コード例 #1
        /* new_online_algorithm: */
        public static List <double> NewOnlineAlgorithm(List <double> buffer, int startPoint, int index_stream, int period, List <double> new_sub, RTree <int> this_RTree, int this_NLength, int this_D, int this_R, int maxEntry, int minEntry, ref double this_best_so_far_dist_TheMostDiscord)
            int best_so_far_loc = -1;

            // update data (for calculating thres) ?
            if (index_stream % period == 0) //update after a period
                List <double> this_buffer_to_startPoint = buffer.GetRange(0, startPoint);

                // Useless variable to pass parameter
                int              dumb          = 0;
                List <int>       dumb_list     = new List <int>();
                List <Rectangle> dumb_rectlist = new List <Rectangle>();
                RTree <int>      dumb_rtree    = new RTree <int>(maxEntry, minEntry);

                //calc TheMostDiscord T[1:sp] (return at "this_best_so_far_dist_TheMostDiscord" variable):
                List <double> discord = RunOfflineMinDist(this_buffer_to_startPoint, this_NLength, maxEntry, minEntry, this_R, this_D, ref dumb, ref dumb_list, ref dumb_rectlist, ref dumb_rtree, false);
                this_best_so_far_dist_TheMostDiscord = discord[0];

                Console.WriteLine("update data (for calculating thres), at index_stream " + index_stream);

            //get threshold_dist:
            double threshold_dist = this_best_so_far_dist_TheMostDiscord;

            //index of new_subsequence q:
            int q_outer = buffer.Count - this_NLength;

            // get Inner list:
            Dictionary <int, Node <int> > nodeMap   = this_RTree.getNodeMap();
            List <Node <int> >            leafNodes = nodeMap.Values.Where(node => node.level == 1).OrderBy(node => node.entryCount).ToList();

            List <int> innerList = new List <int>();

            for (int num = 0; num < leafNodes.Count; num++)
                List <int> all_entry_IDs_from_a_node = leafNodes[num].entries.Where(mbr => (mbr != null) && (mbr.getIndexSubSeq(index_stream + 1) != q_outer)).Select(mbr => mbr.getIndexSubSeq(index_stream + 1)).ToList();

                if (all_entry_IDs_from_a_node.Count == leafNodes[num].entryCount) // if q in the outer loop is NOT in this leaf:
                else // If q is IN this leaf: We add all entry ids in the leaf to the head of the innerList
                    innerList.InsertRange(0, all_entry_IDs_from_a_node);
                    // note: In this case, all_Entry_IDs_from_a_node doesnt include 'q' id.

            double nearest_neighbor_dist = Constants.INFINITE;

            foreach (int p_inner in innerList)
                if (Math.Abs(p_inner - q_outer) >= this_NLength)
                    //calculate the Distance between p and q
                    double dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(new_sub, buffer.GetRange(p_inner, this_NLength));

                    if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                        nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        // best_so_far_loc = p_inner; //store best_so_far_loc

                    if (dist < threshold_dist)

            if (nearest_neighbor_dist > threshold_dist)
                best_so_far_loc = q_outer;
                Console.WriteLine("Discord!\nbest_so_far_loc = " + best_so_far_loc + "\nbest_so_far_dist = " + nearest_neighbor_dist);
                Console.WriteLine("No discord");
                best_so_far_loc       = -1;
                nearest_neighbor_dist = -1;

            return(new List <double>()
                nearest_neighbor_dist, best_so_far_loc
            });                                                                   //return "-1" if there is no discord.
コード例 #2
        //////////// Helper Functions ///////////////

        /* Called by RunOnline_LiuMethod_edited:*/
        public static List <double> LiuEdited_CaseA(List <double> inputData, int index_stream, RTree <int> this_RTree, int this_NLength, int this_D)
        {  /* This function is almost the same as Offline_minDist version. We just edit some lines*/
            List <int> candidateList   = new List <int>();
            List <int> beginIndexInner = new List <int>();
            List <int> indexOfLeafMBRS = new List <int>();

            bool[] is_skipped_at_p = new bool[inputData.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < inputData.Count; i++)
                is_skipped_at_p[i] = false;

            double best_so_far_dist = 0;
            int    best_so_far_loc  = 0;

            double nearest_neighbor_dist = 0;
            double dist = 0;
            bool   break_to_outer_loop = false;

