public DlgGame( GameData data, Game game = null ) : this() { this.Data = data; Game = game; editMode = Game != null; }
public CDlgDataScrape( Queue<int> jobs, GameData data, bool fullGenre ) : base(GlobalStrings.CDlgScrape_ScrapingGameInfo, true) { scrapeResults = new Dictionary<int, string>(); = data; = jobs; this.totalJobs = jobs.Count; this.fullGenre = fullGenre; }
public FormMain() { gameData = new GameData(); InitializeComponent(); // jpodadera. Changed combo to checkbox to set favorite value //combFavorite.SelectedIndex = 0; chkFavorite.Checked = false; listSorter.AddIntCol( 1 ); lstGames.ListViewItemSorter = listSorter; // jpodadera. Save width of category column originalCatColumnWidth = lstGames.Columns[2].Width; colCategoryPointer = lstGames.Columns[2]; FillCategoryList(); }
public FormMain() { gameData = new GameData(); InitializeComponent(); chkFavorite.Checked = false; chkGroupCategory.Checked = Settings.Instance().GroupView; // Set up list sorting listSorter.AddIntCol( 0 ); listSorter.AddRevCol( 3 ); listSorter.SetSortCol( 1, 1 ); lstGames.ListViewItemSorter = listSorter; lstGames.SetSortIcon( listSorter.GetSortCol(), ( listSorter.GetSortDir() == 1 ) ? SortOrder.Ascending : SortOrder.Descending ); // jpodadera. Save width of category column originalCatColumnWidth = lstGames.Columns[2].Width; colCategoryPointer = lstGames.Columns[2]; FullListRefresh(); }
public CDlgUpdateProfile( GameData data, string customUrl, bool overwrite, SortedSet<int> ignore, bool ignoreDlc, bool ignoreExternal ) : base(GlobalStrings.CDlgUpdateProfile_UpdatingGameList, true) { custom = true; this.customUrl = customUrl; Added = 0; Fetched = 0; UseHtml = false; Failover = false; = data; this.overwrite = overwrite; this.ignore = ignore; this.ignoreDlc = ignoreDlc; //jpodadera. Non-Steam games this.ignoreExternal = ignoreExternal; SetText(GlobalStrings.CDlgFetch_DownloadingGameList); }
/// <summary> /// Prompts user to create a new profile. /// </summary> void CreateProfile() { DlgProfile dlg = new DlgProfile(); DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog(); if( res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK ) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; currentProfile = dlg.Profile; gameData = currentProfile.GameData; AddStatus(GlobalStrings.MainForm_ProfileCreated); if( dlg.DownloadNow ) { UpdateProfileDownload( false ); } if( dlg.ImportNow ) { UpdateProfileImport( false ); } if( dlg.SetStartup ) { settings.StartupAction = StartupAction.Load; settings.ProfileToLoad = currentProfile.FilePath; settings.Save(); } FillCategoryList(); FillGameList(); Cursor = Cursors.Default; } UpdateEnableStatesForProfileChange(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a category based on a name. Creates the category if necessary. Displays error message on error. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the category to get</param> /// <param name="data">Game data object we're referencing</param> /// <param name="cat">Resulting category</param> /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise</returns> public static bool StringToCategory( string name, GameData data, out Category cat ) { cat = null; if( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( name ) ) { return true; } if( name == CAT_FAV_NAME || name == CAT_ALL_NAME ) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(GlobalStrings.MainForm_CategoryNameReserved, name), GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return false; } if( name != CAT_UNC_NAME ) { cat = data.GetCategory( name ); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Unloads the current profile or game list, making sure the user gets the option to save any changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="updateUI">If true, will redraw the UI. Otherwise, will leave it up to the caller to do so.</param> /// <returns>True if there is now no loaded profile, false otherwise.</returns> void Unload( bool updateUI = true ) { if( !CheckForUnsaved() ) { return; } AddStatus(GlobalStrings.MainForm_ClearedData); currentProfile = null; gameData = new GameData(); MakeChange( false ); UpdateEnableStatesForProfileChange(); if( updateUI ) { FillCategoryList(); FillGameList(); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the given profile file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="checkForChanges"></param> void LoadProfile( string path, bool checkForChanges = true ) { if( checkForChanges && !CheckForUnsaved() ) return; try { currentProfile = Profile.Load( path ); AddStatus(GlobalStrings.MainForm_ProfileLoaded); } catch( ApplicationException e ) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, GlobalStrings.MainForm_ErrorLoadingProfile, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); AddStatus(GlobalStrings.MainForm_FailedLoadProfile); return; } gameData = currentProfile.GameData; if( currentProfile.AutoDownload ) { UpdateProfileDownload(); } if( currentProfile.AutoImport ) { UpdateProfileImport(); } FillCategoryList(); FillGameList(); UpdateEnableStatesForProfileChange(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a category based on a name. Creates the category if necessary. Displays error message on error. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the category to get</param> /// <param name="data">Game data object we're referencing</param> /// <param name="cat">Resulting category</param> /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise</returns> public static bool StringToCategory( string name, GameData data, out Category cat ) { cat = null; if( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( name ) ) { return true; } if( name != GlobalStrings.MainForm_Uncategorized ) { cat = data.GetCategory( name ); } return true; }
public int ImportSteamData() { return(GameData.ImportSteamConfig(SteamID64, IgnoreList, IncludeShortcuts)); }
public void ExportSteamData() { GameData.ExportSteamConfig(SteamID64, ExportDiscard, IncludeShortcuts); }