protected void listBoxLocation_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { //string pline = e.Parameter; string[] param = e.Parameter.Split(','); string sss1 = param[0]; string sss2 = param[1]; string sss3 = param[2]; ASPxListBox location = sender as ASPxListBox; //如果是装配工位排除已经对应过站点的工位 string sql = ""; if (sss2 == "A") { sql = "SELECT A.RMES_ID,A.LOCATION_CODE,A.LOCATION_CODE LOCATION_NAME FROM CODE_LOCATION A WHERE A.PLINE_CODE='" + sss1 + "' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM REL_STATION_LOCATION C WHERE C.LOCATION_CODE=A.RMES_ID and c.LOCATION_FLAG='A' and PLINE_CODE='" + sss1 + "' ) " + " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM REL_STATION_LOCATION D WHERE D.LOCATION_CODE=A.RMES_ID and D.station_code='" + sss3 + "' ) " //and c.LOCATION_FLAG='B' + " ORDER BY A.LOCATION_CODE"; // } if (sss2 == "B") { sql = "SELECT A.RMES_ID,A.LOCATION_CODE,A.LOCATION_CODE LOCATION_NAME FROM CODE_LOCATION A WHERE A.PLINE_CODE='" + sss1 + "' " + " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM REL_STATION_LOCATION C WHERE C.LOCATION_CODE=A.RMES_ID and c.station_code='" + sss3 + "' ) " //and c.LOCATION_FLAG='B' + " ORDER BY A.LOCATION_CODE"; } //如果是查看工位显示所有工位 DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); location.DataSource = dt; location.DataBind(); }
protected void lbAvailable_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string pline = e.Parameter; ASPxListBox detectData = sender as ASPxListBox; initDetect(pline); }
public void ASPxListBoxPart1_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string dh = txtDH.Text; string testdh = ""; if (txtDH.Text.Trim() != "") { testdh = dh.Substring(0, 2); } if (testdh.ToUpper() == "MT") { ASPxListBoxPart1.JSProperties.Add("cpCallbackName", "Fail"); ASPxListBoxPart1.JSProperties.Add("cpCallbackRet", "单号不能以“MT”开头!"); return; } string sql1 = "select ljdm1||','||gwmc||','||gxmc||','||ljsl1 as PT_PART from sjbomsothmuti where JHDM='" + txtPlanCode.Text.Trim() + "' and THGROUP='" + txtDH.Text.Trim() + "' and ljdm1 is not null"; DataTable dt1 = dc.GetTable(sql1); ASPxListBoxPart1.DataSource = dt1; ASPxListBoxPart1.DataBind(); //string sql2 = "select ljdm2||','||gwmc1||','||gxmc1||','||sl as PT_PART from sjbomsothmuti where JHDM='" + txtPlanCode.Text.Trim() + "' and THGROUP='" + txtDH.Text.Trim() + "' and ljdm2 is not null"; //DataTable dt2 = dc.GetTable(sql2); //ASPxListBoxPart2.DataSource = dt2; //ASPxListBoxPart2.DataBind(); }
protected void ASPxComboBoxZJDH_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { //string project = e.Parameter; //List<PlanEntity> plans = PlanFactory.GetByProjectCode(project); //List<string> zjdh = (from s in plans where s.PROJECT_CODE == project select s.PRODUCT_MODEL).Distinct<string>().ToList<string>(); //ASPxComboBoxZJDH.DataSource = zjdh; //ASPxComboBoxZJDH.DataBind(); }
public void ComboProcess_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { ASPxComboBox asp = (ASPxComboBox)sender; string StationCode = "", sql = "", item = "", location = ""; string Chsql3 = "SELECT STATION_CODE FROM CODE_STATION WHERE STATION_NAME='" + ASPxTextSation.Text.ToUpper().Trim() + "'"; DataTable Chdt3 = dc.GetTable(Chsql3); if (Chdt3.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } else { StationCode = Chdt3.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } string[] param = e.Parameter.Split(','); item = param[0]; location = param[1]; //location = txtLocation.Text.Trim(); if (item != "null" && location == "###") { sql = "SELECT distinct GXMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' and comp='" + item + "' "; } else if (item != "null" && location != "###") { sql = "SELECT distinct GXMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' and comp='" + item + "' and gwmc='" + location + "' "; } else { string sql2 = "SELECT distinct COMP FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "'order by comp "; DataTable dt2 = dc.GetTable(sql2); string comp = ""; try { comp = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } catch { } string sql3 = "SELECT distinct GWMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' and comp='" + comp + "'order by gwmc"; DataTable dt3 = dc.GetTable(sql3); string gwmc = ""; try { gwmc = dt3.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } catch { } sql = "SELECT distinct GXMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' and comp='" + comp + "' and gwmc='" + gwmc + "'"; } //else //{ // sql = "SELECT distinct GXMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' "; //} sqlItem3.SelectCommand = sql; sqlItem3.DataBind(); asp.DataBind(); }
