コード例 #1
            /// <summary>Generate random numbers following a normal distribution N(a,\sigma^2).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="n">The number of random values to generate.</param>
            /// <param name="data">The <paramref name="n" /> random numbers following a normal distribution (output).</param>
            /// <param name="a">The mean.</param>
            /// <param name="sigma">The standard deviation.</param>
            /// <param name="generationMethod">The optional generation mode.</param>
            public void Gaussian(int n, double[] data, double a, double sigma, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generationMethod = null)
                int errorCode;

                if (generationMethod != null)
                    if (generationMethod is MklRandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode)
                        var vslGaussianGenerationMode = (MklRandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode)generationMethod;

                        errorCode = vdRngGaussian(vslGaussianGenerationMode.MagicNumber, m_Stream.m_Handle, n, data, a, sigma);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Generation mode is not a valid argument", "generationMode");
                    errorCode = vdRngGaussian(MklRandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode.InverseCumulativeDistributionFunction.MagicNumber, m_Stream.m_Handle, n, data, a, sigma);
                if (errorCode != 0) // execution is not successful
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("MKL: Return value " + errorCode + " in vdRngGaussian.");
コード例 #2
            /// <summary>Generate random numbers following a normal distribution N(a,\sigma^2).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="n">The number of random values to generate.</param>
            /// <param name="data">The <paramref name="n" /> random numbers following a normal distribution (output).</param>
            /// <param name="a">The mean.</param>
            /// <param name="sigma">The standard deviation.</param>
            /// <param name="generationMethod">The optional generation mode.</param>
            public void Gaussian(int n, double[] data, double a, double sigma, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generationMethod = null)
                int    errorCode = 0;
                double variance  = sigma * sigma;

                _acml_GaussianNumbers(ref n, ref a, ref variance, m_RandomNumberStream.m_State, data, ref errorCode);
                if (errorCode != 0) // execution is not successful
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("ACML: Return value " + errorCode + " in DRANDGAUSSIAN.");
コード例 #3
            /// <summary>Generates random numbers following a multivariate normal distribution N_d(\mu, \Sigma), i.e. d-dimensional vectors, where \Sigma = Q * Q' represents the variance-covariance matrix.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="n">The number of random values to generate.</param>
            /// <param name="data">The <paramref name="n"/> random numbers following a multivariate normal distribution, i.e. random vectors of size at least <paramref name="dimension"/> * <paramref name="n"/>. The return value
            /// as well as <see cref="GaussianMultivariateDataRepresentation"/> indicates the representation of the data (output).</param>
            /// <param name="dimension">The dimension of the output vectors.</param>
            /// <param name="matrixStorage">The matrix storage schema of <paramref name="pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix" />.</param>
            /// <param name="mu">The mean vector of dimension <paramref name="dimension" />.</param>
            /// <param name="pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix">The elements of the upper triangular matrix Q' passed according to the matrix storage scheme <paramref name="matrixStorage" />, where \Sigma = Q * Q' represents the variance-covariance matrix.</param>
            /// <param name="workspace">A workspace array, perhaps <c>null</c>.</param>
            /// <param name="generationMethod">The optional generation mode.</param>
            /// <returns>The representation of the <paramref name="data"/>; the random vectors (of dimension <paramref name="dimension"/>) are stored column-by-column if <see cref="BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.NoTranspose"/>; otherwise each column contains all realisation of the j'th component (i.e. transposed matrix).</returns>
            public BLAS.MatrixTransposeState GaussianMultivariate(int n, double[] data, int dimension, RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType matrixStorage, double[] mu, double[] pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, double[] workspace = null, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generationMethod = null)
                int method;

                if (generationMethod != null)
                    if (generationMethod is MklRandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode)
                        var vslGaussianGenerationMode = (MklRandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode)generationMethod;
                        method = vslGaussianGenerationMode.MagicNumber;
                        throw new ArgumentException("Generation mode is not a valid argument", "generationMode");
                    method = GaussianGenerationMode.InverseCumulativeDistributionFunction.MagicNumber;

                int errorCode;
                int storage = (int)matrixStorage;

                    fixed(double *dataPtr = data, muPtr = mu, pseudoRootPtr = pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix)
                        errorCode = vdRngGaussianMV(ref method, ref m_Stream.m_Handle, ref n, (IntPtr)dataPtr, ref dimension, ref storage, (IntPtr)muPtr, (IntPtr)pseudoRootPtr);

