public ActivityDocument Create(CostCentre hub, CostCentre clerk, CostCentre supplier, CommodityProducer commodityProducer, ActivityType activityType, Route route, Centre centre, Season season, string documentReference, Guid documentIssueCostCentreApplicationId, DateTime documentDate, DateTime activityDate, string description = "", string note = "") { Guid id = Guid.NewGuid(); ActivityDocument doc = DocumentPrivateConstruct<ActivityDocument>(id); doc.DocumentDate = documentDate; doc.DocumentDateIssued = activityDate; doc.Description = description; doc.Hub = hub; doc.FieldClerk = clerk; doc.Supplier = supplier; doc.Producer = commodityProducer; doc.ActivityType = activityType; doc.Route = route; doc.Centre = centre; doc.DocumentReference = documentReference; doc.DocumentIssuerCostCentreApplicationId = documentIssueCostCentreApplicationId; doc.Hub = hub; doc.FieldClerk = clerk; doc.Supplier = supplier; doc.DocumentReference = documentReference; doc.ActivityDate = activityDate; doc.DocumentDateIssued = DateTime.Now; doc.Season = season; SetDefaultDates(doc); doc.EnableAddCommands(); return doc; }
private bool HasRouteChanged(Route route) { var item = _repository.GetById(route.Id); if (item == null) return true; return item.Code.ToLower() != route.Code.ToLower() || item.Name.ToLower() != route.Name.ToLower() || item.Region.Id != route.Region.Id; }
public Route CreateRoute(Region region, string name, string code, Guid id) { if (region == null || region.Id == Guid.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid region assigned to route."); Route route = new Route(id) { Code = code, Name = name, Region = region, }; return route; }
public Route CreateRoute(CostCentre costCenter,string name,string code, Guid id) { //throw new ArgumentException("in else5"); if (costCenter.CostCentreType != CostCentreType.Distributor) { if (costCenter.CostCentreType != CostCentreType.Hub) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CostCenter" + costCenter.CostCentreType); } if(costCenter.Id==Guid.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("CostCenter must exist in the system"); Route route = new Route(id) { //Distributor = new CostCentreRef {Id = costCenter.Id}, Name = name, Code = code }; return route; }
public RouteDTO Map(Route route) { if (route == null) return null; return Mapper.Map<Route, RouteDTO>(route); }
public void LoadRoutes() { using (StructureMap.IContainer c = NestedContainer) { Routes.Clear(); var route = new Route(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("") /*"-- Please Select A Route --"*/ }; Routes.Add(route); Using<IRouteRepository>(c).GetAll().ToList().OrderBy(n => n.Name).ToList().ForEach(n => Routes.Add(n)); SelectedRoute = route; } }
public SelectList GetRouteList(Guid hubId = new Guid()) { var @default = new Route(Guid.Empty) { Name = "---Select route---" }; List<SelectListItem> selectList = new List<SelectListItem>(); selectList.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = @default.Id.ToString(), Text = @default.Name, Selected = true }); IEnumerable<Route> routes ; if (hubId == Guid.Empty) routes = _routeRepository.GetAll(); else routes = _routeRepository.GetAll().Where(n => n.Region.Id == ((Hub)_costCentreRepository.GetById(hubId)).Region.Id); routes.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.Name).ToList() .ForEach(n => selectList.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = n.Id.ToString(), Text = n.Name, })); return new SelectList(selectList,"Value", "Text"); }
public DistributorSalesman ShowPopUp(Route route) { _vm.LoadCommand.Execute(route); ShowDialog(); return _vm.GetSalesman(); }
private Outlet[] ContsructEntities(IEnumerable<OutletImport> entities) { var temp = new List<Outlet>(); var defaultDistributr =ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICostCentreRepository>() .GetByCode("PZ Cussons EA", CostCentreType.Distributor); var allRoutes = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRouteRepository>().GetAll().ToList(); var outletCategories = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IOutletCategoryRepository>().GetAll().ToList(); foreach (var importentity in entities) { var domainEntity = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICostCentreRepository>().GetByCode(importentity.OutletCode, CostCentreType.Outlet, true) as Outlet; bool IsNew = false; if(domainEntity==null) { domainEntity = new Outlet(Guid.NewGuid()); IsNew = true; } #region Routes if (domainEntity != null && domainEntity.Route == null) { domainEntity.Route = allRoutes.FirstOrDefault( p => p.Name != null && p.Name.ToLower().Trim() == importentity.RouteName.Trim().ToLower()); } if (domainEntity.Route != