public async Task Spar(IUser opponent) { Player player = GetPlayer(); Player other = GetPlayer(opponent); if (player.combatState != null) { await ReplyAsync("You are already in combat!"); return; } if (other.combatState != null) { await ReplyAsync($"{opponent.Username} is already in combat!"); return; } CombatInstance combat = new CombatInstance(); combat.Add(player, 0); combat.Add(other, 1); player.spars++; other.spars++; await ReplyAsync($"{} and {} are now in combat!"); }
public async Task Flee() { Player player = GetPlayer(); if (player.combatState == null) { await ReplyAsync("You aren't in combat!"); return; } CombatInstance combat = player.combatState.instance; combat.Flee(player); await ReplyAsync("You fled the fight!"); if (combat.isOver) { await ReplyAsync("The fight is over."); } }
public async Task State() { Player player = GetPlayer(); if (player.combatState == null) { await ReplyAsync("You are not in combat."); return; } CombatInstance combat = player.combatState.instance; string attackState = null; if (player.combatState.isLeftHandAttacked && player.combatState.isRightHandAttacked) { attackState = "You have already attacked."; } else if (!player.combatState.isLeftHandAttacked && !player.combatState.isRightHandAttacked) { attackState = "You have not attacked."; } else if (player.combatState.isLeftHandAttacked) { attackState = "You have not attacked with your right hand."; } else { attackState = "You have not attacked with your left hand."; } string result = $"You are in battle!\nRound {combat.round}\n{attackState}\n**Team 1**\n{combat.teams[0]}\n**Team 2**\n{combat.teams[1]}"; await ReplyAsync(result); }
public async Task AttackUser([Hand] Slot hand, [InCombatWith, Enemy] Unit target) { Player player = GetPlayer(); bool isAttacked; bool isLeft = hand.names.Contains("lh"); if (isLeft) { isAttacked = player.combatState.isLeftHandAttacked; player.combatState.isLeftHandAttacked = true; } else { isAttacked = player.combatState.isRightHandAttacked; player.combatState.isRightHandAttacked = true; } if (isAttacked) { await ReplyAsync("You have already attacked with that hand."); return; } ItemCount held = player.equipped[hand]; int damage = 1; if (held == null) { await ReplyAsync($"{} punched {} dealing {damage} damage."); } else { Item item = held.item; Unit.StatGroup damageStat = player.GetStat("Damage"); damage = isLeft ? damageStat.LeftTotal : damageStat.RightTotal; await ReplyAsync($"{} attacked {} with {} dealing {damage} damage."); } Unit.StatGroup healthStat = target.GetStat("Health"); healthStat.Modify(-damage); if (healthStat.Total > 0) { await ReplyAsync($"{} is on {healthStat.Total} health."); } else { await ReplyAsync($"{} was killed."); CombatInstance combat = target.combatState.instance; combat.Killed(target); if (combat.isOver) { await ReplyAsync("The fight is over."); } } }