コード例 #1
 private LatLong CalculateCentreLocation(LatLong bottomLeftLocation, int logDelta)
     double delta = Math.Pow(2.0, logDelta);
     double lat = bottomLeftLocation.Latitude + delta/2.0;
     double lng = bottomLeftLocation.Longitude + delta/2.0;
     return new LatLong(lat, lng);
コード例 #2
 public CombinedMapData CreateEmptyMapAtLocation(LatLong location, double elevation, double delta)
     CombinedMapData newMap = new CombinedMapData();
     newMap.ShapeDelta = delta;
     newMap.BottomLeftLocation = location;
     newMap.ZoomLevel = EarthProjection.GetZoomFromElevation(elevation);
     return newMap;
コード例 #3
ファイル: LatLong.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/Direct3D-Testing
 public static bool TryParse(string s, out LatLong value)
     value = new LatLong();
         value = LatLong.Parse(s);
     catch (ArgumentException) { return false; }
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: LatLong.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/Direct3D-Testing
 public static LatLong Parse(string s)
     LatLong value = new LatLong();
     string[] split = s.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
     if (split.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentException("LatLong should have a comma seperated pair of numbers.");
     double d = 0;
     if (!double.TryParse(split[0], out d)) throw new ArgumentException("LatLong should have a comma seperated pair of numbers.");
     value.Latitude = d;
     if (!double.TryParse(split[1], out d)) throw new ArgumentException("LatLong should have a comma seperated pair of numbers.");
     value.Longitude = d;
     return value;
コード例 #5
 public static LatLong CalculateNearestLatLongAtDelta(LatLong latLong, double delta, bool roundToNearest)
     double dLat = latLong.Latitude / delta;
     double dLng = latLong.Longitude / delta;
     if (!roundToNearest)
         dLat = Math.Floor(dLat);
         dLng = Math.Floor(dLng);
     long lat = Convert.ToInt64(dLat);
     long lng = Convert.ToInt64(dLng);
     LatLong ret = new LatLong((double)lat * delta, (double)lng * delta);
     return ret;
コード例 #6
 public static LatLong CalculateNearestLatLongAtDelta(LatLong latLong, double delta)
     return CalculateNearestLatLongAtDelta(latLong, delta, true);
コード例 #7
ファイル: LatLong.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/Direct3D-Testing
 public LatLong(LatLong latLong)
     : this(latLong.Latitude, latLong.Longitude)
コード例 #8
 private CombinedMapData SwapTileToNewLocation(CombinedMapData prevTile, LatLong newLocation)
     CombinedMapData newTile = new CombinedMapData(prevTile);
     newTile.BottomLeftLocation = newLocation;
     UpdateMapTexture(newTile, currentElevation);
     return newTile;
コード例 #9
 private void InitializeTile(LatLong pos, double elevation, int row, int col)
     LatLong newPos = new LatLong(pos.Latitude - currentDelta * (row - 1), pos.Longitude - currentDelta * (col - 1));
     CombinedMapData expectedMap = mapFactory.CreateEmptyMapAtLocation(newPos, elevation, currentDelta);
     currentZoomLevel = EarthProjection.GetZoomFromElevation(elevation);
     if (TerrainUpdateRequired(currentTiles[row, col], expectedMap))
         if (currentTiles[row, col] != null)
             RemoveTileFromEngine(currentTiles[row, col]);
         AddTileToArray(expectedMap, row, col);
         currentTiles[row, col] = expectedMap;
     UpdateMapTexture(currentTiles[row, col], elevation);
コード例 #10
        private MapPosition CalculateTravelDirection(LatLong newLocation, LatLong oldLocation, double newElevation, double prevElevation)
            MapPosition direction = MapPosition.None;
            direction |= HasElevationChanged(newElevation, prevElevation);
            if (newLocation.Equals(oldLocation)) return direction;
            LatLong diff = LatLong.Subtract(newLocation,oldLocation);
            double delta = GetDeltaFromElevation(prevElevation);
            double normLat = NormalizeDistance(newLocation.Latitude - minDisplayedLatLong.Latitude,currentDelta);
            double normLong = NormalizeDistance(newLocation.Longitude - minDisplayedLatLong.Longitude, currentDelta);

            if (normLat > 2.1 && diff.Latitude > 0)
                direction |= MapPosition.N;
            if (normLat < 0.9 && diff.Latitude < 0)
                direction |= MapPosition.S;
            if (normLong > 2.1 && diff.Longitude > 0)
                direction |= MapPosition.E;
            if (normLong < 0.9 && diff.Longitude < 0)
                direction |= MapPosition.W;

