public static void CompareMemorySnapshots(MemorySnapshot s, MemorySnapshot d, MemorySnapshot difSnapshot, CompareResult compareResult) { var sMemoryTypesLookup = s.memoryTypesLookup; var dMemoryTypesLookup = d.memoryTypesLookup; var sList = sMemoryTypesLookup.list; // Compare s with d for (int i = 0; i < sList.Count; i++) { ItemHolder <string, MemoryInstanceType> item = sList.items[i]; MemoryInstanceType sMemoryInstanceType = item.value; MemoryInstanceType dMemoryInstanceType; MemoryInstanceType difMemoryInstanceType = null; string typeName = item.key; bool allSame = true; if (dMemoryTypesLookup.lookup.TryGetValue(typeName, out dMemoryInstanceType)) { // d Snapshot contains instance of item Type (could be all the same) FastSortedHashSet <int, MemoryObject> sInstances = sMemoryInstanceType.instances; HashSet <int> dInstancesLookup = dMemoryInstanceType.instances.lookup; FastList <MemoryObject> sInstanceList = sInstances.list; for (int j = 0; j < sInstanceList.Count; j++) { MemoryObject sMemoryObject = sInstanceList.items[j]; if (dInstancesLookup.Contains(sMemoryObject.instanceId)) { continue; } // Add when doesn't contain if (allSame) { allSame = false; if (!difSnapshot.memoryTypesLookup.lookup.TryGetValue(typeName, out difMemoryInstanceType)) { difMemoryInstanceType = new MemoryInstanceType(sMemoryInstanceType.type); difSnapshot.memoryTypesLookup.Add(typeName, difMemoryInstanceType); // DrawInfo info = GetObjectDrawInfo(difSnapshot.memoryLookup, typeName, true); } } difMemoryInstanceType.instances.Add(sMemoryObject.instanceId, new MemoryObject(sMemoryObject, compareResult)); } } else { // Add all instances difMemoryInstanceType = new MemoryInstanceType(sMemoryInstanceType.type); difSnapshot.memoryTypesLookup.Add(typeName, difMemoryInstanceType); // DrawInfo info = GetObjectDrawInfo(difSnapshot.memoryLookup, typeName, true); var sInstanceList = sMemoryInstanceType.instances.list; for (int j = 0; j < sInstanceList.Count; j++) { difMemoryInstanceType.instances.Add(sInstanceList.items[j].instanceId, new MemoryObject(sInstanceList.items[j], compareResult)); } } } }
public FastSortedHashSet(int capacity) { lookup = new HashSet <T>(); list = new FastList <T>(capacity); }
static public void InitAssemblies(ref bool hasInitAssemblies, FastList <CustomAssembly> customAssemblies, Dictionary <NamespaceTypes, RuntimeInspector.DrawInfo> namespaceTypesLookup, Dictionary <string, FastList <Type> > typeNameLookup) { hasInitAssemblies = true; Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.Length; i++) { CustomAssembly customAssembly = new CustomAssembly(); Assembly assembly = customAssembly.assembly = assemblies[i]; customAssemblies.Add(customAssembly); string name = assembly.GetName().Name; = name; bool isEditorAssembly = false; if (name.IndexOf("unity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { customAssembly.type = AssemblyType.Unity; } else if (name.IndexOf("system", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 || name == "mscorlib") { customAssembly.type = AssemblyType.System; } else if (name.IndexOf("mono", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { customAssembly.type = AssemblyType.Mono; } else { customAssembly.type = AssemblyType.Other; if (name == "Assembly-CSharp-Editor" || name == "Assembly-CSharp-Editor-firstpass") { isEditorAssembly = true; } } Type[] types; try { types = assembly.GetTypes(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e) { types = e.Types.Where(x => x != null).ToArray(); } for (int j = 0; j < types.Length; j++) { Type type = types[j]; if (customAssembly.type == AssemblyType.Other && !isEditorAssembly) { RuntimeConsole.RegisterStaticType(type); } CustomType customType = new CustomType(customAssembly, type); customAssembly.allTypes.Add(customType); string namespaceString = type.Namespace; if (namespaceString == null) { customAssembly.types.Add(customType); } else { NamespaceTypes namespaceTypes; if (!customAssembly.namespaceLookup.lookup.TryGetValue(namespaceString, out namespaceTypes)) { namespaceTypes = new NamespaceTypes(customAssembly, namespaceString); customAssembly.namespaceLookup.Add(namespaceString, namespaceTypes); } namespaceTypes.types.Add(new CustomType(namespaceTypes, type)); } string typeName = type.Name; FastList <Type> typeList; if (!typeNameLookup.TryGetValue(typeName, out typeList)) { if (typeList == null) { typeList = new FastList <Type>(); } typeNameLookup[typeName] = typeList; } typeList.Add(type); } } Array.Sort(customAssemblies.items, 0, customAssemblies.Count); for (int i = 0; i < customAssemblies.Count; i++) { customAssemblies.items[i].Sort(); } RuntimeConsole.SortCommandsTable(); }
public FastSortedDictionary(int capacity) { lookup = new Dictionary <T, U>(); list = new FastList <ItemHolder <T, U> >(capacity); }