public SelectFGWindow_new(winforms.sideForm1 owner) { //this.Owner = owner; //this.Parent = owner; NewMethod_InitializeComponent(); }
public SelectDeviceWindow_new(DeviceIdentity selectedDeviceIdentity, winforms.sideForm1 owner) { _selectedDeviceIdentity = selectedDeviceIdentity; // = owner; NewMethod_selectDevice(); }
private void MDIParent3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { winforms.sideForm1 sf1 = new sideForm1(this); sf1.MdiParent = this; sf1.Show(); }
private void launchSidebarToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { winforms.sideForm1 sf1 = new sideForm1(this); sf1.MdiParent = this; sf1.Show(); }
public CreateRoleForm1(sideForm1 ssd) { InitializeComponent(); sd = ssd; }
public userAdmin2(winforms.sideForm1 ic2) { //Thread tt = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mysplassh)); //tt.Start(); //Thread.Sleep(5000); InitializeComponent(); Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; icc = ic2; //this.TitleBar.TitleBarCaption = "Login Screen"; //this.Text = "Login Screen"; //this.Show(); icc.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; //tt.Abort(); //var javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //string json_request = ""; // javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(tm); //string json_request2 = ""; // javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(tm); //string json_resp = ""; //bool json_resp2; //string first_install = Properties.Settings.Default.NewInstall; //btn_regiter.Visible = true; //string serverFeedback = ""; //try //{ // // json_resp2 = MISClass1.checkHTTPAPI("checkLoginMode", ref serverFeedback); //} //catch //{ // btn_regiter.Visible = false; // json_resp2 = true; // if (first_install == "N") // { // MessageBox.Show("Please check your Network OR Server Settings", "Server Unreachable"); // } // else // { // MessageBox.Show("New Installation Detected; Please Setup Server Connection Settings", "New Install Settings"); // // Properties.Settings.Default.NewInstall = "N"; // } //} /* * Henry: Obvious Bug * What happens for first timers b4 the URL is setup * I temporarily avert that scenario here * Please think of another method to control this. */ // Capture Scenario /* if (!json_resp2) * { * btn_regiter.Visible = false; * json_resp2 = true; * } */ //// if (!json_resp2) //{ // btn_regiter.Visible = false; //} // else { ////It will return either of this ////ACTIVEDIRECTORY ////OPENACCESS ////LOCAL //string loggin; //try //{ // //json_resp = MISClass1.callNIBSS_MISC("checkLoginMode", json_request); // dynamic resp1 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json_resp); // // dynamic df = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((string) resp1.record); // //dynamic df = new JArray(resp1.record); // bool sd = (bool)resp1.status; // loggin = resp1.loginmode; // if (loggin == "ACTIVEDIRECTORY") // { // btn_regiter.Visible = false; // } // // dynamic dj = JArray.Parse(json_resp); // //dynamic ddj = df[0]; // //string resetStatus = (string)ddj.status; // //this.TitleBar //} //catch //{ // loggin = "ACTIVEDIRECTORY"; // btn_regiter.Visible = false; // // MessageBox.Show("Please Setup Server Connections B4 Login", "New Installations"); // if (first_install == "N") // { // MessageBox.Show("Please check your Network OR Server Settings", "Server Unreachable"); // } // else // { // MessageBox.Show("New Installation Detected; Please Setup Server Connections B4 Login", "New Installations"); // Properties.Settings.Default.NewInstall = "N"; // // Save the New Settings // Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); // } //} } }
public frm_createUSERS(sideForm1 ff) { InitializeComponent(); sf = ff; }