public bool PTMEquals(PTMRow node) { try { foreach (string key in valueMap.Keys) { if (valueMap[key] != node.valueMap[key]) { return(false); } } // Just in case a new element has been added to the record foreach (string key in node.valueMap.Keys) { if (node.valueMap[key] != valueMap[key]) { return(false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Trace(ex.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public FlightNode(PTMRow flight, string kind, string airport) { flightKind = kind; airlineDesignatorIATA = flight.airline; scheduledDate = flight.sto; flightNumber = flight.flight; airportCodeIATA = airport; flightKey = airlineDesignatorIATA + flightNumber + scheduledDate.Substring(0, 10); }
private string ConstructSOAPMessage(List <XmlNode> retainedPTMs, FlightNode depFlight, PTMRow ptm) { // The top part of the message which includes the departing flight info string soapUpdateMessage = updateFlightExtendedTop .Replace("@token", Parameters.TOKEN) .Replace("@iataAirline", depFlight.airlineDesignatorIATA) .Replace("@icaoAirline", depFlight.airlineDesignatorICAO) // .Replace("@iataAirport", depFlight.airportCodeIATA) .Replace("@iataAirport", Parameters.HOME_AIRPORT_IATA) .Replace("@icaoAirport", depFlight.airportCodeICAO) .Replace("@fltNum", depFlight.flightNumber) .Replace("@sto", depFlight.scheduledDate); // The TableValue Construction for each of the PTMs string tableRowEntries = ""; foreach (XmlNode node in retainedPTMs) { XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(node.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("ams", ""); nsmgr.AddNamespace("amsmess", ""); XmlNodeList values = node.SelectNodes(".//ams:Value", nsmgr); string rowEntry = tableRowTemplateTop; foreach (XmlNode value in values) { string key = value.Attributes["propertyName"].InnerText; string v = value.InnerText; rowEntry += tableRowPropertyTemplate.Replace("@field", key).Replace("@value", v); } rowEntry += tableRowTemplateBottom; tableRowEntries += rowEntry; } //So we now have to add the updated or additional PTM if (ptm != null) { string rowEntry = tableRowTemplateTop; foreach (string key in ptm.valueMap.Keys) { rowEntry += tableRowPropertyTemplate.Replace("@field", key).Replace("@value", ptm.valueMap[key]); } rowEntry += tableRowTemplateBottom; tableRowEntries += rowEntry; } // Complete constructing the message by adding the bottom part of the message soapUpdateMessage += tableRowEntries + updateFlightExtendedBottomFixed; if (Parameters.DEEPTRACE) { logger.Trace(soapUpdateMessage); } logger.Trace(soapUpdateMessage); return(soapUpdateMessage); }
private async Task UpdateDeprtaureFlightPTMEntriesAsync(List <XmlNode> retainedPTMs, FlightNode depFlight, PTMRow ptm) { string soapUpdateMessage = this.ConstructSOAPMessage(retainedPTMs, depFlight, ptm); // Send the message via the AMS WebServices endpoint try { logger.Info($"Updating Departure Flight {depFlight.flightKey}"); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, Parameters.BASE_URI) { Content = new StringContent(soapUpdateMessage, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml") }; requestMessage.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", ""); using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(requestMessage)) { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent) { logger.Trace($"Update of departure Flight Succeeded OK. Departure Flight {depFlight.flightKey} "); _ = ProcessResponse(response); return; } else { logger.Error("Error Updating Departure Flight"); logger.Error(response.StatusCode); if (logger.IsTraceEnabled) { _ = ProcessErrorResponse(response); } return; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); return; } }
