private static void RunPrototypeExample() { PrototypeClient prototypeClient = new PrototypeClient(); prototypeClient.CloneObjects(); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool exitLoop = false; while (!exitLoop) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type the number of type of design patterns to veiw"); Console.WriteLine("0 - Exit"); Console.WriteLine("1 - Creational"); Console.WriteLine("2 - Structural"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Behaivoral"); ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (keyInfo.KeyChar.ToString()) { case "0": exitLoop = true; break; case "1": while (!exitLoop) { Console.WriteLine("Please select Creational Pattern to demo:"); Console.WriteLine("0 - Exit"); Console.WriteLine("1 - Simple Factory"); Console.WriteLine("2 - Factory Method"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Abstract Factory"); Console.WriteLine("4 - Builder"); Console.WriteLine("5 - Fluent Interface"); Console.WriteLine("6 - Prototype"); Console.WriteLine("7 - Singleton"); keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (keyInfo.KeyChar.ToString()) { case "0": exitLoop = true; break; case "1": SimpleFactoryClient simpleFactoryClient = new SimpleFactoryClient(); simpleFactoryClient.PrintSimpleFactory(); break; case "2": FactoryMethodClient factoryMethodClient = new FactoryMethodClient(); factoryMethodClient.PrintFactoryMethod(); break; case "3": AbstractFactoryClient abstractFactoryClient = new AbstractFactoryClient(); abstractFactoryClient.PrintAbstractFactory(); break; case "4": BuilderClient builderClient = new BuilderClient(); builderClient.PrintBuilder(); break; case "5": FluentInterfaceClient fluentInterfaceClient = new FluentInterfaceClient(); fluentInterfaceClient.PrintFluentInterface(); break; case "6": PrototypeClient prototypeClient = new PrototypeClient(); prototypeClient.PrintPrototype(); break; case "7": SingletonClient singletonClient = new SingletonClient(); singletonClient.PrintSingleton(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Selection must be 0-7"); break; } } exitLoop = false; break; case "2": while (!exitLoop) { Console.WriteLine("Please select Structural Pattern to demo:"); Console.WriteLine("0 - Exit"); Console.WriteLine("1 - Adapter"); Console.WriteLine("2 - Facade"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Decorator"); Console.WriteLine("4 - Bridge"); Console.WriteLine("5 - Composite"); Console.WriteLine("6 - Proxy"); Console.WriteLine("7 - Flyweight"); keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (keyInfo.KeyChar.ToString()) { case "0": exitLoop = true; break; case "1": AdapterClient adapterClient = new AdapterClient(); adapterClient.PrintAdapter(); break; case "2": FacadeClient facadeClient = new FacadeClient(); facadeClient.PrintFacade(); break; case "3": DecoratorClient decoratorClient = new DecoratorClient(); decoratorClient.PrintDecorator(); break; case "4": BridgeClient bridgeClient = new BridgeClient(); bridgeClient.PrintBridge(); break; case "5": CompositeClient compositeClient = new CompositeClient(); compositeClient.PrintComposite(); break; case "6": ProxyClient proxyClient = new ProxyClient(); proxyClient.PrintProxy(); break; case "7": FlyweightClient flyweightClient = new FlyweightClient(); flyweightClient.PrintFlyweight(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Selection must be 0-7"); break; } } exitLoop = false; break; case "3": while (!exitLoop) { Console.WriteLine("Please select Behaivoral Pattern to demo:"); Console.WriteLine("0 - Exit"); Console.WriteLine("1 - Iterator"); Console.WriteLine("2 - Observer"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Chain Of Responsibility"); Console.WriteLine("4 - State"); Console.WriteLine("5 - Template"); Console.WriteLine("6 - Command"); Console.WriteLine("7 - Visitor"); Console.WriteLine("8 - Strategy"); Console.WriteLine("9 - Interpreter"); Console.WriteLine("10 - Mediator"); Console.WriteLine("11 - Memento"); string entered = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (entered) { case "0": exitLoop = true; break; case "1": IteratorClient iteratorClient = new IteratorClient(); iteratorClient.PrintIterator(); break; case "2": ObserverClient observerClient = new ObserverClient(); observerClient.PrintObserver(); break; case "3": ChainOfResponsibilityClient chainOfResponsibilityClient = new ChainOfResponsibilityClient(); chainOfResponsibilityClient.PrintChainOfResponsibility(); break; case "4": StateClient stateClient = new StateClient(); stateClient.PrintState(); break; case "5": TemplateClient templateClient = new TemplateClient(); templateClient.PrintTemplate(); break; case "6": CommandClient commandClient = new CommandClient(); commandClient.PrintCommand(); break; case "7": VisitorClient visitorClient = new VisitorClient(); visitorClient.PrintVisitor(); break; case "8": StrategyClient strategyClient = new StrategyClient(); strategyClient.PrintStrategy(); break; case "9": InterpreterClient interpreterClient = new InterpreterClient(); interpreterClient.PrintInterpreter(); break; case "10": MediatorClient mediatorClient = new MediatorClient(); mediatorClient.PrintMediator(); break; case "11": MementoClient mementoClient = new MementoClient(); mementoClient.PrintMemento(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Selection must be 0-11"); break; } } exitLoop = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Must enter number 0 -3"); break; } } Console.WriteLine("End of Design Patterns examples"); Console.WriteLine("Type any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }