private bool IsValidExtension(FileInfo fi) { if (CFile.GetIsFolder(fi)) { return(true); } bool HasDisallowedExt = ((this._DisallowedExt != null) && (this._DisallowedExt.Length > 0)); bool HasAllowedOnlyExt = ((this._AllowedOnlyExt != null) && (this._AllowedOnlyExt.Length > 0)); if (!HasDisallowedExt && !HasAllowedOnlyExt) { return(true); } if (HasDisallowedExt && HasAllowedOnlyExt) { throw new Exception("IsDisallowedExt와 IsAllowedOnlyExt는 둘 중 하나만 값이 있어야 합니다."); } string Ext = Path.GetExtension(fi.FullName); if (HasDisallowedExt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ext)) { return(true); } return(CArray.IndexOf(this._DisallowedExt, Ext, true) == -1); } else if (HasAllowedOnlyExt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ext)) { return(false); } return(CArray.IndexOf(this._AllowedOnlyExt, Ext, true) != -1); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// SQL 서버용 키워드는 소문자 또는 대문자로 변경해서 리턴함. /// </summary> /// <param name="Stmt">SQL문 자체, 또는 SQL문을 포함하는 문자열</param> /// <returns>변환된 문자열</returns> /// <example> /// <code> /// string Sql = "select * from mytable where id = 'between a to b' and name like '박%'"; /// string s = CSql.GetSqlServerKeywordTo(Sql, true); /// Console.WriteLine(s); /// //--결과 /// //SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = 'between a to b' AND name LIKE '박%' /// </code> /// </example> private static string GetSqlServerKeywordTo(string Stmt, bool IsUcase) { string[] aKeywords = GetSqlServerKeyword(); SortedList slIndexValue = new SortedList(); // \w+: 연속된(+) 글자(w), 즉 단어 // ': 작은 따옴표 int QuoteEnd = -1; Regex r = new Regex(@"\w+|'", RegexOptions.Compiled); for (Match m = r.Match(Stmt); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch()) { if (m.Index <= QuoteEnd) { continue; } switch (m.Value) { case "'": QuoteEnd = CDelim.GetQuoteEnd(Stmt, m.Index, '\''); break; default: if (CArray.IndexOf(aKeywords, m.Value, true) >= 0) { slIndexValue.Add(m.Index, new string[] { m.Value, (IsUcase ? m.Value.ToUpper() : m.Value.ToLower()) }); } else { slIndexValue.Add(m.Index, new string[] { m.Value, m.Value }); } break; } } string s = GetIndexValueMerged(Stmt, slIndexValue); return(s); }
/// <summary> /// HTML 태그로 구성된 문자열은 BR, P 등을 행의 구분자로, /// 일반 텍스트 문자열은 줄바꿈을 구분자로 취급해서 각 행을 항목으로 하는 배열을 리턴함. /// </summary> /// <param name="Value">문자열</param> /// <param name="MaxColumnCount">한글을 2Byte로 취급하는 최대 열너비(이 값을 초과한 문자열은 같은 줄에 있어도 다음 줄로 인식됨)</param> /// <param name="Include_BR_P_AsSeparator">BR, P 태그를 행 구분자로 취급할 지 여부</param> /// <returns>각 행을 항목으로 하는 배열</returns> /// <example> /// <code> /// <![CDATA[ /// string Html = "1줄<br>2줄<p>3줄"; /// /// string[] aHtml = CHtml.SplitLine(Html, 2, true); /// Console.WriteLine(aHtml[0]); // "1" /// /// string[] aHtml2 = CHtml.SplitLine(Html, 3, true); /// Console.WriteLine(aHtml2[0]); // "1줄" /// ]]> /// </code> /// </example> public static string[] SplitLine(string Value, int MaxColumnCount, bool Include_BR_P_AsSeparator) { List <string> aValueList = new List <string>(); string[] aLineSep = null; if (Include_BR_P_AsSeparator) { aLineSep = new string[] { "<p>", "<p/>", "<p />", "<br>", "<br/>", "<br />" }; } else { Value = Value.Replace("\r", ""); aLineSep = new string[] { "\n" }; } string[] aValue = Value.Split(aLineSep, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0, i2 = aValue.Length; i < i2; i++) { if (MaxColumnCount != 0) { string[] aValueInner = CArray.SplitByLength(aValue[i], MaxColumnCount, true); if (aValueInner.Length > 1) { for (int j = 0, j2 = aValueInner.Length; j < j2; j++) { aValueList.Add(aValueInner[j]); } } else { aValueList.Add(aValue[i]); } } else { aValueList.Add(aValue[i]); } } return(aValueList.ToArray()); }
public static string GetPropertiesInHtml(object Value) { if (Value == null) { return("(null)"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"); PropertyInfo[] api = Value.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in api) { object oValueCur = pi.GetValue(Value, null); string ValueCur = ""; if (oValueCur == null) { ValueCur = "(null)"; } if (oValueCur.GetType() == typeof(string[])) { ValueCur = CArray.ToHtml((string[])oValueCur); } else { ValueCur = oValueCur.ToString(); } if (ValueCur == "") { ValueCur = " "; } sb.Append("<tr><td>" + pi.Name + "</td><td>" + ValueCur + "</tr>"); } sb.Append("</table>"); return(sb.ToString()); }
private static Version GetVersion(XmlDocument XDoc) { XmlAttribute Attr = XDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["FileVersion"]; if (Attr == null) { return(new Version()); } int Version = CFindRep.IfNotNumberThen0(Attr.Value); if (Version > 0) { //4255 -> string[] aVersion = CArray.SplitByLength(Attr.Value, 1); return(new Version(Convert.ToInt32(aVersion[0]), Convert.ToInt32(aVersion[1]), Convert.ToInt32(aVersion[2]), Convert.ToInt32(aVersion[3]))); } else { return(new Version(Attr.Value)); } }
private bool IsValidForSync(FileInfo fiSrc, FileInfo fiDest, bool IsFtp, out string FullPathSrcNewIs) { FullPathSrcNewIs = ""; bool IsFile = !CFile.GetIsFolder(fiSrc); bool IsValid = true; if (IsFile) { if (IsValid) { IsValid = IsValidExtension(fiSrc); } if (IsFtp) { if (_SyncType == SyncTypes.CompareTimeBetweenSrcAndDest) { throw new Exception(string.Format("SyncType:{0} disallowed in Ftp.", _SyncType)); } //숨김 속성인 경우 new FileStream 사용할 때 읽지 못함. if (IsValid) { IsValid = ((fiSrc.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != FileAttributes.Hidden); } if (IsValid) { IsValid = (fiSrc.LastWriteTime > _DateTimeAfter); } } else { if (_SyncType == SyncTypes.CompareTimeBetweenSrcAndDest) { if (fiDest != null) { DateTime DateSrc = fiSrc.LastWriteTime; DateTime DateDest = fiDest.LastWriteTime; long SizeSrc = fiSrc.Length; long SizeDest = fiDest.Length; if (IsValid) { IsValid = ((DateSrc != DateDest) || (SizeSrc != SizeDest)); } } } else { if (IsValid) { IsValid = (fiSrc.LastWriteTime > _DateTimeAfter); } } } } else { if (IsValid) { IsValid = IsValidFolder(fiSrc); } } if (IsValid) { if (this._MinifyJs && (string.Compare(fiSrc.Extension, ".js", true) == 0)) { #if !DotNet35 