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(importentity.RouteName)) { var newRoute = allRoutes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Trim().ToLower() == importentity.RouteName.Trim().ToLower()); if (newRoute != null) domainEntity.Route = newRoute; } if (domainEntity.Route == null && importentity.RouteName.StartsWith("SALES VA")) domainEntity.Route = allRoutes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Contains("SALES VA")); if (domainEntity.Route == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(importentity.RouteName)) { var region = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRegionRepository>().GetAll(true).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Region A"); if (region == null) { region = new Region(Guid.NewGuid()) { Country = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICountryRepository>().GetAll(true).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Kenya"), Name = "", Description = "" }; try { ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRegionRepository>().Save(region); } catch { } } var route = new Route(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = importentity.RouteName, Code = importentity.RouteName, Region = region }; try { ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRouteRepository>().Save(route); } catch { } domainEntity.Route = route; } try { ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRouteRepository>().Save(domainEntity.Route); } catch { } #endregion if (defaultDistributr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("distributor"); domainEntity.ParentCostCentre = new CostCentreRef() { Id = defaultDistributr.Id }; if (domainEntity.OutletCategory == null) { OutletCategory category = outletCategories .FirstOrDefault( s => s.Name != null && s.Name == "defaultoutletcategory"); if (category == null) { category = new OutletCategory(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(importentity.Name) ? "defaultoutletcategory" : importentity.Name, Code = string.IsNullOrEmpty(importentity.Name) ? "defaultoutletcategory" : importentity.Name }; try { ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IOutletCategoryRepository>().Save(category,true); } catch { } } domainEntity.OutletCategory = category; } if (domainEntity.OutletType == null) { OutletType type =ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IOutletTypeRepository>().GetAll(true).FirstOrDefault( p => p.Name != null && p.Name == "defaultoutlettype"); if (type == null) { type = new OutletType(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(importentity.Name) ? "defaultoutlettype" : importentity.Name, Code = string.IsNullOrEmpty(importentity.Name) ? "defaultoutlettype" : importentity.Name }; try { ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IOutletTypeRepository>().Save(type); } catch { } } domainEntity.OutletType = type; } if (domainEntity.OutletProductPricingTier == null) { ProductPricingTier tire =ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IProductPricingTierRepository>() .GetAll(true).FirstOrDefault( p => p.Code != null && p.Code.Trim() == importentity.Currency.Trim()); if (tire == null) { tire = new ProductPricingTier(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = importentity.Currency.Trim(), Code = importentity.Currency.Trim(), Description = importentity.Currency.Trim(), }; try { ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IProductPricingTierRepository>().Save(tire); } catch { } } domainEntity.OutletProductPricingTier = tire; } if (domainEntity.VatClass == null) { VATClass productVat = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IVATClassRepository>().GetAll(true). FirstOrDefault( p => p.Name != null && p.Name == "defaultVAT"); if (productVat == null) { var viatItem = new VATClass.VATClassItem(Guid.NewGuid()) { EffectiveDate = DateTime.Now, Rate = 0, }; productVat = new VATClass(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = "defaultVAT", VatClass = "defaultVAT", }; productVat.VATClassItems.Add(viatItem); try { ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IVATClassRepository>().Save(productVat); } catch { } } domainEntity.VatClass = productVat; } domainEntity._Status =EntityStatus.Active; //GetStatus(importentity.Status); domainEntity.Name = importentity.Name.Trim(); domainEntity.CostCentreCode = importentity.OutletCode.Trim(); temp.Add(domainEntity); } return temp.ToArray(); }
public bool CheckAgriRouteIsUsed(Route route, EntityStatus intendedStatus) { if (intendedStatus == EntityStatus.Inactive) { if (_ctx.tblCentre.Any(n => n.RouteId == route.Id && n.IM_Status == (int)EntityStatus.Active)) return true; if (_ctx.tblOutletPriority.Any(n => n.RouteId == route.Id && n.IM_Status == (int)EntityStatus.Active)) return true; if (_ctx.tblCostCentre.Any(n => n.RouteId == route.Id && n.IM_Status == (int)EntityStatus.Active)) return true; } if (_ctx.tblCentre.Any(n => n.RouteId == route.Id && n.IM_Status != (int)EntityStatus.Deleted)) return true; if (_ctx.tblOutletPriority.Any(n => n.RouteId == route.Id && n.IM_Status != (int)EntityStatus.Deleted)) return true; if (_ctx.tblCostCentre.Any(n => n.RouteId == route.Id && n.IM_Status != (int)EntityStatus.Deleted)) return true; return false; }