public async Task <bool> DispatchUpdateToDepartureFlight(FlightNode arrFlight, FlightNode depFlight, PTMRow updateOrAddPTM = null) { // arrFlight - the flight node for the arriving flight // ptm - the PTM record that has to be removed from a departure flight XmlNode depFlightNode = await this.GetFlight(depFlight); if (depFlightNode == null || depFlightNode.OuterXml.Contains("FLIGHT_NOT_FOUND")) { logger.Trace($"Departure Flight Not Found: {depFlight.flightKey }"); return(false); } else { logger.Trace($"Departure Flight Found: {depFlight.flightKey }"); } XmlNode departurePTMSNodes = GetTransfersFromFlight(depFlightNode); if (departurePTMSNodes == null) { logger.Trace($"No PTM Entries were found in departure flight: {depFlight.flightKey }"); //If this was only a delete, then we can return now if (updateOrAddPTM == null) { return(true); } } // A list for holding the PTMs we want to retain List <XmlNode> retainedPTMs = new List <XmlNode>(); if (departurePTMSNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in departurePTMSNodes) { PTMRow departurePTMEntry = new PTMRow(node); // If the flight keys are the same, then don't add it to the list. For Updates and Addtions // the updatePTM will be passed along the chain so it is added if (arrFlight.flightKey != departurePTMEntry.flightKey) { retainedPTMs.Add(node); } } } // The updatePTM has the departure flight information in it, so We need to modify it so it has the arrival flight information in it if (updateOrAddPTM != null) { updateOrAddPTM.valueMap["Sl--_AirlineIATA"] = arrFlight.airlineDesignatorIATA; updateOrAddPTM.valueMap["Sl--_FlightNumber"] = arrFlight.flightNumber; if (Parameters.STO_DATETIME) { updateOrAddPTM.valueMap["dl--_STO"] = arrFlight.scheduledDate + "T00:00:00"; } else { updateOrAddPTM.valueMap["dl--_STO"] = arrFlight.scheduledDate; } } _ = UpdateDeprtaureFlightPTMEntriesAsync(retainedPTMs, depFlight, updateOrAddPTM); return(true); }
public bool UpdateOrAddOrRemovePTMFromDepartureFlight(FlightNode arrFlight, FlightNode depFlight, PTMRow updateOrAddPTM = null) { _dispatcherList.Add(new Tuple <FlightNode, FlightNode, PTMRow>(arrFlight, depFlight, updateOrAddPTM)); return(true); }
public Tuple <List <PTMRow>, List <PTMRow>, List <PTMRow> > ClassifyTransferChanges(XmlNode transferChanges) { /* * Determine the entries which are additions, updates and deletions */ XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(transferChanges.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("ams", ""); nsmgr.AddNamespace("amsmess", ""); // Tne XML node containing the old entries XmlNode oldNode; try { oldNode = transferChanges.SelectSingleNode(".//ams:OldValue[@propertyName='Tl--_TransferLoads']", nsmgr); } catch (Exception) { logger.Trace("Old Transfer Values Not Found"); return(null); } // The XML node containing the new entries XmlNode newNode; try { newNode = transferChanges.SelectSingleNode(".//ams:NewValue[@propertyName='Tl--_TransferLoads']", nsmgr); } catch (Exception) { logger.Trace("New Transfer Values Not Found"); return(null); } //Create a list of the Old entries List <PTMRow> oldList = new List <PTMRow>(); try { foreach (XmlNode row in oldNode.SelectNodes(".//ams:Row", nsmgr)) { PTMRow ptmRow = new PTMRow(row); if (Parameters.DEEPTRACE) { logger.Trace($"Old Values Entry {ptmRow.ToString()}"); } oldList.Add(ptmRow); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Trace(e.Message); return(null); } // Create a list of the new entries List <PTMRow> newList = new List <PTMRow>(); try { foreach (XmlNode row in newNode.SelectNodes(".//ams:Row", nsmgr)) { PTMRow ptmRow = new PTMRow(row); if (Parameters.DEEPTRACE) { logger.Trace($"New Values Entry {ptmRow.ToString()}"); } newList.Add(ptmRow); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Trace(e.Message); return(null); } // Examine the list to create a new list of the adds, updates and deletes List <PTMRow> additionsList = GetAdditions(oldList, newList); List <PTMRow> updateList = GeUpdates(oldList, newList); List <PTMRow> deleteList = GetDeletions(oldList, newList); //Print out the individual lists of logging is enabled. if (logger.IsTraceEnabled) { logger.Trace("Addition List:"); foreach (PTMRow row in additionsList) { logger.Trace(row.ToString); } logger.Trace("Updates List:"); foreach (PTMRow row in updateList) { logger.Trace(row.ToString); } logger.Trace("Delete List:"); foreach (PTMRow row in deleteList) { logger.Trace(row.ToString); } } return(new Tuple <List <PTMRow>, List <PTMRow>, List <PTMRow> >(additionsList, updateList, deleteList)); }
// Is the supplied node referring to the same flight as this node? public bool FlightEquals(PTMRow node) { return(node.flightKey == this.flightKey); }