            Dictionary <int, Node <int> > nodeMap   = this_RTree.getNodeMap();
            List <Node <int> >            leafNodes = nodeMap.Values.Where(node => node.level == 1).OrderBy(node => node.entryCount).ToList();

            List <Rectangle> leafMBRs = leafNodes.Select(node => node.mbr).ToList(); // List rectangle of leaf nodes in order of list leafNodes

            for (int i = 0; i < leafNodes.Count; i++)
                List <Rectangle> leafEntries = leafNodes[i].entries.Where(mbr => mbr != null).Select(mbr => mbr).ToList();
                if (leafEntries.Count > 0)
                    int beginIndex = candidateList.Count;

                    // we change a bit at the following line, we subtract mbr indice by "index_stream + 1":
                    candidateList.AddRange(leafEntries.Select(mbr => mbr.getIndexSubSeq(index_stream + 1)));

                    beginIndexInner.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(beginIndex, leafEntries.Count));
                    indexOfLeafMBRS.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(i, leafEntries.Count));

            for (int i = 0; i < candidateList.Count; i++)//outer loop
                int p = candidateList[i];

                if (is_skipped_at_p[p])
                    //p was visited at inner loop before
                    List <double> subseq_p = inputData.GetRange(p, this_NLength);
                    //Rectangle p_rectangle = recList[p];
                    List <double> P_PAA = MathFuncs.PAA(subseq_p, this_D);

                    nearest_neighbor_dist = Constants.INFINITE;

                    List <bool> eliminatedMBR = new List <bool>();
                    for (int k = 0; k < leafMBRs.Count; k++)

                    int indexMBRLeaf   = -1;
                    int num_leaf_skips = 0;

                    for (int j = 0; j < candidateList.Count; j++)// inner loop
                        // int q = innerList[j];
                        int index_inner = (beginIndexInner[i] + j) % candidateList.Count;
                        int q           = candidateList[index_inner];

                        int index_MBRInnner = (beginIndexInner[i] + j) % candidateList.Count;
                        int MBRInnner       = indexOfLeafMBRS[index_MBRInnner];

                        if (indexMBRLeaf < MBRInnner)//the first entry of the next node ?

                            //calc minDist:
                            //double minDist = MathFuncs.MINDIST(p_rectangle, leafMBRs[MBRInnner], (NLength / (double)(D)));
                            double minDist = MathFuncs.MINDIST(P_PAA, leafMBRs[MBRInnner], (this_NLength / (double)(this_D)));

                            if (minDist >= nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                eliminatedMBR[MBRInnner] = true;

                                continue;// pruned => skip to the next one
                                if (Math.Abs(p - q) < this_NLength)
                                    continue;// self-match => skip to the next one

                                //calculate the Distance between p and q
                                dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(subseq_p, inputData.GetRange(q, this_NLength));

                                if (dist < best_so_far_dist)
                                    //skip the element q at oute_loop, 'cuz if (p,q) is not a solution, neither is (q,p).
                                    is_skipped_at_p[q] = true;

                                    break_to_outer_loop = true; //break, to the next loop at outer_loop
                                    break;                      // break at inner_loop first

                                if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                    nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        else // still the same node
                            if (eliminatedMBR[MBRInnner]) // can prune ?
                            else //do it normally
                                if (Math.Abs(p - q) < this_NLength)
                                    continue;// self-match => skip to the next one
                                    //calculate the Distance between p and q
                                    dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(subseq_p, inputData.GetRange(q, this_NLength));

                                    if (dist < best_so_far_dist)
                                        //skip the element q at oute_loop, 'cuz if (p,q) is not a solution, neither is (q,p).
                                        is_skipped_at_p[q] = true;

                                        break_to_outer_loop = true; //break, to the next loop at outer_loop
                                        break;                      // break at inner_loop first

                                    if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                        nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        } //end ELSE
                    }     //end for inner loop

                    if (break_to_outer_loop)
                        break_to_outer_loop = false; //reset
                        continue;                    //go to the next p in outer loop

                    if (nearest_neighbor_dist > best_so_far_dist)
                        best_so_far_dist = nearest_neighbor_dist;
                        best_so_far_loc  = p;
            }//end outer loop

            Console.WriteLine("index_stream=" + index_stream);
            Console.WriteLine("best_so_far_loc=" + best_so_far_loc);
            Console.WriteLine("best_so_far_dist=" + best_so_far_dist);

