コード例 #1
 //overloaded constructor. in this case the admin add a report
 public AdminReportEdit(string Email, string PassHash, int BookingID)
     this.Email           = Email;
     this.PassHash        = PassHash;
     this.ReportedBooking = new Report.Booking();
     this.newReport       = true;
     subjectTextbox.Text  = "";
     messageTextBox.Text  = "";
     DeleteButton.Visible = false;
         BookingManagerClient bookingManager = new BookingManagerClient();
         this.reportManager = new ReportManagerClient();
         Booking.Booking FetchedBooking = bookingManager.GetBookingByID(BookingID, this.Email, this.PassHash);
         ReportedBooking.ID                    = FetchedBooking.ID;
         ReportedBooking.BookedCar             = new Report.Car();
         ReportedBooking.BookedCar.PlateNumber = FetchedBooking.BookedCar.PlateNumber;
         ReportedBooking.Booker                = new Report.User();
         ReportedBooking.Booker.Email          = FetchedBooking.Booker.Email;
         ReportedBooking.End                   = FetchedBooking.End;
         ReportedBooking.Start                 = FetchedBooking.Start;
     }catch (Exception exc)
         MessageBox.Show("Errore nella connessione al server.", "Proprio non riesco.", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
コード例 #2
        public AdminReportEdit(string Email, string PassHash, Report.Report report)
            this.Email           = Email;
            this.PassHash        = PassHash;
            this.report          = report;
            this.ReportedBooking = report.ReportedBooking;
            this.newReport       = false;
            subjectTextbox.Text  = report.Subject;
            messageTextBox.Text  = report.Message;

                this.reportManager = new ReportManagerClient();
            }catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Errore nella connessione al server.", "Proprio non riesco.", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
コード例 #3
        //on Click function. this function control the data insert by the user and, if the data are correct, send all to the server
        private void InviaButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SubjectTextBox.Text == ("") || MessageTextBox.Text == (""))
                MessageBox.Show("Riempi tutti i campi", "Controlla bene!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            else if (BookingListComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Selezionare una prenotazione", "Controlla bene!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);                                              //la combobox restituisce -1 se non è stato selezionato nessun elemento
                Booking.Booking Booked          = bookings[BookingListComboBox.SelectedIndex];
                Report.Booking  selectedBooking = new Report.Booking();

                selectedBooking.ID       = Booked.ID;
                selectedBooking.Start    = Booked.Start;
                selectedBooking.End      = Booked.End;
                selectedBooking.Returned = Booked.Returned;

                //adding user data
                Report.User UserReported = new Report.User();
                UserReported.Email             = Booked.Booker.Email;
                UserReported.PasswordHash      = Booked.Booker.PasswordHash;
                UserReported.Name              = Booked.Booker.Name;
                UserReported.License           = Booked.Booker.License;
                UserReported.LicensePoints     = Booked.Booker.LicensePoints;
                UserReported.LicenseExpiration = Booked.Booker.LicenseExpiration;

                selectedBooking.Booker = UserReported;

                //addign booked car data
                Report.Car CarReported = new Report.Car();
                CarReported.PlateNumber  = Booked.BookedCar.PlateNumber;
                CarReported.Make         = Booked.BookedCar.Make;
                CarReported.Model        = Booked.BookedCar.Model;
                CarReported.Year         = Booked.BookedCar.Year;
                CarReported.Kilometers   = Booked.BookedCar.Kilometers;
                CarReported.BurnedLiters = Booked.BookedCar.BurnedLiters;

                selectedBooking.BookedCar = CarReported;

                    ReportManagerClient reportManager = new ReportManagerClient();
                    if (reportManager.AddReport(SubjectTextBox.Text, MessageTextBox.Text, selectedBooking, Email, PasswordHash))
                        MessageBox.Show("Report inviato", "Grazie per la sua disponibilita");
                        MessageBox.Show("oh-ho c'è stato un problema non previsto. La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi");
                catch (Exception exp)
                    MessageBox.Show("Errore nella connessione al server.", "Proprio non riesco.", MessageBoxButtons.OK);