protected void cmbScode_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { // //string pline = txtPCode.Value.ToString(); string sql2 = "select a.STATION_CODE,a.STATION_NAME from CODE_STATION a where a.pline_code=(select t.rmes_id from Code_Product_Line t WHERE t.pline_code='" + e.Parameter + "') order by a.STATION_NAME"; StationCode.SelectCommand = sql2; StationCode.DataBind(); txtSCode.DataBind(); }
//初始化站点 //private void init_CmbZddm() //{ // string sql = "select STATION_CODE,STATION_NAME from VW_CODE_STATION where PLINE_CODE = rh_get_data('G','" + txtPCode.Text.Trim() + "','','','') " // + " order by STATION_NAME"; // DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); // listZD.DataSource = dt; // listZD.DataBind(); //} //用callback初始化站点 protected void listZD_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string sql = "select STATION_CODE,STATION_NAME from VW_CODE_STATION where PLINE_CODE = rh_get_data('G','" + txtPCode.Text.Trim() + "','','','') " + " order by STATION_NAME"; DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); listZD.DataSource = dt; listZD.DataBind(); }
protected void lbAvailable_callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { ASPxListBox lstBox = sender as ASPxListBox; string idDonVi = e.Parameter.ToString(); List <EmployeesInfo> list = objEmployees.GetEmployeesByUnit(Convert.ToInt32(idDonVi)); foreach (EmployeesInfo emp in list) { lstBox.Items.Add(new ListEditItem(emp.fullname.ToString(),; } }
protected void callbackPanel_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string id = e.Parameter.ToString(); if (id.Contains("e")) { int ItemId = Int32.Parse(id.Substring(1)); // this.employees = objEmployees.GetEmployees(ItemId); this.soluoclilich.Attributes["src"] = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.ApplicationPath + "/Default.aspx?tabid=328&Id=" + ItemId; } }
protected void lbAvailable_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string pline = e.Parameter; ASPxListBox detectData = sender as ASPxListBox; string sql = "SELECT A.RMES_ID,A.DETECT_CODE,A.DETECT_CODE||';'||A.DETECT_NAME DETECT_NAME FROM CODE_DETECT A WHERE A.PLINE_CODE='" + pline + "' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM REL_STATION_DETECT C WHERE C.DETECT_CODE=A.DETECT_CODE ) ORDER BY A.DETECT_CODE";// DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); detectData.DataSource = dt; detectData.DataBind(); }
protected void cbb_car_type_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Parameter)) { return; } var list = _carType.GetList(new QueryInfo <T_Vip_CarType>().SetQuery("brand", e.Parameter)); cbb_car_type.DataSource = list; cbb_car_type.DataBind(); cbb_car_type.JSProperties.Add("cp_car_type", list.Select(p => p.car_price).ToArray()); }
protected void listBoxPreStation_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string pline = e.Parameter; ASPxListBox preStation = sender as ASPxListBox; string sql = "SELECT A.RMES_ID,A.STATION_CODE,A.STATION_NAME STATION_NAME FROM CODE_STATION A WHERE A.PLINE_CODE='" + pline + "' " + " ORDER BY A.STATION_NAME"; DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); preStation.DataSource = dt; preStation.DataBind(); }
public void ComboLocation_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { ASPxComboBox asp = (ASPxComboBox)sender; string StationCode = "", sql = ""; string Chsql3 = "SELECT STATION_CODE FROM CODE_STATION WHERE STATION_NAME='" + ASPxTextSation.Text.ToUpper().Trim() + "'"; DataTable Chdt3 = dc.GetTable(Chsql3); if (Chdt3.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } else { StationCode = Chdt3.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } string item = e.Parameter; if (item != "") { sql = "SELECT distinct GWMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' and comp='" + item + "' "; } //else if (ComboItem.SelectedItem.Text != "") //{ // string sql2 = "SELECT distinct COMP FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "'oder by comp "; // DataTable dt2 = dc.GetTable(sql2); // string comp = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString(); // sql = "SELECT distinct GWMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' and comp='" + ComboItem.SelectedItem.Value.ToString() + "' "; //} else { string sql2 = "SELECT distinct COMP FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "'order by comp "; DataTable dt2 = dc.GetTable(sql2); //string comp = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString(); string comp = ""; try { comp = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } catch { } sql = "SELECT distinct GWMC FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' and comp='" + comp + "'order by gwmc "; } sqlItem2.SelectCommand = sql; sqlItem2.DataBind(); asp.DataBind(); }
