コード例 #1
        public void AddProcessedPostTest()
            ProcessedPost p = new ProcessedPost( "videos", "3Znqhs", "remove" );
            p.AnalysisResults = new Modules.PostAnalysisResults();
            p.AnalysisResults.Scores.Add( new Modules.AnalysisScore( 1, "thisasds totally notasdfadt. nope.. noasdft all", "testing1, or so I'm told", "TestModuleName", new Flair( "flurrr", "red", 1 ) ) );
            p.AnalysisResults.Scores.Add( new Modules.AnalysisScore( 1, "this is totally not a test. nope.. not at all", "testing2, or so I'm told", "TestModuleName", new Flair( "flurrr", "red", 1 ) ) );
            p.AnalysisResults.Scores.Add( new Modules.AnalysisScore( 1, "this asdfy not a test. nope.. not fsda", "testing3, or so I'm told", "TestModuleName", new Flair( "flurrr", "red", 1 ) ) );
            p.AnalysisResults.Scores.Add( new Modules.AnalysisScore( 1, "this is totally not a test. nope.. not at all", "testing4, or so I'm told", "TestModuleName", new Flair( "flurrr", "red", 1 ) ) );
            p.AnalysisResults.Scores.Add( new Modules.AnalysisScore( 1, "thasdfff is totallyvxzst. nope.. not fsfall", "testing5, or so I'm told", "TestModuleName", new Flair( "flurrr", "red", 1 ) ) );

            Logging.ProcessedPost.AddProcessedPost( p );
コード例 #2
ファイル: ProcessedPost.cs プロジェクト: CrustyJew/DirtBag
 public static void AddProcessedPost( ProcessedPost post )
     //string jsonAnalysisResults = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( post.AnalysisResults,Formatting.None );
     byte[] serialized = Helpers.ProcessedPostHelpers.SerializeAndCompressResults( post );//System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( jsonAnalysisResults ); //This would need to change to support unicode report reasons & full explanations
     var query = "" +
         "insert into ProcessedPosts (SubredditID,PostID,ActionID,SeenByModules,AnalysisResults) " +
         "select sub.ID, @PostID, act.ID, @SeenByModules, @AnalysisResults " +
         "from Subreddits sub " +
         "inner join Actions act on act.ActionName = @Action " +
         "where sub.SubName like @SubName" +
     using ( var conn = DirtBagConnection.GetConn() ) {
         conn.Execute( query, new { post.SubName, post.PostID, post.Action,post.SeenByModules, AnalysisResults = serialized } );
コード例 #3
ファイル: ProcessedPost.cs プロジェクト: CrustyJew/DirtBag
        public static void UpdateProcessedPost(ProcessedPost post)
            byte[] serialized = Helpers.ProcessedPostHelpers.SerializeAndCompressResults(post);
            var    query      = "" +
                                "Update ProcessedPosts " +
                                "Set ActionID = (select ID from Actions where ActionName = @Action), AnalysisResults = @AnalysisResults, SeenByModules = @SeenByModules " +
                                //"FROM ProcessedPosts pp " +
                                //"inner join Actions act on act.ActionName = @Action " +
                                "where PostID like @PostID " +

            using (var conn = DirtBagConnection.GetConn()) {
                conn.Execute(query, new { AnalysisResults = serialized, post.Action, post.PostID, post.SeenByModules });
コード例 #4
ファイル: ProcessedPost.cs プロジェクト: CrustyJew/DirtBag
        public static void AddProcessedPost(ProcessedPost post)
            //string jsonAnalysisResults = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( post.AnalysisResults,Formatting.None );
            byte[] serialized = Helpers.ProcessedPostHelpers.SerializeAndCompressResults(post);  //System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( jsonAnalysisResults ); //This would need to change to support unicode report reasons & full explanations
            var    query      = "" +
                                "insert into ProcessedPosts (SubredditID,PostID,ActionID,SeenByModules,AnalysisResults) " +
                                "select sub.ID, @PostID, act.ID, @SeenByModules, @AnalysisResults " +
                                "from Subreddits sub " +
                                "inner join Actions act on act.ActionName = @Action " +
                                "where sub.SubName like @SubName" +

