color.FromName("colors[" + i + "]") }; misPuntos.Add(punto); i++; } Highcharts chart1 = new DotNet.Highcharts.Highcharts("chart1") .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false }) .InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column, Height = 250 }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Coberturas" }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "(%) Porcentajes" } }) .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = "Regiones" }, Categories = regiones }) .SetSeries(new[] { new Series { Name = "Cobertura Médica (Mix)", Data = new Data(valCoberturaMedica) }, new Series { Name = "Cobertura Farmacias", Data = new Data(valCoberturaFarmacia) }, new Series { Name = "Cobertura Hospitales", Data = new Data(valCoberturaHospital) }, }); var valAltasBajas = db.SP_MW_Dashboard_AltasBajas().First(); Highcharts chart3 = new Highcharts("chart3") .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false }) .InitChart(new Chart { Height = 200 }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Altas y Bajas" }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }" }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "TooltipFormatter" }) .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = new[] { "Altas", "Bajas" } }) .AddJavascripFunction("TooltipFormatter", @"var s; if ( { // the pie chart s = ''+ +': '+ this.y +'%'; } else { s = ''+ 'Médicos: '+ this.y; } return s;") .SetLabels(new Labels { Items = new[] { new LabelsItems { Html = "% Altas y Bajas", Style = "left: '165px', top: '8px', color: 'black'" } } }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Cantidad de Médicos" } }) .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Pie = new PlotOptionsPie { Center = new[] { new PercentageOrPixel(170), new PercentageOrPixel(40) }, Size = new PercentageOrPixel(60), ShowInLegend = false, DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels { Enabled = false } }, Column = new PlotOptionsColumn { ShowInLegend = false, DataLabels = new PlotOptionsColumnDataLabels { Enabled = true } } }) .SetSeries(new[] { new Series { Type = ChartTypes.Column, Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { //Name = "Altas", DataLabels = false, Y = valAltasBajas.NU_Altas, Color = Color.FromName("Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]") }, new Point { //Name = "Bajas", DataLabels = false, Y = valAltasBajas.NU_Bajas, Color = Color.FromName("Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1]") } }) }, new Series { Type = ChartTypes.Pie, Name = "Total", Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { Name = "Altas", Y = Convert.ToDouble(valAltasBajas.NU_PRCAltas), Color = Color.FromName("Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]") }, new Point { Name = "Bajas", Y = Convert.ToDouble(valAltasBajas.NU_PRCBajas), Color = Color.FromName("Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1]") } } ) } }); var valAVGFichas = db.SP_MW_Dashboard_PromedioFichas().First(); //IMPORTANTE Para que el Angular Gauge funcione debe estar en el _Layout el script "highcharts-more.js" Highcharts chart4 = new Highcharts("chart4") .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false }) .InitChart(new Chart { Type = ChartTypes.Gauge, PlotBackgroundColor = null, PlotBackgroundImage = null, PlotBorderWidth = 0, PlotShadow = false, Height = 250 }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "% de Fichas Llenas" }) .SetPane(new Pane { StartAngle = -150, EndAngle = 120, Background = new[] { new BackgroundObject { BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(new Gradient { LinearGradient = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, Stops = new object[, ] { { 0, "#FFF" }, { 1, "#333" } } }), BorderWidth = new PercentageOrPixel(0), OuterRadius = new PercentageOrPixel(109, true) }, new BackgroundObject { BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(new Gradient { LinearGradient = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, Stops = new object[, ] { { 0, "#333" }, { 1, "#FFF" } } }), BorderWidth = new PercentageOrPixel(1), OuterRadius = new PercentageOrPixel(107, true) }, new BackgroundObject(), new BackgroundObject { BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#DDD")), BorderWidth = new PercentageOrPixel(0), OuterRadius = new PercentageOrPixel(105, true), InnerRadius = new PercentageOrPixel(103, true) } } }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Min = 0, Max = 100, //MinorTickInterval = "auto", MinorTickWidth = 1, MinorTickLength = 10, MinorTickPosition = TickPositions.Inside, MinorTickColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#666"), TickPixelInterval = 30, TickWidth = 2, TickPosition = TickPositions.Inside, TickLength = 10, TickColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#666"), Labels = new YAxisLabels { Step = 2, //Rotation = "auto" }, Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "% Fichas" }, PlotBands = new[] { new YAxisPlotBands { From = 0, To = 50, Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#DF5353") }, new YAxisPlotBands { From = 50, To = 90, Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#DDDF0D") }, new YAxisPlotBands { From = 90, To = 100, Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#55BF3B") } } }) .SetSeries(new Series { Name = "Valor", Data = new Data(new object[] { valAVGFichas.Value }) }); model.Charts.Add(chart1); //model.Charts.Add(chart2); model.Charts.Add(chart3); model.Charts.Add(chart4); return(View(model)); }
public void TestMonitor(string testId, string storeId, bool old = true) { if (!old) { TestData = new List <Series>(); } highOptions.Point[] pt = new highOptions.Point[Warehouse[storeId].testRunList.Count]; int i = 0; string testName = ""; foreach (TestRun t in Warehouse[storeId].testRunList.Values) { testName = t.testList[testId].Name; pt[i] = new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point(); pt[i].Id = t.testList[testId].Id; if (t.testList[testId].Result == TestResult.Failed) { pt[i].Y = 1; } else { pt[i].Y = 0; } pt[i].X = GetDateInJsFormat(t.StartTime); i++; } try { Array.Sort(pt, delegate(DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point pt1, DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point pt2) { return(pt1.X.ToString().CompareTo(pt2.X.ToString())); } ); TestData.Add(new Series { Data = new Data(pt), Name = testName + ":" + storeId, PlotOptionsLine = new PlotOptionsLine { AllowPointSelect = false, LineWidth = 2, ZIndex = -1 } }); } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Sorry, Error occurred"; } }
public static Highcharts EmployeePieChart(this IEnumerable<DepartmentVM> departments, DepartmentChartGroupOption groupOption) { var dataPoints = new Point[0]; switch (groupOption) { case DepartmentChartGroupOption.Department: var orderedDepartments = departments.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList(); dataPoints = orderedDepartments.Select(x => new Point { Name = x.Name, Y = x.EmployeeCount }).ToArray(); break; case DepartmentChartGroupOption.DepartmentGroup: var orderedGroups = departments.GroupBy(x => x.GroupName).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList(); dataPoints = orderedGroups.Select(x => new Point { Name = x.Key, Y = x.Sum(y => y.EmployeeCount) }).ToArray(); break; } return new Highcharts("department_employees") //this name becomes the div id, so it needs to be one word!!! .InitChart(new Chart { PlotShadow = false }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Departments" }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y; }" }) //everything needs to be small case .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Pie = new PlotOptionsPie { AllowPointSelect = true, Cursor = Cursors.Pointer, DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels { Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"), ConnectorColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"), Formatter = "function() { return; }" } } }) .SetSeries(new Series { Type = ChartTypes.Pie, Name = "Browser share", Data = new Data(dataPoints) }); }