            List <double> result = new List <double> {
                best_so_far_dist, best_so_far_loc

        } //end RunOnline_LiuEditedCaseA
コード例 #3
        } //end RunOnline_LiuEditedCaseA

        /* Called by RunOnline_LiuMethod_edited:*/
        public static List <double> LiuEdited_CaseB(List <double> buffer, int index_stream, int first_candidate, int second_candidate, List <double> removed_sub, RTree <int> this_RTree, int this_NLength, int this_D, double this_best_so_far_dist)
            List <int> candidateList   = new List <int>();
            List <int> beginIndexInner = new List <int>();
            List <int> indexOfLeafMBRS = new List <int>();

            Dictionary <int, Node <int> > nodeMap = this_RTree.getNodeMap();

            List <Node <int> > leafNodes = nodeMap.Values.Where(node => ((node.level == 1))).OrderBy(node => node.entryCount).ToList();
            List <Rectangle>   leafMBRs  = leafNodes.Select(node => node.mbr).ToList(); // List rectangle of leaf nodes in order of list leafNodes

            for (int num = 0; num < leafNodes.Count; num++)
                List <Rectangle> leafEntries = leafNodes[num].entries.Where(mbr => mbr != null).Select(mbr => mbr).ToList();
                if (leafEntries.Count > 0)
                    int beginIndex = candidateList.Count;
                    // we change a bit at the following line, we subtract mbr indice by "index_stream + 1":
                    candidateList.AddRange(leafEntries.Select(mbr => mbr.getIndexSubSeq(index_stream + 1)));
                    beginIndexInner.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, leafEntries.Count).Select(x => beginIndex));
                    indexOfLeafMBRS.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(num, leafEntries.Count));
            } // end for

            // get the two first candidates to the head of candidateList
            int count = 0;
            int index = 0;

            while (count < 1)
                if (candidateList[index] == first_candidate)
                    candidateList[index] = candidateList[0];
                    int temp = beginIndexInner[index];
                    beginIndexInner[index] = beginIndexInner[0];
                    beginIndexInner[0]     = temp;
                if (candidateList[index] == second_candidate)
                    candidateList[index] = candidateList[1];
                    int temp = beginIndexInner[index];
                    beginIndexInner[index] = beginIndexInner[1];
                    beginIndexInner[1]     = temp;
            candidateList[0] = first_candidate;
            candidateList[1] = second_candidate;

            double best_so_far_dist = 0;
            int    best_so_far_loc  = 0;

            double nearest_neighbor_dist = 0;
            double dist = 0;
            bool   break_to_outer_loop = false;

            bool[] is_skipped_at_p = new bool[buffer.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Count; i++)
                is_skipped_at_p[i] = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < candidateList.Count; i++)
                int p = candidateList[i];

                //check small_match:
                double small_match = Utils.MathFuncs.EuDistance(buffer.GetRange(p, this_NLength), removed_sub);

                if (i >= 2 && small_match >= this_best_so_far_dist)
                if (is_skipped_at_p[p])
                    //p was visited at inner loop before
                    List <double> subseq_p = buffer.GetRange(p, this_NLength);
                    //Rectangle p_rectangle = recList[p];
                    List <double> P_PAA = MathFuncs.PAA(subseq_p, this_D);

                    nearest_neighbor_dist = Constants.INFINITE;

                    List <bool> eliminatedMBR = new List <bool>();
                    for (int k = 0; k < leafMBRs.Count; k++)

                    int indexMBRLeaf = -1;

                    for (int j = 0; j < candidateList.Count; j++)// inner loop
                        // int q = innerList[j];
                        int index_inner = (beginIndexInner[i] + j) % candidateList.Count;
                        int q           = candidateList[index_inner];

                        int index_MBRInnner = (beginIndexInner[i] + j) % candidateList.Count;
                        int MBRInnner       = indexOfLeafMBRS[index_MBRInnner];

                        if (indexMBRLeaf < MBRInnner)//the first entry of the next node ?

