public void DeleteFile(string archiveListCellRptID, string singleProjectID) { T_EFile_BLL bll = new T_EFile_BLL(); T_EFile_MDL model = new T_EFile_MDL(); model = bll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(archiveListCellRptID)); if (model != null) { //删除电子文件 //if (model != null && model.PDFFilePath != "" && System.IO.File.Exists(PdfPath + model.PDFFilePath)) //{ // System.IO.File.Delete(PdfPath + model.PDFFilePath); //} //string filePath = string.Concat(model.RootPath, singleProjectID, "\\ODOC\\", model.FilePath); //if (filePath != "" && System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) //{ // System.IO.File.Delete(filePath); //} //删除电子文件记录 bll.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(archiveListCellRptID)); //Leo 更新文件夹,晚上重新生产一次 int FileListID = model.FileListID; BLL.T_FileList_BLL fileListBLL = new DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.BLL.T_FileList_BLL(); Model.T_FileList_MDL fileListMDL = fileListBLL.GetModel(FileListID); fileListMDL.CONVERT_FLAG = false; fileListBLL.Update(fileListMDL); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定工程下的归档目录 /// </summary> /// <param name="SingleProjectID">工程ID</param> /// <param name="PID">PID=0</param> /// <param name="DataValueField">绑定主键</param> public void DataBindEx(int SingleProjectID, string PID, string DataValueField, string bh = null) { BLL.T_FileList_BLL bll = new DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.BLL.T_FileList_BLL(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strWhere = "SingleProjectID=" + SingleProjectID; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PID)) { strWhere += " AND PID=" + PID;; } if (bh != null) { strWhere += " AND IsFolder=1 and BH like '" + bh + "%'"; } ds = bll.GetList(strWhere); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DropDownList1.DataTextField = "title"; DropDownList1.DataValueField = DataValueField; DropDownList1.DataSource = ds; DropDownList1.DataBind(); } DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("无", "0")); }
/// <summary> /// 生成文件编号 /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetBH(string SingleProjectId, string filelistId) { string bh = string.Empty; T_FileList_BLL fileBLL = new T_FileList_BLL(); T_FileList_MDL fileMDL = fileBLL.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(filelistId)); if (fileMDL != null) { if (fileMDL.IsFolder) { bh = dal.GetBH(fileMDL.BH, SingleProjectId, fileMDL.recID.ToString()); } else { string Maxbh = dal.GetSingle("select MAX(bh) from t_filelist where singleprojectid=" + SingleProjectId + " and bh like '" + fileMDL.BH + "%' "); //最大编号 if (Maxbh == fileMDL.BH) { bh = string.Concat(Maxbh, "-", (1).ToString("D3")); } else { int LastIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(Maxbh.Substring(Maxbh.LastIndexOf("-") + 1)); string MaxIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(LastIndex + 1).ToString("D3"); bh = string.Concat(Maxbh.Substring(0, Maxbh.LastIndexOf("-") + 1), MaxIndex); } } } return(bh); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Ajax.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax(typeof(UserArchiveAdd)); MyAddInit(); if (!IsPostBack) { tempPID.Attributes("onchange", "OnchangeBH()"); tempPID.AutoPostBack = false; if (Request.QueryString["WorkFlowID"] != null) { WorkFlowID.Value = Request.QueryString["WorkFlowID"].ToString(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { SingleProjectID.Value = ID; tempPID.DataBindEx(Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(ID), true); } string Action = Request.QueryString["Action"].ToString(); if (Action == "Modify") { string FileListID = Request.QueryString["FileListID"].ToString(); BLL.T_FileList_BLL archiveListBLL = new DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.BLL.T_FileList_BLL(); Model.T_FileList_MDL archiveListMDL = archiveListBLL.GetModel(Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(FileListID)); Model.T_FileList_MDL parentMDL = archiveListBLL.GetModel("SingleProjectID=" + SingleProjectID.Value + " AND recID=" + archiveListMDL.PID); DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.Web.Comm.SetValueToPage(archiveListMDL, this.tbl); tempPID.SelectValue = parentMDL.FileListID.ToString();//父类 } } }
