コード例 #1
ファイル: Parser.cs プロジェクト: themotte/utils
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Parser.
        /// </summary>
        public Parser()
            if (s_Status != Status.Uninitialized)
                Dbg.Err($"Parser created while the world is in {s_Status} state; should be {Status.Uninitialized} state");
            s_Status = Status.Accumulating;

            bool unitTestMode = Config.TestParameters != null;

                IEnumerable <Type> staticRefs;
                if (!unitTestMode)
                    staticRefs = UtilReflection.GetAllTypes().Where(t => t.GetCustomAttribute <StaticReferencesAttribute>() != null);
                else if (Config.TestParameters.explicitStaticRefs != null)
                    staticRefs = Config.TestParameters.explicitStaticRefs;
                    staticRefs = Enumerable.Empty <Type>();

                foreach (var type in staticRefs)
                    if (type.GetCustomAttribute <StaticReferencesAttribute>() == null)
                        Dbg.Err($"{type} is not tagged as StaticReferences");

                    if (!type.IsAbstract || !type.IsSealed)
                        Dbg.Err($"{type} is not static");


コード例 #2
        internal static void Register(ref object instance)
            var indices = UtilReflection.GetIndicesForType(instance.GetType());

            if (indices != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i)
                    var registerFunction = RegisterFunctions.TryGetValue(indices[i].type);
                    if (registerFunction == null)
                        var dbType = typeof(Index <>).MakeGenericType(new[] { indices[i].type });

                        registerFunction = dbType.GetMethod("Register", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <object, FieldInfo>)) as Action <object, FieldInfo>;
                        RegisterFunctions[indices[i].type] = registerFunction;

                    registerFunction(instance, indices[i].field);
コード例 #3
        internal static void Initialize()
            Converters = new Dictionary <Type, Converter>();

            IEnumerable <Type> conversionTypes;

            if (Config.TestParameters == null)
                conversionTypes = UtilReflection.GetAllTypes().Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Converter)) && !t.IsAbstract);
            else if (Config.TestParameters.explicitConverters != null)
                conversionTypes = Config.TestParameters.explicitConverters;
                conversionTypes = Enumerable.Empty <Type>();

            foreach (var type in conversionTypes)
                var converter      = (Converter)System.Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                var convertedTypes = converter.HandledTypes();
                if (convertedTypes.Count == 0)
                    Dbg.Err($"{type} is a Def.Converter, but doesn't convert anything");

                foreach (var convertedType in convertedTypes)
                    if (Converters.ContainsKey(convertedType))
                        Dbg.Err($"Converters {Converters[convertedType].GetType()} and {type} both generate result {convertedType}");

                    Converters[convertedType] = converter;
コード例 #4
        internal static object ParseElement(XElement element, Type type, object model, ReaderContext context, bool isRootDef = false, bool hasReferenceId = false)
            // The first thing we do is parse all our attributes. This is because we want to verify that there are no attributes being ignored.
            // Don't return anything until we do our element.HasAtttributes check!

            // Figure out our intended type, if it's been overridden
            if (element.Attribute("class") != null)
                var className    = element.Attribute("class").Value;
                var possibleType = (Type)ParseString(className, typeof(Type), null, context.sourceName, element.LineNumber());
                if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(possibleType))
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Explicit type {className} cannot be assigned to expected type {type}");
                else if (model != null && model.GetType() != possibleType)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Explicit type {className} does not match already-provided instance {type}");
                    type = possibleType;


            bool   shouldBeNull = bool.Parse(element.ConsumeAttribute("null") ?? "false");
            string refId        = element.ConsumeAttribute("ref");

            if (shouldBeNull && refId != null)
                Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Element cannot be both null and a reference at the same time");

                // There's no good answer here, but we're sticking with the null because it feels like an error-handling path that the user is more likely to properly support.
                refId = null;

            // See if we just want to return null
            if (shouldBeNull)
                // No remaining attributes are allowed in nulls
                if (element.HasAttributes)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Has unconsumed attributes");

                // okay

                // Note: It may seem wrong that we can return null along with a non-null model.
                // The problem is that this is meant to be able to override defaults. If the default if an object, explicitly setting it to null *should* clear the object out.
                // If we actually need a specific object to be returned, for whatever reason, the caller has to do the comparison.