            if (normLat > 3 || normLat < 0 || normLong > 3 || normLong < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Extreme travel!");

            return direction;
コード例 #11
 private Image GetImageFromSource(LatLong bottomLeftLocation, int desiredZoomLevel, int logDelta, out int actualZoomLevel)
     actualZoomLevel = desiredZoomLevel;
     int imageDelta = CalculateLogDeltaFromZoom(desiredZoomLevel);
     LatLong centreLocation = CalculateCentreLocation(bottomLeftLocation, imageDelta);
     MapDescriptor d = new MapDescriptor(centreLocation.Latitude, centreLocation.Longitude, desiredZoomLevel);
     Image image = GetImageFromFile(d);
     if (image == null)
         return RecursivelyGetTiledImage(bottomLeftLocation, desiredZoomLevel - 1, logDelta, out actualZoomLevel);
     return image;
コード例 #12
 private Image CropFromLargerImage(LatLong bottomLeftLocation, int desiredZoomLevel, int logDelta, out int actualZoomLevel)
     double delta = Math.Pow(2.0,logDelta+1);
     LatLong newLocation = EarthProjection.CalculateNearestLatLongAtDelta(bottomLeftLocation, delta,false);
     using (Image image = RecursivelyGetTiledImage(newLocation, desiredZoomLevel, logDelta + 1,out actualZoomLevel))
         float width = image.Width / 2;
         if (width < MIN_TEXTURE_SIZE) width = MIN_TEXTURE_SIZE;
         float height = image.Height / 2;
         if (height < MIN_TEXTURE_SIZE) height = MIN_TEXTURE_SIZE;
         float yOffset = height;
         if (bottomLeftLocation.Latitude > newLocation.Latitude) yOffset = 0;
         float xOffset = 0;
         if (bottomLeftLocation.Longitude > newLocation.Longitude) xOffset = width;
         Image ret = ImageConverter.CropImage(image, new RectangleF(xOffset, yOffset, width, height));
         return ret;
コード例 #13
ファイル: LatLong.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/Direct3D-Testing
 public static LatLong Subtract(LatLong a, LatLong b)
     return new LatLong(a.Latitude - b.Latitude, a.Longitude - b.Longitude);
コード例 #14
ファイル: LatLong.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/Direct3D-Testing
 public static LatLong Min(LatLong a, LatLong b)
     return new LatLong(Math.Min(a.Latitude, b.Latitude), Math.Min(a.Longitude, b.Longitude));
コード例 #15
ファイル: LatLong.cs プロジェクト: adrianj/Direct3D-Testing
 public static LatLong Add(LatLong a, LatLong b)
     return new LatLong(a.Latitude + b.Latitude, a.Longitude + b.Longitude);
コード例 #16
 public static Float3 ConvertLatLongElevationToCameraLocation(LatLong latLong, double elevation)
     float units = (float)UnitsPerDegreeLatitude;
     return new Float3((float)latLong.Longitude * units, (float)(elevation * UnitsPerMetreElevation), (float)latLong.Latitude * units);
コード例 #17
 public void CameraLocationChanged(Float3 newCameraLocation)
     currentLocation = EarthProjection.ConvertCameraLocationToLatLong(newCameraLocation);
     currentElevation = EarthProjection.ConvertCameraLocationToElevation(newCameraLocation); ;
     MapPosition direction = CalculateTravelDirection(currentLocation, previousLocation,currentElevation,previousElevation);
     currentZoomLevel = EarthProjection.GetZoomFromElevation(currentElevation);
     if (direction != MapPosition.None && !FixTerrain)
         MoveTerrainInDirection(direction, currentLocation, currentElevation);
     previousLocation = currentLocation;
     previousElevation = currentElevation;
コード例 #18
 private Image RecursivelyGetTiledImage(LatLong bottomLeftLocation, int desiredZoomLevel, int logDelta, out int actualZoomLevel)
     if (desiredZoomLevel < 0)
         actualZoomLevel = -1;
         return nullImage.ImageClone;
     int minZoomLevel = CalculateZoomFromLogDelta(logDelta);
     if (minZoomLevel == desiredZoomLevel)
         return GetImageFromSource(bottomLeftLocation, desiredZoomLevel, logDelta, out actualZoomLevel);
     else if (minZoomLevel > desiredZoomLevel)
         return CropFromLargerImage(bottomLeftLocation, desiredZoomLevel, logDelta, out actualZoomLevel);
         return StitchFromImageTiles(bottomLeftLocation, desiredZoomLevel, logDelta, out actualZoomLevel);
コード例 #19
 private void InitializeAtGivenLatLongElevation(LatLong pos, double elevation)
     currentDelta = GetDeltaFromElevation(elevation);
     pos = EarthProjection.CalculateNearestLatLongAtDelta(pos, currentDelta, false);
     for (int row = 0; row < TILE_COUNT; row++)
         for (int col = 0; col < TILE_COUNT; col++)
             InitializeTile(pos, elevation, row, col);
     currentElevation = elevation;
     currentLocation = pos;
コード例 #20
 private Image StitchFromImageTiles(LatLong bottomLeftLocation, int desiredZoomLevel, int logDelta, out int actualZoomLevel)
     int nTiles = 2;
     Image[] imageTiles = new Image[nTiles * nTiles];
     int newLogDelta = logDelta - 1;
     double delta = Math.Pow(2.0, newLogDelta);
     actualZoomLevel = desiredZoomLevel;
     for (int i = 0; i < nTiles; i++)
         for (int k = 0; k < nTiles; k++)
             LatLong tileLocation = new LatLong(bottomLeftLocation.Latitude + delta * i, bottomLeftLocation.Longitude + delta * k);
             imageTiles[(nTiles - i - 1) * nTiles + k] = RecursivelyGetTiledImage(tileLocation,desiredZoomLevel,newLogDelta, out actualZoomLevel);
     Image ret = ImageConverter.StitchImages(imageTiles,nTiles,nTiles);
     foreach (Image image in imageTiles)
         if (image != null) image.Dispose();
     return ret;
コード例 #21
 private void MoveTerrainInDirection(MapPosition direction, LatLong location, double elevation)
     if ((direction & MapPosition.Up) == MapPosition.Up)
     else if ((direction & MapPosition.Down) == MapPosition.Down)
     else if(!pauseUpdates)
         if ((direction & MapPosition.N) == MapPosition.N)
             for (int col = 0; col < TILE_COUNT; col++)
                 LatLong locationOffset = new LatLong(TILE_COUNT * currentDelta, 0);
                 LatLong newLocation = LatLong.Add(currentTiles[TILE_COUNT - 1, col].BottomLeftLocation, locationOffset);
                 CombinedMapData newTile = SwapTileToNewLocation(currentTiles[TILE_COUNT - 1, col], newLocation);
                 for (int row = TILE_COUNT - 1; row > 0; row--)
                     currentTiles[row, col] = currentTiles[row - 1, col];
                 currentTiles[0, col] = newTile;
         if ((direction & MapPosition.S) == MapPosition.S)
             for (int col = 0; col < TILE_COUNT; col++)
                 LatLong locationOffset = new LatLong(-TILE_COUNT * currentDelta, 0);
                 LatLong newLocation = LatLong.Add(currentTiles[0, col].BottomLeftLocation, locationOffset);
                 CombinedMapData newTile = SwapTileToNewLocation(currentTiles[0, col], newLocation);
                 for (int row = 0; row < TILE_COUNT - 1; row++)
                     currentTiles[row, col] = currentTiles[row + 1, col];
                 currentTiles[TILE_COUNT - 1, col] = newTile;
         if ((direction & MapPosition.W) == MapPosition.W)
             for (int row = 0; row < TILE_COUNT; row++)
                 LatLong locationOffset = new LatLong(0, -TILE_COUNT * currentDelta);
                 LatLong newLocation = LatLong.Add(currentTiles[row, 0].BottomLeftLocation, locationOffset);
                 CombinedMapData newTile = SwapTileToNewLocation(currentTiles[row, 0], newLocation);
                 for (int col = 0; col < TILE_COUNT - 1; col++)
                     currentTiles[row, col] = currentTiles[row, col + 1];
                 currentTiles[row, TILE_COUNT - 1] = newTile;
         if ((direction & MapPosition.E) == MapPosition.E)
             for (int row = 0; row < TILE_COUNT; row++)
                 LatLong locationOffset = new LatLong(0, TILE_COUNT * currentDelta);
                 LatLong newLocation = LatLong.Add(currentTiles[row, TILE_COUNT - 1].BottomLeftLocation, locationOffset);
                 CombinedMapData newTile = SwapTileToNewLocation(currentTiles[row, TILE_COUNT - 1], newLocation);
                 for (int col = TILE_COUNT - 1; col > 0; col--)
                     currentTiles[row, col] = currentTiles[row, col - 1];
                 currentTiles[row, 0] = newTile;
コード例 #22
 public Image GetTiledImage(LatLong bottomLeftLocation, int desiredZoomLevel, int logDelta, out int actualZoomLevel)
     initialZoomLevel = desiredZoomLevel;
     nullImage.Text = "bottomLeft: " + bottomLeftLocation + "\ndesiredZoom: " + desiredZoomLevel;
     return RecursivelyGetTiledImage(bottomLeftLocation, desiredZoomLevel, logDelta, out actualZoomLevel);
コード例 #23
 private void UpdateAllTerrainAtElevation(LatLong location, double elevation)
     pauseUpdates = true;
     InitializeAtGivenLatLongElevation(location, elevation);
     pauseUpdates = false;
コード例 #24
 public static string CalculateFilenameFromLatLong(LatLong latLong)
     int latitude = (int)latLong.Latitude;
     int longitude = (int)latLong.Longitude;
     if (latitude < 1 && latLong.Latitude % 1 != 0)
         latitude -= 1;
     if (longitude < 1 && latLong.Longitude % 1 != 0)
         longitude -= 1;
     string ret = LatLongToString(latitude, longitude);
     string folder = TerrainFolder;
     if (TerrainFolder == null) folder = Properties.Settings.Default.MapTerrainFolder;
     return folder + "\\" + ret + ".hgt";