                if (errorCode != 0) // execution is not successful
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("MKL: Return value " + errorCode + " in vdRngGaussianmv.");
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>Gets the length of the workspace array required for optimal performance of <see cref="GaussianMultivariate(int, double[], int, RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType, double[], double[], double[], RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode)" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">The number of random values to generate.</param>
 /// <param name="dimension">The dimension of the output vectors.</param>
 /// <param name="matrixStorage">The matrix storage schema.</param>
 /// <param name="generationMethod">The optional generation mode.</param>
 /// <returns>The length of the workspace array required for the generation of random numbers following a multivariate normal distribution, perhaps <c>0</c>.</returns>
 public int GaussianMultivariateWorkspaceQuery(int n, int dimension, RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType matrixStorage, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generationMethod = null)
コード例 #5
        public void NextNumberSequenceGaussianMultivariate_EstimatedVariance_ConvidenceInterval(int dimension, int sampleSize, double[] mu, double[] pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType matrixStorageType, double lowerCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, double upperCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generatorMode)
            IRandomNumberStream randomStream = GetRandomStream();

            /* do not apply BoxMuller to Pseudo-Random Number Generator: */
            Assume.That(randomStream.Generator is IPseudoRandomNumberGenerator || (string)generatorMode.Name != "BoxMuller", "Box-Muller approach is for Pseudo-Random Number Generators not adequate.");

            var sample          = new double[sampleSize * dimension];
            int workspaceLength = randomStream.NextNumberSequence.GaussianMultivariateWorkspaceQuery(sampleSize, dimension, matrixStorageType, generatorMode);

            double[] workspace = null;
            if (workspaceLength > 0)
                workspace = new double[workspaceLength];
            var outputRepresentation = randomStream.NextNumberSequence.GaussianMultivariate(sampleSize, sample, dimension, matrixStorageType, mu, pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, workspace, generatorMode);

            int triangularPackagedMatrixStartIndex = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                // check the variance of the j'te component
                double[] projectedSample = null;

                switch (outputRepresentation)
                case Basics.BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.NoTranspose:
                    projectedSample = sample.Skip(j).Where((x, k) => k % dimension == 0).ToArray();      // the relevant sample, i.e. realisations of a normal-distributed random number

                case Basics.BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.Transpose:
                case Basics.BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.Hermite:
                    projectedSample = sample.Skip(j * sampleSize).Where((x, k) => k < sampleSize).ToArray();

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                Assert.That(projectedSample.Length >= sampleSize, String.Format("Length : {0}", projectedSample.Length));

                double expectedMean  = mu[j];
                double estimatedMean = projectedSample.Average();

                double estimatedVariance = GetEstimatedVariance(projectedSample, sampleSize, estimatedMean);

                double expectedVariance = 0.0;
                switch (matrixStorageType)
                case RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType.Diagonal:
                    expectedVariance = pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[j] * pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[j];

                case RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType.Full:

                    // compute [Q * Q']_{j,j], where Q' is one of the arguments
                    for (int k = 0; k < dimension; k++)
                        double temp = pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[k + dimension * j];
                        expectedVariance += temp * temp;

                case RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType.TriangularPackaged:

                    for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++)
                        double temp = pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[triangularPackagedMatrixStartIndex + k];
                        expectedVariance += temp * temp;
                    triangularPackagedMatrixStartIndex += j + 1;

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                /* check whether the (theoretical) variance is inside
                 * [ (n-1) * S^2 / \chi^2_{\alpha/2, n-1}, (n-1)*S^2 / \chi^2_{1.0 - \alpha/2, n-1} ],
                 * where \chi^2_{\alpha, n} is the quantile of the chi-square distribution with degree n and parameter \alpha.
                Assert.That(estimatedVariance * (sampleSize - 1) / upperCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(expectedVariance), String.Format("Component: {0}; sampleSize: {1}, theor. Variance: {2}, estimated mean: {3}, estimated Variance: {4}, upper-Chi Squared quantile: {5}", j, sampleSize, expectedVariance, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance, upperCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution));
                Assert.That(estimatedVariance * (sampleSize - 1) / lowerCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(expectedVariance), String.Format("Component: {0}; sampleSize: {1}, theor. Variance: {2}, estimated mean: {3}, estimated Variance: {4}, upper-Chi Squared quantile: {5}", j, sampleSize, expectedVariance, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance, upperCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution));
コード例 #6
        public void NextNumberSequenceGaussianMultivariate_EstimatedMean_ConvidenceInterval(int dimension, int sampleSize, double[] mu, double[] pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType matrixStorageType, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generatorMode)
            IRandomNumberStream randomStream = GetRandomStream();

            /* do not apply BoxMuller to Pseudo-Random Number Generator: */
            Assume.That(randomStream.Generator is IPseudoRandomNumberGenerator || (string)generatorMode.Name != "BoxMuller", "Box-Muller approach is for Pseudo-Random Number Generators not adequate.");

            var sample          = new double[sampleSize * dimension];
            int workspaceLength = randomStream.NextNumberSequence.GaussianMultivariateWorkspaceQuery(sampleSize, dimension, matrixStorageType, generatorMode);

            double[] workspace = null;
            if (workspaceLength > 0)
                workspace = new double[workspaceLength];
            var outputRepresentation = randomStream.NextNumberSequence.GaussianMultivariate(sampleSize, sample, dimension, matrixStorageType, mu, pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, workspace, generatorMode);

            for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                // check the mean of the j'te component etc.:
                double[] projectedSample = null;

                switch (outputRepresentation)
                case Basics.BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.NoTranspose:
                    projectedSample = sample.Skip(j).Where((x, k) => k % dimension == 0).ToArray();      // the relevant sample, i.e. realisations of a normal-distributed random number

                case Basics.BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.Transpose:
                case Basics.BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.Hermite:
                    projectedSample = sample.Skip(j * sampleSize).Where((x, k) => k < sampleSize).ToArray();

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                Assert.That(projectedSample.Length >= sampleSize, String.Format("Length : {0}", projectedSample.Length));

                double expectedMean  = mu[j];
                double estimatedMean = projectedSample.Average();

                double estimatedStandardDeviation = GetEstimatedStandardDeviation(projectedSample, sampleSize, estimatedMean);
                double epsilon = 2.0 * estimatedStandardDeviation / Math.Sqrt(sampleSize); // size of the confidence interval w.r.t. normal distribution N{-1}(0.975) \approx 1.96 \approx 2.0

                /* test whether E(X) \in [ estimatedMean - \epsilon, estimatedMean + \epsilon], where \epsilon = \sigma/\sqrt(n} */
                Assert.That(estimatedMean + epsilon, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(expectedMean), String.Format("Component: {0}; expected Mean: {1}; estimated Mean: {2}; lower Confidence Interval bound: {3}; upper Confidence Interval bound: {4}.", j, expectedMean, estimatedMean, estimatedMean - epsilon, estimatedMean + epsilon));
                Assert.That(estimatedMean - epsilon, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(expectedMean), String.Format("Component: {0}; expected Mean: {1}; estimated Mean: {2}; lower Confidence Interval bound: {3}; upper Confidence Interval bound: {4}.", j, expectedMean, estimatedMean, estimatedMean - epsilon, estimatedMean + epsilon));
コード例 #7
        public void NextNumberSequenceGaussian_EstimateVariance_ConvidenceInterval(int sampleSize, double a, double sigma, double lowerCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, double upperCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generatorMode)
            var sample = new double[sampleSize];
            IRandomNumberStream randomStream = GetRandomStream();

            randomStream.NextNumberSequence.Gaussian(sampleSize, sample, a, sigma, generatorMode);

            double estimatedMean     = sample.Average();
            double estimatedVariance = GetEstimatedVariance(sample, sampleSize, estimatedMean);

            /* check whether the (theoretical) variance is inside
             * [ (n-1) * S^2 / \chi^2_{\alpha/2, n-1}, (n-1)*S^2 / \chi^2_{1.0 - \alpha/2, n-1} ],
             * where \chi^2_{\alpha, n} is the quantile of the chi-square distribution with degree n and parameter \alpha.
            double expectedVariance = sigma * sigma;