            // See if we can get a ref out of it
            if (refId != null)
                // No remaining attributes are allowed in refs
                if (element.HasAttributes)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Has unconsumed attributes");

                if (context == null)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Found a reference object outside of record-reader mode");

                if (!context.refs.ContainsKey(refId))
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Found a reference object {refId} without a valid reference mapping");

                object refObject = context.refs[refId];
                if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(refObject.GetType()))
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Reference object {refId} is of type {refObject.GetType()}, which cannot be converted to expected type {type}");


            // Converters may do their own processing, so we'll just defer off to them now; hell, you can even have both elements and text, if that's your jam
            if (Converters.ContainsKey(type))
                // context might be null; that's OK at the moment
                object result;

                    result = Converters[type].Record(model, type, new RecorderReader(element, context));
                catch (Exception e)

                    if (model != null)
                        result = model;
                    else if (type.IsValueType)
                        result = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                        result = null;

                // This is an important check if we have a referenced type, because if we've changed the result, references won't link up to it properly.
                // Outside referenced types, it doesn't matter - we want to give people as much control over modification as possible.
                if (model != null && hasReferenceId && model != result)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Converter {Converters[type].GetType()} for {type} ignored the model {model} while reading a referenced object; this may cause lost data");

                if (result != null && !type.IsAssignableFrom(result.GetType()))
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Converter {Converters[type].GetType()} for {type} returned unexpected type {result.GetType()}");


            // After this point we won't be using a converter in any way, we'll be requiring native Def types (as native as it gets, at least)

            bool hasElements = element.Elements().Any();
            bool hasText     = element.Nodes().OfType <XText>().Any();

            if (typeof(Def).IsAssignableFrom(type) && hasElements && !isRootDef)
                Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Inline def definitions are not currently supported");

            // Special case: IRecordables
            if (typeof(IRecordable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                var recordable = (IRecordable)(model ?? Activator.CreateInstance(type));

                recordable.Record(new RecorderReader(element, context));

                // TODO: support indices if this is within the Def system?


            // No remaining attributes are allowed past this point!
            if (element.HasAttributes)
                Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Has unconsumed attributes");

            // All our standard text-using options
            if (hasText ||
                (typeof(Def).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !isRootDef) ||
                type == typeof(Type) ||
                type == typeof(string) ||
                if (hasElements)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Elements are not valid when parsing {type}");

                return(ParseString(element.GetText(), type, model, context.sourceName, element.LineNumber()));

            // Nothing past this point even supports text, so let's just get angry and break stuff.
            if (hasText)
                Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Text detected in a situation where it is invalid; will be ignored");

            // Special case: Lists
            if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>))
                // List<> handling
                Type referencedType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];

                var list = (IList)(model ?? Activator.CreateInstance(type));

                // If you have a default list, but specify it in XML, we assume this is a full override. Clear the original list.

                foreach (var fieldElement in element.Elements())
                    if (fieldElement.Name.LocalName != "li")
                        Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{fieldElement.LineNumber()}: Tag should be <li>, is <{fieldElement.Name.LocalName}>");

                    list.Add(ParseElement(fieldElement, referencedType, null, context));


            // Special case: Arrays
            if (type.IsArray)
                Type referencedType = type.GetElementType();

                var elements = element.Elements().ToArray();

                // We don't bother falling back on model here; we probably need to recreate it anyway with the right length
                var array = (Array)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { elements.Length });

                for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; ++i)
                    var fieldElement = elements[i];
                    if (fieldElement.Name.LocalName != "li")
                        Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{fieldElement.LineNumber()}: Tag should be <li>, is <{fieldElement.Name.LocalName}>");

                    array.SetValue(ParseElement(fieldElement, referencedType, null, context), i);


            // Special case: Dictionaries
            if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary <,>))
                // Dictionary<> handling
                Type keyType   = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                Type valueType = type.GetGenericArguments()[1];

                var dict = (IDictionary)(model ?? Activator.CreateInstance(type));

                // If you have a default dict, but specify it in XML, we assume this is a full override. Clear the original dict.

                foreach (var fieldElement in element.Elements())
                    if (fieldElement.Name.LocalName == "li")
                        // Treat this like a key/value pair
                        var keyNode   = fieldElement.ElementNamed("key");
                        var valueNode = fieldElement.ElementNamed("value");

                        if (keyNode == null)
                            Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{fieldElement.LineNumber()}: Dictionary includes li tag without a key");

                        if (valueNode == null)
                            Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{fieldElement.LineNumber()}: Dictionary includes li tag without a value");

                        var key = ParseElement(keyNode, keyType, null, context);

                        if (dict.Contains(key))
                            Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{fieldElement.LineNumber()}: Dictionary includes duplicate key {key.ToString()}");

                        dict[key] = ParseElement(valueNode, valueType, null, context);
                        var key = ParseString(fieldElement.Name.LocalName, keyType, null, context.sourceName, fieldElement.LineNumber());

                        if (dict.Contains(key))
                            Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{fieldElement.LineNumber()}: Dictionary includes duplicate key {fieldElement.Name.LocalName}");

                        dict[key] = ParseElement(fieldElement, valueType, null, context);


            // At this point, we're either a class or a struct, and we need to do the reflection thing

            // If we have refs, something has gone wrong; we should never be doing reflection inside a Record system.
            // This is a really ad-hoc way of testing this and should be fixed.
            // One big problem here is that I'm OK with security vulnerabilities in def xmls. Those are either supplied by the developer or by mod authors who are intended to have full code support anyway.
            // I'm less OK with security vulnerabilities in save files. Nobody expects a savefile can compromise their system.
            // And the full reflection system is probably impossible to secure, whereas the Record system should be secureable.
            if (context.RecorderMode)
                Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Falling back to reflection within a Record system; this is currently not allowed for security reasons");

            // If we haven't been given a template class from our parent, go ahead and init to defaults
            if (model == null)
                model = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            var setFields = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var fieldElement in element.Elements())
                // Check for fields that have been set multiple times
                string fieldName = fieldElement.Name.LocalName;
                if (setFields.Contains(fieldName))
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Duplicate field {fieldName}");
                    // Just allow us to fall through; it's an error, but one with a reasonably obvious handling mechanism

                var fieldInfo = type.GetFieldFromHierarchy(fieldName);
                if (fieldInfo == null)
                    // Try to find a close match, if we can, just for a better error message
                    string match = null;
                    string canonicalFieldName = Util.LooseMatchCanonicalize(fieldName);

                    foreach (var testField in type.GetFieldsFromHierarchy())
                        if (Util.LooseMatchCanonicalize(testField.Name) == canonicalFieldName)
                            match = testField.Name;

                            // We could in theory do something overly clever where we try to find the best name, but I really don't care that much; this is meant as a quick suggestion, not an ironclad solution.

                    if (match != null)
                        Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Field {fieldName} does not exist in type {type}; did you mean {match}?");
                        Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Field {fieldName} does not exist in type {type}");


                if (fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute <IndexAttribute>() != null)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Attempting to set index field {fieldName}; these are generated by the def system");

                if (fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute <NonSerializedAttribute>() != null)
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Attempting to set nonserialized field {fieldName}");

                // Check for fields we're not allowed to set
                if (UtilReflection.ReflectionSetForbidden(fieldInfo))
                    Dbg.Err($"{context.sourceName}:{element.LineNumber()}: Field {fieldName} is not allowed to be set through reflection");

                fieldInfo.SetValue(model, ParseElement(fieldElement, fieldInfo.FieldType, fieldInfo.GetValue(model), context));

            // Set up our index fields; this has to happen last in case we're a struct
            Index.Register(ref model);