string JsSource = CFile.GetTextInFile(fiSrc.FullName); Minifier mf = new Minifier(); string JsSourceMinified = mf.MinifyJavaScript(JsSource); FullPathSrcNewIs = CFile.GetTempFileName(fiSrc.Extension); CFile.WriteTextToFile(FullPathSrcNewIs, JsSourceMinified); #else throw new Exception(".Net 3.5 does not support Minifier."); #endif } if ((this._aJsFullPathRefered != null) && (this._aJsFullPathRefered.Length > 0)) { if (CArray.IndexOf(this._aJsFullPathRefered, fiSrc.FullName, true) != -1) { List <Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync> > tpPathAndHtml = GetPathAndHtmlAndFtpInfoDest(this._aFullPathReferencingJs, fiSrc); foreach (Tuple <string, string, CFtpInfoSync> tp in tpPathAndHtml) { string FullPathDest = tp.Item1; string Html = tp.Item2; CFtpInfoSync FtpInfo = tp.Item3; if (_DestType == DestTypes.FileSystem) { CFile.WriteTextToFile(FullPathDest, Html); } else { string TmpFullPath = CFile.GetTempFileName(); CFile.WriteTextToFile(TmpFullPath, Html); CFtp2 Ftp = new CFtp2(FtpInfo); Ftp.UploadFile(TmpFullPath, FullPathDest); } } } else if (CArray.IndexOf(this._aFullPathReferencingJs, fiSrc.FullName, true) != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < this._aRootFolderDest.Length; i++) { string HtmlSrc = CFile.GetTextInFile(fiSrc.FullName); string HtmlDest = ""; string FullPathDest = ""; string FullUrlDest = ""; if (_DestType == DestTypes.FileSystem) { FullPathDest = CPath.GetFullPathDest(this._RootFolderSrc, this._aRootFolderDest[i], fiSrc.FullName); HtmlDest = CFile.GetTextInFile(FullPathDest); } else { CFtp2 Ftp = new CFtp2(this._aFtpInfoDest[i]); FullUrlDest = CUrl.GetFullUrlDest(this._RootFolderSrc, this._aRootFolderDest[i], fiSrc.FullName); HtmlDest = Ftp.GetText(FullUrlDest); } string HtmlSrcNew = GetHtmlVersionReplaced(HtmlSrc, HtmlDest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HtmlSrcNew)) { continue; } FullPathSrcNewIs = CFile.GetTempFileName(fiSrc.Extension); CFile.WriteTextToFile(FullPathSrcNewIs, HtmlSrcNew); } } } } return(IsValid); }
public Dictionary <int, string> GetIndexAndWords(string Value, bool IncludeDelimeter) { Dictionary <int, string> dicWords = new Dictionary <int, string>(); string Word = "", Delim = ""; int IndexWord = -1, IndexDelim = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Value.Length; i++) { char c = Value[i]; if ((this.mWordSolo != null) && (CArray.IndexOf(this.mWordSolo, c) != -1)) { if ((Delim != "") && IncludeDelimeter) { dicWords.Add(IndexDelim, Delim); } if (Word != "") { dicWords.Add(IndexWord, Word); } Delim = ""; IndexDelim = -1; Word = ""; IndexWord = -1; dicWords.Add(i, c.ToString()); continue; } if (this.IsDelimeter(c)) { Delim += c.ToString(); if (IndexDelim == -1) { IndexDelim = i; } if (Word != "") { dicWords.Add(IndexWord, Word); } Word = ""; IndexWord = -1; } else { Word += c.ToString(); if (IndexWord == -1) { IndexWord = i; } if ((Delim != "") && IncludeDelimeter) { dicWords.Add(IndexDelim, Delim); } Delim = ""; IndexDelim = -1; } } if (Word != "") { dicWords.Add(IndexWord, Word); } else