コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of RBroker Interface 'submit' method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">RTask submitted to the RBroker for execution</param>
        /// <param name="priority">Boolean indicating this is a high priority task</param>
        /// <returns>RTaskToken reference</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public RTaskToken submit(RTask task, Boolean priority)
            if(Interlocked.Read(ref m_refreshingConfig) == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("RTask submissions temporarily disabled while RBroker configuration refreshes.");


                 * We clone the incoming RTask into a new instance of
                 * RTask to ensure RTask is unique so it can be used
                 * as a key inside the taskTokenListenerMap.
                 * How could the value of RTask param not be unique?
                 * For example, RBrokerAppSimulator apps frequently
                 * create a single RTask instance and submit it many times
                 * to simulate load.
                RTask clonedTask = cloneTask(task);

                Boolean added = false;
                    added = m_pendingHighPriorityQueue.TryAdd(clonedTask);
                    added = m_pendingLowPriorityQueue.TryAdd(clonedTask);

                    throw new Exception("Broker at capacity ( " + MAX_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE + " ), rejecting task " + clonedTask);

                RTaskToken rTaskToken = new RTaskTokenImpl(task);

                 * RTask now on pending[High,Low]PriorityQueue,
                 * appending associated RTaskToken to end of
                 * liveTaskTokens.

                 * Register RTask and associated RTaskToken here.
                 * Once RTask has been submitted to Executor and
                 * Future for task exists, we will make an
                 * RTaskToken.onTask callback to register Future
                 * on token.
                m_taskTokenListenerMap.TryAdd(clonedTask, rTaskToken);

                return rTaskToken;

            catch(Exception rex)
                throw new Exception("RBroker: submit failed, cause: " + rex.ToString());
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of RBroker Interface 'submit' method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">RTask submitted to the RBroker for execution</param>
        /// <param name="priority">Boolean indicating this is a high priority task</param>
        /// <returns>RTaskToken reference</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public RTaskToken submit(RTask task, Boolean priority)
            if (Interlocked.Read(ref m_refreshingConfig) == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("RTask submissions temporarily disabled while RBroker configuration refreshes.");

                 * We clone the incoming RTask into a new instance of
                 * RTask to ensure RTask is unique so it can be used
                 * as a key inside the taskTokenListenerMap.
                 * How could the value of RTask param not be unique?
                 * For example, RBrokerAppSimulator apps frequently
                 * create a single RTask instance and submit it many times
                 * to simulate load.
                RTask clonedTask = cloneTask(task);

                Boolean added = false;
                if (priority)
                    added = m_pendingHighPriorityQueue.TryAdd(clonedTask);
                    added = m_pendingLowPriorityQueue.TryAdd(clonedTask);

                if (!added)
                    throw new Exception("Broker at capacity ( " + MAX_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE + " ), rejecting task " + clonedTask);

                RTaskToken rTaskToken = new RTaskTokenImpl(task);

                 * RTask now on pending[High,Low]PriorityQueue,
                 * appending associated RTaskToken to end of
                 * liveTaskTokens.

                 * Register RTask and associated RTaskToken here.
                 * Once RTask has been submitted to Executor and
                 * Future for task exists, we will make an
                 * RTaskToken.onTask callback to register Future
                 * on token.
                m_taskTokenListenerMap.TryAdd(clonedTask, rTaskToken);

            catch (Exception rex)
                throw new Exception("RBroker: submit failed, cause: " + rex.ToString());