public RemoteControllerSelectedPage(RemoteController rc) { InitializeComponent(); Title = rc.Name; ControllerImage.Source = "RemoteControllers/" + rc.ImageName + "/" + rc.ImageName; remoteController = rc; bool columnSwitch = true; foreach (RemoteControllerButton b in rc.ControllerButtons) { b.Image = "RemoteControllers/" + rc.ImageName + "/" + b.ImageName; b.WidthRequest = 75; b.HeightRequest = 50; b.Clicked += ButtonClicked; b.Margin = 0; b.BackgroundColor = Color.White; if (rc.Name == "TRC4" && b.Name != "VideoKällor" || rc.Name == "TRC3") { b.WidthRequest = 100; b.HeightRequest = 40; } //Add buttons on each side of remote controller and one button on top of it. //TRC4 and TRC5 if (b.Name == "Funktioner" && rc.Name == "TRC5" || b.Name == "VideoKällor" && rc.Name == "TRC4" ) { TheGrid.Children.Add(b, 1, 0); } else if (rc.Name == "TRC5" || rc.Name == "TRC4") { if (columnSwitch) { ButtonStack.Children.Add(b); columnSwitch = false; } else { ButtonStack2.Children.Add(b); columnSwitch = true; } } else { ButtonStack.Children.Add(b); } } Button tutorialButton = new Button() { Text = "Vanliga frågor" }; tutorialButton.Clicked += TutorialButtonClicked; if (rc.ControllerTutorials.Count != 0) { ButtonStack.Children.Add(tutorialButton); } }
public RemoteControllerTutorialSelectionPage(RemoteController rc) { InitializeComponent(); TutorialListView.ItemsSource = rc.ControllerTutorials; }