protected void listBoxLSH1_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string[] param = e.Parameter.Split(','); //string pline1 = param[0]; string pline1 = ASPxComboBoxPline.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); //string begindate1 = param[1] ; string begindate1 = ASPxDateEdit1.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string sql = "select rmes_id,plan_code,plan_so,plan_qty,pline_code from data_plan where pline_code='" + pline1 + "' and begin_date=to_date('" + begindate1 + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and (plan_type='C' or plan_type='D') and confirm_flag='Y' and bom_flag='N' and item_flag='N' and third_flag='N' and run_flag='N' order by plan_code"; ASPxListBox location = sender as ASPxListBox; DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); location.DataSource = dt; location.DataBind(); }
protected void clbCheckIfReady_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { if (String.Equals(e.Parameter, "CheckActualization", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { UpdateActualizationStatus(); } else if (String.Equals(e.Parameter, "GoToFinished", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { ManualImportQueue miq = CanonManualImport.GetCompleteChannelByUser(SessionManager.LoggedUser.UserId); if (miq != null) { ASPxWebControl.RedirectOnCallback(string.Format("~/ChannelMapping.aspx?channel={0}&miq={1}", miq.ChannelId, miq.RecordId)); } } }
protected void panelItemVAT_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { ASPxCallbackPanel panel = sender as ASPxCallbackPanel; ASPxSpinEdit spin = panel.FindControl("spinItemTax") as ASPxSpinEdit; ItemBO itemBO = new ItemBO(); ItemTax itemTax = itemBO.GetCurrentVATOfItem(session, Guid.Parse(e.Parameter)); if (itemTax != null) { spin.Number = (decimal)itemTax.TaxId.Percentage; } else { spin.Number = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Handler for general callback event (filtering, bulk deleting) /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void clbPanelChannels_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Parameter)) { List <object> keyValues = gridChannels.GetSelectedFieldValues("ChannelId"); foreach (object key in keyValues) { CanonChannel.DeleteChannelById(int.Parse(key.ToString())); } } else if (e.Parameter == "Search") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearchParam.Text.Trim())) { this.FilterText = txtSearchParam.Text; } this.IsFilterMode = true; } else if (e.Parameter == "ShowAll") { this.IsFilterMode = false; this.FilterText = string.Empty; } else if (e.Parameter.StartsWith("ChannelHistory")) { string idValue = e.Parameter.Replace("ChannelHistory", ""); int channelId = int.Parse(idValue); Channel channel = Cdb.Instance.Channels.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ChannelId == channelId); if (channel != null) { string channelName = channel.ChannelName; popupChannelHistory.HeaderText = string.Format(Utilities.GetResourceString("Headers", "ChannelsHistoryPopupForm"), channelName); } ChannelHistoryCtrl.Parameters = new int[] { channelId }; SessionManager.PopupGridCurrentIds = ChannelHistoryCtrl.Parameters; ChannelHistoryCtrl.Bind(); } this.BindData(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(string.Format("exception {0}", ex.ToString()), LogLevel.Error); } }
//查询 //protected void query_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // init_listLSH(); //} //初始化流水号列表 protected void ASPxListBoxUnused_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string sql = "select ghtm from zzplshb where 1 = 1 "; if (txtPCode1.Text.Trim() != "") { sql += " AND gzdd = rh_get_data('G','" + txtPCode1.Text.Trim() + "','','','') "; } else { sql += " AND GZDD = '' "; } DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); ASPxListBoxUnused.DataSource = dt; ASPxListBoxUnused.DataBind(); }