protected ValidationResultInfo Validate(Route route) { return _routeRepository.Validate(route); }
protected Route Map(RouteImport routeImport, List<string> mappingvalidationList) { var exists = Queryable.FirstOrDefault(_context.tblRoutes, p => p.Code == routeImport.Code); Guid id = exists != null ? exists.RouteID : Guid.NewGuid(); var regionId = Queryable.Where(_context.tblRegion, p => p.Name == routeImport.RegionCode).Select(p=>; var region = _regionRepository.GetById(regionId); if(region==null) { mappingvalidationList.Add(string.Format((string) "Invalid Region Code {0}", (object) routeImport.RegionCode)); } var route = new Route(id); route.Name = routeImport.Name; route.Code = routeImport.Code; route.Region = region; return route; }
void DoLoad() { using (StructureMap.IContainer c = NestedContainer) { Config config = GetConfigParams(); DistributorRoutes.Clear(); var route = new Route(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.route.default") /* "--Please Select A Route --"*/ }; SelectedRoute = route; DistributorRoutes.Add(route); //should only get for current distributor Region region =null; if(config.AppId == Core.VirtualCityApp.Agrimanagr) region = ((Hub) Using<ICostCentreRepository>(c).GetById(Using<IConfigService>(c).Load().CostCentreId)). Region; else if(config.AppId == Core.VirtualCityApp.Ditributr) region = ((Distributor) Using<ICostCentreRepository>(c).GetById(Using<IConfigService>(c).Load().CostCentreId)). Region; Using<IRouteRepository>(c).GetAll().Where(q => q.Region.Id == region.Id) .OrderBy(n => n.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(n => DistributorRoutes.Add(n)); DistributorOutletCategories.Clear(); var outletCategory = new OutletCategory(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.category.default") /*"--Please Select an Outlet--"*/ }; SelectedOutletCategory = outletCategory; DistributorOutletCategories.Add(outletCategory); Using<IOutletCategoryRepository>(c).GetAll() .OrderBy(n => n.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(n => DistributorOutletCategories.Add(n)); DistributorOutletType.Clear(); var outletType = new OutletType(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.type.default") /*"--Please Select an Outlet Type--"*/ }; SelectedOutletType = outletType; DistributorOutletType.Add(outletType); Using<IOutletTypeRepository>(c).GetAll().OrderBy(n => n.Name).ToList().ForEach(n => DistributorOutletType.Add(n)); DistributorProductPricingTier.Clear(); var ppt = new ProductPricingTier(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.tier.default") /* "--Please Select Product Pricing Tier--"*/ }; SelectedProductPricingTier = ppt; DistributorProductPricingTier.Add(ppt); Using<IProductPricingTierRepository>(c).GetAll() .OrderBy(n => n.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(n => DistributorProductPricingTier.Add(n)); VATClasses.Clear(); var vatClass = new VATClass(Guid.Empty) { VatClass = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.vatclass.default") /*"--NONE--"*/ }; SelectedVATRate = vatClass; VATClasses.Add(vatClass); Using<IVATClassRepository>(c).GetAll().OrderBy(n => n.VatClass).ToList().ForEach(n => VATClasses.Add(n)); DiscountGroups.Clear(); var discountGroup = new DiscountGroup(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.discgp") /*"--NONE--"*/ }; SelectedDiscountGroup = discountGroup; DiscountGroups.Add(discountGroup); Using<IDiscountGroupRepository>(c).GetAll().OrderBy(n => n.Name).ToList().ForEach(n => DiscountGroups.Add(n)); ShippingAddresses.Clear(); DeletedAddresses.Clear(); } }
public void LoadById(Guid id) { if (id == Guid.Empty) { InitializeBlank(); } else { using (StructureMap.IContainer c = NestedContainer) { outlet = Using<ICostCentreRepository>(c).GetById(id) as Outlet; if (outlet == null) { InitializeBlank(); } else { PageTitle = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.editing.title"); // "Edit Outlet"; Id = outlet.Id; Name = outlet.Name; OutletCode = outlet.CostCentreCode; Latitude = outlet.Latitude; Longitude = outlet.Longitude; IsApproved = outlet._Status ==EntityStatus.Active; CanApprove = !IsApproved; //load all items to combos DistributorRoutes.Clear(); var route = new Route(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.route.default") /* "--Please Select A Route --"*/ }; DistributorRoutes.Add(route); Using<IRouteRepository>(c).GetAll() .ToList() .OrderBy(n => n.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(n => DistributorRoutes.Add(n)); try { SelectedRoute = DistributorRoutes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == outlet.Route.Id); } catch { //route deactivated! SelectedRoute = route; } DistributorOutletCategories.Clear(); Using<IOutletCategoryRepository>(c).GetAll() .OrderBy(n => n.