コード例 #1
        private void btnIdentGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DocumentBase.CountryCode nationality;
            Enum.TryParse <DocumentBase.CountryCode>(cmbIdentNationality.SelectedValue.ToString(), out nationality);

            DocumentBase.CountryCode issuer;
            Enum.TryParse <DocumentBase.CountryCode>(cmbIdentIssuer.SelectedValue.ToString(), out issuer);

            DocumentBase.SexCode sex;
            Enum.TryParse <DocumentBase.SexCode>(cmbIdentSex.SelectedValue.ToString(), out sex);

            IdentityDocumentModel tmp = new IdentityDocumentModel(
                charRemap(txtIdentSurname.Text.Replace(' ', '<')),
                charRemap(txtIdentGiven.Text.Replace(' ', '<')),
                charRemap(txtIdentOptionalOne.Text.Replace(' ', '<')),
                charRemap(txtIdentOptionalTwo.Text.Replace(' ', '<')),

            var MRZ = MrzGeneration.GenerateIdentityCardMRZ(tmp);

            tmp.MRZ = MRZ;
            rtbMRZ.Text = MRZ[0] + Environment.NewLine + MRZ[1] + Environment.NewLine + MRZ[2];
コード例 #2
        public static string[] GenerateIdentityCardMRZ(IdentityDocumentModel document)
            string[] MRZ = new string[3];

            string lineOne   = string.Empty;
            string lineTwo   = string.Empty;
            string lineThree = string.Empty;

            lineOne  = document.DocType.PadRight(2, '<');
            lineOne += document.CountryOfIssue;
            lineOne += document.DocumentNum;
            lineOne += mrzCheckDigitConvert(document.DocumentNum);
            lineOne += document.OptionalOne;
            lineOne  = lineOne.PadRight(30, '<').Substring(0, 30);

            lineTwo  = document.Dob;
            lineTwo += mrzCheckDigitConvert(document.Dob);
            lineTwo += Convert.ToChar(Convert.ChangeType(document.Sex, document.Sex.GetTypeCode()));
            lineTwo += document.ExpDate;
            lineTwo += mrzCheckDigitConvert(document.ExpDate);
            lineTwo += document.Nationality;
            lineTwo += document.OptionalTwo;
            lineTwo  = lineTwo.PadRight(30, '<').Substring(0, 29);
            lineTwo += mrzCheckDigitConvert(lineOne.Substring(5, 25) + lineTwo.Substring(0, 7) + lineTwo.Substring(8, 7) + lineTwo.Substring(18, 10));

            lineThree = (document.SurName + "<<" + document.GivenNames).PadRight(30, '<').Substring(0, 30);;

            MRZ[0] = lineOne;
            MRZ[1] = lineTwo;
            MRZ[2] = lineThree;

            return(MRZ); //lineOne + Environment.NewLine + lineTwo + Environment.NewLine + lineThree;
コード例 #3
        public static void GenerateIdentityCard(IdentityDocumentModel vm)
            if (vm.MRZ.Length != 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("MRZ should have 3 rows for indentity cards, not : " + vm.MRZ.Length);

            // Create a new PDF document
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();

            document.Info.Title = "Created with PDFsharp";

            // Create an empty page
            PdfPage page = document.AddPage();

            // Get an XGraphics object for drawing
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

            // Create a font
            XFont font         = new XFont("OCR-B 10 BT", 12, XFontStyle.Regular);
            var   width        = XUnit.FromMillimeter(85.68);
            var   height       = XUnit.FromMillimeter(54.02);
            var   heightMargin = XUnit.FromInch(.25);
            var   widthMargin  = XUnit.FromInch(.25);

            gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.Beige, new XRect(widthMargin, heightMargin, width, height));
            XImage image = XImage.FromFile(@"Templates\IndentityCard_bg.jpg");

            gfx.DrawImage(image, widthMargin, heightMargin, width, height);

            // Draw the text
            gfx.DrawString(vm.MRZ[0], font, XBrushes.Black,
                           new XRect(XUnit.FromMillimeter(4) + widthMargin, XUnit.FromMillimeter(36.4) + heightMargin, XUnit.FromMillimeter(80), 0),

            gfx.DrawString(vm.MRZ[1], font, XBrushes.Black,
                           new XRect(XUnit.FromMillimeter(4) + widthMargin, XUnit.FromMillimeter(41) + heightMargin, XUnit.FromMillimeter(80), 0),

            gfx.DrawString(vm.MRZ[2], font, XBrushes.Black,
                           new XRect(XUnit.FromMillimeter(4) + widthMargin, XUnit.FromMillimeter(44.5) + heightMargin, XUnit.FromMillimeter(80), 0),

            gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Black, 0, XUnit.FromMillimeter(60) + heightMargin, XUnit.FromInch(8.5), XUnit.FromMillimeter(60) + heightMargin);

            StringBuilder tmpText = new StringBuilder();

            tmpText.AppendLine("DocType : " + vm.DocType);
            tmpText.AppendLine("CountryOfIssue : " + vm.CountryOfIssue);
            tmpText.AppendLine("SurName : " + vm.SurName);
            tmpText.AppendLine("GivenNames : " + vm.GivenNames);
            tmpText.AppendLine("DocumentNum : " + vm.DocumentNum);
            tmpText.AppendLine("Dob : " + vm.Dob);
            tmpText.AppendLine("ExpDate : " + vm.ExpDate);
            tmpText.AppendLine("OptionalOne : " + vm.OptionalOne);
            tmpText.AppendLine("OptionalTwo : " + vm.OptionalTwo);
            tmpText.AppendLine("Nationality : " + vm.Nationality);
            tmpText.AppendLine("Sex : " + vm.Sex);
            tmpText = tmpText.Replace('<', ' ');
            tmpText.AppendLine("MRZ : ");
            tmpText.AppendLine(string.Join("\n", vm.MRZ));
            string text = tmpText.ToString();

            XFont          font2 = new XFont("Times New Roman", 10, XFontStyle.Bold);
            XTextFormatter tf    = new XTextFormatter(gfx);

            XRect rect = new XRect(widthMargin, XUnit.FromMillimeter(62) + heightMargin, 250, XUnit.FromMillimeter(62) + heightMargin + 220);

            gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.LightGray, rect);
            //tf.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            tf.DrawString(text, font, XBrushes.Black, rect, XStringFormats.TopLeft);

            // Save the document...
            //string filename = "IndentityCard_"+DateTime.Now.ToOADate().ToString()+".pdf";
            string filename = "IdentityCard.pdf";
