public Window(Main _controller, Model.Buffer _model) { Controller = _controller; Model = new Bind<Model.Buffer>(_model); CurrentMode = new BindList<WindowMode>(); CurrentMode.Event.Changed += (list) => { CurrentKeyMap = list.FoldLeft(EmptyKeyMap, (a, b) => a + b.KeyMap); }; CurrentMode.Add(Controller.WindowModes[0]); CurrentMode.Add(Controller.WindowModes[2]); CurrentMode.Add(Controller.WindowModes[3]); Parser = new CommandParser(); }
public Window(Main _controller, Model.Buffer _model) { Controller = _controller; Model = new Bind<Model.Buffer>(_model); CurrentMode = new BindSet<WindowMode>(); CurrentMode.Changed.Add(() => { CurrentKeyMap = CurrentMode.ToList().FoldLeft(EmptyKeyMap, (a, b) => a + b.KeyMap); }); DefaultMode.ForEach(CurrentMode.Add); Parser = new CommandParser(); }
static Window() { EmptyKeyMap = new KeyMap(); IgnoreKeys = new HashSet<Gdk.Key>(); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Shift_L); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Shift_R); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Shift_Lock); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Meta_L); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Meta_R); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Control_L); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Control_R); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Super_L); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Super_R); IgnoreKeys.Add(Gdk.Key.Menu); }
static Window() { EmptyKeyMap = new KeyMap { Priority = sbyte.MinValue }; EmptyKeyMap.SetDefault(new Command.Ignore()); }
public static KeyMap operator +(KeyMap a, KeyMap b) { if (a.Priority < b.Priority) { var tmp = b; b = a; a = tmp; } KeyMap result = new KeyMap(); result.Priority = a.Priority; result.Default = a.Default; a._map.ForEach(kv => result._map.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value)); b._map.Where(kv => !a._map.ContainsKey(kv.Key)).ForEach(kv => result._map.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value)); return result; }
public static KeyMap operator +(KeyMap a, KeyMap b) { KeyMap result = new KeyMap(); result.Default = a.Default + b.Default; a._map.Keys.Union(b._map.Keys).ForEach(k => result._map[k] = a._map.GetWithDefault(k, null) + b._map.GetWithDefault(k, null)); return result; }
public Main(Model.Main m) { Model = m; Idle = new IdleHandler(this); WindowModes = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<WindowMode>>(); // Load command macros from config file foreach (var entry in Model.Config.GetSectionOrEmpty("macros")) { commandMacros[entry.Key] = ParseCommands(entry.Value); } // Load window modes from config file foreach (var section in Model.Config) { var match = ModeSectionName.Match(section.Key); if (match.Success) { var modeKey = match.Groups["name"].Value; var mode = new WindowMode(); mode.Key = modeKey; mode.Name = section.Value.GetWithDefault<string, string>("display-name", modeKey); mode.Hidden = section.Value.GetBoolWithDefault("hidden", false); var map = new KeyMap(); sbyte prio = 0; if (section.Value.ContainsKey("priority")) { prio = sbyte.Parse(section.Value["priority"]); mode.Priority = prio; } if (section.Value.ContainsKey("default")) { map.SetDefault(prio, ParseCommands(section.Value["default"])); } foreach (var entry in section.Value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Key) || entry.Key == "display-name" || entry.Key == "hidden" || entry.Key == "default") { continue; } var mod = Gdk.ModifierType.None; var tokens = entry.Key.Tokenize().ToList(); var key = (Gdk.Key) (Gdk.Keyval.FromName(tokens.Last())); tokens.RemoveAt(tokens.Count - 1); foreach (var modName in tokens) { mod |= ModifierNames[modName]; } map.Add(key, mod, prio, ParseCommands(entry.Value)); } mode.KeyMap = map; WindowModes.Add(modeKey, new WindowMode[] { mode }); } } // Load mode sets from config file foreach (var entry in Model.Config.GetSectionOrEmpty("mode-sets")) { WindowModes[entry.Key] = entry.Value.Tokenize().Select(k => WindowModes[k]).Flatten(); } // Load default window modes from config file Model.Config[""]["default-modes"].Tokenize().ForEach(k => WindowModes[k].ForEach(Window.DefaultMode.Add)); Windows = new BindListWithCurrent<Window>(); if (Model.Buffers.HasAny()) { Windows.Add(new Window(this, Model.Buffers.Item(0))); } Action openFile = () => { if (Windows.Count == 0) { Command.FileCommand.OpenFile(this, Command.FileCommand.InNewWindow, false); } }; // Open a file at startup (but it won't work until the view has attached itself to our events) Ready.Add(openFile); // Open a file whenever all other files have been closed Windows.Changed.Add(openFile); }
public Main(Model.Main m) { Model = m; var windowModes = new List<WindowMode>(); WindowModes = new ReadOnlyCollection<WindowMode>(windowModes); // Command mode bindings (0) var commandMode = new KeyMap() { Priority = 5 }; commandMode.Add(Key.i, new Command.ClearWindowMode(), new Command.AddWindowMode(1)); commandMode.Add(Key.h, new Command.Down()); commandMode.Add(Key.t, new Command.Up()); commandMode.Add(Key.d, new Command.Left()); commandMode.Add(Key.n, new Command.Right()); commandMode.Add(Key.Down, new Command.Down()); commandMode.Add(Key.Up, new Command.Up()); commandMode.Add(Key.Left, new Command.Left()); commandMode.Add(Key.Right, new Command.Right()); commandMode.Add(Key.o, new Command.OpenFile()); commandMode.Add(Key.w, new Command.ClearWindowMode(), new Command.AddWindowMode(4), new Command.AddWindowMode(3)); windowModes.Add(new WindowMode { Name = "Command", KeyMap = commandMode }); // Insert mode bindings (1) var insertMode = new KeyMap(); insertMode.SetDefault(new Command.InsertKey()); insertMode.Add(Key.Return, new Command.InsertChar('\n')); insertMode.Add(Key.Escape, new Command.DiscardInput(), new Command.ClearWindowMode(), new Command.AddWindowMode(0), new Command.AddWindowMode(2), new Command.AddWindowMode(3)); insertMode.Add(Key.BackSpace, new Command.Delete(), new Command.Backspace()); insertMode.Add(Key.Tab, new Command.Tab()); insertMode.Add(Key.Down, new Command.Down()); insertMode.Add(Key.Up, new Command.Up()); insertMode.Add(Key.Left, new Command.Left()); insertMode.Add(Key.Right, new Command.Right()); insertMode.Add(Key.Delete, new Command.Delete(), new Command.Right()); windowModes.Add(new WindowMode { Name = "Insert", KeyMap = insertMode }); // Number mode bindings (2) var numberMode = new KeyMap(); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_0, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_1, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_2, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_3, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_4, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_5, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_6, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_7, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_8, new NumCommand()); numberMode.Add(Key.Key_9, new NumCommand()); windowModes.Add(new WindowMode { Name = "Number", Hidden = true, KeyMap = numberMode }); // Common bindings (3) var commonMode = new KeyMap(); commonMode.Add(Key.Escape, new Command.DiscardInput()); windowModes.Add(new WindowMode { Name = "Common", Hidden = true, KeyMap = commonMode }); // Window mode bindings (4) var windowMode = new KeyMap(); windowMode.Add(Key.a, new Command.OpenFileInNewWindow(), new Command.ClearWindowMode(), new Command.AddWindowMode(0), new Command.AddWindowMode(2), new Command.AddWindowMode(3)); windowMode.Add(Key.c, new Command.CloseWindow(), new Command.ClearWindowMode(), new Command.AddWindowMode(0), new Command.AddWindowMode(2), new Command.AddWindowMode(3)); windowModes.Add(new WindowMode { Name = "Window", KeyMap = windowMode }); Windows = new BindList<Window>(); if (Model.Buffers.HasAny()) { var window = new Window(this, Model.Buffers.Item(0)); Windows.Add(window); FocusedWindow.Value = window; } WindowsEvents = Windows.Event; }