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(n => DistributorOutletCategories.Add(n)); SelectedOutletCategory = DistributorOutletCategories.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == outlet.OutletCategory.Id); DistributorOutletType.Clear(); Using<IOutletTypeRepository>(c).GetAll() .OrderBy(n => n.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(n => DistributorOutletType.Add(n)); SelectedOutletType = DistributorOutletType.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == outlet.OutletType.Id); DistributorProductPricingTier.Clear(); Using<IProductPricingTierRepository>(c).GetAll() .OrderBy(n => n.Name) .ToList() .ForEach(n => DistributorProductPricingTier.Add(n)); var ppt = new ProductPricingTier(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.tier.default") /* "--Please Select Product Pricing Tier--"*/ }; DistributorProductPricingTier.Add(ppt); try { SelectedProductPricingTier = DistributorProductPricingTier.FirstOrDefault( n => n.Id == outlet.OutletProductPricingTier.Id); } catch { SelectedProductPricingTier = ppt; } VATClasses.Clear(); var vatClass = new VATClass(Guid.Empty) { VatClass = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.vatclass.default") /*"--NONE--"*/ }; VATClasses.Add(vatClass); Using<IVATClassRepository>(c).GetAll().OrderBy(n => n.VatClass).ToList().ForEach(n => VATClasses.Add(n)); try { SelectedVATRate = VATClasses.First(n => n.Id == outlet.VatClass.Id); } catch { SelectedVATRate = vatClass; } DiscountGroups.Clear(); var discountGroup = new DiscountGroup(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.outlet.edit.discgp") /*"--NONE--"*/ }; SelectedDiscountGroup = discountGroup; DiscountGroups.Add(discountGroup); Using<IDiscountGroupRepository>(c).GetAll().OrderBy(n => n.Name).ToList().ForEach(n => DiscountGroups.Add(n)); try { SelectedDiscountGroup = DiscountGroups.First(n => n.Id == outlet.DiscountGroup.Id); } catch { SelectedDiscountGroup = discountGroup; } LoadShipToAddress(); } } } }
private void SalesManChanged() { using (StructureMap.IContainer container = NestedContainer) { if (FireSalesmanChangedCmd) { DistributorRoutes.Clear(); var route = new Route(Guid.Empty) { Name = GetLocalText("sl.pos.selectroute") /*"--Please Select a Route--"*/ }; DistributorRoutes.Add(route); SelectedRoute = route; if (SelectedSalesman == null) return; List<SalesmanRoute> sroutes = Using<ISalesmanRouteRepository>(container).GetAll().ToList(); sroutes = sroutes.Where(n => n.Route != null && n.DistributorSalesmanRef.Id == SelectedSalesman.CostCentre) .OrderBy(n => n.Route.Name).ToList(); sroutes.ForEach(n => DistributorRoutes.Add(n.Route)); //_routeService.GetAll().ForEach(n => DistributorRoutes.Add(n)); //RouteChanged(); } } }
ListRouteItem Map(Route route, int count) { return new ListRouteItem() { RowNumber = count + 1, Id = route.Id, Name = route.Name, Code = route.Code, EntityStatus = (int) route._Status }; }
void LoadRoutesSalesmen(Route route, User user) { using (var container = NestedContainer) { ISalesmanRouteRepository _salesmanRouteService = Using<ISalesmanRouteRepository>(container); if (route != null) { string[] salesmenwarehouses = _salesmanRouteService.GetAll().Where(n => n.Route != null && n.Route.Id == route.Id).Select( c => c.DistributorSalesmanRef.Id.ToString()).ToArray(); var orderRouteSalesmen = _allSalesmen.Where(u => salesmenwarehouses.Contains(u.CostCentre.ToString())).ToList(); if (orderRouteSalesmen != null) { if (orderRouteSalesmen.Count > 0) { orderRouteSalesmen.Where(n => (!Salesmen.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(n.Id))).ToList().ForEach ( n => Salesmen.Add(new Salesman {Id = n.Id, Username = n.Username})); } else { if (!Salesmen.Any(n => n.Id == user.Id)) { Salesmen.Add(new Salesman {Id = user.Id, Username = user.Username}); } } } } else { throw new Exception("Order route is null."); } Salesmen.Where(n => n.Id != Guid.Empty); } }
public HttpResponseMessage RouteAdd(RouteItem routeItem) { var response = new ResponseBool { Success = false }; Route route = null; try { route = new Route(Guid.NewGuid()); route.Code = routeItem.Code; route.Name = routeItem.Name; route.Region = _regionRepository.GetById(routeItem.RegionId); // route.Distributor = new CostCentreRef { Id = routeItem.MasterId }; _routeRepository.Save(route); response.Success = true; response.ErrorInfo = "Route successfully added."; } catch (DomainValidationException dve) { string errorMsg = dve.ValidationResults.Results.Aggregate("Error: Invalid route fields.\n", (current, msg) => current + ("\t- " + msg.ErrorMessage + "\n")); response.ErrorInfo = errorMsg; _log.Error(errorMsg, dve); } catch (Exception ex) //any other { response.ErrorInfo = "Error: An error occurred when saving the route.\n" + ex.ToString(); _log.Error("Error: An error occurred when saving the route.", ex); } return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response); }