public static void InterceptIncubatorEggs() { if (!Game1.IsMasterGame) { return; } foreach (GameLocation location in Game1.locations) { if (location is BuildableGameLocation buildableGameLocation) { foreach (Building building in buildableGameLocation.buildings) { if (building is Coop coop) { AnimalHouse animalHouse = coop.indoors.Value as AnimalHouse; // Seems that this is dead legacy code, we still keep it to support either way of hatching, in case future game code changes back to this. if (animalHouse.incubatingEgg.Y == EasterEggItem.PARENT_SHEET_INDEX && animalHouse.incubatingEgg.X == 1) { animalHouse.incubatingEgg.X = 0; animalHouse.incubatingEgg.Y = -1;"Front").Tiles[1, 2].TileIndex = 45; long newId = Game1MultiplayerAccessProvider.GetMultiplayer().getNewID(); animalHouse.animals.Add(newId, new FarmAnimal("Rabbit", newId, coop.owner)); } } } } } }
private static void AddNewHatchedRabbit(Farmer who, AnimalHouse animalHouse, string animalName) { long animalId = Game1MultiplayerAccessProvider.GetMultiplayer().getNewID(); FarmAnimal farmAnimal = new FarmAnimal("Rabbit", animalId, who.uniqueMultiplayerID); farmAnimal.Name = animalName; farmAnimal.displayName = animalName; Building building = animalHouse.getBuilding(); farmAnimal.home = building; farmAnimal.homeLocation.Value = new Vector2(building.tileX, building.tileY); farmAnimal.setRandomPosition(animalHouse); animalHouse.animals.Add(animalId, farmAnimal); animalHouse.animalsThatLiveHere.Add(animalId); Game1.exitActiveMenu(); }
private void DoDeath(GameLocation location, Vector2 tileLocation) { DelayedAction.playSoundAfterDelay("leafrustle", 100, (GameLocation)null); Color color = Color.Green; string currentSeason = Game1.currentSeason; if (!(currentSeason == "spring")) { if (!(currentSeason == "summer")) { if (!(currentSeason == "fall")) { if (currentSeason == "winter") { color = Color.Cyan; } } else { color = Color.IndianRed; } } else { color = Color.ForestGreen; } } else { color = Color.Green; } for (int index1 = 0; index1 <= this.size; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 12; ++index2) { Game1MultiplayerAccessProvider.GetMultiplayer().broadcastSprites(location, new TemporaryAnimatedSprite[1] { new TemporaryAnimatedSprite("LooseSprites\\Cursors", new Rectangle(355, 1200 + (Game1.IsFall ? 16 : (Game1.IsWinter ? -16 : 0)), 16, 16), Utility.getRandomPositionInThisRectangle(this.getBoundingBox(), Game1.random) - new Vector2(0.0f, (float)Game1.random.Next(64)), false, 0.01f, Game1.IsWinter ? Color.Cyan : Color.White) { motion = new Vector2((float)Game1.random.Next(-10, 11) / 10f, (float)-Game1.random.Next(5, 7)), acceleration = new Vector2(0.0f, (float)Game1.random.Next(13, 17) / 100f), accelerationChange = new Vector2(0.0f, -1f / 1000f), scale = 4f, layerDepth = (float)((double)tileLocation.Y * 64.0 / 10000.0), animationLength = 11, totalNumberOfLoops = 99, interval = (float)Game1.random.Next(20, 90), delayBeforeAnimationStart = (index1 + 1) * index2 * 20 } }); if (index2 % 6 == 0) { Game1MultiplayerAccessProvider.GetMultiplayer().broadcastSprites(location, new TemporaryAnimatedSprite[1] { new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(50, Utility.getRandomPositionInThisRectangle(this.getBoundingBox(), Game1.random) - new Vector2(32f, (float)Game1.random.Next(32, 64)), color, 8, false, 100f, 0, -1, -1f, -1, 0) }); Game1MultiplayerAccessProvider.GetMultiplayer().broadcastSprites(location, new TemporaryAnimatedSprite[1] { new TemporaryAnimatedSprite(12, Utility.getRandomPositionInThisRectangle(this.getBoundingBox(), Game1.random) - new Vector2(32f, (float)Game1.random.Next(32, 64)), Color.White, 8, false, 100f, 0, -1, -1f, -1, 0) }); } } } }