            using (var conn = DirtBagConnection.GetConn()) {
                conn.Execute(query, new { post.SubName, post.PostID, post.Action, post.SeenByModules, AnalysisResults = serialized });
コード例 #5
ファイル: ProcessedPost.cs プロジェクト: CrustyJew/DirtBag
 public static void UpdateProcessedPost( ProcessedPost post )
     byte[] serialized = Helpers.ProcessedPostHelpers.SerializeAndCompressResults( post );
     var query = "" +
         "Update ProcessedPosts " +
         "Set ActionID = (select ID from Actions where ActionName = @Action), AnalysisResults = @AnalysisResults, SeenByModules = @SeenByModules " +
         //"FROM ProcessedPosts pp " +
         //"inner join Actions act on act.ActionName = @Action " +
         "where PostID like @PostID " +
     using ( var conn = DirtBagConnection.GetConn() ) {
         conn.Execute( query, new { AnalysisResults = serialized, post.Action, post.PostID, post.SeenByModules } );
コード例 #6
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: CrustyJew/DirtBag
        private static async void ProcessPosts( object s ) {
            var sub = Client.GetSubreddit( Subreddit );

            var newPosts = new List<Post>();
            var hotPosts = new List<Post>();
            var risingPosts = new List<Post>();

            //avoid getting unnecessary posts to keep requests lower
            if ( ActiveModules.Any( m => m.Settings.PostTypes.HasFlag( PostType.New ) ) ) {
                newPosts = sub.New.Take( 100 ).ToList();
            if ( ActiveModules.Any( m => m.Settings.PostTypes.HasFlag( PostType.Hot ) ) ) {
                hotPosts = sub.Hot.Take( 50 ).ToList();
            if ( ActiveModules.Any( m => m.Settings.PostTypes.HasFlag( PostType.Rising ) ) ) {
                risingPosts = sub.Rising.Take( 50 ).ToList();
            var postComparer = new PostIdEqualityComparer();
            var allPosts = new HashSet<Post>( postComparer );
            allPosts.UnionWith( newPosts );
            allPosts.UnionWith( hotPosts );
            allPosts.UnionWith( risingPosts );
            //Get stats on already processed posts (This could be pulled from mod log at some point if ever desired / found to be more useful)
            var alreadyProcessed = ProcessedPost.GetProcessed( allPosts.Select( p => p.Id ).ToList() );
            var removedPreviously = new List<ProcessedPost>();
            //select posts that have already been removed once and add them to list
            removedPreviously.AddRange( alreadyProcessed.Where( p => p.Action.ToLower() == "remove" ) );

            var reportedPreviously = new List<ProcessedPost>();
            //select posts that have already been removed once and add them to list
            reportedPreviously.AddRange( alreadyProcessed.Where( p => p.Action.ToLower() == "report" ) );

            var postTasks = new List<Task<Dictionary<string, PostAnalysisResults>>>();

            foreach ( var module in ActiveModules ) {
                //hashset to prevent duplicates being passed.
                var posts = new HashSet<Post>( postComparer );
                if ( module.Settings.PostTypes.HasFlag( PostType.New ) ) {
                    posts.UnionWith( newPosts );
                if ( module.Settings.PostTypes.HasFlag( PostType.Hot ) ) {
                    posts.UnionWith( hotPosts );
                if ( module.Settings.PostTypes.HasFlag( PostType.Rising ) ) {
                    posts.UnionWith( risingPosts );
                List<Post> postsList = new List<Post>();
                if ( !module.MultiScan ) {
                    //only add unseen posts
                    postsList.AddRange( posts.Where( ph => alreadyProcessed.Count( ap => ap.PostID == ph.Id && ap.SeenByModules.HasFlag( module.ModuleEnum ) ) == 0 ) );
                else {
                    postsList = posts.ToList();
                if ( postsList.Count > 0 ) postTasks.Add( Task.Run( () => module.Analyze( postsList ) ) );