public void StoreMonitor(string storeId, bool old = true) { if (!old) { StoreData = new List <Series>(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId)) { StoreData = new List <Series>(); foreach (TrxDataStore v in Warehouse.Values) { DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point[] pt = new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point[v.testRunList.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (TestRun t in v.testRunList.Values) { pt[i] = new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point(); pt[i].Name = t.StartTime.ToString(); pt[i].Id = t.Id; pt[i].Y = t.Failed; pt[i].X = GetDateInJsFormat(t.StartTime); i++; } try { Array.Sort(pt, delegate(DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point pt1, DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point pt2) { return(pt1.X.ToString().CompareTo(pt2.X.ToString())); } ); StoreData.Add(new Series { Data = new Data(pt), Name = v.Id }); } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Sorry, Error occurred"; } } } else { DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point[] pt = new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point[Warehouse[storeId].testRunList.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (TestRun testRun in Warehouse[storeId].testRunList.Values) { pt[i] = new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point(); pt[i].Name = testRun.StartTime.ToString(); pt[i].Id = testRun.Id; pt[i].Y = testRun.Failed; pt[i].X = this.GetDateInJsFormat(testRun.StartTime); i++; } try { Array.Sort(pt, delegate(DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point pt1, DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point pt2) { return(pt1.X.ToString().CompareTo(pt2.X.ToString())); } ); StoreData.Add(new Series { Data = new Data(pt), Name = Warehouse[storeId].Id }); } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Sorry, Error occurred"; } } //Response.Redirect("/XMLUtilityV1/Display"); //return this.Display(); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the high chart for Throughput chart /// </summary> /// <param name="tpCurveClean">TP curve clean</param> /// <param name="tpCurveNoClean">TP curve no clean</param> /// <param name="isDashboard">IsDashboard flag</param> /// <returns>Returns the high chart</returns> private Highcharts plotTPData(Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, double, string>> tpCurveClean, Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, double, string>> tpCurveNoClean, bool isDashboard) { try { double cleanAverage = 0; double noCleanAverage = 0; double xaxisMinValue = 0.0; List<Point> lstPoints = new List<Point>(); List<double> xseries = new List<double>(); List<double> yseries = new List<double>(); object[] chartdata1 = new object[tpCurveClean.Count]; object[] chartdata2 = new object[tpCurveNoClean.Count]; object[] chartdataAverageClean = new object[tpCurveClean.Count]; object[] chartdataAveragenoClean = new object[tpCurveNoClean.Count]; Point[] chartData_Point1 = new Point[tpCurveClean.Count]; Point[] chartData_Point2 = new Point[tpCurveNoClean.Count]; Point[] withrticleanaverage = new Point[tpCurveClean.Count + 1]; int counter = 0; Number width, height; foreach (DateTime dateTime in tpCurveClean.Keys) { Tuple<int, double, string> tuple = tpCurveClean[dateTime]; chartData_Point1[counter] = new Point(); chartData_Point1[counter].X = tuple.Item1; chartData_Point1[counter].Y = tuple.Item2; chartdata1[counter] = tuple.Item2; xseries.Add(tuple.Item1); counter++; } Number? MaximumWeek = chartData_Point1 != null && chartData_Point1.Length > 0 ? chartData_Point1[chartdata1.Count() - 1].X : 0; cleanAverage = chartdata1.Length > 0 ? (chartdata1.Cast<double>()).ToArray().Average() : 0; counter = 0; if (isDashboard == true) { width = 500; height = 290; } else { width = 650; height = 300; } foreach (DateTime dateTime in tpCurveNoClean.Keys) { Tuple<int, double, string> tuple = tpCurveNoClean[dateTime]; chartData_Point2[counter] = new Point(); chartData_Point2[counter].X = tuple.Item1; chartData_Point2[counter].Y = tuple.Item2; chartdata2[counter] = tuple.Item2; counter++; if (tuple.Item3 == "Replace") { lstPoints.Add(new Point() { X = tuple.Item1, Y = tuple.Item2 }); } } noCleanAverage = chartdata2.Length > 0 ? chartdata2.Cast<double>().ToArray().Average() : 0; xaxisMinValue = xseries.Count > 0 ? xseries[0] - 1 : 0; Series withCleaning = new Series { Name = "WithCleaning", Data = new Data(chartData_Point1), }; Series withoutCleaning = new Series { Name = "WithoutCleaning", Data = new Data(chartData_Point2), }; Highcharts chart1 = new Highcharts("chart") .InitChart(new Chart { Width = width, Height = height, DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Area, ZoomType = ZoomTypes.Xy, SpacingRight = 20 }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Throughput Forecast" }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { HeaderFormat = "<b>Week :{point.x:.0f}</b><br>", PointFormat = "<b>{}: {point.y:.2f}</b>", Enabled = true }) .