if ((Delim != "") && IncludeDelimeter) { dicWords.Add(IndexDelim, Delim); } return(dicWords); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Stmt"></param> /// <param name="aTableFieldName"></param> /// <param name="CaseFrom"></param> /// <param name="CaseTo"></param> /// <param name="IsReplaceOnlyInDoubleQuote"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <example> /// <code> /// string[] aNamePascal = new string[] { "UserName", "UserId" }; /// string s = "SELECT a.UserName, a.UserId, a.UserJumin FROM UserInfo AS a WHERE a.UserId LIKE 'UserId%'"; /// /// string s2 = CSql.GetTableFieldNameToCase(s, aNamePascal, CSql.CaseTypes.PascalCase, CSql.CaseTypes.UpperCaseUnderbar); /// Console.WriteLine(s2); /// //--결과 /// //SELECT a.USER_NAME, a.USER_ID, a.UserJumin FROM UserInfo AS a WHERE a.USER_ID LIKE 'UserId%' /// /// string[] aNameUpper = new string[] { "USER_NAME", "USER_ID" }; /// string s3 = CSql.GetTableFieldNameToCase(s2, aNameUpper, CSql.CaseTypes.UpperCaseUnderbar, CSql.CaseTypes.PascalCase); /// Console.WriteLine(s3); /// //--결과 /// //SELECT a.UserName, a.UserId, a.UserJumin FROM UserInfo AS a WHERE a.UserId LIKE 'UserId%' /// </code> /// </example> public static string GetTableFieldNameToCase(string Stmt, string[] aTableFieldName, CaseTypes CaseFrom, CaseTypes CaseTo, bool IsReplaceOnlyInDoubleQuote) { string[] aKeywords = GetSqlServerKeyword(); SortedList slIndexValue = new SortedList(); // \w+: 연속된(+) 글자(w), 즉 단어 // ': 작은 따옴표 // ": 큰 따옴표 bool IsDoubleQuotStarted = false; int QuoteEnd = -1; Regex r = new Regex(@"\w+|'|""", RegexOptions.Compiled); for (Match m = r.Match(Stmt); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch()) { if (m.Index <= QuoteEnd) { continue; } switch (m.Value) { case "\"": if (IsDoubleQuotStarted) { IsDoubleQuotStarted = false; } else { IsDoubleQuotStarted = true; } break; case "'": QuoteEnd = CDelim.GetQuoteEnd(Stmt, m.Index, '\''); break; default: bool IsReplace = true; //따옴표 안의 문자열만 변경하는 옵션일 때 따옴표 안에 있지 않거나, //현재 Value가 Table, Field 이름이 아닌 경우. if ((IsReplaceOnlyInDoubleQuote && !IsDoubleQuotStarted) || (CArray.IndexOf(aTableFieldName, m.Value, true) == -1)) { IsReplace = false; } if (IsReplace) { string Value = GetCaseConverted(m.Value, CaseFrom, CaseTo); slIndexValue.Add(m.Index, new string[] { m.Value, Value }); } else { slIndexValue.Add(m.Index, new string[] { m.Value, m.Value }); } break; } } string s = GetIndexValueMerged(Stmt, slIndexValue); return(s); }
/// <summary> /// 태그를 삽입할 위치와 태그 문자열 정보를 NameValueCollection으로 리턴함. /// </summary> /// <param name="Code"></param> /// <returns></returns> private NameValueCollection GetPosAndTag(string Code) { NameValueCollection nv = new NameValueCollection(); // \w+: 연속된(+) 글자(w), 즉 단어 // //: 한줄 주석 // /\*: 여러줄 주석 시작 // @": @-quoted // ": quoted // ': single quoted int PosCur = 0; Regex r = new Regex(@"\w+|//|/\*|@""|""|'", RegexOptions.Compiled); for (Match m = r.Match(Code) /*1*/; m.Success /*2*/; m = m.NextMatch()) /*3*/ { if (m.Index < PosCur) { continue; } switch (m.Value) { case @"//": PosCur = GetCommentEnd(Code, m.Index) + 1; if (PosCur != 0) { nv.Add(m.Index.ToString(), drCommentTagStart); nv.Add(PosCur.ToString(), drTagEnd); } else { return(GetErrInfo(nv, m.Index, Code.Length)); } break; case @"/*": PosCur = GetMultiCommentEnd(Code, m.Index) + 1; if (PosCur != 0) { nv.Add(m.Index.ToString(), drCommentTagStart); nv.Add(PosCur.ToString(), drTagEnd); } else { return(GetErrInfo(nv, m.Index, Code.Length)); } break; case @"@""": PosCur = GetAtQuoteEnd(Code, m.Index) + 1; if (PosCur != 0) { nv.Add(m.Index.ToString(), drQuoteTagStart); nv.Add(PosCur.ToString(), drTagEnd); } else { return(GetErrInfo(nv, m.Index, Code.Length)); } break; case @"""": PosCur = CDelim.GetQuoteEnd(Code, m.Index, '"') + 1; if (PosCur != 0) { nv.Add(m.Index.ToString(), drQuoteTagStart); nv.Add(PosCur.ToString(), drTagEnd); } else { return(GetErrInfo(nv, m.Index, Code.Length)); } break; case @"'": PosCur = CDelim.GetQuoteEnd(Code, m.Index, '\'') + 1; if (PosCur != 0) { nv.Add(m.Index.ToString(), drQuoteTagStart); nv.Add(PosCur.ToString(), drTagEnd); } else { return(GetErrInfo(nv, m.Index, Code.Length)); } break; default: // \w+ if ((CArray.IndexOf(aKeywords, m.Value, true) >= 0) || (CArray.IndexOf(aDataTypes, m.Value, true) >= 0) || (CArray.IndexOf(aOperators, m.Value, true) >= 0) || (CArray.IndexOf(aLiterals, m.Value, true) >= 0)) { nv.Add(m.Index.ToString(), drKeywordTagStart); nv.Add((m.Index + m.Value.Length).ToString(), drTagEnd); } break; } } //마지막 문자열을 GetNewCode에서 읽을 수 있도록 위치만을 지정함. //if (!DrCollection.HasKey(nv, Code.Length.ToString())) if (nv[Code.Length.ToString()] == null) { nv.Add(Code.Length.ToString(), ""); } return(nv); }
public static bool IsEmail(string Email, string[] aDisallowedServer, out string ErrMsgIs) { ErrMsgIs = ""; int PosApos = Email.IndexOf('@'); if (PosApos == -1) { ErrMsgIs = "@ 기호가 없으므로 잘못된 Email 형식입니다."; return(false); } int Pos2nd = PosApos + 1; int PosDot = Email.IndexOf('.', Pos2nd); if (PosDot == -1) { ErrMsgIs = "Email의 '아이디@서버주소.도메인형식'의 서버주소와 도메인형식 사이에는 점(.)이 있어야 합니다"; return(false); } int Pos3rd = PosDot + 1; string Word1st = Email.Substring(0, PosApos); string Word2nd = Email.Substring(Pos2nd, Pos3rd - Pos2nd - 1); string Word3rd = Email.Substring(Pos3rd); if (Word1st.Length == 0) { ErrMsgIs = "Email의 '아이디@서버주소.도메인형식'의 아이디가 비었습니다."; return(false); } if (Word2nd.Length == 0) { ErrMsgIs = "Email의 '아이디@서버주소.도메인형식'의 서버주소가 비었습니다."; return(false); } if (Word3rd.Length == 0) { ErrMsgIs = "Email의 '아이디@서버주소.도메인형식'의 도메인형식이 비었습니다."; return(false); } if (Email.IndexOf("@@") != -1) { ErrMsgIs = "Email에 '@' 문자열이 연속으로 2개 이상 있습니다."; return(false); } else if (Email.IndexOf("..") != -1) { ErrMsgIs = "Email에 '.' 문자열이 연속으로 2개 이상 있습니다."; return(false); } if ((aDisallowedServer != null) && (aDisallowedServer.Length > 0)) { int Idx = CArray.IndexOf(aDisallowedServer, Word2nd + "." + Word3rd, true); if (Idx != -1) { ErrMsgIs = aDisallowedServer[Idx] + " 서버는 메일 주소로 사용할 수 없습니다."; return(false); } } return(true); }