            var results = new Dictionary<string, PostAnalysisResults>();
            while ( postTasks.Count > 0 ) {
                var finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny( postTasks );
                postTasks.Remove( finishedTask );
                var result = await finishedTask;
                foreach ( var key in result.Keys ) {
                    if ( results.Keys.Contains( key ) ) {
                        results[key].Scores.AddRange( result[key].Scores );
                        results[key].AnalyzingModule = results[key].AnalyzingModule | result[key].AnalyzingModule;
                    else {
                        results.Add( key, result[key] );
            int ignoredCounter = 0, reportedCounter = 0, removedCounter = 0;

            foreach ( var result in results ) {
                var combinedAnalysis = result.Value;
                string action = "None"; //change to Enum at some point
                bool unseen = false;
                ProcessedPost original = alreadyProcessed.SingleOrDefault( p => p.PostID == combinedAnalysis.Post.Id );
                if ( original == null ) {
                    original = new ProcessedPost( Settings.Subreddit, combinedAnalysis.Post.Id, "invalid" );
                    unseen = true;
                else {
                    var prevScores = original.AnalysisResults.Scores.Where( os => combinedAnalysis.Scores.Count( cs => cs.ModuleName == os.ModuleName ) == 0 ).ToList();
                    combinedAnalysis.Scores.AddRange( prevScores );
                    combinedAnalysis.AnalyzingModule = original.SeenByModules | combinedAnalysis.AnalyzingModule;
                if ( combinedAnalysis.TotalScore >= Settings.RemoveScoreThreshold && Settings.RemoveScoreThreshold > 0 ) {
                    ProcessedPost removed = removedPreviously.SingleOrDefault( p => p.PostID == combinedAnalysis.Post.Id );
                    if ( removed == null || removed.AnalysisResults.TotalScore < combinedAnalysis.TotalScore ) {
                        //only remove the post if it wasn't previously removed by the bot, OR if the score has increased
                        if ( combinedAnalysis.HasFlair ) {
                            combinedAnalysis.Post.SetFlair( combinedAnalysis.FlairText, combinedAnalysis.FlairClass );
                    else {
                    action = "Remove";
                else if ( combinedAnalysis.TotalScore >= Settings.ReportScoreThreshold && Settings.ReportScoreThreshold > 0 ) {
                    if ( reportedPreviously.Count( p => p.PostID == combinedAnalysis.Post.Id ) == 0 ) {
                        //can't change report text or report an item again. Thanks Obama... err... Reddit...
                        combinedAnalysis.Post.Report( VotableThing.ReportType.Other, combinedAnalysis.ReportReason );
                    action = "Report";
                if ( combinedAnalysis.TotalScore != original.AnalysisResults.TotalScore || action != original.Action || original.SeenByModules != combinedAnalysis.AnalyzingModule ) {
                    if ( combinedAnalysis.TotalScore > 0 ) {
                        original.AnalysisResults = combinedAnalysis;
                    else original.AnalysisResults = null;

                    original.SeenByModules = original.SeenByModules | combinedAnalysis.AnalyzingModule;
                    original.Action = action;
                    //processed post needs updated in
                    if ( unseen ) {
                        try {
                            ProcessedPost.AddProcessedPost( original ); 
                        catch ( Exception ex ) {
                            Console.WriteLine( "Error adding new post as processed. Messaage : {0}", "\r\n Inner Exception : " + ex.InnerException.Message );
                    else {
                        try {
                            ProcessedPost.UpdateProcessedPost( original ); 
                        catch ( Exception ex ) {
                            Console.WriteLine( "Error updating processed post. Messaage : {0}", "\r\n Inner Exception : " + ( ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "null" ) );

            Console.WriteLine( $"Successfully processed {results.Keys.Count} posts.\r\nIgnored posts: {ignoredCounter}\r\nReported Posts: {reportedCounter}\r\nRemoved Posts: {removedCounter}" );
