コード例 #1
        // This function will recursively traverse the tree, matching
        // the Row with the current node Question, until we reach a Leaf.
        public DecisionNode Predict(Row row, DecisionNode node = null)
            // If we don't have a root, we can't do anything
            if (root == null)

            if (node == null)
                node = root;

            // We return if this node is a Leaf
            if (node.IsLeaf)

            // If this row matches this Question, we enter the true branch
            if (node.question.Match(row))
                return(Predict(row, node.trueBranch));

            // Otherwise we use the false branch
            return(Predict(row, node.falseBranch));
コード例 #2
 private void predictionBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (features != null && features.All(item => item != null))
         DecisionNode node = tree.Predict(features);
         resultLabel.Text = PredictionToString(node);
コード例 #3
        private static string TreeToString(DecisionNode node, string spacing = "")
            if (node.IsLeaf)
                return($"{spacing}Resultado: {node}\n");

            string str = $"{spacing}{node.question}\n";

            str += $"{spacing}--> Sí:\n";
            str += TreeToString(node.trueBranch, spacing + "  ");
            str += $"{spacing}--> No:\n";
            str += TreeToString(node.falseBranch, spacing + "  ");

コード例 #4
        static TreeNode RenderTree(DecisionNode node)
            if (node.IsLeaf)
                return(new TreeNode($"Resultado: {node}"));

            TreeNode treeNode   = new TreeNode(node.question.ToString());
            TreeNode trueBranch = treeNode.Nodes.Add("Verdadero");

            _ = trueBranch.Nodes.Add(RenderTree(node.trueBranch));
            TreeNode falseBrach = treeNode.Nodes.Add("Falso");

            _ = falseBrach.Nodes.Add(RenderTree(node.falseBranch));

コード例 #5
        // This function will recursively create the tree
        private static DecisionNode BuildTree(Dataset dataset)
            // We find the best gain and question
            (double gain, Question question) = FindBestSplit(dataset);

            // Once we reach a gain of 0, this is the end of the route
            if (gain == 0)
                return(new DecisionNode(dataset));

            // If there's more gain, we need to partition using the best question
            (Dataset trueRows, Dataset falseRows) = PartitionDataset(dataset, question);

            // Then we recursively generate the true and false branch and return that
            DecisionNode trueBranch  = BuildTree(trueRows);
            DecisionNode falseBranch = BuildTree(falseRows);

            return(new DecisionNode(question, trueBranch, falseBranch));
コード例 #6
        private static string PredictionToString(DecisionNode node)
            Dictionary <string, int> predictions = node.predictions;
            double total = predictions.Aggregate(0.0, (acc, x) => acc + x.Value);
            string str   = "Predicción en base al árbol de decisión:\n";
            int    index = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> elem in predictions)
                int    percent = (int)Math.Round(elem.Value / total * 100, 0);
                string key     = elem.Key.FirstCharToUpper();
                if (predictions.Count == 1)
                    str += $"{key} (Nivel de certeza: {percent}%)\n";
                    str += $"Respuesta {index}: {key} (Nivel de certeza: {percent}%)\n";
コード例 #7
 // This function is used to generate the tree (aka training).
 // It will recursively work out each Node and save it with a
 // private method called BuildTree (defined below).
 public void Fit(Dataset dataset)
     this.dataset = dataset;
     root         = BuildTree(dataset);
コード例 #8
 public DecisionNode(Question question, DecisionNode trueBranch, DecisionNode falseBranch)
     this.question    = question;
     this.trueBranch  = trueBranch;
     this.falseBranch = falseBranch;