            Assert.That((sampleSize - 1) * estimatedVariance / upperCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(expectedVariance), String.Format("a: {0}, sigma: {1}, sampleSize: {2}, theor. Variance: {3}, estimated mean: {4}, estimated Variance: {5}, upper-Chi Squared quantile: {6}", a, sigma, sampleSize, expectedVariance, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance, upperCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution));
            Assert.That((sampleSize - 1) * estimatedVariance / lowerCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(expectedVariance), String.Format("a: {0}, sigma: {1}, sampleSize: {2}, theor. Variance: {3}, estimated mean: {4}, estimated Variance: {5}, lower-Chi Squared quantile: {6}", a, sigma, sampleSize, expectedVariance, estimatedMean, estimatedVariance, lowerCriticalValueOfChiSquaredDistribution));
コード例 #8
        public void NextNumberSequenceGaussian_EstimatedSecondMoment_ConvidenceInterval(int sampleSize, double a, double sigma, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generatorMode)
            double expectedSecondMoment = sigma * sigma + a * a;

            var sample = new double[sampleSize];
            IRandomNumberStream randomStream = GetRandomStream();

            randomStream.NextNumberSequence.Gaussian(sampleSize, sample, a, sigma, generatorMode);
            sample = sample.Select(x => x * x).ToArray();

            double estimatedSecondMoment      = sample.Average();
            double estimatedStandardDeviation = GetEstimatedStandardDeviation(sample, sampleSize, estimatedSecondMoment);
            double epsilon = 2.0 * estimatedStandardDeviation / Math.Sqrt(sampleSize); // size of the confidence interval w.r.t. normal distribution N{-1}(0.975) \approx 1.96 \approx 2.00

            /* test whether E(X^2) \in [ estimatedMoment - \epsilon, estimatedMoment + \epsilon], where \epsilon = \sigma/\sqrt(n} */
            Assert.That(estimatedSecondMoment - epsilon, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(expectedSecondMoment), String.Format("a: {0}; sigma: {1}; 2nd Moment: {2}; estimated 2nd Moment: {3}; estimated Standard Deviation: {4}; epsilon: {5}", a, sigma, sigma * sigma + a * a, estimatedSecondMoment, estimatedStandardDeviation, epsilon));
            Assert.That(estimatedSecondMoment + epsilon, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(expectedSecondMoment), String.Format("a: {0}; sigma: {1}; 2nd Moment: {2}; estimated 2nd Moment: {3}; estimated Standard Deviation: {4}; epsilon: {5}", a, sigma, sigma * sigma + a * a, estimatedSecondMoment, estimatedStandardDeviation, epsilon));
コード例 #9
        public void NextNumberSequenceGaussian_EstimatedMean_ConvidenceInterval(int sampleSize, double a, double sigma, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generatorMode)
            double expectedMean = a;

            var sample = new double[sampleSize];
            IRandomNumberStream randomStream = GetRandomStream();

            randomStream.NextNumberSequence.Gaussian(sampleSize, sample, a, sigma, generatorMode);

            double estimatedMean = sample.Average();
            double estimatedStandardDeviation = GetEstimatedStandardDeviation(sample, sampleSize, estimatedMean);
            double epsilon = 2.0 * estimatedStandardDeviation / Math.Sqrt(sampleSize); // size of the confidence interval w.r.t. normal distribution N{-1}(0.975) \approx 1.96 \approx 2.0

            /* test whether E(X) \in [ estimatedMean - \epsilon, estimatedMean + \epsilon], where \epsilon = \sigma/\sqrt(n} */
            Assert.That(estimatedMean - epsilon, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(expectedMean), String.Format("a: {0}, sigma: {1}, estimated mean: {2}, estimated Standard Deviation: {3}, epsilon: {4}", a, sigma, estimatedMean, estimatedStandardDeviation, epsilon));
            Assert.That(estimatedMean + epsilon, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(expectedMean), String.Format("a: {0}, sigma: {1}, estimated mean: {2}, estimated Standard Deviation: {3}, epsilon: {4}", a, sigma, estimatedMean, estimatedStandardDeviation, epsilon));
コード例 #10
            /// <summary>Generates random numbers following a multivariate normal distribution N_d(\mu, \Sigma), i.e. d-dimensional vectors, where \Sigma = Q * Q' represents the variance-covariance matrix.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="n">The number of random values to generate.</param>
            /// <param name="data">The <paramref name="n"/> random numbers following a multivariate normal distribution, i.e. random vectors of size at least <paramref name="dimension"/> * <paramref name="n"/>,
            /// where the i-th block of <paramref name="n"/> elements contains the realisations of the i-th component of the random vector (output).</param>
            /// <param name="dimension">The dimension of the output vectors.</param>
            /// <param name="mu">The mean vector of dimension <paramref name="dimension" />.</param>
            /// <param name="varianceCovarianceMatrix">The variance covariance matrix supplied column-by-column.</param>
            /// <param name="generationMethod">The optional generation mode.</param>
            public void GaussianMultivariate(int n, double[] data, int dimension, double[] mu, double[] varianceCovarianceMatrix, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generationMethod = null)
                int errorCode = 0;