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = "Number of Weeks" }, Type = AxisTypes.Linear, MinRange = xaxisMinValue, Min = xaxisMinValue, TickInterval = 50, Labels = new XAxisLabels { Formatter = "function() { return this.value; }" } }) .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false }) .SetLegend(new Legend { BorderWidth = 1, }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Throughput" }, Labels = new YAxisLabels { Formatter = "function() { return this.value; }" } }) .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Area = new PlotOptionsArea { Marker = new PlotOptionsAreaMarker { Enabled = false, Symbol = "circle", Radius = 2, States = new PlotOptionsAreaMarkerStates { Hover = new PlotOptionsAreaMarkerStatesHover { Enabled = true } } }, PointInterval = 1, PointStart = new PointStart(xaxisMinValue) } }) .SetSeries(new[] { withoutCleaning, withCleaning, new Series { Name = "Replace", Type = ChartTypes.Scatter, Data = new Data(lstPoints.ToArray()), Color = Color.Blue }, new Series { Name = "Without RTI Average Clean", Type = ChartTypes.Spline, Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { X = xaxisMinValue, Y = noCleanAverage, }, new Point { X = MaximumWeek, Y = noCleanAverage, } }), Color = Color.Red, PlotOptionsSpline=new PlotOptionsSpline{DashStyle=DashStyles.ShortDash} }, new Series { Name = "With RTI Average Clean", Type = ChartTypes.Spline, Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { X = xaxisMinValue, Y = cleanAverage, }, new Point { X = MaximumWeek, Y = cleanAverage, } }), Color = Color.Green, PlotOptionsSpline=new PlotOptionsSpline{DashStyle=DashStyles.ShortDash} } } ); return chart1; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Fetches the salt split chart data. /// </summary> /// <param name="numWeeks">The number weeks.</param> /// <param name="avgResinage">The average resin age.</param> /// <param name="startingSS">The starting system.</param> /// <param name="maxDegSS">The maximum deg system.</param> /// <param name="selectedTrain">The selected train.</param> /// <param name="CleaningEffectiveness">The cleaning effectiveness.</param> /// <param name="isDashboard">if set to <c>true</c> [is dashboard].</param> /// <returns></returns> private Highcharts FetchSaltSplitChartData(double numWeeks, double avgResinage, double startingSS, double maxDegSS, string selectedTrain, double CleaningEffectiveness, bool isDashboard) { try { Dictionary<double, double> currentSS = new Dictionary<double, double>(); List<double> minimumSS = this.predictiveModelService.CalculateMinSaltSplit(Convert.ToInt64(this.Session["CustomerId"]), selectedTrain); double minimumSaltSplit = minimumSS[0]; double dblResinAge; if (avgResinage == 0) { dblResinAge = minimumSS[1]; } else { dblResinAge = avgResinage; } Number width, height; Dictionary<double, double> chartPoints = new Dictionary<double, double>(); if (isDashboard == true) { width = 500; height = 290; } else { width = 650; height = 265; } chartPoints = this.predictiveModelService.ComputeDataPoints(numWeeks, startingSS, maxDegSS); Data data1 = new Data(new object[] { }); int[] d = new int[chartPoints.Count]; double pointstart; Point[] afterCleaningSS = new Point[1]; Point[] currentSaltSplitPoints = new Point[1]; Point[] chartdataPoints = new Point[chartPoints.Count]; object[] minThresholdSeries = new object[chartPoints.