コード例 #1
        public BigComplex Sqrt(MathContext mc)
            BigDecimal half = new BigDecimal(2);

            /* compute l=sqrt(re^2+im^2), then u=sqrt((l+re)/2)
             * and v= +- sqrt((l-re)/2 as the new real and imaginary parts.
            BigDecimal l = Abs(mc);

            if (l.CompareTo(BigDecimal.Zero) == 0)
                return(new BigComplex(BigMath.ScalePrecision(BigDecimal.Zero, mc),
                                      BigMath.ScalePrecision(BigDecimal.Zero, mc)));
            BigDecimal u = BigMath.Sqrt(l.Add(Real).Divide(half, mc), mc);
            BigDecimal v = BigMath.Sqrt(l.Subtract(Real).Divide(half, mc), mc);

            if (Imaginary.CompareTo(BigDecimal.Zero) >= 0)
                return(new BigComplex(u, v));
                return(new BigComplex(u, v.Negate()));
コード例 #2
        public BigComplex Multiply(BigComplex oth, MathContext mc)
            BigDecimal a = Real.Add(Imaginary).Multiply(oth.Real);
            BigDecimal b = oth.Real.Add(oth.Imaginary).Multiply(Imaginary);
            BigDecimal c = oth.Imaginary.Subtract(oth.Real).Multiply(Real);
            BigDecimal x = a.Subtract(b, mc);
            BigDecimal y = a.Add(c, mc);

            return(new BigComplex(x, y));
コード例 #3
        public void SubtractBigDecimal()
            BigDecimal sub1   = BigDecimal.Parse("13948");
            BigDecimal sub2   = BigDecimal.Parse("2839.489");
            BigDecimal result = sub1.Subtract(sub2);

            Assert.IsTrue(result.ToString().Equals("11108.511") && result.Scale == 3, "13948 - 2839.489 is wrong: " + result);
            BigDecimal result2 = sub2.Subtract(sub1);

            Assert.IsTrue(result2.ToString().Equals("-11108.511") && result2.Scale == 3, "2839.489 - 13948 is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Equals(result2.Negate()), "13948 - 2839.489 is not the negative of 2839.489 - 13948");
            sub1   = new BigDecimal(value, 1);
            sub2   = BigDecimal.Parse("0");
            result = sub1.Subtract(sub2);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Equals(sub1), "1234590.8 - 0 is wrong");
            sub1   = new BigDecimal(1.234E-03);
            sub2   = new BigDecimal(3.423E-10);
            result = sub1.Subtract(sub2);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.ToDouble() == 0.0012339996577, "1.234E-03 - 3.423E-10 is wrong, " + result.ToDouble());
            sub1   = new BigDecimal(1234.0123);
            sub2   = new BigDecimal(1234.0123000);
            result = sub1.Subtract(sub2);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.ToDouble() == 0.0, "1234.0123 - 1234.0123000 is wrong, " + result.ToDouble());