                _acml_MultiNormalNumbers(ref n, ref dimension, mu, varianceCovarianceMatrix, ref dimension, m_RandomNumberStream.m_State, data, ref n, ref errorCode);
                if (errorCode != 0) // execution is not successful
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("ACML: Return value " + errorCode + " in DRANDMULTINORMAL.");
コード例 #11
            /// <summary>Generates random numbers following a multivariate normal distribution N_d(\mu, \Sigma), i.e. d-dimensional vectors, where \Sigma = Q * Q' represents the variance-covariance matrix.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="n">The number of random values to generate.</param>
            /// <param name="data">The <paramref name="n"/> random numbers following a multivariate normal distribution, i.e. random vectors of size at least <paramref name="dimension"/> * <paramref name="n"/>. The return value
            /// as well as <see cref="GaussianMultivariateDataRepresentation"/> indicates the representation of the data (output).</param>
            /// <param name="dimension">The dimension of the output vectors.</param>
            /// <param name="matrixStorage">The matrix storage schema of <paramref name="pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix" />.</param>
            /// <param name="mu">The mean vector of dimension <paramref name="dimension" />.</param>
            /// <param name="pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix">The elements of the upper triangular matrix Q' passed according to the matrix storage scheme <paramref name="matrixStorage" />, where \Sigma = Q * Q' represents the variance-covariance matrix.</param>
            /// <param name="workspace">A workspace array, perhaps <c>null</c>.</param>
            /// <param name="generationMethod">The optional generation mode.</param>
            /// <returns>The representation of the <paramref name="data"/>; the random vectors (of dimension <paramref name="dimension"/>) are stored column-by-column if <see cref="BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.NoTranspose"/>; otherwise each column contains all realisation of the j'th component (i.e. transposed matrix).</returns>
            public BLAS.MatrixTransposeState GaussianMultivariate(int n, double[] data, int dimension, RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType matrixStorage, double[] mu, double[] pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, double[] workspace = null, RandomNumberSequence.GaussianGenerationMode generationMethod = null)
                // for this implementation one has to calculate the covariance matrix:
                if ((workspace == null) || (workspace.Length < dimension * dimension))
                    workspace = new double[dimension * dimension];

                switch (matrixStorage)
                case RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType.Full:
                    BLAS.Level3.dgemm(dimension, dimension, dimension, 1.0, pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix, 0.0, workspace, BLAS.MatrixTransposeState.Transpose);

                case RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType.Diagonal:
                    BLAS.Level1.dscal(dimension * dimension, 0.0, workspace); // set coVarianceMatrix = 0
                    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)                       // the input is just the diagonal matrix (column-by-column representation)
                        workspace[j * dimension + j] = pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[j] * pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[j];

                case RandomNumberSequence.MultivariateMatrixStorageType.TriangularPackaged:
                    int startIndexMatrixQ = 0;     // the null-based index of the first index [in packaged representation] of matrix Q w.r.t. to the (i,j)-component of Q*Q'

                    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                        startIndexMatrixQ += i;

                        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
                            /* j is the start index of Matrix Q' and one has to calculate j + 1 multiplications: */
                            double value = 0.0;

                            for (int k = 0; k < j + 1; k++)
                                value += pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[startIndexMatrixQ + k] * pseudoRootOfVarianceCovarianceMatrix[j + k];
                            workspace[i + j * dimension] = workspace[j + i * dimension] = value;

                    throw new ArgumentException(matrixStorage.ToFormatString());
                int errorCode = 0;

                _acml_MultiNormalNumbers(ref n, ref dimension, mu, workspace, ref dimension, m_RandomNumberStream.m_State, data, ref n, ref errorCode);
                if (errorCode != 0) // execution is not successful
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("ACML: Return value " + errorCode + " in DRANDMULTINORMAL.");