protected void ASPxCallbackPanel1_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { if (this.txtNewPass.Text.Trim() == this.txtConfirm.Text.Trim()) { MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(this.UserInfo.Username.Trim()); string newpass = Server.HtmlEncode(this.txtNewPass.Text); string oldpass = user.GetPassword(); if (user.ChangePassword(user.GetPassword(), newpass)) { // Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "alert", "<script language=JavaScript>alert('Đổi password thành công !');</script>"); this.ASPxCallbackPanel1.JSProperties["cpResult"] = true; } } else { this.ASPxCallbackPanel1.JSProperties["cpResult1"] = true; } }
public void ComboItem_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { ASPxComboBox asp = (ASPxComboBox)sender; string StationCode = ""; string Chsql3 = "SELECT STATION_CODE FROM CODE_STATION WHERE STATION_NAME='" + ASPxTextSation.Text.ToUpper().Trim() + "'"; DataTable Chdt3 = dc.GetTable(Chsql3); if (Chdt3.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } else { StationCode = Chdt3.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } string sql = "SELECT distinct COMP FROM rstbomqd_xc where zddm='" + StationCode + "' order by comp "; sqlItem.SelectCommand = sql; sqlItem.DataBind(); asp.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// Handler for general callback event (filtering, bulk deleting) /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void clbPanelProducts_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { try { if (e.Parameter == "Search") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearchParam.Text.Trim())) { this.FilterText = txtSearchParam.Text; } this.IsFilterMode = true; } else if (e.Parameter == "ShowAll") { this.IsFilterMode = false; this.FilterText = string.Empty; } this.BindData(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(string.Format("exception {0}", ex.ToString()), LogLevel.Error); } }
protected void listbox_quyen_OnCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { string[] keys = e.Parameter.Split(';'); string dieukien = keys[0]; string username = keys[1]; if (dieukien == "hienthi") { hienthi_quyen(); DataTable tb = LoadAllUserRoleList(username); object[] roleid = new object[listbox_quyen.Items.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++) { roleid[i] = tb.Rows[i]["roleid"]; } listbox_quyen.JSProperties["cpDataRole"] = roleid; listbox_quyen.JSProperties["cpOp"] = 0; } else if (e.Parameter.StartsWith("capquyen")) { int userid = GetUserByUserName(username); var data = (object[])hdf_data.Get("data"); foreach (Dictionary <string, object> item in data) { int roleid = Convert.ToInt32(item["id"]); RemoveRole(roleid, userid); if (Convert.ToBoolean(item["chon"])) { InsertRole(userid, roleid); } } listbox_quyen.JSProperties["cpOp"] = 1; } }
protected void cmbQuyetDinh_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { ASPxComboBox cmbQD = sender as ASPxComboBox; cmbQuyetDinh.Items.Clear(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strSQL = "SELECT distinct decision FROM hrm.dbo.Training order by decision desc"; dt.Clear(); dt = VNPT.Modules.Notices.DataProvider.Select(strSQL); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { cmbQD.Items.Add(new ListEditItem(row["decision"].ToString(), row["decision"].ToString())); } cmbQD.SelectedIndex = 0; if (Session["Decision"] != null) { ListEditItem item = cmbQD.Items.FindByValue(Session["Decision"].ToString()); if (item != null) { item.Selected = true; } } }
protected void comboUnit_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { FillUnitCombo(sender as ASPxComboBox, Guid.Parse(e.Parameter)); }
/// <summary> /// Handler for general callback event (filtering, bulk mapping) /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void clbPanelMapping_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { try { if (e.Parameter == "UnMapSelected") { List <object> keyValues = gridMapping.GetSelectedFieldValues("ProductId"); foreach (object key in keyValues) { CanonMapping.DeleteMapping((int)this.CurrentChannel, int.Parse(key.ToString())); } } else if (e.Parameter == "MapSelected") { List <object> keyValues = gridMapping.GetSelectedFieldValues("ProductId"); foreach (object key in keyValues) { CanonMapping.AddRecommendedMapping((int)this.CurrentChannel, int.Parse(key.ToString())); } } else if (e.Parameter == "Search") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearchParam.Text.Trim())) { this.FilterText = txtSearchParam.Text; } this.IsFilterMode = true; } else if (e.Parameter == "ShowAll") { this.IsFilterMode = false; this.FilterText = string.Empty; } else if (e.Parameter == "StateChanged") { } else if (e.Parameter == "DoActualization") { //Actualize button click btnActualize.Enabled = false; ManualImportStatusEnum status = CanonManualImport.GetChannelImportStatus((int)this.CurrentChannel); if ((status == ManualImportStatusEnum.NotInQueue) || (status == ManualImportStatusEnum.ImportComplete)) { CanonManualImport.AddChannelToQueue(SessionManager.LoggedUser.UserId, (int)this.CurrentChannel); lblActualizeMessage.Text = Utilities.GetResourceString("Common", "ActualizeMessagePostedIntoQueue"); } else { ManualImportQueue elem = CanonManualImport.GetLatestQueueElement((int)this.CurrentChannel); int queueElemId = elem.RecordId; CanonManualImport.AddNewSubscriber(SessionManager.LoggedUser.UserId, queueElemId); lblActualizeMessage.Text = string.Format(Utilities.GetResourceString("Common", "ActualizeMessageAlreadyInQueue"), elem.User.FullName, (SessionManager.CurrentShortLanguage == "En") ? elem.Enum.NameEn : elem.Enum.NameCz); } clbPanelMapping.JSProperties["cpResult"] = "OK"; } else if (e.Parameter == "ExcludeSelected") { List <object> keyValues = gridMapping.GetSelectedFieldValues("ProductId"); foreach (object key in keyValues) { CanonMapping.AddToExceptions((int)this.CurrentChannel, int.Parse(key.ToString())); } } else if (e.Parameter == "IncludeSelected") { List <object> keyValues = gridMapping.GetSelectedFieldValues("ProductId"); foreach (object key in keyValues) { CanonMapping.RemoveFromExceptions((int)this.CurrentChannel, int.Parse(key.ToString())); } } else if (e.Parameter.StartsWith("LogHistory")) { string idValue = e.Parameter.Replace("LogHistory", ""); int productId = int.Parse(idValue); Product product = Cdb.Instance.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == productId); if (product != null) { string productName = product.ProductName; popupImport.HeaderText = string.Format(Utilities.GetResourceString("Headers", "MappingHistoryPopupForm"), productName); } MapHistoryCtrl.Parameters = new int[] { (int)this.CurrentChannel, productId }; MapHistoryCtrl.Bind(); } this.BindData(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(string.Format("exception {0}", ex.ToString()), LogLevel.Error); } }
protected void ASPxCallbackPanel1_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { }
protected void ASPxCallbackPanel1_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { ASPxTextBox txtTrainingEmpId = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("txtTrainingEmpId") as ASPxTextBox; ASPxTextBox txtTrainingId = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("txtTrainingId") as ASPxTextBox; ASPxTextBox txtSkill = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("txtSkill") as ASPxTextBox; ASPxTextBox txtDecision = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("txtTrainingDecision") as ASPxTextBox; ASPxTextBox txtCoSoDaoTao = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("txtCoSoDaoTao") as ASPxTextBox; ASPxTextBox txtTrainingDecision = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("txtTrainingDecision") as ASPxTextBox; ASPxDateEdit calDateEnd = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("calDateEnd") as ASPxDateEdit; ASPxDateEdit calStartDateTraining = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("calStartDateTraining") as ASPxDateEdit; ASPxListBox lstBoxChon = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao1").FindControl("lbChoosen") as ASPxListBox; ASPxTextBox txtFee = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("txtFee") as ASPxTextBox; ASPxComboBox cboQualification = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("cboQualification") as ASPxComboBox; ASPxComboBox cboTrainingForm = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("cboTrainingForm") as ASPxComboBox; ASPxComboBox cmbDonViToChuc = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("cmbDonViToChuc") as ASPxComboBox; ASPxComboBox cmbDiaDiemDaoTao = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("cmbDiaDiemDaoTao") as ASPxComboBox; ASPxDateEdit tuNgay = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("calStartDateTraining") as ASPxDateEdit; ASPxDateEdit denNgay = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("calDateEnd") as ASPxDateEdit; ASPxComboBox cboResult = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("cboResult") as ASPxComboBox; ASPxHiddenField HiddentfileKem = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("HiddentfileKem") as ASPxHiddenField; ASPxCheckBox checkCamKet = ASPxCallbackPanel1.FindControl("RoundPanelDaoTao2").FindControl("checkCamKet") as ASPxCheckBox; if (e.Parameter.ToString().Equals("1")) { txtCoSoDaoTao.Text = ""; txtDecision.Text = ""; txtFee.Text = ""; txtSkill.Text = ""; LoadcboQualification(); LoadcboTrainingForm(); LoadcmbDiaDiemDaoTao(); lbChoosen.Items.Clear(); lstBoxChon.EnableViewState = false; Session["Add"] = 1; lbChoosen.EnableViewState = false; } else if (e.Parameter.ToString().Equals("")) { txtDecision.ReadOnly = false; List <Training.TrainingInfo> emps = objTraining.GetTrainingByDecision(txtDecision.Text.ToString()); if (emps.Count > 0) { foreach (Training.TrainingInfo item in emps) { = objTraining.GetTraining(Int32.Parse(; if ( != null) { this.objTraining.DeleteTraining(training); } } } if (Session["Add"] != null) { if (Session["Decision"] != null) { List <Training.TrainingInfo> list = objTraining.GetTrainingByDecision(Session["Decision"].ToString()); foreach (Training.TrainingInfo obj in list) { ListEditItem item = lbChoosen.Items.FindByValue(obj.employeeid.ToString()); if (item != null) { lbChoosen.Items.Remove(item); } } } foreach (ListEditItem item in lbChoosen.Items) { = -1; = Convert.ToInt32(cmbDonViToChuc.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = Convert.ToInt32(cmbDiaDiemDaoTao.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = txtDecision.Text; = txtCoSoDaoTao.Text.Trim(); = txtSkill.Text; = txtFee.Text; = Convert.ToDateTime(calStartDateTraining.Value); = Convert.ToDateTime(calDateEnd.Value); = this.UserId; = cboResult.SelectedItem.Text; = DateTime.Now; = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; = Int32.Parse(item.Value.ToString()); = Int32.Parse(cboQualification.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = Int32.Parse(cboTrainingForm.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = checkCamKet.Checked == true ? checkCamKet.Checked : false; if (Session["img"] != null) { = Session["img"].ToString(); } Session.Remove("img"); objTraining.AddTraining(; } } else { foreach (ListEditItem item in lbChoosen.Items) { = -1; = Convert.ToInt32(cmbDonViToChuc.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = Convert.ToInt32(cmbDiaDiemDaoTao.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = txtDecision.Text; = txtCoSoDaoTao.Text.Trim(); = txtSkill.Text; = txtFee.Text; = Convert.ToDateTime(calStartDateTraining.Value); = Convert.ToDateTime(calDateEnd.Value); = cboResult.SelectedItem.Text; = this.UserId; = DateTime.Now; = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; = Int32.Parse(item.Value.ToString()); = Int32.Parse(cboQualification.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = Int32.Parse(cboTrainingForm.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); = checkCamKet.Checked == true ? checkCamKet.Checked : false; if (Session["img"] != null) { = Session["img"].ToString(); } Session.Remove("img"); objTraining.AddTraining(; } } Session["Decision"] = txtDecision.Text.Trim(); Session.Remove("Add"); ASPxWebControl.RedirectOnCallback(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.ApplicationPath + "/Default.aspx?tabid=232"); } else if (e.Parameter.ToString().Equals("2")) { Session.Remove("Add"); List <Training.TrainingInfo> list = objTraining.GetTrainingByDecision(cmbQuyetDinh.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); foreach (Training.TrainingInfo obj in list) { = obj; } if ( != null) { if (training.schoolname != null) { txtCoSoDaoTao.Text = training.schoolname.ToString(); } if (training.decision != null) { txtDecision.Text = training.decision.ToString(); } if (training.fee != null) { txtFee.Text = training.fee.ToString(); } if (training.skill != null) { txtSkill.Text = training.skill.ToString(); } //txtDecision.ReadOnly = true; ListEditItem item1 = cboQualification.Items.FindByValue(training.qualificationid.ToString()); if (item1 != null) { item1.Selected = true; } ListEditItem item7 = cboResult.Items.FindByText(training.result.ToString()); if (item7 != null) { item7.Selected = true; } ListEditItem item2 = cboTrainingForm.Items.FindByValue(training.trainingformid.ToString()); if (item2 != null) { item2.Selected = true; } ListEditItem item3 = cmbDonViToChuc.Items.FindByValue(training.donvitochucId.ToString()); if (item3 != null) { item3.Selected = true; } ListEditItem item4 = cmbDiaDiemDaoTao.Items.FindByValue(training.diadiemtochucId.ToString()); if (item4 != null) { item4.Selected = true; } tuNgay.Date = training.fromdate; denNgay.Date = training.todate; } } }
protected void cbEmpresa_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { Session["IDEmpresa"] = e.Parameter.ToString(); }
protected void CallbackHistoryPanel_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e) { RecommendedHistoryCtrl.Bind(); }