                            /* Test:
                             * if (indexMBRInnner[j] == MBRInnner)
                             *  Console.WriteLine("OK");*/

                            //calc minDist:
                            //double minDist = MathFuncs.MINDIST(p_rectangle, leafMBRs[MBRInnner], (NLength / (double)(D)));
                            double minDist = MathFuncs.MINDIST(P_PAA, leafMBRs[MBRInnner], (this_NLength / (double)(this_D)));

                            //if (minDist_keo > minDist)
                            //   Console.WriteLine("STOPPP");
                            //  return;

                            if (minDist >= nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                eliminatedMBR[MBRInnner] = true;

                                continue;// pruned => skip to the next one
                                if (Math.Abs(p - q) < this_NLength)
                                    continue;// self-match => skip to the next one

                                //calculate the Distance between p and q
                                dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(subseq_p, buffer.GetRange(q, this_NLength));

                                if (dist < best_so_far_dist)
                                    //skip the element q at oute_loop, 'cuz if (p,q) is not a solution, neither is (q,p).
                                    is_skipped_at_p[q] = true;

                                    break_to_outer_loop = true; //break, to the next loop at outer_loop
                                    break;                      // break at inner_loop first

                                if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                    nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        else // still the same node
                            if (eliminatedMBR[MBRInnner]) // can prune ?
                            else //do it normally
                                if (Math.Abs(p - q) < this_NLength)
                                    continue;// self-match => skip to the next one
                                    //calculate the Distance between p and q
                                    dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(subseq_p, buffer.GetRange(q, this_NLength));

                                    if (dist < best_so_far_dist)
                                        //skip the element q at oute_loop, 'cuz if (p,q) is not a solution, neither is (q,p).
                                        is_skipped_at_p[q] = true;

                                        break_to_outer_loop = true; //break, to the next loop at outer_loop
                                        break;                      // break at inner_loop first

                                    if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                        nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        } //end ELSE
                    }     //end for inner loop

                    //Console.WriteLine("num_leaf_skips="+ num_leaf_skips);
                    if (break_to_outer_loop)
                        break_to_outer_loop = false; //reset
                        continue;                    //go to the next p in outer loop

                    if (nearest_neighbor_dist > best_so_far_dist)
                        best_so_far_dist = nearest_neighbor_dist;
                        best_so_far_loc  = p;

            } // end for
              //update the results:

            Console.WriteLine("index_stream = " + index_stream);
            Console.WriteLine("best_so_far_loc = " + best_so_far_loc);
            Console.WriteLine("best_so_far_dist = " + best_so_far_dist);

            List <double> result = new List <double> {
                best_so_far_dist, best_so_far_loc

        } // end RunOnline_Liu_edit
コード例 #4
        ////////////// Main Functions //////////////

        /*Run new offline (minDist) */
        public static List <double> RunOfflineMinDist(List <double> inputData, int NLength, int maxEntry, int minEntry, int R, int D, ref int this_id_item, ref List <int> this_id_itemList, ref List <Rectangle> this_rectList, ref RTree <int> this_RTree, bool is_first_time)
            int         id_item = int.MinValue;
            RTree <int> rtree   = new RTree <int>(maxEntry, minEntry);

            List <int> candidateList   = new List <int>();
            List <int> beginIndexInner = new List <int>();
            List <int> indexOfLeafMBRS = new List <int>();

            double best_so_far_dist = 0;
            int    best_so_far_loc  = -1;

            double nearest_neighbor_dist = 0;
            double dist = 0;
            bool   break_to_outer_loop = false;

            bool[] is_skipped_at_p = new bool[inputData.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < inputData.Count; i++)
                is_skipped_at_p[i] = false;

            if (minEntry > maxEntry / 2)
                MessageBox.Show("Requirement: MinNodePerEntry <= MaxNodePerEntry/2");
                return(new List <double> {
                    best_so_far_dist, best_so_far_loc

            List <Rectangle> recList     = new List <Rectangle>();
            List <int>       id_itemList = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i <= inputData.Count - NLength; i++)
                List <double> subseq = inputData.GetRange(i, NLength);
                Rectangle new_rec = new Rectangle(MathFuncs.PAA_Lower(subseq, D, R).ToArray(), MathFuncs.PAA_Upper(subseq, D, R).ToArray(), i);
                rtree.Add(new_rec, id_item);

            Dictionary <int, Node <int> > nodeMap   = rtree.getNodeMap();
            List <Node <int> >            leafNodes = nodeMap.Values.Where(node => node.level == 1).OrderBy(node => node.entryCount).ToList();

