private void affichedonnees() { /*string sz = "select idarticle, socligne as client, client.idclient as id_client, codearticle, descriptif_ligne1, descriptif_ligne2, descriptif_ligne3, descriptif_ligne4, descriptif_ligne5, remarque, concat(unitecode, ' ', unitelibelle) as unite, fact_unite.idunite as id_unite, prix FROM fact_articles " + * "LEFT JOIN fact_entreprise entreprise ON entreprise.identreprise = fact_articles.identreprise LEFT JOIN fact_unite ON fact_unite.idunite = fact_articles.idunite ORDER BY codearticle"; * uf.afficherInfo(this, sz, comrealvista, gv_article, ""); * * sz = sz.Replace("ORDER", "WHERE idarticle =" + gv_article.Rows[0].Cells["g_idarticle"].Value.ToString() + " ORDER"); * * uf.afficherInfo(this, sz, comrealvista, null, "");*/ uf.afficherInfo(this, reqdon, comrealvista, gv_article, ""); if (gv_article.RowCount > 0) { uf.afficherInfo(this, reqdon.Replace("ORDER", "AND idarticle =" + gv_article.Rows[0].Cells["g_idarticle"].Value.ToString() + " ORDER"), comrealvista, null, ""); chargerprix(gv_article.Rows[0].Cells["g_idarticle"].Value.ToString()); chargerrabais(gv_article.Rows[0].Cells["g_idarticle"].Value.ToString()); } uf.enablemulticontrol(p_button, "1", "2"); uf.enablecontrol(p_affiche, "2", false); Program.variableglobale = "azerty"; util_fact.variableglobale = "kjgkjgkjkj"; if (gv_article.RowCount == 0) { bt_modif.Enabled = bt_suppr.Enabled = false; } }
private void afficheadresse(string idclient, string iddelta) { uf.enablemulticontrol(p_adresse, "6", "4,5"); string idfonction = ""; if (l_adresses.Items.Count > 0) { idfonction = l_adresses.SelectedValue.ToString(); } else { idfonction = "-1"; } reqadresse = "SELECT if (client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.idfonctiondelta, fonccli.idfonction) as idfonction, langclient.idlanguage, langclient.language, " + "polclient.idpolitesse, polclient.politesse, if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.nomprenom, fonccli.nomprenom) as nomprenom, " + "if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.adresse1, fonccli.adresse1) as adresse1, if(client.iddeltareal > 0,, as co, if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.adresse2, fonccli.adresse2) as adresse2, as npa, clicity.cityname as ville, " + "clicity.idcity as idville, if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.teldirect, fonccli.telpro) as telpro, if(client.iddeltareal > 0,, fonccli.telmob) as telmob, " + "if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.fax, fonccli.fax) as fax, if(client.iddeltareal > 0,, as email, if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.adresseweb, fonccli.siteweb) as siteweb, " + "if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.idbanque, fonccli.idbanque) as idbanque, if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.comptebanque, fonccli.comptebanque) as comptebanque, " + //if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.ccp, fonccli.ccp) as ccp, "if(client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.ccp, fonccli.noccp) as noccp, if(client.iddeltareal > 0, '', fonccli.nobvr) as nobvr, if(client.iddeltareal > 0, '', fonccli.noremiseadherent) as noremiseadherent, " + "concat(banque.nombanque, ' - ', banque.adresse, ', ', banque.npa, ' ', banque.ville) as banque " + "FROM fact_entreprise client " + "LEFT JOIN fact_entreprisefonction fonccli ON fonccli.identreprise = client.identreprise AND fonccli.idfonction = " + idfonction + " " + "LEFT JOIN " + Fmain.baseInit + ".clientfonction foncdel ON foncdel.idclient = client.iddeltareal AND foncdel.idfonctiondelta = " + idfonction + " " + "LEFT join " + Fmain.baseInit + ".typepolitesse polclient ON polclient.idpolitesse = if (client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.idpolitesse, fonccli.idpolitesse) " + "LEFT join " + Fmain.baseInit + ".language langclient ON langclient.idlanguage = polclient.idlangue " + //if (client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.idlanguage, fonccli.idlanguage) " + "left join " + Fmain.baseInit + ".city clicity ON clicity.idcity = if (client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.idville, fonccli.idville) " + "LEFT JOIn " + Fmain.baseInit + ".cpta_banque banque ON banque.idbanque = if (client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.idbanque, fonccli.idbanque) " + "ORDER by client.identreprise"; // iddeltareal> 0 asc, iddeltareal, client.idclient";" string sz = ""; if (iddelta == "") { sz = reqadresse.Replace("ORDER", "WHERE client.identreprise =" + idclient + " ORDER"); } else { sz = reqadresse.Replace("ORDER", "WHERE foncdel.idclient =" + idclient + " ORDER"); } uf.afficherInfo(p_adresse, sz, comrealvista, null, ""); uf.enablecontrol(p_adresse, "2", false); if (g_client.RowCount > 0 && l_adresses.Items.Count > 0 && g_client.CurrentRow.Cells["g_iddeltareal"].Value.ToString() == "") { uf.enablemulticontrol(p_adresse, "4", "5"); } if (l_adresses.Items.Count == 0 && g_client.CurrentRow.Cells["g_iddeltareal"].Value.ToString() == "") { bt_adrajout.Enabled = true; } }
private void annule() //affichage du client en cours { bt_recherche.Text = "recherche"; p_button.Enabled = true; refclient.Enabled = false; uf.enablecontrol(p_button, "2", false); uf.enablecontrol(p_button, "1", false); bt_ajout.Enabled = true; if (curligne > gv_client.RowCount - 1) { curligne = gv_client.RowCount - 1; } if (curligne > -1 && bt_recherche.Text == "recherche") { gv_client.Rows[curligne].Selected = true; gv_client.CurrentCell = gv_client.Rows[curligne].Cells[1]; } if (gv_client.RowCount > 0 && gv_client.CurrentRow.Index > -1) { uf.afficherInfo(p_affiche, reqdon.Replace("ORDER", "WHERE cli.idclient =" + gv_client.CurrentRow.Cells["g_refclient"].Value.ToString() + " ORDER"), comrealvista, null, ""); uf.enablemulticontrol(p_button, "1", "2"); } else { uf.initcontrol(p_affiche, "", raisonsociale); } p_button.Focus(); if (refclient.Text.Trim() != "") { valclient = prendrevaleurclient(); } uf.enablecontrol(p_affiche, "2", false); bt_recherche.Enabled = true; remplirarchive(); etat = 0; }