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (var item in chartPoints) { chartdataPoints[i] = new Point(); chartdataPoints[i].X = item.Key; chartdataPoints[i].Y = item.Value; pointstart = Convert.ToDouble(chartPoints.Keys != null ? chartPoints.Keys.FirstOrDefault() : 0); minThresholdSeries.SetValue(minimumSaltSplit, i); i++; } Point point1 = new Point(); Point point2 = new Point(); currentSS = this.predictiveModelService.CurrentSSConditions(dblResinAge, CleaningEffectiveness, startingSS); this.currentSaltSplit = (currentSS != null && currentSS.Count > 0) ? currentSS.ElementAt(0).Value : 0; point1.X = (currentSS != null && currentSS.Count > 0) ? currentSS.ElementAt(0).Key : 0; point1.Y = (currentSS != null && currentSS.Count > 0) ? currentSS.ElementAt(0).Value : 0; afterCleaningSS[0] = point1; if (currentSS != null && currentSS.Count > 1) { point2.X = currentSS.ElementAt(1).Key; point2.Y = currentSS.ElementAt(1).Value; } currentSaltSplitPoints[0] = point2; Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart1") .InitChart(new Chart { Width = width, Height = height, DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Spline, ZoomType = ZoomTypes.Xy, SpacingRight = 30 }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Salt Split Degradation" }) .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { HeaderFormat = "<b>{}</b><br>", PointFormat = "<b>Week :{point.x:.0f}<br> <b>Salt Split: {point.y:.2f}</b>" , Enabled = true }) .SetLegend(new Legend { BorderWidth = 1, }) .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Type = AxisTypes.Linear, MinRange = 0, Max = numWeeks, Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = "Number of Weeks" }, TickInterval = 50 }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Salt Split" }, Min = 0, Max = 30, StartOnTick = false, EndOnTick = false, TickInterval = 10, PlotLines = new YAxisPlotLines[1] { new YAxisPlotLines { Value = minimumSaltSplit, Color = Color.Red, Width = 2, DashStyle = DashStyles.ShortDash, Label = new YAxisPlotLinesLabel { Text = "MinimumSS For Demand=" + Math.Round(minimumSaltSplit, 2) + string.Empty } } } }) .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Spline = new PlotOptionsSpline { LineWidth = 2, Marker = new PlotOptionsSplineMarker { Enabled = false, States = new PlotOptionsSplineMarkerStates { Hover = new PlotOptionsSplineMarkerStatesHover { Enabled = true, Radius = 2 } } }, Shadow = false, States = new PlotOptionsSplineStates { Hover = new PlotOptionsSplineStatesHover { LineWidth = 1 } }, Point = new PlotOptionsSplinePoint() } }) .SetSeries(new[] { new Series{ Name = "Salt Split degradation", Type = ChartTypes.Spline, Data = new Data(chartdataPoints), Color = Color.Green, }, new Series { Name = "Current SaltSplit", Type = ChartTypes.Scatter, Data = new Data(afterCleaningSS), Color = Color.Blue }, new Series { Name = "After Cleaning SaltSplit", Type = ChartTypes.Scatter, Data = new Data(currentSaltSplitPoints), Color = Color.DarkRed } }); return chart; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static Highcharts EmployeeBarChart(this IEnumerable<DepartmentVM> departments, DepartmentChartGroupOption groupOption) { var categories = new string[0]; var dataPoints = new Point[0]; switch (groupOption) { case DepartmentChartGroupOption.Department: var orderedDepartments = departments.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList(); categories = orderedDepartments.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray(); dataPoints = orderedDepartments.Select(x => new Point { Name = x.Name, Y = x.EmployeeCount }).ToArray(); break; case DepartmentChartGroupOption.DepartmentGroup: var orderedGroups = departments.GroupBy(x => x.GroupName).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList(); categories = orderedGroups.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray(); dataPoints = orderedGroups.Select(x => new Point { Name = x.Key, Y = x.Sum(y => y.EmployeeCount) }).ToArray(); break; } return new Highcharts("departments") //this name becomes the div id, so it needs to be one word!!! .InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column }) .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = categories }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Min = 0, Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Employees" } }) .SetLegend(new Legend { Layout = Layouts.Vertical, Align = HorizontalAligns.Left, VerticalAlign = VerticalAligns.Top, X = 100, Y = 70, Floating = true, //BackgroundColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"), Shadow = true }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = @"function() { return ''+ this.x +': '+ this.y; }" }) .