private void Client_Received(Object sender, ReceivedEventArgs e) { var pk = e.Packet; if (pk.Total == 0) { return; } var dns = DNSEntity.Read(pk.GetStream(), Client.Local.IsTcp); OnReceive(dns); }
/// <summary>接收处理</summary> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="pk"></param> protected override void OnReceive(INetSession session, Packet pk) { var isTcp = session.Session.Local.IsTcp; // 解析 var request = DNSEntity.Read(pk.GetStream(), isTcp); var response = Request(session, request); if (response != null) { response.Header.ID = request.Header.ID; Response(session, request, response); } session.Dispose(); }
internal DNSEntity Invoke(DNSEntity request, Boolean isQuery) { var attempts = 0; while (attempts <= _maxRetryAttemps) { var bytes = request.GetStream(false).ReadBytes(); if (bytes.Length > 512) { throw new ArgumentException("RFC 1035 2.3.4 states that the maximum size of a UDP datagram is 512 octets (bytes)."); } Socket socket = null; try { socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp) { ReceiveTimeout = 300 }; //socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, 300); socket.SendTo(bytes, bytes.Length, SocketFlags.None, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 137)); if (!isQuery) { return(null); } // Messages carried by UDP are restricted to 512 bytes (not counting the IP // or UDP headers). Longer messages are truncated and the TC bit is set in // the header. (RFC 1035 4.2.1) var responseMessage = new Byte[512]; //int numBytes = socket.Receive(responseMessage); var ep = (EndPoint) new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(4294967295), 137); var numBytes = socket.ReceiveFrom(responseMessage, ref ep); if (numBytes == 0 || numBytes > 512) { throw new Exception("RFC 1035 2.3.4 states that the maximum size of a UDP datagram is 512 octets (bytes)."); } //DnsReader br = new DnsReader(responseMessage); //DnsResponse res = new DnsResponse(br); var rs = DNSEntity.Read(responseMessage, false); if (request.Header.ID == rs.Header.ID) { return(rs); } attempts++; } catch { attempts++; } finally { socket.Close(); socket = null; } } throw new Exception("Could not resolve the query (" + attempts + " attempts)."); }