コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a TableOverrideSetting is active, and returns a newly mirrored Output object with modified Value. If not found, returns same input back.
        /// NOTE: this will change sending output if there is an active schedule.
        /// If value of input is 0, ignore changing and return input unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentOutput">Output / port of device.</param>
        /// <param name="startingdeviceIndex">Specifies start index of device ID (1st UIO=27).</param>
        /// <param name="currentdeviceIndex">Specifies active index of device ID (for UIO this is zero-based, making the 1st UIO #27).</param>
        public IOutput getnewrecalculatedOutput(IOutput currentOutput, int startingdeviceIndex, int currentdeviceIndex)
            if (currentOutput.Value != 0)
                //create a new dummy output with no event mirroring input arg to avoid triggering a recursive OnOutputValueChanged (modifying Output directly would retrigger this method)
                Output newOutput = new Output();
                newOutput.Value  = currentOutput.Value;
                newOutput.Name   = currentOutput.Name;
                newOutput.Number = currentOutput.Number;

                //Log.Write("ScheduledSettings.getnewrecalculatedOutput..name=" + newOutput.Name + ", number=" + newOutput.Number + ", currentdeviceIndex=" + currentdeviceIndex);
                TableOverrideSettingDevice activeDevice = getactiveDevice(newOutput, true, startingdeviceIndex, currentdeviceIndex);

                if (activeDevice != null)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a TableOverrideSetting is active and enabled. Then among list of affected outputs, and of correct device ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentOutput">Output / port of device.</param>
        /// <param name="recalculateoutputValue">If true, recalculates output value directly.</param>
        /// <param name="startingdeviceIndex">Specifies start index of device ID (1st UIO=27).</param>
        /// <param name="currentdeviceIndex">Specifies active index of device ID (for UIO this is zero-based, making the 1st UIO #27).</param>
        public TableOverrideSettingDevice getactiveDevice(IOutput currentOutput, bool recalculateoutputValue, int startingdeviceIndex, int currentdeviceIndex)
            TableOverrideSettingDevice foundactiveDevice     = null;
            TableOverrideSetting       foundactiveSequential = null;

            foreach (TableOverrideSetting tableOverrideSetting in this)
                //first check if enabled and active
                if (tableOverrideSetting.Enabled == true && tableOverrideSetting.activeSetting == true)
                    //Log.Write("TableOverrideSettings.getactiveSequentialDevice, enabled: " + tableOverrideSetting.Name + ", checking output range...");

                    //find active sequence setting by checking if input output number / port matches first / primary index in outputs
                    foreach (TableOverrideSettingDevice tableoverridesettingDevice in tableOverrideSetting.TableOverrideSettingDeviceList)
                        if ((currentdeviceIndex + startingdeviceIndex) == tableoverridesettingDevice.ConfigPostfixID && tableoverridesettingDevice.OutputList.Contains(currentOutput.Number) == true)
                            //Log.Write("TableOverrideSettings.TableOverrideSettingDevice... " + tableOverrideSetting.Name + " is active at channel #" + currentOutput.Number + " on device " + tableoverridesettingDevice.Name);
                            foundactiveDevice     = tableoverridesettingDevice;
                            foundactiveSequential = tableOverrideSetting;

            //recalculate output value based on strength?
            if (foundactiveDevice != null && recalculateoutputValue == true)
                double strengthFactor = foundactiveDevice.OutputPercent / 100f;
                byte   newValue       = Convert.ToByte(currentOutput.Value * strengthFactor);

                /*if (CacheList.Contains(foundactiveDevice) == false) {
                 *  CacheList.Add(foundactiveDevice);
                 *  if (currentOutput.Value != 0) {
                 *      Log.Write("ScheduledSettings.GetActiveSchedule: found active schedule: " + foundactiveSchedule.Name + " [" + foundactiveSchedule.ClockStart + "-" + foundactiveSchedule.ClockEnd + "] at channel #" + currentOutput.Number + " on device config " + foundactiveDevice.Name + ", applying strength multiplier: " + strengthFactor + ", old value=" + currentOutput.Value + ", new value=" + newValue);
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                if (foundactiveDevice.OutputPercent == 0 && currentOutput.Value != 0)
                    currentOutput.Value = 0;
                else if (foundactiveDevice.OutputPercent != 100)
                    currentOutput.Value = newValue;