            List <Rectangle> leafMBRs = leafNodes.Select(node => node.mbr).ToList(); // List rectangle of leaf nodes in order of list leafNodes

            for (int i = 0; i < leafNodes.Count; i++)
                List <Rectangle> leafEntries = leafNodes[i].entries.Where(mbr => mbr != null).Select(mbr => mbr).ToList();
                if (leafEntries.Count > 0)
                    int beginIndex = candidateList.Count;
                    candidateList.AddRange(leafEntries.Select(mbr => mbr.getIndexSubSeq()));
                    beginIndexInner.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(beginIndex, leafEntries.Count));
                    indexOfLeafMBRS.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(i, leafEntries.Count));

            for (int i = 0; i < candidateList.Count; i++)//outer loop
                int p = candidateList[i];

                // rectangle of subseq in p postion
                if (is_skipped_at_p[p])
                    //p was visited at inner loop before
                    List <double> subseq_p = inputData.GetRange(p, NLength);
                    //Rectangle p_rectangle = recList[p];
                    List <double> P_PAA = MathFuncs.PAA(subseq_p, D);

                    nearest_neighbor_dist = Constants.INFINITE;

                    List <bool> eliminatedMBR = new List <bool>();
                    for (int k = 0; k < leafMBRs.Count; k++)

                    int indexMBRLeaf   = -1;
                    int num_leaf_skips = 0;

                    for (int j = 0; j < candidateList.Count; j++)// inner loop
                        // int q = innerList[j];
                        int index_inner = (beginIndexInner[i] + j) % candidateList.Count;
                        int q           = candidateList[index_inner];

                        int index_MBRInnner = (beginIndexInner[i] + j) % candidateList.Count;
                        int MBRInnner       = indexOfLeafMBRS[index_MBRInnner];

                        if (indexMBRLeaf < MBRInnner)//the first entry of the next node ?

                            /* Test:
                             * if (indexMBRInnner[j] == MBRInnner)
                             *  Console.WriteLine("OK");*/

                            //calc minDist:
                            //double minDist = MathFuncss.MINDIST(p_rectangle, leafMBRs[MBRInnner], (NLength / (double)(D)));
                            double minDist = MathFuncs.MINDIST(P_PAA, leafMBRs[MBRInnner], (NLength / (double)(D)));

                            //if (minDist_keo > minDist)
                            //   Console.WriteLine("STOPPP");
                            //  return;

                            if (minDist >= nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                eliminatedMBR[MBRInnner] = true;

                                continue;// pruned => skip to the next one
                                if (Math.Abs(p - q) < NLength)
                                    continue;// self-match => skip to the next one

                                //calculate the Distance between p and q
                                dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(subseq_p, inputData.GetRange(q, NLength));

                                if (dist < best_so_far_dist)
                                    //skip the element q at oute_loop, 'cuz if (p,q) is not a solution, neither is (q,p).
                                    is_skipped_at_p[q] = true;

                                    break_to_outer_loop = true; //break, to the next loop at outer_loop
                                    break;                      // break at inner_loop first

                                if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                    nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        else // still the same node
                            if (eliminatedMBR[MBRInnner]) // can prune ?
                            else //do it normally
                                if (Math.Abs(p - q) < NLength)
                                    continue;// self-match => skip to the next one
                                    //calculate the Distance between p and q
                                    dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(subseq_p, inputData.GetRange(q, NLength));

                                    if (dist < best_so_far_dist)
                                        //skip the element q at oute_loop, 'cuz if (p,q) is not a solution, neither is (q,p).
                                        is_skipped_at_p[q] = true;

                                        break_to_outer_loop = true; //break, to the next loop at outer_loop
                                        break;                      // break at inner_loop first

                                    if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                        nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        } //end ELSE
                    }     //end for inner loop

                    //Console.WriteLine("num_leaf_skips="+ num_leaf_skips);
                    if (break_to_outer_loop)
                        break_to_outer_loop = false; //reset
                        continue;                    //go to the next p in outer loop

                    if (nearest_neighbor_dist > best_so_far_dist)
                        best_so_far_dist = nearest_neighbor_dist;
                        best_so_far_loc  = p;
            }//end outer loop
            if (is_first_time)
                this_id_item     = id_item;
                this_id_itemList = id_itemList;
                this_RTree       = rtree;
                this_rectList    = recList;
            return(new List <double> {
                best_so_far_dist, best_so_far_loc