public void DataBindEx(int SingleProjectID, bool IsFolder) { BLL.T_FileList_BLL bll = new DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.BLL.T_FileList_BLL(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strWhere2 = "SingleProjectID=" + SingleProjectID; if (IsFolder == true) { strWhere2 += " AND IsFolder='True'"; } ds = bll.GetList(strWhere2); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable outDT = ds.Tables[0].Copy(); outDT.Clear(); Recursion(ds.Tables[0], 0, 0, ref outDT); ds.Tables.Clear(); ds.Tables.Add(outDT); BLL.T_SingleProject_BLL spBLL = new T_SingleProject_BLL(); Model.T_SingleProject_MDL spMDL = spBLL.GetModel(SingleProjectID); string strWhere = "1=1"; if (Common.Session.GetSession("SuperAdmin").ToLower() == "true") {//Leo 超级管理员看全部 } else if (spMDL != null && spMDL.CompanyUserID == Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(Common.Session.GetSession("UserID"))) {//Leo 工程管理员也看全部 } else { strWhere += " and OperateUserID=" + Common.Session.GetSession("UserID"); } if (strWhere != "1=1") { if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].Copy().DefaultView; dv.RowFilter = strWhere; if (dv.Count != ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count) { ds.Tables[0].Clear(); ds.Tables.RemoveAt(0); ds.Tables.Add(dv.ToTable()); } } } } DropDownList1.DataTextField = "TitleNew"; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "FileListID"; DropDownList1.DataSource = ds; DropDownList1.DataBind(); //DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("无", "0")); }
public void UpdatedhNew(string ArchiveID) { int wzCount_P = 0; int tzCount_P = 0; int zpCount_P = 0; T_Archive_MDL mdl = dal.GetModel(int.Parse(ArchiveID)); DataSet ds = dal.GetList("ShortDH='' AND SingleProjectID=" + mdl.SingleProjectID); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DataRow[] drList = ds.Tables[0].Select("", "xh"); int maxShortDH = dal.GetMaxShortDH(); maxShortDH++; BLL.T_FileList_BLL fileBLL = new T_FileList_BLL(); foreach (DataRow dr in drList) { mdl = dal.GetModel(int.Parse(dr["archiveid"].ToString())); mdl.ShortDH = maxShortDH.ToString(); //Leo 案卷sl统计 2012-09-26 int ManualCount = fileBLL.GetManualCountByArchiveID(mdl.ArchiveID); if (mdl.ajlx == "183") { mdl.wzCount = ManualCount; wzCount_P += ManualCount; } if (mdl.ajlx == "184") { mdl.tzCount = ManualCount; tzCount_P += ManualCount; } if (mdl.ajlx == "185") { mdl.zpCount = ManualCount; zpCount_P += ManualCount; } dal.Update(mdl); maxShortDH++; } } //Leo 2012-09-26 if (mdl.SingleProjectID != null) { BLL.T_SingleProject_BLL projBLL = new T_SingleProject_BLL(); Model.T_SingleProject_MDL projMDL = projBLL.GetModel(int.Parse(mdl.SingleProjectID.ToString())); projMDL.wzCount = wzCount_P; projMDL.tzCount = tzCount_P; projMDL.zpCount = zpCount_P; projBLL.Update(projMDL); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定工程下的归档目录 /// </summary> /// <param name="SingleProjectID">工程ID</param> /// <param name="PID">PID=0</param> public void DataBindEx(int SingleProjectID, string PID) { BLL.T_FileList_BLL bll = new DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.BLL.T_FileList_BLL(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = bll.GetList("SingleProjectID=" + SingleProjectID + " AND PID=" + PID); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DropDownList1.DataTextField = "title"; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "recID"; DropDownList1.DataSource = ds; DropDownList1.DataBind(); } DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("无", "0")); }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLL.T_FileList_BLL bll = new DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.BLL.T_FileList_BLL(); Model.T_FileList_MDL model = new DigiPower.Onlinecol.Standard.Model.T_FileList_MDL(); string Action = Request.QueryString["Action"].ToString(); if (Action == "Modify") { string FileListID = Request.QueryString["FileListID"].ToString(); model = bll.GetModel(Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(FileListID)); model = (Model.T_FileList_MDL)Comm.GetValueToObject(model, this.tbl); Model.T_FileList_MDL parentModel = bll.GetModel(Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(tempPID.SelectValue)); model.PID = parentModel.recID;//换了父类的话 bll.Update(model); } else { //取父类的的呢东西, //model = bll.GetModel("recID=" + Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(PID.SelectValue) + " AND SingleProjectID=" + SingleProjectID.Value); Model.T_FileList_MDL parentModel = bll.GetModel(Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(tempPID.SelectValue)); model = parentModel; model = (Model.T_FileList_MDL)Comm.GetValueToObject(model, this.tbl); model.SingleProjectID = parentModel.SingleProjectID; model.DefaultCompanyType = parentModel.DefaultCompanyType; model.PID = parentModel.recID; model.recID = bll.GetMaxRecID(SingleProjectID.Value.ToString()); model.FileListID = 0; //新增的,不可以真用老的 model.IsFolder = false; model.IsSystem = false; //这是自定议的,可以删除 bll.Add(model); } Response.Redirect("Wjdj.aspx?SingleProjectID=" + SingleProjectID.Value + "&WorkFlowID=" + WorkFlowID.Value + "&PageIndex=" + pPageIndex); }