private void CreateHeaderCommand() { var intentManager = mContainer.Resolve <IIntentManager>(); // Create the command that the inserted header button will use. var command = new SimpleCommand { Action = () => { var intent = new DomainToolsTabIntent(null, null); intentManager.Run(intent); } }; // Set up the button's content and pass in the command to be used. mExtensibilityHelper.RegisterHeaderCommand( headerButtonCaption: DomainToolsStringResources.GroupHeading, headerButtonTooltip: DomainToolsStringResources.GroupHeadingTooltip, buttonCommand: command); }
private void CreateHeaderCommand() { var intentManager = mContainer.Resolve<IIntentManager>(); // Create the command that the inserted header button will use. var command = new SimpleCommand { Action = () => { var intent = new DomainToolsTabIntent(null, null); intentManager.Run(intent); } }; // Set up the button's content and pass in the command to be used. mExtensibilityHelper.RegisterHeaderCommand( headerButtonCaption: DomainToolsStringResources.GroupHeading, headerButtonTooltip: DomainToolsStringResources.GroupHeadingTooltip, buttonCommand: command); }