コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches a local app if not already running.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appIdTuple"></param>
        public void  LaunchApp(AppIdTuple appIdTuple)
            if (!(localApps.ContainsKey(appIdTuple)))
                throw new NotALocalApp(appIdTuple, machineId);

            var la       = localApps[appIdTuple];
            var appState = appsState[la.AppDef.AppIdTuple];

            // don't do anything if the app is already running
            if (la.launcher != null && la.launcher.Running)

            log.DebugFormat("Launching app {0}", la.AppDef.AppIdTuple);

            // launch the application
            appState.Started     = false;
            appState.StartFailed = false;
            appState.Killed      = false;


            la.launcher = launcherFactory.createLauncher(la.AppDef, rootForRelativePaths);

                appState.Started     = true;
                appState.Initialized = true; // a watcher can set it to false upon its creation if it works like an AppInitDetector

                //// instantiate app watchers
                //foreach( var watcherDef in la.AppDef.Watchers )
                //    var w = appWatcherFactory.create( la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, watcherDef);
                //    la.watchers.Add( w );

                // instantiate init detector (also a watcher)
                    // compatibility with InitialCondition="timeout 2.0" ... convert to XML definition <timeout>2.0</timeout>
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(la.AppDef.InitializedCondition))
                            string name;
                            string args;
                            AppInitializedDetectorFactory.ParseDefinitionString(la.AppDef.InitializedCondition, out name, out args);
                            string xmlString = string.Format("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", name, args);

                            var aid = appAppInitializedDetectorFactory.create(la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, XElement.Parse(xmlString));
                            log.DebugFormat("Adding InitDetector {0}, pid {1}", aid.GetType().Name, la.launcher.ProcessId);

                    foreach (var xml in la.AppDef.InitDetectors)
                        var aid = appAppInitializedDetectorFactory.create(la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, XElement.Parse(xml));

                        log.DebugFormat("Adding InitDetector {0}, pid {1}", aid.GetType().Name, la.launcher.ProcessId);

                // instantiate window positioners
                foreach (var xml in la.AppDef.WindowPosXml)
                    log.DebugFormat("Adding WindowsPositioner, pid {0}", la.launcher.ProcessId);
                    var wpo = new WindowPositioner(la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, XElement.Parse(xml));

                // instantiate autorestarter
                if (la.AppDef.RestartOnCrash)
                    log.DebugFormat("Adding AutoRestarter, pid {0}", la.launcher.ProcessId);
                    var ar = new AutoRestarter(la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, new XElement("Autorestart"));
            catch (Exception ex)  // app launching failed
                log.ErrorFormat("Exception: App \"{0}\"start failure {1}", la.AppDef.AppIdTuple, ex);

                appState.StartFailed = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: LocalOperations.cs プロジェクト: pjanec/dirigent
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches a local app if not already running.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appIdTuple"></param>
        public void LaunchApp(AppIdTuple appIdTuple)
            if( !(localApps.ContainsKey(appIdTuple) ))
                throw new NotALocalApp(appIdTuple, machineId);

            var la = localApps[appIdTuple];
            var appState = appsState[la.AppDef.AppIdTuple];

            // don't do anything if the app is already running
            if( la.launcher != null && la.launcher.Running )

            log.DebugFormat("Launching app {0}", la.AppDef.AppIdTuple);

            // launch the application
            appState.Started = false;
            appState.StartFailed = false;
            appState.Killed = false;


            la.launcher = launcherFactory.createLauncher( la.AppDef );

                appState.Started = true;
                appState.Initialized = true; // a watcher can set it to false upon its creation if it works like an AppInitDetector

                //// instantiate app watchers
                //foreach( var watcherDef in la.AppDef.Watchers )
                //    var w = appWatcherFactory.create( la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, watcherDef);
                //    la.watchers.Add( w );

                // instantiate init detector (also a watcher)
                    // compatibility with InitialCondition="timeout 2.0" ... convert to XML definition <timeout>2.0</timeout>
                        if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( la.AppDef.InitializedCondition ) )
                            string name;
                            string args;
                            AppInitializedDetectorFactory.ParseDefinitionString( la.AppDef.InitializedCondition, out name, out args );
                            string xmlString = string.Format("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", name, args);

                            var aid = appAppInitializedDetectorFactory.create( la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, XElement.Parse(xmlString) );
                            log.DebugFormat("Adding InitDetector {0}, pid {1}", aid.GetType().Name, la.launcher.ProcessId );
                            la.watchers.Add( aid );

                    foreach( var xml in la.AppDef.InitDetectors )
                        var aid = appAppInitializedDetectorFactory.create( la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, XElement.Parse(xml));

                        log.DebugFormat("Adding InitDetector {0}, pid {1}", aid.GetType().Name, la.launcher.ProcessId );
                        la.watchers.Add( aid );

                // instantiate window positioners
                foreach( var xml in la.AppDef.WindowPosXml )
                    log.DebugFormat("Adding WindowsPositioner, pid {0}", la.launcher.ProcessId );
                    var wpo = new WindowPositioner( la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, XElement.Parse(xml) );
                    la.watchers.Add( wpo );

                // instantiate autorestarter
                if( la.AppDef.RestartOnCrash )
                    log.DebugFormat("Adding AutoRestarter, pid {0}", la.launcher.ProcessId );
                    var ar = new AutoRestarter( la.AppDef, appsState[appIdTuple], la.launcher.ProcessId, new XElement("Autorestart") );
                    la.watchers.Add( ar );

            catch( Exception ex ) // app launching failed
                log.ErrorFormat("Exception: App \"{0}\"start failure {1}", la.AppDef.AppIdTuple, ex);

                appState.StartFailed = true;