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Column = new PlotOptionsColumn { PointPadding = 0.2, BorderWidth = 0 } }) .SetSeries(new Series { Name = "Employee count", Data = new Data(dataPoints) }); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the high chart for Throughput chart /// </summary> /// <param name="tpCurveClean">TP curve clean</param> /// <param name="tpCurveNoClean">TP curve no clean</param> /// <param name="isDashboard">IsDashboard flag</param> /// <returns>Returns the high chart</returns> private Highcharts plotTPData(Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, double, string>> tpCurveClean, Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, double, string>> tpCurveNoClean, bool isDashboard) { try { double cleanAverage = 0; double noCleanAverage = 0; double xaxisMinValue = 0.0; double xaxisMaxValue = Convert.ToDouble(tpCurveClean.Last().Value.Item1); List<Point> replacePts = new List<Point>(); List<Point> cleanedPts = new List<Point>(); List<double> xseries = new List<double>(); double[] chartdata1 = new double[tpCurveClean.Count]; double[] chartdata2 = new double[tpCurveNoClean.Count]; Point[] chartData_Point1 = new Point[tpCurveClean.Count]; Point[] chartData_Point2 = new Point[tpCurveNoClean.Count]; int counter = 0; Number width, height; foreach (DateTime dateTime in tpCurveClean.Keys) { Tuple<int, double, string> tuple = tpCurveClean[dateTime]; chartData_Point1[counter] = new Point(); chartData_Point1[counter].X = tuple.Item1; chartData_Point1[counter].Y = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; chartdata1[counter] = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; xseries.Add(tuple.Item1); counter++; if (tuple.Item3 == "Clean") { cleanedPts.Add(new Point() { X = tuple.Item1, Y = tuple.Item2 }); } } Number? MaximumWeek = chartData_Point1 != null && chartData_Point1.Length > 0 ? chartData_Point1[chartdata1.Count() - 1].X : 0; cleanAverage = chartdata1.Length > 0 ? chartdata1.Average() : 0; counter = 0; if (isDashboard == true) { width = 500; height = 290; } else { width = 650; height = 300; } foreach (DateTime dateTime in tpCurveNoClean.Keys) { Tuple<int, double, string> tuple = tpCurveNoClean[dateTime]; chartData_Point2[counter] = new Point(); chartData_Point2[counter].X = tuple.Item1; chartData_Point2[counter].Y = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; chartdata2[counter] = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; counter++; if (tuple.Item3 == "Replace") { replacePts.Add(new Point() { X = tuple.Item1, Y = tuple.Item2 }); } } noCleanAverage = chartdata2.Length > 0 ? chartdata2.Average() : 0; xaxisMinValue = xseries.Count > 0 ? xseries[0] : 0; // Set up area color fill gradient parameters Gradient gradLine = new Gradient(); int[] LinearGradient = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 300 }; gradLine.LinearGradient = LinearGradient; object[,] stops2 = new object[,] { { 0, "#F7EF9B" }, { 1, "#FFFFFF" } }; gradLine.Stops = stops2; Series withCleaning = new Series { Name = "With Cleaning", Data = new Data(chartData_Point1), PlotOptionsArea = new PlotOptionsArea { FillColor = new BackColorOrGradient(Color.FromArgb(30, 0, 128, 0)), Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 153, 80) } }; Series withoutCleaning = new Series { Name = "Without Cleaning", Data = new Data(chartData_Point2), PlotOptionsArea = new PlotOptionsArea { FillColor = new BackColorOrGradient(gradLine), Color = System.Drawing.Color.Goldenrod } }; Highcharts chart1 = new Highcharts("chart") .SetOptions(new GlobalOptions { Lang = new DotNet.Highcharts.Helpers.Lang { ThousandsSep = ",", DecimalPoint = "." } }) .InitChart(new Chart { Width = width, Height = height, DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Area, ZoomType = ZoomTypes.X, SpacingRight = 20 }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Throughput Forecast" }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { HeaderFormat = "<b>Week: {point.x:.0f}</b><br>", //PointFormat = "<b><span style=\"\">{}: {point.y:,.2f}</b></span><br>", // Use javascript function to control the tool tip coloring, to add a week number display, and to add thousands place seperartors Formatter = @"function() {var s = [];var X = '';$.each(this.points, function(index,point){if((index%2)==0){s.push('<span style=""color:#E6B800;font-weight:bold;"">'+ + ' : <span>' + '<b style=""font-weight:bold;"">' + point.y.toFixed(2).