コード例 #1
        public X64NativeTable(Stream scriptFile, int position, int length, int codeSize)
            scriptFile.Position = position;

            Stream stream;

            if (Program.RDRNativeCipher)
                stream = new MemoryStream();
                byte carry = (byte)codeSize;
                for (int i = 0; i < length * 8; ++i)
                    int b;
                    if ((b = scriptFile.ReadByte()) == -1)
                        throw new EndOfStreamException("Invalid Scriptfile!");

                    byte xordeciphed = (byte)(carry ^ (byte)b);
                    carry = (byte)b;
                stream.Position = 0;
                stream = scriptFile;

            IO.Reader reader = new IO.Reader(stream);
            int       count  = 0;
            ulong     nat;

            while (count < length)
                //GTA V PC natives arent stored sequentially in the table. Each native needs a bitwise rotate depending on its position and codetable size
                //Then the natives needs to go back through translation tables to get to their hash as defined in the vanilla game version
                //or the earliest game version that native was introduced in.
                //Just some of the steps Rockstar take to make reverse engineering harder
                nat = Program.IsBit32 ? reader.CReadUInt32() : Utils.RotateLeft(reader.ReadUInt64(), (codeSize + count) & 0x3F);

                if (Program.X64npi.ContainsKey(nat))
                    _natives.Add(Program.NativeName(Native.UnkPrefix) + Native.CreateNativeHash(nat));