private void wizardControl2_SelectedPageChanging(object sender, DevExpress.XtraWizard.WizardPageChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.Page == completionWizardPage2 && e.Direction == Direction.Forward && gridView1.RowCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Listeye Hiç bir Ürün Eklenmedi"); e.Cancel = true; } }
private void wizardControl1_SelectedPageChanging(object sender, DevExpress.XtraWizard.WizardPageChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.Page == wizardLisansAnlasmasi) { if (!cb_LisansControl.Checked) { e.Page.AllowNext = false; } } if (e.Page == pageSqlSettings) { if (chcSunucu.Checked == false && chLocalDB.Checked == false) { e.Page.AllowNext = false; } } if (e.Page == pageLisansDemo) { e.Page.AllowBack = false; e.Page.AllowNext = false; } }
private void wizardControl1_SelectedPageChanging(object sender, DevExpress.XtraWizard.WizardPageChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.PrevPage == createNewDataStoreWizardPage && e.Direction == Direction.Forward) { string dataSourceParentName = this.parentTreeListLookUpEdit.Text; object dataSourceParentId = this.parentTreeListLookUpEdit.EditValue; string dataSourceName = this.nameTextEdit.Text; string criteriaString = this.xpCollection1.CriteriaString; bool isItFolder = isItFolderCheckEdit.Checked; bool isNewNodeValid = newDataStoreTreeNodeIsValid(dataSourceParentId, dataSourceName, isItFolder); if (!isNewNodeValid) { nameValidationHint.Properties.State = DevExpress.Utils.VisualEffects.ValidationHintState.Indeterminate; parentValidationHint.Properties.State = DevExpress.Utils.VisualEffects.ValidationHintState.Indeterminate; isFolderValidationHint.Properties.State = DevExpress.Utils.VisualEffects.ValidationHintState.Invalid; string s; if (isItFolder) { s = @"[Folder"; } else { s = @"[Data Store"; } this.isFolderValidationHint.Properties.InvalidState.Text = s + @"'s Name] must be unique inside any parent!"; const string msg = "" + "<b>[Data Store Name]</b> must be <b>unique</b> inside its <b>[Parents Node]</b>" + "\n" + "<b>[Folder Name]</b> must be <b>unique</b> inside its <b>[Parent Node]</b>" ; const string title = @"Data Store Wizard Warning"; XtraMessageBox.Show(this, msg, title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, DefaultBoolean.True); e.Cancel = true; } else { nameValidationHint.Properties.State = DevExpress.Utils.VisualEffects.ValidationHintState.Valid; parentValidationHint.Properties.State = DevExpress.Utils.VisualEffects.ValidationHintState.Valid; isFolderValidationHint.Properties.State = DevExpress.Utils.VisualEffects.ValidationHintState.Valid; if (isItFolder) { string text = dataSourceParentName + "/" + dataSourceName; this.completionWizardPage1.FinishText = "" + "You have successfully completed the wizard" + "\n\n\n" + "A new folder will be created after you click [Finish]!" + "\n\n\n" + text ; e.Page = this.completionWizardPage1; } else { e.Page = this.createNewDataStoreNodeWizardPage; this.parentNameNodeTextEdit.Text = dataSourceParentName; this.nameNodeTextEdit.Text = dataSourceName; } } } else if (e.PrevPage == createNewDataStoreWizardPage && e.Direction == Direction.Forward) { } else if (e.PrevPage == createNewDataStoreNodeWizardPage && e.Direction == Direction.Forward) { string text = this.parentTreeListLookUpEdit.Text + "/" + this.nameTextEdit.Text + "\n" + this.syntaxProviderComboBoxEdit.SelectedItem as string + "\n" + this.connectionStringMemoEdit.Text; ; this.completionWizardPage1.FinishText = "" + "You have successfully completed the wizard" + "\n\n\n" + "A new [node] will be created after you click [Finish]!" + "\n\n\n" + text ; e.Page = this.completionWizardPage1; } }