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "","") + '</b>');}else{s.push('<span style=""color:#509950;font-weight:bold;"">'+ + ' : <span>' + '<b style=""font-weight:bold;"">' + point.y.toFixed(2).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "","") + '</b>');}X = point.x;});var header = '<span style=""font-weight:bold;"">Week: ' + X.toString() + '<span>'; s.splice(0, 0, header); var temp1 = s[1];var temp2 = s[2];s[1] = temp2;s[2] = temp1;if(s.length >= 5){temp1 = s[4];temp2 = s[3];s[4] = temp2;s[3] = temp1;}return s.join('<br>');}", Enabled = true, Shared = true }) .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = "Number of Weeks" }, Type = AxisTypes.Linear, MinRange = 0, Min = xaxisMinValue, Max = xaxisMaxValue, TickInterval = 20, Labels = new XAxisLabels { Formatter = "function() { return this.value; }" } }) .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false }) .SetLegend(new Legend { BorderWidth = 1, }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Throughput" }, Labels = new YAxisLabels { Formatter = "function() { return this.value; }" } }) .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Area = new PlotOptionsArea { Marker = new PlotOptionsAreaMarker { Enabled = false, Symbol = "circle", Radius = 2, States = new PlotOptionsAreaMarkerStates { Hover = new PlotOptionsAreaMarkerStatesHover { Enabled = true } } }, PointInterval = 1, PointStart = new PointStart(xaxisMinValue), } }) .SetSeries(new[] { withoutCleaning, withCleaning, new Series { Name = "Replace", Type = ChartTypes.Scatter, Data = new Data(replacePts.ToArray()), Color = Color.Blue, }, new Series { Name = "Clean", Type = ChartTypes.Scatter, Data = new Data(cleanedPts.ToArray()), Color = Color.Red }, new Series { Name = "Without Cleaning Average", Type = ChartTypes.Spline, Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { X = xaxisMinValue, Y = noCleanAverage, }, new Point { X = MaximumWeek, Y = noCleanAverage, } }), Color = Color.Goldenrod , PlotOptionsSpline=new PlotOptionsSpline { DashStyle=DashStyles.ShortDash, LineWidth=1, Marker = new PlotOptionsSplineMarker{Enabled = false}, } }, new Series { Name = "With Cleaning Average", Type = ChartTypes.Spline, Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { X = xaxisMinValue, Y = cleanAverage, }, new Point { X = MaximumWeek, Y = cleanAverage, } }), Color = Color.ForestGreen, PlotOptionsSpline=new PlotOptionsSpline { DashStyle=DashStyles.ShortDash, LineWidth=1, Marker = new PlotOptionsSplineMarker{Enabled = false} } } } ); return chart1; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the high chart for Throughput chart /// </summary> /// <param name="tpCurveClean">TP curve clean</param> /// <param name="tpCurveNoClean">TP curve no clean</param> /// <param name="isDashboard">IsDashboard flag</param> /// <returns>Returns the high chart</returns> private Highcharts plotTPData(Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, double, string>> tpCurveClean, Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, double, string>> tpCurveNoClean, bool isDashboard) { try { double cleanAverage = 0; double noCleanAverage = 0; double xaxisMinValue = 0.0; double xaxisMaxValue = Convert.ToDouble(tpCurveClean.Last().Value.Item1); List<Point> replacePts = new List<Point>(); List<Point> cleanedPts = new List<Point>(); List<double> xseries = new List<double>(); double[] chartdata1 = new double[tpCurveClean.Count]; double[] chartdata2 = new double[tpCurveNoClean.Count]; Point[] chartData_Point1 = new Point[tpCurveClean.Count]; Point[] chartData_Point2 = new Point[tpCurveNoClean.Count]; int counter = 0; Number width, height; foreach (DateTime dateTime in tpCurveClean.Keys) { Tuple<int, double, string> tuple = tpCurveClean[dateTime]; chartData_Point1[counter] = new Point(); chartData_Point1[counter].X = tuple.Item1; chartData_Point1[counter].Y = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; chartdata1[counter] = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; xseries.Add(tuple.Item1); counter++; if (tuple.Item3 == "Clean") { cleanedPts.Add(new Point() { X = tuple.Item1, Y = tuple.Item2 }); } } Number? MaximumWeek = chartData_Point1 != null && chartData_Point1.Length > 0 ? chartData_Point1[chartdata1.Count() - 1].X : 0; cleanAverage = chartdata1.Length > 0 ? chartdata1.Average() : 0; counter = 0; if (isDashboard == true) { width = 500; height = 290; } else { width = 650; height = 300; } foreach (DateTime dateTime in tpCurveNoClean.Keys) { Tuple<int, double, string> tuple = tpCurveNoClean[dateTime]; chartData_Point2[counter] = new Point(); chartData_Point2[counter].X = tuple.Item1; chartData_Point2[counter].Y = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; chartdata2[counter] = !double.IsInfinity(tuple.Item2) ? tuple.Item2 : 0; counter++; if (tuple.Item3 == "Replace") { replacePts.Add(new Point() { X = tuple.Item1, Y = tuple.Item2 }); } } noCleanAverage = chartdata2.Length > 0 ? chartdata2.Average() : 0; xaxisMinValue = xseries.Count > 0 ? xseries[0] : 0; // Set up area color fill gradient parameters Gradient gradLine = new Gradient(); int[] LinearGradient = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 300 }; gradLine.LinearGradient = LinearGradient; object[,] stops2 = new object[,] { { 0, "#F7EF9B" }, { 1, "#FFFFFF" } }; gradLine.Stops = stops2; Series withCleaning = new Series { Name = "With Cleaning", Data = new Data(chartData_Point1), PlotOptionsArea = new PlotOptionsArea { FillColor = new BackColorOrGradient(Color.FromArgb(30, 0, 128, 0)), Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 153, 80) } }; Series withoutCleaning = new Series { Name = "Without Cleaning", Data = new Data(chartData_Point2), PlotOptionsArea = new PlotOptionsArea { FillColor = new BackColorOrGradient(gradLine), Color = System.Drawing.Color.Goldenrod } }; Highcharts chart1 = new Highcharts("chart") .SetOptions(new GlobalOptions { Lang = new DotNet.Highcharts.Helpers.Lang { ThousandsSep = ",", DecimalPoint = "." } }) .InitChart(new Chart { Width = width, Height = height, DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Area, ZoomType = ZoomTypes.Xy, SpacingRight = 20 }) .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Throughput Forecast" }) .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { HeaderFormat = "<b>Week: {point.x:.0f}</b><br>", PointFormat = "<b>{}: {point.y:,.2f}</b><br>", Enabled = true, Shared = true }) .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = "Number of Weeks" }, Type = AxisTypes.Linear, MinRange = xaxisMinValue, Min = xaxisMinValue, Max = xaxisMaxValue, TickInterval = 20, Labels = new XAxisLabels { Formatter = "function() { return this.value; }" } }) .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false }) .SetLegend(new Legend { BorderWidth = 1, }) .SetYAxis(new YAxis { Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Throughput" }, Labels = new YAxisLabels { Formatter = "function() { return this.value; }" } }) .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Area = new PlotOptionsArea { Marker = new PlotOptionsAreaMarker { Enabled = false, Symbol = "circle", Radius = 2, States = new PlotOptionsAreaMarkerStates { Hover = new PlotOptionsAreaMarkerStatesHover { Enabled = true } } }, PointInterval = 1, PointStart = new PointStart(xaxisMinValue), } }) .SetSeries(new[] { withoutCleaning, withCleaning, new Series { Name = "Replace", Type = ChartTypes.Scatter, Data = new Data(replacePts.ToArray()), Color = Color.Blue, }, new Series { Name = "Clean", Type = ChartTypes.Scatter, Data = new Data(cleanedPts.ToArray()), Color = Color.Red }, new Series { Name = "Without Cleaning Average", Type = ChartTypes.Spline, Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { X = xaxisMinValue, Y = noCleanAverage, }, new Point { X = MaximumWeek, Y = noCleanAverage, } }), Color = Color.Goldenrod , PlotOptionsSpline=new PlotOptionsSpline { DashStyle=DashStyles.ShortDash, LineWidth=1, Marker = new PlotOptionsSplineMarker{Enabled = false}, } }, new Series { Name = "With Cleaning Average", Type = ChartTypes.Spline, Data = new Data(new[] { new Point { X = xaxisMinValue, Y = cleanAverage, }, new Point { X = MaximumWeek, Y = cleanAverage, } }), Color = Color.ForestGreen, PlotOptionsSpline=new PlotOptionsSpline { DashStyle=DashStyles.ShortDash, LineWidth=1, Marker = new PlotOptionsSplineMarker{Enabled = false} } } } ); return chart1; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }