コード例 #1
        public async Task Github(string branch = "")
            var    embed  = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();
            string Branch = branch.ToLower();


            if (Branch == "master")
                embed.AddInlineField("Master", "https://github.com/Gagong/Toshinou-Revamped/tree/master");
            else if (Branch == "beta")
                embed.AddInlineField("Beta", "https://github.com/Gagong/Toshinou-Revamped/tree/beta").WithFooter("WARNING: This is not a stable build, recommended to use Master");
                embed.AddInlineField("Master (Recommended)", "https://github.com/Gagong/Toshinou-Revamped/tree/master");
                embed.AddInlineField("Beta", "https://github.com/Gagong/Toshinou-Revamped/tree/beta");

            embed.Color = Color.Green;
            embed.WithAuthor("Smart Toshinou | Github", "", ""); // Name, IconURL, URL(???)
            await ReplyAsync("", false, embed);
コード例 #2
ファイル: HelpModule.cs プロジェクト: Gagong/ToshinouBot
        public async Task Help()
            var embed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            embed.AddField("!help", "Will display list of commands!");
            embed.AddField("!info", "Will display Smart Toshinou info!");
            embed.AddField("!checkUpdate", "Will display the status of the bot!");
            embed.AddField("!github", "Will link the Github!");
            embed.AddField("!github master", "Stable Toshinou version!");
            embed.AddField("!github beta", "Beta Toshinou version!");
            embed.AddField("!roll <amount>", "Will roll a number between 1 and <amount>!");
            embed.Color = Color.Green;
            embed.WithAuthor("Smart Toshinou | Help", "", ""); // Name, IconURL, URL(???)
            await ReplyAsync("", false, embed);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Builders.cs プロジェクト: bartdebever/AtlasBotCore
//        public static Embed CurrentUserEmbed(ICommandContext Context)
//        {
//            Mock database = DatabaseManager.GetMock();
//            DiscordUser atlasAccount = null;
//            try
//            {
//                atlasAccount =
//                    database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => (x as DiscordUser).Discordid == (long)Context.User.Id);
//            }
//            catch
//            {
//                //Log user not registed
//            }
//            Discord.EmbedBuilder eb = BaseBuilder("", "", ColorPicker.UserModule,
//                new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName("Information about " + Context.User.Username),
//                Context.User.GetAvatarUrl());
//            if (atlasAccount != null)
//            {
//                eb.Description = "Displaying user information for the " + Names.Systemname + " account";
//                eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " Information").WithValue(
//                    "**Name:** " + atlasAccount.Name + "\n"+
//                    "**Account created:** " + atlasAccount.CreationDate.ToLongDateString()));
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
//                    .WithValue("User is not registed, use -user register to register now.")
//                    .WithName(Names.Systemname + " Account"));
//            }
//            //eb.WithUrl("http://placeholder.com/user/id/111020301023");
//            string discordInformation = "";
//            try
//            {
//                var user = Context.User as IGuildUser;
//                discordInformation += "**Joined at: **" + user.JoinedAt.Value.Date.ToLongDateString() + "\n";
//            }
//            catch
//            {
//                //Log User not in guild
//            }
//            discordInformation += "**Status:** " + Context.User.Status + "\n";
//            if (Context.User.Game != null)
//            {
//                discordInformation += "**Currently Playing: **" + Context.User.Game.Value.Name + "\n";
//            }
//            eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Discord information").WithValue(discordInformation));
//            //if (atlasAccount != null)
//            //{
//            //    if (atlasAccount.Summoners.Count > 0)
//            //    {
//            //        string summoners = "";
//            //        foreach (var summoner in atlasAccount.Summoners)
//            //        {
//            //            summoners += summoner.Region + ": " + summoner.SummonerId; //TODO Make this a Tier
//            //        }
//            //        eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Summoner Information").WithValue(summoners));
//            //    }
//            //    else
//            //    {
//            //        eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Summoner Information")
//            //            .WithValue("This user has no summoners."));
//            //    }
//            //}
//            if (atlasAccount != null)
//            {
//                string accountinfo = "User does not have accounts linked\nUser **-HELPCOMMAND** to get started.";
//                if (atlasAccount.SmashAccount.Username != null && (bool)atlasAccount.SmashAccount.IsVerified)
//                {
//                    accountinfo = "**" + Names.SmashLadder + " account:**\n" + atlasAccount.SmashAccount.Username + " "+
//                                   atlasAccount.SmashAccount.Rank;
//                }
//                eb.AddField("Accounts", accountinfo);
//            }
//            return eb.Build();
//        }

//        public static Embed CurrentServerEmbed(IGuild guild)
//        {
//            DiscordServer server;
//            var database = DatabaseManager.GetMock();
//            try
//            {
//                server = database.Servers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ServerId == guild.Id);
//            }
//            catch
//            {
//                server = null;
//            }
//            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = BaseBuilder("", "Information about this server known to " + Names.BotName, ColorPicker.ServerModule, new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(guild.Name), guild.IconUrl);
//            builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Discord Information")
//                .WithValue("**Name:** " + guild.Name + "\n"
//                           + "**Users:** " + (guild as SocketGuild).Users.Count + "\n"
//                           + "**Created at:** " + guild.CreatedAt.DateTime.ToLongDateString() + "\n"
//                           + "**Owner:** " + guild.GetOwnerAsync().Result.Username));
//            if (server == null)
//            {
//                builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " Information")
//                    .WithValue(
//                        "Server is not linked to an account. Let the owner use -server register *<Tier>* to start"));
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " Information").WithValue(
//                    "**Name: **" + server.Name+"\n"+
//                    "**Description: **"+ server.Description+"\n"+
//                    "**Joined at: **" + server.JoinDateTime.ToLongDateString()+"\n"+
//                    "**Votes: **" + server.Votes));
//            }
//            return builder.Build();
//        }
//        public static Embed ServerList(string filter)
//        {
//            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = BaseBuilder("", "All servers known ordered by votes.", ColorPicker.ServerModule, new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " server list"), null);
//            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) //No parameter is given and we should display the full server list
//            {
//                List<DiscordServer> servers = DatabaseManager.GetMock().Servers.ToList();
//                //Add servers from other sources
//                var orderedServers = servers.OrderBy(x => x.Votes).ToList();
//                int maxservers = 5; //Maximal servers to display
//                if (maxservers > orderedServers.Count()) maxservers = orderedServers.Count;
//                for (int i = 0; i < maxservers; i++)
//                {
//                    builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(orderedServers[i].Name)
//                        .WithValue("**Votes:** " + orderedServers[i].Votes + "\n" +
//                                   "**Description: **" + orderedServers[i].Description));
//                }
//            }
//            return builder.Build();
//        }
        //Base Builder
        public static Discord.EmbedBuilder BaseBuilder(string title, string description, Color color,
                                                       EmbedAuthorBuilder authorBuilder, string thumbnailurl)
            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = new Discord.EmbedBuilder().WithColor(color).WithFooter(Names.BotName).WithCurrentTimestamp();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
            if (authorBuilder != null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnailurl))
コード例 #4
        public static Discord.EmbedBuilder UserInfo(string username)
            RootObject root = RequestHandler.GetUserByName(username);
            User       user = root.user;

            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = Builders.BaseBuilder("Link to " + Names.SmashLadder + " Profile", "All information known about **" + user.username + "**",
                                                                new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(Names.SmashLadder)
                                                                .WithUrl("http://www.smashladder.com"), "");
            if (user.selected_flair != null)
                builder.WithAuthor(new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(Names.SmashLadder)
                                   .WithUrl("http://www.smashladder.com").WithIconUrl("http:" + user.selected_flair.url));
            string location = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.location.Locality))
                location += user.location.Locality + ", ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.location.State))
                location += user.location.State + ", ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.location.Country.name))
                location += user.location.Country.name;
            string status = "Offline";
            string sub    = "";

            if (user.is_online != null)
                status = "Online";
            if (user.is_subscribed != null)
                sub = "**User is subscribed!**\n";
            builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Profile").WithValue(
                                 "**Name: **" + user.username + "\n" +
                                 "**Member Since: **" + user.member_since.full.ToLongDateString() + "\n" +
                                 "**Location: **" + location + "\n" +
                                 "**Status message: **" + user.away_message + "\n" +
                                 "**Total matches played: **" + user.total_matches_played + "\n" +
                                 "**Status: **" + status + "\n" + sub
            var filteredgames = user.ladder_information.AllGames.Where(x => x != null).ToList();

                filteredgames = filteredgames.Where(x => x.league.stats.RankedPlayed != 0).ToList();
                //No ranked games played
            foreach (var game in filteredgames)
                    var characters = "";
                    var count      = 3;
                    if (game.characters.Count < count)
                        count = game.characters.Count;
                    if (count != 0)
                        characters = "**Characters:**\n";
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            characters += "**  " + game.characters[i].name + ": **" + game.characters[i].percent + "%\n";
                    var rank = "**Ranked: **Unranked\n";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.league.Tier))
                        rank = "**Ranked: **" + game.league.Tier + " " + game.league.Division + "\n";
                    builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(game.name).WithValue(
                                         "**Total ranked games played: **" + game.league.stats.RankedPlayed + "\n" +
                                         rank +

            if (root.now_playing != null)
                string type = "Friendlies";
                if (root.now_playing.is_ranked)
                    type = "Ranked";

                string rankp1 = "Unranked";
                    var games1 = root.now_playing.player1.ladder_information.AllGames;
                    games1 = games1.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
                    SmashHandler.DataTypes.Game gamep1 = games1.Single(x => x.id == root.now_playing.ladder.id);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gamep1.league.Tier))
                        rankp1 = gamep1.league.Tier + " " + gamep1.league.Division;
                catch { }
                string rankp2 = "Unranked";
                    var games2 = root.now_playing.player2.ladder_information.AllGames;
                    games2 = games2.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
                    SmashHandler.DataTypes.Game gamep2 = games2.Single(x => x.id == root.now_playing.ladder.id);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gamep2.league.Tier))
                        rankp2 = gamep2.league.Tier + " " + gamep2.league.Division;
                catch { }
                builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Currently Playing").WithValue(
                                     "**" + root.now_playing.ladder_name + " " + type + "**: \n" +
                                     "Using " + root.now_playing.preferred_build.name + "\n" +
                                     root.now_playing.player1.username + " " + "(" + rankp1 + ")" + " vs " + root.now_playing.player2.username + " (" + rankp2 + ")"));
コード例 #5
 /// <summary> Fills the embed author field with the provided user's full username and avatar URL. </summary>
 public static EmbedBuilder WithAuthor(this EmbedBuilder builder, IUser user) =>
 builder.WithAuthor($"{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}", user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl());