public point_store(int i_pt_id, double i_x, double i_y, Form1.planar_object_store.point2d i_inpt_as_point2d)
                    this._pt_id = i_pt_id;             // point id
                                        this._x = i_x; // x
                                        this._y = i_y; // y

                    this.store_parent_data = i_inpt_as_point2d;
 public static void incremental_add_point(Form1.planar_object_store.point2d add_pt,
                                          ref List <Form1.planar_object_store.point2d> output_points,
                                          ref List <Form1.planar_object_store.edge2d> output_edges,
                                          ref List <Form1.planar_object_store.face2d> output_triangles)
     // check the mesh availability
     if (main_mesh.is_meshed == true)
         // Routine to add point by point for constrained delaunay triangulation
 public point_store(int i_pt_id, double i_x, double i_y, Form1.planar_object_store.point2d pt)
     // Constructor
     // set id
     this._pt_id = i_pt_id;
     // co-ordinate
     this._x = i_x;
     this._y = i_y;
     // store the output point variable
     this.parent_pt = pt;