async Task AsyncAdd(ItemSet set) { await AsyncAskList("Add an item.", 0, async name => { Item item = Item.Find(name); if (item == null) { await ReplyMentionAsync($"An item of the name '{name}' could not be found."); } else { ItemWeightCount itemWeightCount = new ItemWeightCount() { item = item, minimum = await AsyncAskTryParse <int>($"Minimum", int.TryParse), maximum = await AsyncAskTryParse <int>($"Maximum", int.TryParse), weight = await AsyncAskTryParse <float>($"Weight", float.TryParse) }; set.itemWeights.Add(itemWeightCount); } return(true); }); }
public void GetBest(Random random, ref ItemWeightCount best, ref double bestWeight) { foreach (ItemWeightCount item in itemWeights) { double value = item.weight * random.NextDouble(); if (value < bestWeight) { bestWeight = value; best = item; } } foreach (ItemSet set in subSets) { set.GetBest(random, ref best, ref bestWeight); } }
public static string Explore(string name, Location location, float luck, Predicate <Location> isKnown, out Encounter bestEncounter, out Location bestLocation, out ItemCount bestItem) { Random random = new Random(); double bestEncounterWeight = 1f; bestEncounter = null; location.exploreSet?.encounterSet?.GetBest(random, ref bestEncounter, ref bestEncounterWeight); double bestLocationWeight = bestEncounterWeight; bestLocation = null; foreach (Connection connection in location.connections) { bool isA = connection.locationA == location; Location other = isA ? connection.locationB : connection.locationA; float chance = isA ? connection.chanceToFindB : connection.chanceToFindA; if (!isKnown(other)) { double value = random.NextDouble() / chance; if (value < bestLocationWeight) { bestLocation = other; bestLocationWeight = value; } } } double bestItemWeight = bestEncounterWeight; ItemWeightCount bestItemWeightCount = null; bestItem = null; location.exploreSet?.itemSet?.GetBest(random, ref bestItemWeightCount, ref bestEncounterWeight); if (bestItemWeightCount != null) { bestItem = new ItemCount(bestItemWeightCount.item, random.Next(bestItemWeightCount.minimum, bestItemWeightCount.maximum + 1)); } string message = $"{name} explore {}.\n"; if (location.descriptions.Count > 0) { message += location.descriptions[random.Next(location.descriptions.Count)] + "\n"; } message += "\n"; if (bestItem != null) { bestEncounter = null; bestLocation = null; if (bestItem.count > 1) { message += $"You found {bestItem.count} {}s."; } else { message += $"You found a {}."; } } else if (bestLocation != null) { bestEncounter = null; message += $"{name} discovered {}."; } else if (bestEncounter != null) { message += $"{name} encountered a {}.\n"; message += $"{bestEncounter.possibleDescriptions[random.Next(bestEncounter.possibleDescriptions.Count)]}\n"; message += $""; } else { message += $"{name} didn't find anything!"; } return(message); }